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Search results

  1. john_Jea

    Finasteride, Dutasteride and Hair Transplants

    This guy talks about a Chinese study that claims that microneedling by it self results in 1,5x the results of hair growth compared with minoxidil only (no microneedling).
  2. john_Jea

    Farming Thread

    If you want to try out raising animals you could start with chickens in a Salatin box. Around 60 chickens fit in one box, move the box two times a day for 4-6 weeks and feed during each move. This is probably the easiest entry into producing your own meat and you're only committed to it for a...
  3. john_Jea

    Finasteride, Dutasteride and Hair Transplants

    Thanks for giving it to me straight at least, I'll guess this will be my motivator to make better lifestyle choices. The hair loss isn't visible yet unless you look for it so I'll just hope it will be a slow and gradual change. I'm baldpilled now, it is what it is.
  4. john_Jea

    Finasteride, Dutasteride and Hair Transplants

    What would be the best procedure to prevent hair loss without using any of these chemicals? As in maintaining the current coverage. I noticed that my hair has gotten noticeably thin in a short time, it's still fully covering my scalp but the norwood is starting. I was thinking of opting for a...
  5. john_Jea

    Farming Thread

    How is the milk industry in the US set up, is there usually only one pasteurization facility that dairy farms have the option of selling to or is there competition for the milk? And can the farmers produce as much as they want or is there a quota like in some European countries? I like the idea...
  6. john_Jea

    The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

    As of today 28% of prisoners in Iceland are foreigners and in 2023 75% of people sentenced to prison were foreigners. The number of foreigners in Iceland is currently 16,3% for context. Does any country in Europe (the world) have a higher percentage of foreigners sentenced per year? Article in...
  7. john_Jea

    Keto Diet Thread

    Strongmen like Brian Shaw eat loads of ground meat since it's easier to chew than regular meat cuts. If you are doing keto I have personally found that I can eat less ground beef before becoming full compared to cuts with fat, if I'm not also eating carbs. Eating exclusively ground beef is...
  8. john_Jea

    Funny and Cool Pics and Vids

  9. john_Jea

    Funny and Cool Pics and Vids

  10. john_Jea

    Funny and Cool Pics and Vids
