The Real World (Andrew Tate)

Im not a fan of taxes personally especially income taxes where the government just wants to basically take your profits for no good reason, the crypto tax thing is still very new though and there wasnt really any proper tax laws around it until recently, its also still a bit confusing because if you put taxed money into crypto and you have capital gains you cant really get taxed on it legally, its also very hard for someone to find out and actually calculate if you havent paid your taxes just by looking at your crypto account, for example, was it cash deposits into crypto? Where did that cash come from, theu dont know? I heard Taye once say he has multiple bank accounts in various countries, which bank account did he use to credit his crypto?

Robert Kiyosaki also brags about how he doesnt pay taxes but he does it legally I dont know how Tate and his brothers did it I dont know so cant really tell.
I'm no expert on taxes and crypto but if you watch the video then things Tate talks about would at the very, very least attract the attention of the IRS and probably an audit. Even based on that best case scenario, I can't understand why you'd talk about your plan to "not pay any taxes" because it's "all in Bitcoin" publicly like this. Still, I'd be willing to bet a lot of money that he's in serious violation of US tax code. Not saying I agree with US tax code but as any American knows, you'd be a fool to cross the IRS this publicly.

The attorney in the video seems to feel that Tate makes a lot of other incriminating statements about how he manages his cam girls. I have no idea about that and I imagine if he were indicted it would depend on the US jurisdiction where it came to trial. My best guess is that Tate is probably not guilty of the specific sex trafficking crimes he was accused of in Romania, but he's obviously guilty of fraud and probably other crimes.
I'm no expert on taxes and crypto but if you watch the video then things Tate talks about would at the very, very least attract the attention of the IRS and probably an audit. Even based on that best case scenario, I can't understand why you'd talk about your plan to "not pay any taxes" because it's "all in Bitcoin" publicly like this. Still, I'd be willing to bet a lot of money that he's in serious violation of US tax code. Not saying I agree with US tax code but as any American knows, you'd be a fool to cross the IRS this publicly.

The attorney in the video seems to feel that Tate makes a lot of other incriminating statements about how he manages his cam girls. I have no idea about that and I imagine if he were indicted it would depend on the US jurisdiction where it came to trial. My best guess is that Tate is probably not guilty of the specific sex trafficking crimes he was accused of in Romania, but he's obviously guilty of fraud and probably other crimes.
Im not defending Tate I dont know his case but I really hope the IRS gets shut down.
I did not know Tate holds US citizenship either, but a quick google search seems to confirm it.

That's wild in the context of this video a friend sent me the other day, where a criminal attorney goes over various incriminating statements Tate has made, including pretty openly admitting to serious tax fraud. I dislike Andrew Tate but he's never come off as particularly stupid to me until I watched this video.

I can't wrap my head around why if you had a plan to somehow evade taxes through using cryptocurrency you'd announce it publicy like he does here. Or maybe there's a chance he actually thought income paid in crypto isn't taxable, but I have trouble imaging he's that stupid. I thought maybe there's an outside chance that the British tax service is significantly less aggressive than the IRS and that's how he's getting away with it, but since Tate seems to be a US citizen and also seems to now be going to the US, I don't see how he avoids serious consequences unless he has high level protection in the Trump administration.

Sorry that I couldn't find the exact parts where he talks about illegally evading taxes, but the whole video is worth watching if you're interested in Tate and you have time. If you don't come away convinced he's an absolute lowlife and scumbag, I don't know what to tell you.

A man becoming drunk off of attention similar to that of a woman doesn't deserve respect :cautious:
Trump claims ignorance

Like I said above, I tend to doubt that the Tate brothers are guilty of those crimes: sex trafficking and rape. They could be, who knows, but I'd need to see more evidence than what's been presented so far to feel very convinced. I've never heard Tristan speak, but Andrew seems to treat women like garbage and with total contempt. I think this is why normies assume the only reason a woman would be with him is if he were somehow to force her. Red pilled guys know this couldn't be further from the truth.
Tate brother land in Florida

I wonder if Andrew will start talking to his followers about how it's manly to join the US military, maybe even about war with Iran. It would be ironic since Tate is Muslim and has never served, but it would also explain why the Trump administration might have have gotten the Tates out of Romania. Same if they're not charged with tax fraud in the US.
I think that the girl that started off their whole legal saga by accusing them of kidnapping her is a US citizen. I'm guessing that's going make their choice of the US as their escape route to be even more foolhardy.
I understood this was expected. I wonder why the Tates would even come here. Why not some country with no extradition to the US?
Interesting. When I heard the Tates were headed for the USA, I figured the Trump administration had brokered a deal where Andrew would talk his followers into joining the US military in exchange for not pursuing any charges against them for their various crimes. Now it just doesn't make sense, unless maybe DeSantis is defying Trump? Or maybe military recruitment really is up enough that the Trump administration figures they no longer need Andrew.

It will be interesting to see if they're eventually charged with anything related to tax fraud.

Edit: Or maybe the Tates figured they're going to prison either way and the US is a better option than Romania. Maybe they should have anticipated this and set up shop in Norway instead.
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Edit: Or maybe the Tates figured they're going to prison either way and the US is a better option than Romania. Maybe they should have anticipated this and set up shop in Norway instead
Materially the conditions will be better in Florida prisons, however, you're going to be surrounded by aggressive blacks and Hispanics and Neo-Nazi gangs. I'm sure Romanian prisons have their Gypsy problem, but those guys tend to be more swindlers and tricksters than anything else. Plus it'll be easier to bribe the guards there.

Prison in Norway is a joke, has to be better than everyday life for a large proportion of the world's population.
Interesting. When I heard the Tates were headed for the USA, I figured the Trump administration had brokered a deal where Andrew would talk his followers into joining the US military in exchange for not pursuing any charges against them for their various crimes. Now it just doesn't make sense, unless maybe DeSantis is defying Trump? Or maybe military recruitment really is up enough that the Trump administration figures they no longer need Andrew.

It will be interesting to see if they're eventually charged with anything related to tax fraud.

Edit: Or maybe the Tates figured they're going to prison either way and the US is a better option than Romania. Maybe they should have anticipated this and set up shop in Norway instead.

I don't think Trump cares about the Tates at all.

Furthermore it seems the Tates really believe their own story to the point where they are confident enough to fight in US courts and win. This will be interesting.