The Real World (Andrew Tate)

It's not theft of time, because people willingly choose to consume the content.
People willingly choose to do all kinds of things that are harmful to themselves and others, that doesn't mean that they should be allowed to do them...
I agree that porn should be illegal...
Yes, along with gambling and paying teenagers millions of dollars a year to sing and dance and share their opinions online...
... but I'm not talking about porn, I'm talking about being a talking head online.
Often, being a talking head online is a form of mental porn (which can be just as destructive as physical porn). More often than not, it is a type of time consuming spiritual destruction (theft). The downfall of the modern world began when every normie under the sun was given a voice (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and a camera. I understand what you're saying but I'm talking more about the existential and spiritual dilemma of it all. However, you and I can't go much further with this discussion because I believe that the internet and AI should be dismantled, not embraced. I believe that the internet is the work of the devil and that AI is Satan-incarnate. Most of the great books were written before the internet, and they are all we need. Young people should be forced to read books, not encouraged to impulsively run their mouths online for all the world to hear. No need to reinvent the wheel via talking head plagarism. Read a book (especially The Bible). It's all been said before.
I used to be a content creator myself, I won't go into any details but it's far from easy. I would say it's honest work. Definitely takes a lot of skill and effort to reach a level where you can make any kind of living out of it.
And this no doubt influences your thought(s) on the subject. I used to be in the entertainment industry in Hollywood and I also don't believe acting and making movies (and music) are work. And this is coming from a musician. Sure, it is time consuming, and takes skill and effort, but we can live without music and movies and reinvent the wheel "content" creators, we cannot live without loggers, pipe fitters, engineers, farmers, electricians, and diesel mechanics.
I don't understand why Christians often disagree with Andrew Tate, despite him making valid points. It is frequently portrayed that Tate is the antithesis of Christianity.

Because he's a degenerate pornographer who promotes extreme materialism and promiscuity. He even teaches men how to isolate women from their families and manipulate them in order to pimp them out. He's also pretty openly anti-Christian.

All the "valid points" he has about women are literally just basic game advice from the old redpill days repackaged.
I don't understand why Christians often disagree with Andrew Tate, despite him making valid points.
Because he's a degenerate pornographer who promotes extreme materialism and promiscuity.
In addition to being a Christ denying Muslim who has never uttered one original word or thought that anyone here hasn't heard before. He's a plagarizing, mid-IQ, fast talking grifter who would rather bang a "good looking" man (i.e. a tranny) than an ugly woman, and who will soon be rotting away in a Romanian jail doing just that. Not someone to admire, much less defend on a Christian forum.

Sure, he makes some valid points, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Because he's a degenerate pornographer who promotes extreme materialism and promiscuity. He even teaches men how to isolate women from their families and manipulate them in order to pimp them out. He's also pretty openly anti-Christian.

All the "valid points" he has about women are literally just basic game advice from the old redpill days repackaged.
In addition to being a Christ denying Muslim who has never uttered one original word or thought that anyone here hasn't heard before. He's a plagiarizing, mid-IQ, fast talking grifter who would rather bang a "good looking" man (i.e. a tranny) than an ugly woman, and who will soon be rotting away in a Romanian jail doing just that. Not someone to admire, much less defend on a Christian forum.

Sure, he makes some valid points, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Why are you so mean to Andrew Tate? 😢

Perhaps it's because some Christians don't want to accept criticism from Andrew Tate. One example is when Mar Mari Emmanuel was attacked, and Andrew made a video urging Christians to get angry and stop turning the other cheek. However, there are many Christian videos on YouTube where people take the moral high ground and offer feel-good advice, such as saying it is tougher to love your enemies and pray for them rather than fighting back.

If we were granted the same resources as Andrew Tate, would we continue to live humble, self-denying lives? I believe we would most certainly live lives similar to his.

Additionally, the name Andrew is a Christian name mentioned in the Bible as one of Christ's original apostles. It also has roots in Greek, meaning "manly" and "brave". He is certainly not someone named Ahmed Tate or Abdul Tate.

He most likely converted to Islam because it aligns with his life vision and has a good return on investment. I don't believe he would enjoy the same quality of life if he were to live as a devout Christian.
All porn should be illegal and destroyed. All it's servers should be seized and smelted down, all video files should be taken and deleted en masse, and before their deletion. so some sneaky jew recovery specialist doesn't bring them back. someone should overwrite the length of each video with a repeating blank loop. Same thing with all the smut images everywhere, retrieve them, overwrite them with blank images, then mass delete them. It would be a full time job for an entire department, but it would change many things if this poison were no longer ubiquitous. Without porn, the jews would lose one of their major weapons against all peoples, even though its primary purpose is anti-Christian anti-White genocide.

Then going forward, anyone caught distributing or producing it will face summary execution. Anyone caught pimping or grooming girls or making money off of degeneracy will face the same. Morality must be whipped into people if necessary, but we can't keep living without it in those around us.
All theory.

A tranny looks more like a woman than a fat woman to a woman (who resembles a nasty cow). I haven't seen the clip but I can understand the analogy. Fat women are nasty.

Just like saying I would rather get shot than being at gun-point forced to eat crap. In reality, people would lick their fingers after to survive. To say you would rather have sex with an old and fat woman instead of a tranny who look like Megan Fox...
i would rather have sex with the fattest ugliest woman in the world than be gay.
Looks like Trump got him out of Romania.
Coincidentally this comes just 1 day after the right wing opposition leader was arrested.
(This was the same man who won the election a few months ago which was then cancelled)

Are the 2 things linked ?

Looks like Trump got him out of Romania.
Coincidentally this comes just 1 day after the right wing opposition leader was arrested.
(This was the same man who won the election a few months ago which was then cancelled)

Are the 2 things linked ?

Looks like Trump got him out of Romania.
Coincidentally this comes just 1 day after the right wing opposition leader was arrested.
(This was the same man who won the election a few months ago which was then cancelled)

Are the 2 things linked ?

Sounds to me like a few US politicians realizing how much influencial power Andrew has over the young men and offering both him and his brother a potential asylum deal in exchange for promoting the whatever. Bloody brilliant play if this actually is true, but it could blow up very badly if anything goes wrong.
Sounds to me like a few US politicians realizing how much influencial power Andrew has over the young men and offering both him and his brother a potential asylum deal in exchange for promoting the whatever. Bloody brilliant play if this actually is true, but it could blow up very badly if anything goes wrong.

No asylum necessary...Tate is a US citizen.
Sounds to me like a few US politicians realizing how much influencial power Andrew has over the young men and offering both him and his brother a potential asylum deal in exchange for promoting the whatever. Bloody brilliant play if this actually is true, but it could blow up very badly if anything goes wrong.
Trump is not a fan of EU Globalists so he's likely aware of Romania's lawfare tactics against the Tate brothers. Also, note the Romanian authorities arrested a presidential candidate -- likely per EU's order to stop nationalism/populism in Romania.

Really? I didn't know that. Still though, I sense these two might be used for something regardless.
I did not know Tate holds US citizenship either, but a quick google search seems to confirm it.

That's wild in the context of this video a friend sent me the other day, where a criminal attorney goes over various incriminating statements Tate has made, including pretty openly admitting to serious tax fraud. I dislike Andrew Tate but he's never come off as particularly stupid to me until I watched this video.

I can't wrap my head around why if you had a plan to somehow evade taxes through using cryptocurrency you'd announce it publicy like he does here. Or maybe there's a chance he actually thought income paid in crypto isn't taxable, but I have trouble imaging he's that stupid. I thought maybe there's an outside chance that the British tax service is significantly less aggressive than the IRS and that's how he's getting away with it, but since Tate seems to be a US citizen and also seems to now be going to the US, I don't see how he avoids serious consequences unless he has high level protection in the Trump administration.

Sorry that I couldn't find the exact parts where he talks about illegally evading taxes, but the whole video is worth watching if you're interested in Tate and you have time. If you don't come away convinced he's an absolute lowlife and scumbag, I don't know what to tell you.

I did not know Tate holds US citizenship either, but a quick google search seems to confirm it.

That's wild in the context of this video a friend sent me the other day, where a criminal attorney goes over various incriminating statements Tate has made, including pretty openly admitting to serious tax fraud. I dislike Andrew Tate but he's never come off as particularly stupid to me until I watched this video.

I can't wrap my head around why if you had a plan to somehow evade taxes through using cryptocurrency you'd announce it publicy like he does here. Or maybe there's a chance he actually thought income paid in crypto isn't taxable, but I have trouble imaging he's that stupid. I thought maybe there's an outside chance that the British tax service is significantly less aggressive than the IRS and that's how he's getting away with it, but since Tate seems to be a US citizen and also seems to now be going to the US, I don't see how he avoids serious consequences unless he has high level protection in the Trump administration.

Sorry that I couldn't find the exact parts where he talks about illegally evading taxes, but the whole video is worth watching if you're interested in Tate and you have time. If you don't come away convinced he's an absolute lowlife and scumbag, I don't know what to tell you.

Im not a fan of taxes personally especially income taxes where the government just wants to basically take your profits for no good reason, the crypto tax thing is still very new though and there wasnt really any proper tax laws around it until recently, its also still a bit confusing because if you put taxed money into crypto and you have capital gains you cant really get taxed on it legally, its also very hard for someone to find out and actually calculate if you havent paid your taxes just by looking at your crypto account, for example, was it cash deposits into crypto? Where did that cash come from, theu dont know? I heard Taye once say he has multiple bank accounts in various countries, which bank account did he use to credit his crypto?

Robert Kiyosaki also brags about how he doesnt pay taxes but he does it legally I dont know how Tate and his brothers did it I dont know so cant really tell.