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Search results

  1. C

    2024 Election Lounge

    Abortion? Correct me if Im wrong, wasnt it Trumps Supreme Court that overturned Roe v. Wade and passed abortion law back to the individual states to decide for themselves? Arent the Dems pissed that cant force abortion on states that dont want it? And I didnt watch the whole debate, but I...
  2. C

    2024 Election Lounge

  3. C

    2024 Election Lounge

    I see they are using the Biden with the arse cheeks for a chin this time.
  4. C

    The TV Shows Thread

    This one is much better!
  5. C

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    From Rule Britannia, written in the early 1700s I believe - "Rule Britannia! Britons never shall be slaves". I think that belief has pervaded western white culture for a long time.
  6. C

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    To be fair, as a Brit, that saying (and the many slighty different versions meaning the same thing) resonates with me.
  7. C

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    To be fair, if I was lost in the forest, I would rather meet a bear, than Jew.
  8. C

    Latest UK Lunacy

    It's a common misconception that the Conservatives are a right wing party in the UK. Maybe in the past, but today, they are a centre-left party, at best. Labour are a far left party.
  9. C

    Rise of the DINKs (Final Civ Death Stage)

    That's why I said shelf life and best before date. There is a period when food is at its best (shelf life) and looks good when displayed in a store, then there is a period when it's edible but not fit to see in the store. I think we can increase and decrease our shelf life by a small but not...
  10. C

    Rise of the DINKs (Final Civ Death Stage)

    I wouldnt say programmed, I would say everyone has a shelf life and a best before date. Those will be somewhat predetermined by a number of factors such as genetic health and environmental factors while in the womb. Once born, you can probably only maintain that bodies best before date...
  11. C

    Rise of the DINKs (Final Civ Death Stage)

    Actually aging is kind off preprogrammed. Your DNA strands have a little end cap on them, and as you age, these degrade, allowing the DNA strand to decay. Think of them like a shoelace, with the little plastic bits on the end keeping it together. Everyones shoelace unravels at a different...
  12. C

    Rise of the DINKs (Final Civ Death Stage)

    My life changed the day my son was born, in my late 40s. I found something I didn't know that I was missing until that very moment. I was always adamant that I didn't want marriage, or children, and then suddenly I did. It is a significant and hard change to your life, and can cause a lot of...
  13. C

    Rise of the DINKs (Final Civ Death Stage)

    You could adopt some children, save them from being adopted by homos and the 50% chance of being raped by those same homos.
  14. C

    Clown World Thread

    So, they want the people building the new airport to be people who can't manage to have a conference call/WebEx meeting successfully?
  15. C

    Donald Trump

    It's a pretty easy deployment on a nuke boat, is it not? It's a large boat, well provisioned, well paid positions, good opportunities for learning useful things. And no actual action. It's more The Love Boat than Das Boot these days.
  16. C

    The TV Shows Thread

    I think it's pretty good so far, good writing, good characters. But the set design is great, things look real and not too CGI. The power armour looks hefty. Plus it is staying faithful to the games lore, while being accessible to people who don't know the games. I'm really liking Shogun as...
  17. C

    Donald Trump

    You are both right, But it's The Capitalisation of Every other Word that makes My Head Hurt.
  18. C

    Wrist watches thread

    There is a lot of snobbery around watches. I remember being in an airport (maybe Heathrow) waiting for a flight about 10 yrs ago and wandered into a watch shop there. I was in my 30s, but looked like I was in my late 20s, dressed in my standard travel attire - jeans, hoody and backpack. So...
  19. C

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    You know Trump was against mandated vaccines from the start and throughout the COVID times, right? Remember how he was pilloried by everyone for "promoting" "unproven" treatments all the time. Americans were extremely lucky they had Trump and not the dickheads the rest of us had in the west in...
  20. C

    Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

    If only there was a major role a black actor could play in a Shakespeare play!