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  1. KomnenAl

    Finding a traditional wife abroad

    Well, that's not true. Expecting wordly rewards for your faith in God strikes me as somewhat new age. I am not saying God can't or won't bestow material blessings, but the more spiritually succesful one is the more wordly failures he will experience. It's God's way to extract willing souls from...
  2. KomnenAl

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    I wonder for how long your lies will be tolerated here. I won't respond to the personal insults because they mean nothing to me. It's just feminine behavior, typical of a neo-pagan gnostic. Every time Idolf Hitler is attacked they go crazy.
  3. KomnenAl

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    Germans are indeed barbarians. They are incompatible with Christianity. They are still pagans at heart. In the South, the true core of Europe, they are considered as Orcs: destroyers and userpers. They infiltrated the Roman Papacy in the 10th century, after they invaded the civilized south, and...
  4. KomnenAl

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

    The pdf by the blondie is not contributing to the discussion. Sorry to burst your enthusiasm about the paper. LLMs are a more advanced form of retrieving, sorting and presenting information already written by humans. There is nothing arcane about them. I used them to learn programming and I...
  5. KomnenAl

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

    Your arrogance is hilarious. Keep posting... oh wise one. Enlighten the plebs. You seem to be an expert in everything. Is there anything you aren't an expert in? You read a paper from a bullshitting techie, whose only qualification is participating in orgies in an "alpha beta kappa" fraternity...
  6. KomnenAl

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

    To end this so-called debate, current "AI" is a plagiarizing machine that cannot write anything new that hasn't already been written on the internet. To think that this machine threatens humanity is retarded. The real threat comes from the retards that idolize it and treat it as a god.
  7. KomnenAl

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

    He was fired by OpenAI after 18 months of working there, and then he started an investment company that invests in "AI". His motives are obvious.
  8. KomnenAl

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

    A brief summary of his thesis is "X has happened in the last 4 years, therefore X will happen in the next 4 years as well. Trust me, I can predict your future. Models, dude". It's shallow and pompus fearmongering from an unwise unbeliever. Nothing that hasn't already been said by other...
  9. KomnenAl

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    There isn't my perspective or yours or anyone else's but the Church perspective and from that perspective calvinism is the teaching of demons, spread by deluded men like Calvin. Really, calvinism? That's the stupidest and vilest heresy you could follow.
  10. KomnenAl

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    So he is changing from one type of a heresy to another, what is there to love?
  11. KomnenAl

    Ortho Lounge

    Not everyone is like you, there would be no doubts triggered by the actions and words of an apostate. You are a loser and you leave the One True Church defeated by the devil's arguments in your head. This is definitely not God's providence, it's the will of the devil for you. Go ahead, be an...
  12. KomnenAl

    Ortho Lounge

    Why would God want him to leave His Church? The OP is focusing purely on externals, revealing a lack of Grace. Therefore he won't find a real difference wherever he goes. Sadly, some of the "conversions" we see lately are skin deep.
  13. KomnenAl

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    Ultimately no peace deal was signed. Misjudging and trusting western leaders is the political blunder I mentioned. The western puppets didn't keep the Gorbachev-Reagan deal, didn't keep the Minsk deal, why did Putin trust them to keep ANY deals in the future? Negotiating with them is futile...
  14. KomnenAl

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    I've said this is a stalemate since day-10 of this war based on a military analysis and naturally the emotional reaction in RVF was off the charts. The fact of the matter is, the Russian Army failed miserably to deliver a coup de grace in the first 10 days and now will have to live with...
  15. KomnenAl

    The Holy Fire

    The whole arrangment of the various Christian communities arraying themselves around the Orthodox Church in the Holy Sepulchre temple is very symbolic. One thing I noticed, everybody is in the temple except the Protestants. They are in a different world, worshiping a "Christ" of their own making.
  16. KomnenAl

    The Russell Brand Thread

    Whatever it is, I don't think he is ready yet. I suppose an Orthodox priest would require much more time for catechism. He still thinks in new age/sencretistic terms. Perhaps it's a protestant denomination, they always need more subscribers.
  17. KomnenAl

    Elon Musk Thread

    I can't pinpoint it exactly, but I have an inkling that supporting the guy with the satan suit that wants to make brain implants maybe doesn't seem like a good idea at this point.
  18. KomnenAl

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    I agree with most of the above post. I will only add that the Kriegsmarine expansion program (called Plan-Z) envisaged Germany fighting a great war not before 1945. The programs for the Heer and the Luftwaffe wouldn't be completed before 1943. Germany certainly wasn't ready for a long war in...
  19. KomnenAl

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    I doubt that. If anything WWII accelerated Europe's demise. Its beautiful cities were left in ruins, populations greatly decreased, morale plummeted, half the countries under the yoke of communism and the other half under US occupation. With no hope of reversing this trend in the future. The...
  20. KomnenAl

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    More than the plagiarism, what is unacceptable is the source you used itself. It's not Christian, it's sencretistic to the core. This type of gnosticism existed early in the history of the Church and is counter to our Tradition. If you tried to present your thesis to a priest with a sound...