Young People Converting to Islam

Well, this will eventually lead to mass apostasy, when they get delusioned with it. It'll be interesting to see what happens then. The "true believers" can't kill all the apostates.
Well, before I say anything else, I feel the need to point out that you're reading an article written by this woman
So, I would take all of its contents with a cartload of industrial-grade, high purity sea salt.

With that out of the way, I'd say serious traditional religiosity in general is on the rise in the post-millenial generations. Probably kids born after 2020 will be all strange and subservient to the elites, because of the gene therapy clot shot, but at least zoomers and 2010's gen alphas have a high tendency to seek traditional, ancient religions. It's not all of them, or even a majority of them, to be clear, but there are far higher rates of this in those generations than in the ones before them.
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Younger demographics seem to like Andrew Tate and Sneako, both of whom are apparently muslim, so it makes sense that it's rather common for them to want to imitate that, because many of them do not have a father figure and so they just imitate figures they perceive as masculine in media.

Of course, neither Tate nor Sneako are people I am particularly fond of, but I guess it's better for the kids to have them as masculine role models than to have no masculine role models.
Yes, I know the article is written by a woman. The modern progressive woman is a foolish creature. This article further confirms that the modern progressive woman is completely lost. It seems secular culture has become so degenerate that young people are now looking for alternatives. If young progressives are embracing Islam that shows how weak mainline Christianity has become in the West?
The American youth are the most liberal in American history, per the attached. They are steeped entirely in intersectionality politics, therefore Islam seems attractive as it is both anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-western civilization.

Meanwhile, some on the far-right are finding Islam increasingly attractive because it is anti-Jewish.

If one looks at a historical map, Islam has done nothing but expand. And it is now expanding into traditional Christian countries. Their fertility rates are way higher than whites or Christians, as explained here:

Because Islam is so tribal, backwards, barbaric and primitive, though, if it wins out - which is likely based on historical trends - the world is going to revert back to a 7th century anti-technology level, resulting in a massive drop in average quality of life, intelligence, and civilization for all.

I hope something changes.


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A small number of people converting to Islam in majority non-Muslim land is nothing new.
However, as an anecdotal evidence - the ones staying with the faith on the long runs re ones who manage to find a religious Muslim spouse.
Apparently educated White European and White American converts are particularly welcome and looked after in the Muslim community.
American former college of mine (he spent a few months in in the UK working on an international project). A genuine, well-meaning but perhaps a bit naive guy - he struggled to find a suitable wife in his late twenties. Less than a year after his conversion he married an American -Somali young lady 4 years his junior. The last information I have about them is from last year - apparently they were still together and welcomed their second child. He is happy _ and I admit I envy him.

On a more serious note - Islamic rule - Sharia - if applied properly isn;'t as bad as many think. Sometimes I think Islam has more in common with genuine Christianity than the current system we have...Something that has been on my mind for some time.
Some say nature abhors a (moral) vacuum. In other words, they imply that Islam will eventually take over where Christianity is in decline.
However, it is not that simple. I believe in places - like the UK for instance - there is an financial incentive. Any deeper religious observance )Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu etc) of any kind can (indirectly) hinder financial and career prospects.
The mayor of London , Sadiq Khan is from a Muslim family (of Pakistani origin - albeit he was born and bred in London). He is also a special guest on Pride Month (LGBTQ-pride, that is) opening event. If he adhered to Islam's true stance on homosexuality he would not be wealthy as he is - and he definitely wouldn't be a London mayor. And 9 out of 10 Muslim would choose the same way he did - compromise on religious adherence and observance in order to progress in this world.
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On a more serious note - Islamic rule - Sharia - if applied properly isn;'t as bad as many think. Sometimes I think Islam has more in common with genuine Christianity than the current system we have...Something that has been on my mind for some time.
Yes. When Muhammad made up Islam, he copied a lot of very good things from Christianity. While it's dollar store Christianity, dilluted with Judaism and Arabic paganism, it still has enough aspects of Christianity to make it a religion capable of having a very positive effect and building proper civilizations.

Islam cannot save people, because it's not true, but honestly? I'd rather have all the normies convert to Islam than have them keep doing what they're currently doing.
Yes. When Muhammad made up Islam, he copied a lot of very good things from Christianity. While it's dollar store Christianity, dilluted with Judaism and Arabic paganism, it still has enough aspects of Christianity to make it a religion capable of having a very positive effect and building proper civilizations.

Islam cannot save people, because it's not true, but honestly? I'd rather have all the normies convert to Islam than have them keep doing what they're currently doing.
It’s certainly a step up from the secular world order, but Islam won’t forgive your sins or save your soul. Especially if you’re a western zoomer and grew up in a Christian house and already heard the gospel. If you convert to Islam it’s a bit different than lapsing into atheism and paganism - pre salvation. Islams an entirely different method of salvation and you’re rejecting Christ as the way. He says “nobody gets to the father except through me.”

With that being said having studied Islam and having some knowledge of Islamic society - totally agree with dollar store Christianity comment.
The American youth are the most liberal in American history, per the attached. They are steeped entirely in intersectionality politics, therefore Islam seems attractive as it is both anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-western civilization.

Meanwhile, some on the far-right are finding Islam increasingly attractive because it is anti-Jewish.

If one looks at a historical map, Islam has done nothing but expand. And it is now expanding into traditional Christian countries. Their fertility rates are way higher than whites or Christians, as explained here:

Because Islam is so tribal, backwards, barbaric and primitive, though, if it wins out - which is likely based on historical trends - the world is going to revert back to a 7th century anti-technology level, resulting in a massive drop in average quality of life, intelligence, and civilization for all.

I hope something changes.
I agree that this is a major component but I just find it odd that these same people fail to notice that Islam is also anti-homosexual, anti-feminist, and anti-progressive. Are they THAT blind? I know a woman who was a devout "Christian" when I first met her about a decade ago. Slowly, she descended into secularism, cheated on her Christian husband, and divorced. She's now an ultra liberal, processive, pro-homosexual, anti-Christian, feminist. The irony is that her IG has tons of posts supporting Muslim Palestine. She has a lesbian sister. I guess she doesn't know that in many Muslim countries her sister would be summarily executed for being a lesbian. And this woman is not young. She's 39-40 years old.
I agree that this is a major component but I just find it odd that these same people fail to notice that Islam is also anti-homosexual, anti-feminist, and anti-progressive. Are they THAT blind? I know a woman who was a devout "Christian" when I first met her about a decade ago. Slowly, she descended into secularism, cheated on her Christian husband, and divorced. She's now an ultra liberal, processive, pro-homosexual, anti-Christian, feminist. The irony is that her IG has tons of posts supporting Muslim Palestine. She has a lesbian sister. I guess she doesn't know that in many Muslim countries her sister would be summarily executed for being a lesbian. And this woman is not young. She's 39-40 years old.
The thing is these people aren't pro-homosexual, pro-feminist, or progressive; they use those labels to describe their Nietzschian ressentiment they feel at having no self esteem and no power in this world. They have anti-values; whatever tears down what is white, male, Christian, powerful, etc they consider to be a good thing. Kaczynski commented on this, that leftists have no self esteem. So there really is no conflict between favoring Islam due to their intersectionality and their own feelings because those impulses stem from the same cause.
The thing is these people aren't pro-homosexual, pro-feminist, or progressive; they use those labels to describe their Nietzschian ressentiment they feel at having no self esteem and no power in this world. They have anti-values; whatever tears down what is white, male, Christian, powerful, etc they consider to be a good thing. Kaczynski commented on this, that leftists have no self esteem. So there really is no conflict between favoring Islam due to their intersectionality and their own feelings because those impulses stem from the same cause.
You give them too much credit. I think it's literally just daddy issues, and they hate God and His law because God is the ultimate father. It's not really any more complicated than that.
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You give them too much credit. I think it's literally just daddy issues, and they hate God and His law because God is the ultimate father. It's not really any more complicated than that.
So let’s turn to Islam where daddy is even stricter. God is still in the picture and a knock-off Old Testament law is glorified.

Somethings missing from the equation. To be fair falafel > mayo potato salad. Just become orthodox. We got falafel too.
Christiantity needs to be made cool, or at the very least seen as 'based'. The way to do that would have ideally been via Andrew Tate - I'm talking specifically about his audience here - but unfortunately that ship has sailed. Although, his brother does publicly identify as 'Orthodox Christian', which is good I suppose - even if it probably just means he's nominally a Christian but happens to be in Romania.

The current situation with Palestine combined with the LGBT stuff and further compounded with the Tate, Sneakos of the world is obviously giving Islam major brownie points in this current time. I just hope people can see the value in Christianity since for most of these people it's the religion of their direct ancestors.
"It can be quite objectively said that Christianity is - the religion of strong people, whereas Islam is - a religion for the weak and frail. Christianity is - for the free, Islam is - for the slaves. We are talking here about the most important freedom for man — freedom from sin and his own passions, from which the Muslim faith is unable to free its followers. And this is exactly what explains the spread of Islam in the modern world. It is precisely why Islam is becoming popular now in the West, because the era of the weak man is coming; secularized humanity is now cultivating its weaknesses and drowning in voluntary laxity."

Strong Man's Religion: Christianity or Islam?

"Once upon a time, at the dawn of the VII century after the Birth of Christ, in the middle of the Arabian deserts, far from the civilized world, a remarkable event happened. In the darkness of the night, under the low arches of the cave of Mount Hira, to a forty-year-old Arab who spent time here in solitude, someone appeared. Someone strong and terrible, who began to strangle him, forcing him to read a strange text on behalf of some kind of master. Fearing for his life, the Arab gave in and repeated the text — and the vision disappeared. Terrified, he ran to his home and wrapped himself in a blanket in horror, not daring to show himself outside.

For quite a long time after that he he was tormented by doubts, suspecting that he had met that memorable night with dark forces, spirits of evil. But later his family managed to convince him that none other than the messenger of God, an Angel, appeared to him, who thereby called him to become a prophet for his people. Believing in this, this Arab soon announced a new teaching in Arabia: to worship a lonely God (Quran 112.1), distant (Quran 12.31) and cruel (Quran 17.58), the source of both good and evil (Quran 10.107; 39.38), by which everything that happens is predetermined (Quran 33.38). For a man who wished to please such a god, he was commanded to believe in his solitary isolation, as well as that the Arab merchant who announced this teaching was his messenger and prophet; to perform a certain ritual five times a day with the recitation of prayer formulas and the alternation of bodily poses; to once in a lifetime visit a sanctuary in an Arab city and slaughter a sheep on a nearby mountain; to spend a small portion of his earnings on his household, and one month a year, eat and drink only at night. And it was also commanded to wage a holy war with those who do not recognize this teaching until they are subjugated to it (Quran 2.193). Those who observe the above were promised prosperity in this life, and in the life to come a beautiful garden with eternal pleasures — mainly of sexual and gastronomic character, as well as, partially, aesthetic. All this was recorded in a book, compiled already after the death of the founder, which was declared to be the revelation and creation of this god, and its text — eternal and unchangeable to the letter.

This Arab's name was Muhammad, and his teaching was called Islam — derived from the Arabic word "peace" (salam), and many of his followers soon swept across the earth and in merciless bloody wars soon captured vast territories — both from Christians, Western and Eastern, as well as from Zoroastrians, heathens, Hindus. This "religion of peace" eventually spread to many nations, and its adherents continued to wage continuous wars, even to this day.

All is known in comparison, therefore, let's compare the teachings of Muhammad and the teachings of Christ, and consider which of the religions is intended for a strong man, and which has the power to make him strong.

To begin with, the Muslim Holy Scripture itself is three times smaller in volume than the Christian Holy Scripture. Even just to read the Bible requires three times more effort, time and perseverance than to read the Quran. We will see the same proportion when comparing their contents.

Christianity teaches restraint of one's passions — such as hatred, lust, and avarice; Islam, on the contrary, indulges all of them: for example, although it recognizes that mercy is more pleasing to God, it allows revenge, although it says that God is more pleased with the unity of the family, it recognizes divorce at any whim of the husband, although it encourages alms, it also praises the passion of accumulating wealth.

Christianity blesses marriage with only one wife, Islam allows you to have four wives and countless concubines. It is clear to any reasonable person that it is much more difficult to observe marital fidelity in a legal marriage with a single wife than, within the limits of what is permissible, to have a relationship with almost an unlimited number of women.

Islam commands you to pray five times a day, but Christians have the commandment to pray unceasingly (1 Thess 5:17).

Muslims fast for only three weeks, while Orthodox fast for more than half a year, whereby the fast is extended to whole days (day and night), and not only during the day, as in Islam. Of course, in order to fast for more than 180 days and nights, it takes a lot more effort than to fast for twenty days.

Some cite the Muslim law forbidding the use of wine as something sublime. But on closer examination, even in this, Arab religion gives way to the teaching of the Church. Christianity does not prohibit the use of wine as such, but strictly prohibits drunkenness - drunkards do not inherit the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:10). And it is obvious to anyone that only a strong person can, while drinking alcohol, observe the measure and not fall into drunkenness; a complete rejection of alcohol is a somewhat easier way to overcome this sin.

Islam also prohibits eating pork, and sets some other restrictions in clothing and behavior, but it is quite clear that it is much easier not to eat pork and not to wear silk than to keep the commandment to abstain from sin even in thoughts — as every Christian is commanded.

Take the conduct of war. Those who try to push Christianity into the Procrustean bed of dull pacifism are blind. Defensive warfare is unequivocally blessed by the Church. From the holy warriors — from generals to privates — not just one division is assembled for the King of Heaven in the image of the Saints. But if in Islam the conduct of wars is based on hatred for the killed, in Christianity the basis of military feats is love for those who need to be protected — "greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends" (John 15:13), and these words can rightfully refer to those who died with honor in battle. This is the teaching of Christ, and only a person strong in spirit and will can bear it.

We can go on with the comparisons for a very, very long time. But even on the basis of what has already been given, it can be quite objectively said that Christianity is the religion of strong people, whereas Islam is a religion for the weak and frail. Christianity is for the free, Islam is for the slaves. We are talking here about the most important freedom for man — freedom from sin and his own passions, from which the Muslim faith is unable to free its followers.

And this explains the spread of Islam in the modern world. It is precisely why Islam is becoming popular now in the West, because the era of the weak man is coming; secularized humanity is cultivating its weaknesses and wallows in voluntary laxity. How pleasant it is for them to hear: "Allah wants to make life easier for you; for Man is created weak." (Quran 4.28).

According to Christian teaching, man is created strong, and called to be strong. The fact that for two millennia the Church has not lowered such a high bar of its moral ideal testifies to the fact that this ideal is - in Church - really achievable. And examples of this are not only hundreds of thousands of saints, but also millions of ordinary Orthodox Christians who embodied this ideal in their lives. “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Mt 19:26), and the Lord Jesus Christ, to Whom everything is possible, gives the power to do what we have listed, and more than that.

Each of us has a choice — to remain weak or to become strong. To swim down the current to the precipice or against the current to the shore. And no one will escape (the choice), and it is up to the person, what will be chosen in the end.

You just need to know and remember that from all who were supposed to become strong, but who voluntarily remained weak, will be asked to the fullest extent — in due time."

"The Kingdom of Heaven is conquered with effort, and those who strive gain it (Mt 11:12)."
-Priest Georgy Maximov
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The retention rate for Islam is very low. There are several different figures, giving maybe a retention in the region of 40%.

I can't see Western conversion to Islam having much legs.

Right now we are in the decline of liberalism. You can see the green shoots of Christianity. More and more people realise there is a lot wrong. More people are getting to a position of realising something is missing. Even if their initial ideas are weak.

At the moment we are setting the ground work. I'd be looking at 20-30 years down the road to see changes.
Truthfully, I was astounded at how young the congregation was at the Orthodox church I attended last Sunday, many children and young couples.

I think the zoomers and even many of the millennials are looking for solid ground after watching their boomer parents be unable to find stability in an obviously corrupt and changing world.
People converting to Islam is a sign that young people in the West are searching for something. Islam has some outside appearance of being 'based'. The men look like men, the women dress modestly etc. The issue is that Islam has no roots whatsoever in the West. It not really any different from becoming a Taoist or a Hindu as a white European. Try as you might, you're not going to find a home there. You are ultimately just LARPing.

Orthodoxy is the only real answer if you want something that maintains traditional ideals about gender roles and so forth, is firmly rooted in ancient tradition, and actually has deep roots in our culture. There are hundreds of British Saints venerated in Orthodoxy, even in the US you have Saint Raphael of Brooklyn, Saint Herman of Alaska and so on. Not to mention the Saints that hallowed the lands of your ancestors---wherever in Europe that may be. There is a real connection there, that you are not going to get that from adopting a religion of Arabic desert barbarians. Becoming a Muslim as a Westerner is just the right wing version of becoming a Buddhist or a Hindu. Its relativistic, narcissistic LARPing
There is something fishy about all of this. I smell a rat. Deep state perhaps, or at least esoteric influences at play. These kids may be lost from their lack of knowledge of Christ or true biblical history, but they sure aren't trying to make up for it in a genuine manner. I suspect many of them would never become "true' Muslims either, simply MINO's (Muslims in name only). What better way to prop up Israel's enemies than to make more of them and truly bring about Pike's prediction of zionism and Islam wiping each other out, which I am skeptical of, but I know how they like to generationally work towards manifesting their own devilish predictions.

We all have many habits in common with each other, and though aspects of Islam's history, past and present, are vulgar, there are some things we can't deny. The idea to pray, to wash one self, to abstain, to not become a drunkard, these ideas are divine in origin. However I think getting the point across to show these Muslims that Christ is the Lord and Savior is how to get many of them out of this daze of differences.

This video shows where our faiths diverge the most, the trinity and the nature of Jesus, and the creator of the video attempts to rectify instructing a Muslim about Jesus:

"Answering Muslims how Jesus being God could still die"

The other issue is that without their apostate death sentence, this faith would likely have died out in the early years. There is something about them denying free will to those who wish to leave the faith, not that I'm advocating for anyone to abandon their beliefs, merely to reflect upon their beliefs once they know Christ.