So this caught my eye. Young people are reading the Koran to better understand the Palestinian people. Some have converted to Islam. But their reasons seem strange. One woman said she found the Koran to be feminist. Wait, wut?
Yes. When Muhammad made up Islam, he copied a lot of very good things from Christianity. While it's dollar store Christianity, dilluted with Judaism and Arabic paganism, it still has enough aspects of Christianity to make it a religion capable of having a very positive effect and building proper civilizations.On a more serious note - Islamic rule - Sharia - if applied properly isn;'t as bad as many think. Sometimes I think Islam has more in common with genuine Christianity than the current system we have...Something that has been on my mind for some time.
It’s certainly a step up from the secular world order, but Islam won’t forgive your sins or save your soul. Especially if you’re a western zoomer and grew up in a Christian house and already heard the gospel. If you convert to Islam it’s a bit different than lapsing into atheism and paganism - pre salvation. Islams an entirely different method of salvation and you’re rejecting Christ as the way. He says “nobody gets to the father except through me.”Yes. When Muhammad made up Islam, he copied a lot of very good things from Christianity. While it's dollar store Christianity, dilluted with Judaism and Arabic paganism, it still has enough aspects of Christianity to make it a religion capable of having a very positive effect and building proper civilizations.
Islam cannot save people, because it's not true, but honestly? I'd rather have all the normies convert to Islam than have them keep doing what they're currently doing.
I agree that this is a major component but I just find it odd that these same people fail to notice that Islam is also anti-homosexual, anti-feminist, and anti-progressive. Are they THAT blind? I know a woman who was a devout "Christian" when I first met her about a decade ago. Slowly, she descended into secularism, cheated on her Christian husband, and divorced. She's now an ultra liberal, processive, pro-homosexual, anti-Christian, feminist. The irony is that her IG has tons of posts supporting Muslim Palestine. She has a lesbian sister. I guess she doesn't know that in many Muslim countries her sister would be summarily executed for being a lesbian. And this woman is not young. She's 39-40 years old.The American youth are the most liberal in American history, per the attached. They are steeped entirely in intersectionality politics, therefore Islam seems attractive as it is both anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-western civilization.
Meanwhile, some on the far-right are finding Islam increasingly attractive because it is anti-Jewish.
If one looks at a historical map, Islam has done nothing but expand. And it is now expanding into traditional Christian countries. Their fertility rates are way higher than whites or Christians, as explained here:
Because Islam is so tribal, backwards, barbaric and primitive, though, if it wins out - which is likely based on historical trends - the world is going to revert back to a 7th century anti-technology level, resulting in a massive drop in average quality of life, intelligence, and civilization for all.
I hope something changes.
The thing is these people aren't pro-homosexual, pro-feminist, or progressive; they use those labels to describe their Nietzschian ressentiment they feel at having no self esteem and no power in this world. They have anti-values; whatever tears down what is white, male, Christian, powerful, etc they consider to be a good thing. Kaczynski commented on this, that leftists have no self esteem. So there really is no conflict between favoring Islam due to their intersectionality and their own feelings because those impulses stem from the same cause.I agree that this is a major component but I just find it odd that these same people fail to notice that Islam is also anti-homosexual, anti-feminist, and anti-progressive. Are they THAT blind? I know a woman who was a devout "Christian" when I first met her about a decade ago. Slowly, she descended into secularism, cheated on her Christian husband, and divorced. She's now an ultra liberal, processive, pro-homosexual, anti-Christian, feminist. The irony is that her IG has tons of posts supporting Muslim Palestine. She has a lesbian sister. I guess she doesn't know that in many Muslim countries her sister would be summarily executed for being a lesbian. And this woman is not young. She's 39-40 years old.
You give them too much credit. I think it's literally just daddy issues, and they hate God and His law because God is the ultimate father. It's not really any more complicated than that.The thing is these people aren't pro-homosexual, pro-feminist, or progressive; they use those labels to describe their Nietzschian ressentiment they feel at having no self esteem and no power in this world. They have anti-values; whatever tears down what is white, male, Christian, powerful, etc they consider to be a good thing. Kaczynski commented on this, that leftists have no self esteem. So there really is no conflict between favoring Islam due to their intersectionality and their own feelings because those impulses stem from the same cause.
So let’s turn to Islam where daddy is even stricter. God is still in the picture and a knock-off Old Testament law is glorified.You give them too much credit. I think it's literally just daddy issues, and they hate God and His law because God is the ultimate father. It's not really any more complicated than that.
I wanted you to have said "cat" load instead.So, I would take all of its contents with a cartload of industrial-grade, high purity sea salt.