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Search results

  1. M

    EURO 2024 Championship

    Are Turks & Georgians even European? Lol Sone good videos online of their hooligans fighting each other. Even in Warsaw too. Poland is overflowing with Middle-East, Cental Asian & Caucusus migrants ever since the Russo-Ukranian war broke out whilst all their media has an eye on the Belarus...
  2. M

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    To be fair the Corporate world is not ideal for men either The energy is very strange. At least in manual labour work you know where someone stands on day one. Corporate world is for the most part full of fake freinds & weirdo's. American Pyscho is a pretty good expose of that world.
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    Decline of Functioning Society

    Aren't MTG & AOC both employed by a talent agency? I Honestly would not even be suprised if this whole cat fight was organised by their Zio handlers. Just another mockery of America.
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    The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

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    Donald Trump

    Trump joins Chink-Tok : https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/02/trump-joins-tiktok-app-he-tried-to-ban/
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    The NoPorn / NoFap Thread - For Those Who're Serious

    Men need Testerone in the same way an Army needs Weapons in order to function. However for an Army to be succesfull it needs to operate said weaponry in the right strategic & tactical manner. Taking all things into consideration. A man with High Testosterone but low IQ & low spiritual value is...
  7. M

    Did Man Land On The Moon?

    Most "Space" flights including Yuri Gargarins & the orbit of the ISS itself take place within the seven layers of the Earths Atmosphere. Therefore nobody has actually been to "Space". Just breifly entered into parts of the Atmosphere that are weaker and have miniscule "space-like" properties...
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    Whats a good home exercise for your back that does not involve a pull up bar?
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    Internet Turned to a Pile of Garbage (rant).

    When the World Wide Web was introduced in the early 90s I beleive it's intended use was for corporations & agencies to send more in depth information to their customer/client/viewer base (please do correct me If I am wrong here) However it did not really take off massively until independent...
  10. M

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    Is it me or are women just not that good looking anymore? I was too little in the 80s to use as a reference point. But looking back I think the prime of western women was between 2001 to 2011. At least for my lived experience. Then it went downhill. Yoga pants look lazy. I hate that crayon...
  11. M

    Latest UK Lunacy

    It's only worth that much because Freddie Mercury lived & died in that House. And supposedly his ashes are scattared there.. That being said considering that he died of Aids I am not sure I would like to live there if I was an Arab sheikh
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    The Destruction of Modern Women

    I suspect that the whole talk of "negativity" is some form of low key casual trolling. We are not criticizing modern Western females from a Andrew Tate or Fresh n Fit perspective but from a Christian perspective. Btw I could write a whole essay on why the Tate Bro's are cucks with their...
  13. M

    Femininity in a woman and physical attractiveness

    Yes I agree that going abroad is much better in terms of getting more positive results & matches You can find good women in the West but it's much rarer and much more work has to be put in. Like being a famous youtuber for example..
  14. M

    Femininity in a woman and physical attractiveness

    British Youtuber Charlie Veitch is in his 40s & is currently dating a 23 year old British lady. Never say never.
  15. M

    Starting to think this forum was a mistake

    The term Incel today is used by the Radical Left & secular globalist Elites to target any male that does not agree with a society in which females are told to rebel & whore themselves out to liberal universities & corporate America, a society where kids are indoctrinated into becoming trans &...
  16. M

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    I could agree with that That being said, Lauren Baccall in her prime was "hotter" than 99.9999% of Western women today. And she never went to a gym. So is there really a need for women to be going out doing thighs & glute exercises? Or have we as a Western culture come to accept Urban Black...
  17. M

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    I said previously on this very thread that women dont need to be in a Gym. As all they do are machine workouts & squats to accentuate their rear end & thighs. In order to attract men who are not their husbands! Bet then some guys say "well at least she is keeping herself attractive". Ughhh...
  18. M

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    When women start listing hobbies as reasons why men should date them you know they've done messed up lol
  19. M

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    Just following up to @Blade Runner 's behavioural sink analysis it got me thinking about whether or not a more balanced out population or if a return to Pre 1920s social norms can fix things without a massive population decline? (maybe I am mis-analyzing here so please do let me know) Anyway...