Daily Interactions With Women

I believe you are close to 40, if I remember correctly. That puts me at about 5 to 8 years older than you. You are right, when we grew up there were a lot of White men who married nice young women. Those days are disappearing very quickly as young White men are being destroyed and young White women are turning to any pleasure possible to satisfy themselves.

I agree about being a good man first. But once you are a good man, if you live in the west, still finding a good wife is a struggle and any opportunity to meet women should be taken, with the understanding you are meeting a wife, not a fling.

Honestly it's not supposed to be easy to find a good woman, that's what makes her a good woman she stands out from the rest. I know lots of guys looking for "good women" who are absolutely not good men themselves. Believe me I'm the last one who is going to defend how disgusting many women have become, enabled by new societal norms which are wrong on every level which has made them believe that its okay and even take in pride in being disgusting people to the point where they have fooled themselves into thinking they are good people while their actions are actually disgusting. But it's not true for all women just as it's true that not all men are good men.

So you're a good man a rarity, looking for a good woman also a rarity. It evens out in the grand scheme of things if you ask me.
Honestly it's not supposed to be easy to find a good woman, that's what makes her a good woman she stands out from the rest. I know lots of guys looking for "good women" who are absolutely not good men themselves. Believe me I'm the last one who is going to defend how disgusting many women have become, enabled by new societal norms which are wrong on every level which has made them believe that its okay and even take in pride in being disgusting people to the point where they have fooled themselves into thinking they are good people while their actions are actually disgusting. But it's not true for all women just as it's true that not all men are good men.

So you're a good man a rarity, looking for a good woman also a rarity. It evens out in the grand scheme of things if you ask me.
I strongly disagree. In any normal and moral society, finding a good woman is just as a normal part of life as putting on your clothes. My grandparents were high school sweethearts, both of them, and grew together. This was just normal back then. This has been normal throughout human history. Most people being good, upstanding, moral citizens and pair bonding to form the next generation. This hasn't been an issue, or even a discussion, until the last 40 or so years.

It is a societal issue that is only getting worse. Certainly, the first focus must be on becoming a good man, and that is hard enough in this day and age. But once you know you have achieved this, I recommend looking for every avenue to meet as many women as possible to see if you find one that is a good match for you. And if that means going into spaces that are often 90%+ women, I say go for it. Just be a good man and not a creep when around them.
My point has always been and I will stand by it, if you want a good woman you need to be a good man first and foremost.
I reject this premise. In general women are not logical and have no idea what they are doing and they have no idea what a good man is. They make bad decisions frequently and a good woman is just as likely to be married to a bad man as she is to be married to a good man. There is a reason why the trope exists about women liking bad boys and how men who go to prison for murder etc receive so many love letters from various women. Like that incel boy who shot up a school because girls wouldn't pay attention to him and as soon as he went to prison he was flooded with female attention.

What you are saying about being a good man helping you only works in a strongly patriarchal society where marriages are arranged or at least heavily influenced by a woman's father (or priest, etc). If a woman's father decides who she is going to marry then a logical decision will usually be made and a good man will be chosen but if the woman chooses for herself.....
I reject this premise. In general women are not logical and have no idea what they are doing and they have no idea what a good man is. They make bad decisions frequently and a good woman is just as likely to be married to a bad man as she is to be married to a good man. There is a reason why the trope exists about women liking bad boys and how men who go to prison for murder etc receive so many love letters from various women. Like that incel boy who shot up a school because girls wouldn't pay attention to him and as soon as he went to prison he was flooded with female attention.

What you are saying about being a good man helping you only works in a strongly patriarchal society where marriages are arranged or at least heavily influenced by a woman's father (or priest, etc). If a woman's father decides who she is going to marry then a logical decision will usually be made and a good man will be chosen but if the woman chooses for herself.....

So you're advocating that it's okay not to be a good man because weird nasty girls like bad guys, got it point taken.

How about we get back to @Maddox intentions for this thread now.
I know full well that white men have lost their identity and culture in the west and it's a very sad situation but I think that is a different discussion. I will say this, I didn't grow up around my culture, I know my culture full well I speak Aramaic and I'm proud of my culture but I actually grew up in the whitest of white leave it to beaver neighborhoods possible. I know lots of white men I grew up with who do have the community you speak of and they did marry nice girls and went on to have beautiful families, I fully reject the premise that things are hopeless and I think that defeatist attitude works against you.

I've said this before, there are men of my culture who are desperate to get married and nobody will have them because they spent their lives at the strip club, in the bar, desperate for attention putting themselves out there as much as they can staining themselves and nobody will have them directly because of it. The same culture that vouches for me works against them and for whatever it's worth I haven't taken up my family on their offers to set me up with girls, that's not how I want to do things and quite frankly I don't need the help.

My point has always been and I will stand by it, if you want a good woman you need to be a good man first and foremost.
I think both sides make good points here.

Yes, you need to be a good man and then when you are a 'good man' show that value through approaching.

But when are you 'good' enough to start approaching?

I think many men want to use street approaching as a short cut when they do not have finances, health and mental stability figured out yet. Those things can go on the backburner so they can continue doing sets in the street! On the other hand, street approaching can help mental health and give a mood boost.

I think it's OK to do it for fun but to really get results you need to be working on other areas as well.

There is a danger to it as well that you see women as 'targets' to be approached and once you open up that mindset it becomes hard to turn off.
So you're advocating that it's okay not to be a good man because weird nasty girls like bad guys, got it point taken.

How about we get back to @Maddox intentions for this thread now.
That is a straw man argument. I never said you should not be a good man. Don't put words in my mouth. You should be a good man because of all the other benefits but its probably not going to help you get a good woman if you live in a society where women make their own choices because women make bad decisions in general. Just like women should not be allowed to vote they should not be allowed to choose their own husbands. If you live in a society where a woman's father etc decide who she can marry then yes being a good man will help a lot, but in a modern society I do not think it makes that much difference to be honest.
Anyway back to the point of the thread. Maddox if you want to find a good woman you need to be in the right country. If you live in a western country even doing thousands of approaches likely still won't get you a good woman. If you want a good woman go to a country where good women are common i.e. fish where the fish are.
Anyway back to the point of the thread. Maddox if you want to find a good woman you need to be in the right country. If you live in a western country even doing thousands of approaches likely still won't get you a good woman. If you want a good woman go to a country where good women are common i.e. fish where the fish are.
Yes but then you have several problems in other countries.

1. A truly 'good' woman is not going to jump at marriage with what appears to be a passport bro. If her goodness is defined mostly on her traditionalism how can you then expect her to do a hugely socially risky move of marrying a foreigner? I would say from living in Japan (for example) that most of the women who ended up marrying foreigners had a rebellious streak in them and did so partially because they were NOT just the regular traditional type of Japanese woman. The men were OK in this situation because many couldn't get laid in home countries but it's not exactly the dream we're talking about. You end up marrying the kind of woman you wouldn't want in your own country....in a foreign country!!

2. The idea that there is this country with plentiful 'good' women just waiting to be married does not exist and even if it did, finding and courting such a woman would remain a huge obstacle as well.

Didn't you yourself say that in Macedonia and Skopje you did hundreds of sets and found the women just wanted to date local dudes? Are you expecting there to be a country where in fact, the women just absolutely love dating tourists and those women will also be incredibly pure as well?

I think it's possible to find a decent woman abroad but let's just be honest and realistic about it as well.
Didn't you yourself say that in Macedonia and Skopje you did hundreds of sets and found the women just wanted to date local dudes? Are you expecting there to be a country where in fact, the women just absolutely love dating tourists and those women will also be incredibly pure as well?
From my own experience there are some countries where women are very closed minded and only date their own men and other countries where women generally don't care too much if the dude is local or foreign. For example in Rooshv 1.0 forum I remember many years ago Roosh writing that in Ukraine and Poland a large percentage of women had no problems with dating a foreigner, whereas when he went to Serbia he complained that almost universally Serbian women preferred to date a Serbian man.

There is a reason why traditionally countries like Ukraine, Russia and Belarus were promoted as destinations for western men to find a wife (marriage agencies, dating websites, matchmaking companies, etc) whereas countries like Serbia and Bulgaria where never promoted in such a way (because women in those countries largely are not interested in foreign men).
Anyway back to the point of the thread. Maddox if you want to find a good woman you need to be in the right country. If you live in a western country even doing thousands of approaches likely still won't get you a good woman. If you want a good woman go to a country where good women are common i.e. fish where the fish are.

How has that worked out for you?
Ski pro is dressed particularly well today, with a fresh haircut and in shape and is currently at the nearest mall to me.

Plenty of chicks here checking me out and giving me inviting looks which as a non married man I could take IF the majority of them weren't overweight, dressed sloppy or covered in tattoos.

Slim pickings for the modern man, I despair for you younger fellas.

In terms of interactions with them, they aren't aliens, just women. Literally just women. If you like the look of one, just talk to them, doesn't matter where you are.
From my own experience there are some countries where women are very closed minded and only date their own men and other countries where women generally don't care too much if the dude is local or foreign. For example in Rooshv 1.0 forum I remember many years ago Roosh writing that in Ukraine and Poland a large percentage of women had no problems with dating a foreigner, whereas when he went to Serbia he complained that almost universally Serbian women preferred to date a Serbian man.

There is a reason why traditionally countries like Ukraine, Russia and Belarus were promoted as destinations for western men to find a wife (marriage agencies, dating websites, matchmaking companies, etc) whereas countries like Serbia and Bulgaria where never promoted in such a way (because women in those countries largely are not interested in foreign men).
There is no one size fits all country that will work for all men. You have to (through trial and error) find something that works for you. Generally you should be trying the best you can where you are now as well. Even if you fail 100% of the time at least you're getting in experience which will help you in an 'easier' place.

Considering what you seem to believe from your PUA research why did you select to spend the entire summer in countries you were already certain would not provide you with a dateable woman?
But once you know you have achieved this, I recommend looking for every avenue to meet as many women as possible to see if you find one that is a good match for you.
Yes, this is the key. What you'll find is that it's really hard to do/lots of effort and if you're already in that bad of a country, with social taboos on age gaps, etc the ROI becomes almost nil. I don't even know what the recommendations are anymore to come across higher numbers of potentials. We're already at the point of being swarmed/crowded out with oldies and dog/cat ladies.
So you're advocating that it's okay not to be a good man because weird nasty girls like bad guys, got it point taken.
Yeah, like he said, this wasn't what he said. You're re-packaging the magic God theory that the forum tends to do from time to time. It's odd because it's not a Christian tenet that if you follow Christianity, you'll get good things - no sir, as we know, generally speaking, it's the opposite.
2. The idea that there is this country with plentiful 'good' women just waiting to be married does not exist and even if it did, finding and courting such a woman would remain a huge obstacle as well.
The modern world is so sad at this point guys are just looking for non-fat and pleasant women. In most of the developed world, it's a non starter due to the age restrictions, obesity, etc.
Yes, this is the key. What you'll find is that it's really hard to do/lots of effort and if you're already in that bad of a country, with social taboos on age gaps, etc the ROI becomes almost nil. I don't even know what the recommendations are anymore to come across higher numbers of potentials. We're already at the point of being swarmed/crowded out with oldies and dog/cat ladies.

Yeah, like he said, this wasn't what he said. You're re-packaging the magic God theory that the forum tends to do from time to time. It's odd because it's not a Christian tenet that if you follow Christianity, you'll get good things - no sir, as we know, generally speaking, it's the opposite.

The modern world is so sad at this point guys are just looking for non-fat and pleasant women. In most of the developed world, it's a non starter due to the age restrictions, obesity, etc.

No idea what the magic god theory is or even what you're referring to, never spoke a word about any of that.

I said you need to be a good man to lure a good woman and he argued that being a good man didn't matter because dumb hoes like guys in prison or something. Really don't think I missed the mark there I just decided to let it go because I'm not going to sit here and try to convince someone to be a good person as it may help them land a good woman when they think it doesn't matter, nothing I say is going to change that mindset so hey to each their own I suppose live and let live.

Odd to see so many here have an issue with someone saying you should be a good man but here we are...
So you're advocating that it's okay not to be a good man because weird nasty girls like bad guys, got it point taken.

How about we get back to @Maddox intentions for this thread now.
I agree that we should get back to thread topic at hand. But I think you indirectly started derailing this thread by cockblocking other posters active effort in meeting women. And in the other thread you tried to AMOG us by saying you are not interested in the many beautiful young women offered up to you, and you said you do not need any pity and to save that for the weak. Even if you are not interested in women you can at least show support to us who are in a quest to get women. Most of us have to put real hard work to get quality women, and even Roosh himself need to move abroad to a better location and have S-tier game to get top prize women.

These are several of my interactions with women, but these all failed due to my own incompetencies or other reasons:
  • In June 2023 last year at a Catholic seminar, a young woman actually started a conversation with me first. She attended the seminar with her sisters, so she is actually a family oriented person. The conversation is going well, and in the end I thought about asking for her numbers, but decided against it because I don't want to be labeled as a creep. The result is I lost contact and never saw her again until now.
  • A month after that I met a young woman when playing badminton together with my friends (our mutual friend invited her and her friends to play with us). I started a conversation with her and her friends, again I decided not to ask for her number because I deemed it not the correct opportunity. A few days later I asked my mutual friend if he could set up a meeting for me and her. After some time he informed me that she has a specific requirement regarding ethnicity and religion.
  • At another time my friend introduced me to a young woman, but she wanted her future spouse to be a true Catholic and she still want to focus on her education. So this leads to nowhere.
  • Just several months ago when I played badminton with my friends, there is a beautiful young woman who came (this time there are lots of people who played because my mutual friend invited many to come). I conversed and chit-chatted with her but I don't want to make any advances. Just two weeks after that I found out that she started dating someone who she met at the same time as me (during the event arranged by our mutual friend). This is a hard lesson for me on being indecisive and weak.
  • Lastly when our parish arranged a trip for its members, I saw a beautiful young woman who I never see before in the church. It must be a divine providence that in an Orthodox church there is a woman that is still single. But after she appeared a lot of beta orbiters started appearing too. I did not even bother to interact with her at all.
It's been back to basics for me after that failures. Need to make sure my internal game and pre-game is all right, and the looks-money-status covered.
I agree that we should get back to thread topic at hand. But I think you indirectly started derailing this thread by cockblocking other posters active effort in meeting women. And in the other thread you tried to AMOG us by saying you are not interested in the many beautiful young women offered up to you, and you said you do not need any pity and to save that for the weak. Even if you are not interested in women you can at least show support to us who are in a quest to get women. Most of us have to put real hard work to get quality women, and even Roosh himself need to move abroad to a better location and have S-tier game to get top prize women.

These are several of my interactions with women, but these all failed due to my own incompetencies or other reasons:
  • In June 2023 last year at a Catholic seminar, a young woman actually started a conversation with me first. She attended the seminar with her sisters, so she is actually a family oriented person. The conversation is going well, and in the end I thought about asking for her numbers, but decided against it because I don't want to be labeled as a creep. The result is I lost contact and never saw her again until now.
  • A month after that I met a young woman when playing badminton together with my friends (our mutual friend invited her and her friends to play with us). I started a conversation with her and her friends, again I decided not to ask for her number because I deemed it not the correct opportunity. A few days later I asked my mutual friend if he could set up a meeting for me and her. After some time he informed me that she has a specific requirement regarding ethnicity and religion.
  • At another time my friend introduced me to a young woman, but she wanted her future spouse to be a true Catholic and she still want to focus on her education. So this leads to nowhere.
  • Just several months ago when I played badminton with my friends, there is a beautiful young woman who came (this time there are lots of people who played because my mutual friend invited many to come). I conversed and chit-chatted with her but I don't want to make any advances. Just two weeks after that I found out that she started dating someone who she met at the same time as me (during the event arranged by our mutual friend). This is a hard lesson for me on being indecisive and weak.
  • Lastly when our parish arranged a trip for its members, I saw a beautiful young woman who I never see before in the church. It must be a divine providence that in an Orthodox church there is a woman that is still single. But after she appeared a lot of beta orbiters started appearing too. I did not even bother to interact with her at all.
It's been back to basics for me after that failures. Need to make sure my internal game and pre-game is all right, and the looks-money-status covered.

"Cockblocking" huh? Yea by giving tips on how to pick up women with class, yea that was some real "cockblocking" there. Telling you what works for me is support, you just don't want to see it that way. I don't have any issues with meeting women, never have.....but god forbid you listen to anything I have to say because it involves changing your negative mindset and abandoning your old ways.

Keep doing what you're doing that doesn't work, have fun with that I'll leave you guys to it.