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Search results

  1. T

    Current Events in Russia

    Also, using the number given by the leader of Russian Islam for how many Muslims are in Russia is painfully obviously not to be taken seriously. That exact same mufti also claimed that a full third of Russia will be Muslim by 2030. I met an Orthodox bishop in America who said "In 50 years...
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    Current Events in Russia

    I have several contacts in Russia who report nothing out of the ordinary whatsoever and express the sentiment that the situation is normal, they are happy with their lives there, and wouldn't want to leave. This includes a few Russian families whom I met in the US but then they moved back to...
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    Orthodox News

    Patriarch Daniel has just been enthroned Patriarch of Bulgaria this Sunday. He is a stalwart opponent of the Constantinople/Ukraine faction and is an ally of Patriarch Kirill of Russia.
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    2024 Election Lounge

    Right after the debate, I saw that the coverage of Biden was pretty much universally negative. But I still thought it possible that if you give the media a few hours to gather their response, the liberal propaganda mechanism will start turning and by morning they'll start defending Biden. As of...
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    2024 Election Lounge

    I have never seen post-debate coverage with a tone as catastrophic for any candidate as tonight's debate for Joe Biden.
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    Good States to Live in the United States

    What a hideous insult! I have also encountered Protestants trying to say icons are idol worship. I've also encountered them trying to tear down the Mother of God. The average person does not have these reactions, but I've long thought it's a pretty tricky balance, because we would rather have...
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    Current Events in Russia

    The 40 hostages business turned out to be a false rumor, thank God. There is currently no information of any Orthodox deaths except for the one priest, maybe 2 because there was also the security guard at the church but there's no information about if he was Orthodox or just a local Muslim who...
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    Good States to Live in the United States

    Alabama is overall quite a good state to live in. It has the pluses of southern culture without most of the total poverty of Mississippi, Louisiana, etc. It's very black, but southern blacks are good people; any issues with black people almost exclusively happen in northern cities like New...
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    Orthodox News

    In other Orthodox news, the Patriarchal election in Bulgaria is approaching, and according to orthochristian.com, none of the final three candidates for the Patriarchate are in the pro-Constantinople/Ukrainian Schism camp. One of the three candidates, Metropolitan Daniel, is actually familiar...
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    Orthodox News

    Today a terrorist attack in the Muslim Dagestan republic of Russia killed an Orthodox priest who confronted the terrorists to keep them out of his parish during Liturgy. It seems this was a large coordinated Islamic militant operation, because they attacked not only the church but also police...
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    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    Not even the Ukrainians try to claim that they killed 45,000 Russians in the Bakhmut campaign (and we know the Ukrainians are in a different galaxy in terms of insane propaganda claims about their casualty ratios). The official Ukrainian claim is that they killed 21,000 Russians in the Battle...
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    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    I often find the West's sociopolitical contortions to be decently predictable by monitoring the direction of Western propaganda. In 2022, Ukraine was the central subject of all Western propaganda as they rapidly established the narratives of a new cold war with Russia, in tandem with a domestic...
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    Orthodox News

    https://orthochristian.com/159763.html Another 132 souls in Africa added to the Orthodox Church. The article says many of them are former Muslims.
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    Orthodox News

    In mentioning the seminaries, has anybody heard anything new regarding the strength of our seminaries these days? I too have seen at several different parishes the fact that the Church is growing with new converts, but is that yet leading to a growth in the number of seminarians? Because a...
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    The Russian-Ukrainian War of 2022 (News and battle updates only)

    Russian soldiers took full control of Novomikhailovka, one of the Donbass fortress towns that was fought over for multiple months. This war seems to move at a glacial pace, yet the Ukrainian fortresses are indeed gradually falling.
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    Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel

    There is an increasing general sense of solidarity between Traditional Christians and Muslims in light of our mutual opposition to the LGBT cult and to the Jewish supremacist genocide in Gaza, as well as our mutual solidarity for ending the worldwide hegemony and dominance of Western Financial...
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    Orthodox News

    https://orthochristian.com/159597.html Another mass Orthodox baptism in Sub-Saharan Africa. I occasionally see news announcements like this, but the number of 1,000 is I think the largest I've encountered.
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    The Russian-Ukrainian War of 2022 (News and battle updates only)

    Video released today shows the Russian flag flying over the final buildings on the western borders of Pervomaiske. Pervomaiske is completely captured by Russia.
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    Troubles in the Greek Church

    You are the first source I have seen to give a be straightforward summary of priests' salaries based on jurisdiction. I have wondered that for a long time and have tried looking into it with little result. Though I couldn't find much of anything on the internet, the anecdotal evidence I gathered...
  20. T

    2024 Election Lounge

    Are you saying that because Canada is worse for white people, or for what reason?