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Search results

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    The Jewish Question (JQ)

    Reminder that Babylon Bee is Jewish
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    TikTok Ban

    #25 Dan Gibert is jewish. So at least 56% of the top 25 richest are jewish.
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    America's Woke & Obese Military

    I know two people in the army that are looking to leave as soon as they finish their commitments. One is just about a year from retirement and the other is serving to complete their commitment to pay for their college.
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    Rural Living, Prepping and Survival

    That sounds like an amazing setup. Is it you alone or do you have someone with you? When I lived alone before getting married, I lived in a 1500sqft house but only really used about 1/2 of it with the rest mostly collecting dust. Do you do anything with solar?
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    Financial Crash (2022-25)

    Seems likely. The S&P 500 P/E ratio is at 26. The last time pre-covid it was this high was January 2020 and before that was mid-2008.
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    Cover Songs Thread

    A cover of a cover... Highwayman by Highwaymen (aka Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, and Kris Kristofferson.) Glen Campbell covered it before them but the Highwaymen version was the best.
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    Web Content Curation Datasheet

    Great datasheet. This is also the same niche I am in as well. I agree with everything Cynllo wrote above. In regards to the sandbox... I built one site and let it sit for years, maybe 3 years, and then one day the sandbox switch was turned off and it went from making a few dollars per day to...
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    America's Woke & Obese Military

    They don't even have to offer $5m. I bet if they did that offer but $250k signup / $250k after 5 years they would meet their signup goals within a few weeks.
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    Texas, New Mexico and Arizona Thread

    Before it was pretty damn good. Arizona had cheap real estate, was solid right wing, less restrictions and regulations, less taxes and great winter weather. I should have realized that Los Angelinos would eventually escape from their hell hole and go the only direction they can out of...
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    Get plastics out of your body and the body of anyone you care about

    Just baking soda from the grocery store from the baking aisle. After a shower before completely drying your armpits take a small pinch, put it in the palm of your hand and rub it into each of your armpits.
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    Get plastics out of your body and the body of anyone you care about

    For deodorant I just use pure baking soda. Been doing that for at least 3 years since it was mentioned on RVF. Before, my body hated those roll on stick deodorants. Something in them would cause my body to create excessive sweating and odor. I tried a dozen different brands with all the...
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    The Jewish Question (JQ)

    It was a massive miscalculation on their part. If they would have left White countries and White people alone they would've been able to continue ruling over them for centuries and eventually have total world power. But their hatred of White people and their misjudgment that Brown/Black people...
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    Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

    This is how I feel too. But I can't help but wondering if there is another step to this. 1) Make cities hell holes and lower property values 2) Buy up all the properties and restore law and order 3) Now do the same or something similar for suburban and rural areas. A goal of these "new world...
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    Mr Beast Helps to Build Wells in Africa

    Mr. Beast has a some what perpetual charity machine with his good deeds and videos about them. But Matthew 6: 1-4 is something kind of burned into my brain and something I think about a lot and often talk about with my wife.
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    Radio and radio stations

    Someone that I know that owns two radio stations find voice over talent through Fiverr. He goes to a local business, they want an ad made, and then he goes on Fiverr and gives them a script. The talent then turns around with a finished product in a day or two. It doesn't pay much but it's a...
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    Nashville Anti-White Shooting Manifesto Finally Leaked

    This makes me think about Stephen Paddock's mass shooting in Las Vegas, the worst in American history, and wonder if information is being suppressed for similar reasons. The theories for that shooting are ridiculous. One said he wanted to go down in infamy, another said he was mad at the...
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    Offshore and Tax Minimisation Thread

    Lot's of good information. It reminds me of one thing many companies do. They transfer their IP (trademarks, patents, copyrights) to holding companies they own in countries with better tax rates. They then license the IP from those holding companies and are able to shift a massive amount of...
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    The Jewish Question (JQ)

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    Shooting in Maine

    Indeed. Now I'm just wait for someone black to get killed by a police officer. Probably some time in Q1 2024.