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Search results

  1. Raskolnikov

    The Jewish Question (JQ)

    Yeah, but that's because at this point, it seems as if Catholicism can be anything adherents want it to be. I once listened to a Malice/Woods interview, where he explained how the a priori approach of Austrian school economics fitted well with the Aristotelian approach Thomism uses, and then...
  2. Raskolnikov

    Latest German Lunacy

    Oh lawd, dey be writin up dem poop reports again.
  3. Raskolnikov

    Latest German Lunacy

    Doesn't matter, I'll just have a stand up wee in there. Just to stir the place up a little. However, when I went to school, the girl's toilets were MUCH more acceptable.
  4. Raskolnikov

    Latest German Lunacy

    Nobody here has mentioned it as of yet, but once the new self-determination law is in action, probably from the 1st of August onward, it would be a good idea to change your legal gender if you're a male German citizen. Use the cleaner toilets, use women's parking, etc. It will be there for at...
  5. Raskolnikov

    Daily Stormer & Andrew Anglin Thread

    Exactly. My reading frequency has gone down in the past months, because he just seems so bored and depressed by the stuff he confronts all the time. I frequently take days, or sometimes weeks off from reading petty culture wars news. I cannot imagine doing it everyday for a long time. It must...
  6. Raskolnikov

    Daily Stormer & Andrew Anglin Thread

    He can write. Many of his old articles were much better structured and edited, even in the Total Fascism days. He developed the conversational, stream of consciousness type of style over the last couple of years. I have to say I like it a little bit, although it gets too much sometimes. I think...
  7. Raskolnikov

    Daily Stormer & Andrew Anglin Thread

    Back when he still put out WangTown, he said that he didn't think it would make sense for Western Europeans to join Orthodoxy because it was ethnic (a retarded thing to say), but he also wrote numerous articles about how the papacy wasn't really necessary and that the Orthodox had it right and...
  8. Raskolnikov

    The Misuse of Words

    How About I Beat you Up?
  9. Raskolnikov

    The Misuse of Words

    Isn't that just a relative sentence? I mean, it's not an aesthetically pleasing construct, but isn't it technically correct? I'm not a native English speaker. English is bound to get massacred on many levels because it's the world's Lingua Franca and we have global media. I noticed that many...
  10. Raskolnikov

    National Economics and the Confederacy was a Jewish Free Trade Empire

    Maybe we should redirect the posts back to the Confederacy and economics, because otherwise this will just be another JQ thread, of which we have many under different names they think. I'm not saying don't talk about it, but maybe try to do it only as it pertains to the subject at hand. I think...
  11. Raskolnikov

    National Economics and the Confederacy was a Jewish Free Trade Empire

    I think the ones that came earlier were just more crypto. The Eastern Ashkenazis were essentially these Yiddish-speaking shtetl-dwellers who lived in relative isolation and peace in their own zones in the Ukrainian countryside and were able to practice more or less open hostility against the...
  12. Raskolnikov

    National Economics and the Confederacy was a Jewish Free Trade Empire

    As I said earlier, I don't blame the average Southerners for the economic and foreign policy of their leaders. I've been to the rural South only really two times in my life, but I love the culture and I think they have a very rich heritage outside of historical Confederate leadership. I'm sure...
  13. Raskolnikov

    National Economics and the Confederacy was a Jewish Free Trade Empire

    Okay, it wasn't exactly sundown, it was a semester. I had a lot on my plate, but I'll probably find the time for an elaboration soon. It's still one of the most important things that I think should be pushed in the national movement.
  14. Raskolnikov

    Latest German Lunacy

    I assume the vid will get taken down, it's a pretty tough watch. The Muzzie got a couple of vicious ones in there with his military knife. He got the policeman pretty good in the neck, and Michael apparently got at least one in the face and the body. I guess we can all be happy that there were...
  15. Raskolnikov

    Latest German Lunacy

    Soo...Stürzenberger ( a German anti-Islam activist) got almost stabbed to death today. Him and the first cop to step in might actually still die, according to Apollo News ( a website I recommend, I met the founder personally when he was still finishing high school. Very interesting dude). I...
  16. Raskolnikov

    Persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

    Yeah, I think that authority has kinda passed. Some Church Fathers talked about how exceptionally Orthodox and authoritative Rome was back in the day, but times change. In general, I like that the adherence to tradition creates more of a bottom-up dynamic in the Orthodox Church that the Roman...
  17. Raskolnikov

    Persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

    It's hard to even get angry about it, because it looks like most Ukrainians are already paying a hefty price. I noticed that Romanians have increasingly grown weary of Ukraine since the beginning of the special operation, because they refuse to recognize Romanian as a minority language and they...
  18. Raskolnikov

    Candace Owens

    Who knew I would ever become this appreciative of an angry Black woman giving everyone around her tha bidness. Just goes to show you that most of the things we find annoying in others is actually just a good trait created by God, but used for evil. I am extremely surprised by her refusal to...
  19. Raskolnikov

    Protestantism: Critique and Debate Thread

    What would be your exegetical standard for this very logical approach?