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Search results

  1. J

    Houston has great Orthodox parishes. St Joseph's (Antiochian), St George's (Antiochian), St...

    Houston has great Orthodox parishes. St Joseph's (Antiochian), St George's (Antiochian), St Jonah's (ROCOR) which I am a parishioner at. Both Ephramite Monasteries are within 4 hours of Houston.
  2. J

    What foods are prohibited to eat in Orthodox Christianity

    Here is a great video on fasting in the Orthodox Church:
  3. J

    What foods are prohibited to eat in Orthodox Christianity

    About half of the calendar year, Orthodox Christians fast from meat, dairy, eggs, wine, oil, fish, with variations depending on the specific fast (i.e. during Lent, fish is only allowed twice, on Palm Sunday and Annunciation; during Nativity fast, fish, wine, and oil are allowed on a lot of...
  4. J

    Shooting in Maine

    It's a sad state we are in nowadays where a shooting brings not pain and contrition over lost lives, but politically motivated rancor discussing gun laws and racially-motivated acts of violence. I agree that many false flag shootings have been used to bolster gun control and take away 2nd...
  5. J

    Modern Saints

    One Modern Saint I have been feeling drawn to lately is St. Gabriel the Confessor and Fool-for-Christ of Georgia. Most famous for burning a portrait of Lenin and subsequently being beaten almost to death, being declared mentally insane for believing in Christ and angels, and becoming a...