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Search results

  1. H

    Elon Musk Thread

    Twitter has improved drastically from the censorship / bot network it had become before Musk bought it. But its still nowhere near free speech, and is actually trending further from it. It has become increasingly more kosher since the takeover - nowadays even posting "zog" will lead to...
  2. H

    Elon Musk Thread

    Yes. The colors represent 100% of all the murder victims of a given race. The columns represent the proportion of those murder victims killed by aggressors of each race. The totals seem to disproportionately accumulate in certain columns for unknown reasons. TL/DR - never relax.
  3. H

    America's Woke & Obese Military

    Don't forget the diverse hand on his shoulder
  4. H

    Cyberattacks or Likely Cyberattacks on American Infrastructure

    Not only that, infrastructure trades, like most of the labor market today, is seeing staffing shortages and the "benefits" of diversity hiring. All while the boomers with decades of expertise are retiring. Even if the budget and political will to fix these disaster sites is a given, our country...
  5. H

    Cyberattacks or Likely Cyberattacks on American Infrastructure

    I imagine that the process of removing all the debris, followed by recreating new structural supports (which likely can't use any part of the previous foundation) will take an enormously long time. These factors will complicate the matter much more than just building a new bridge from scratch...
  6. H

    Donald Trump

    I mean come on. A group of 5 voters, chaired by one Ron Fein(bergstein) is sufficient to start the legal process to remove a former president from the ballot. Doesn't one need a massive amount of signatures to be listed on the presidential ballot in the first place? Like 10s of thousands? And...
  7. H

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    I believe there is some combat/militia type NGO in Ukraine that facilitates recruiting and deploying foreign mercenaries. I remember early in the war a number of Americans and Brits were getting rekt and killed over there through voluntary enlistment. Much like the Wagner group, they're not...
  8. H

    Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

    What's even more crazy is that story is from the grio, a website promoting all things blickity black. I believe they were one of the outlets pushing "getting woke" over a decade ago, long before it became an ironic meme. The article is kind of funny because they cite some very red pilling...
  9. H

    US Border Crisis

    Physiognimy is real.
  10. H

    Elon Musk Thread

    It's worth pointing out that both of these "based voices" that Elon is amplifying here are jewish. Ever since the Oct 7th backlash many prominent (and even left leaning) jews have been trying to backpedal on the DIE initiatives and call for closing the border. It seems that most of the New...
  11. H

    The DEI Thread

    Regarding the airline industry, rolling stone magazine has decided to correct the record and tackle this dangerous misinformation. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/conservatives-blame-diversity-dei-airlines-boycott-1234953756/ With such gems as "There’s zero proof that...
  12. H

    Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

    On Nick Fuentes' show last night he stated in depth his thoughts on PF. Starts around 1:08 in the link below: (warning language) He initially goes off on an anecdote about the White nat community for a couple minutes, but eventually gets back to the PF subject. Entire segment is about 20 min...
  13. H

    Alex Jones Thread

    Yeah, the recent fuentes and stew peters appearances on infowars should end any and all assertions that AJ is a genuine truth teller / honest dissident / uncontrolled independent broadcaster etc. Maybe at one point in his career that could have been the case, but his aversion to engage with the...
  14. H

    Derek Chauvin Stabbed in Prison

    Yeah, something like 22 times? And it happened in the law library, which apparently is supposed to be a very guarded area of the prison to prevent stuff like this from happening. Add to that the fact that the stabber was an fbi informant and the picture becomes obvious. Just like the trial that...
  15. H

    Jordan Peterson Thread

    JBP is apparently getting the band back together for a 51 city US tour entitled... "We who wrestle with God". https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/events/ I'm not sure how this compares to his previous itineraries, but it sounds like a real stretch on his continued relevance. I'd wager this was...
  16. H

    Investing in US Treasuries

    I've never bought t bills but I'm under the impression that the figures are an annualized yield. I don't think they're giving 5% returns per month. I also think its typically represented in the purchase price. So a $100 t bill will be sold to you for $99.75834 or whatever the math is, and...
  17. H

    Shooting in Maine

    Saw this paragraph thrown into the reuters article: "Card was also reported to have been committed to mental health facility for two weeks during summer 2023 and subsequently released," said the notice from the Maine Information & Analysis Center." Kinda says it all right there. Next they'll...