Reversion to the median

Everyone still does this by and large. America is extremely unique in this sense because there's so much money floating around, the culture is accommodating to an extreme degree, lots of hospitality, the laws are fair... An immigrant's wet dream. The problem with other countries is they're the opposite. Literally. I now hate these travel youtubers and their filthy lies.
That is correct.
Lot of second generation Americans don't speak their native tongue. There's animosity among Americans towards their ethnic kin. You have "Americanized" traitors sprinkled everywhere in the world subverting their own people.
You tend to mix in good points with questionable takes, like this. I'm being nice here because I could say worse.
The way its suppose to work is in order to get ahead you need someone to help you get your foot in the door. Your "people" do that for you. To accelate the process you bend the rules, cheat your way in and have each other's back.
That's also right.
God have mercy on anyone from the west hoping to get that treatment from other westerners in the third world. The third world is a place where other whites will scam you because they're not cut out for the traditional feudalism they find and they're far away from their ancestral money teet.
Switching back to bad takes. Not true, really.
The only hope in that regard is the globohomo will turn everyone on earth into a faggot in the foreseeable future.
Hope? Yikes.

You should read my population boom thesis. It explains all of this stuff. The uncomfortable reality, even on the forum, is that only a small number of men will "get out" and most guys with above average qualities and money, in most countries, will just have to leave the globohomo countries for actual wives. A friend in Brazil told me the same thing there. Most men don't have a chance, sadly at this point, and the crowding crushes the objectively advanced, due to the money printing and simping, and women's inability to pretty much discern anything from consensus (their reality) and propaganda.
The traditional values of racial integrity
The vast majority of men have never really cared about race when it comes to women at least not on an individual level. Realistically how many men are going to turn down marriage to a young Adriana Lima because she is a different race/ethnicity to them? The reality is that when it comes to a man's choice in women beauty, youth etc trump race by a long shot. Of course personal preferences can be overruled by societal taboos and norms but at an individual level this is how man are.

What about you would you marry a woman of a completely different race if she was young, pleasant, feminine, virgin and extremely pious orthodox Christian? Or you would refuse merely because of the race? In reality there is no perfect woman and you cannot tick every single box you will end up having to compromise on one or more factors and I do not race as the be all and end all. I assume you not from Iceland or Japan, etc and whatever country you come from people are not racially pure to begin with so its closing the barn door after the horse has already bolted.
God have mercy on anyone from the west hoping to get that treatment from other westerners in the third world.
I disagree. In my experience westerner expats in the third world tend to band together because they know the locals will treat them badly and so as outsiders they stick together more than they would in their own country.
The vast majority of men have never really cared about race when it comes to women at least not on an individual level. Realistically how many men are going to turn down marriage to a young Adriana Lima because she is a different race/ethnicity to them? The reality is that when it comes to a man's choice in women beauty, youth etc trump race by a long shot. Of course personal preferences can be overruled by societal taboos and norms but at an individual level this is how man are.
Well, no. If the vast majority of men have never care about race then everyone would already be the end product that the jews want: a melanated coffee-colored slave caste with an average IQ of 75-80, a compliant race of anthropoids who are smart enough to perform manual labor but just dumb enough not to revolt.

If the vast majority of men never cared about race then there wouldn't be over 90% of the Whites in America who still have 100% European DNA, and a similar number in Europe of the same.

Nobody was really mixing like this before the 20th century. You're thinking too modern. Adriana Lima would have been relegated to an illiterate half-breed a century ago before the rise of pedophilic jewish modeling agencies that took genetic anomalies and raised them up. Most White men then would see her knappy hair and not taken the plunge, except in Brazil it was mixed to the extreme because of all the perverted Conversos who sailed with the jewish founder of Brazil Pedro Alvares Cabral.

Everywhere you look at racial mixing, you find a jew.

What about you would you marry a woman of a completely different race if she was young, pleasant, feminine, virgin and extremely pious orthodox Christian? Or you would refuse merely because of the race? In reality there is no perfect woman and you cannot tick every single box you will end up having to compromise on one or more factors and I do not race as the be all and end all. I assume you not from Iceland or Japan, etc and whatever country you come from people are not racially pure to begin with so its closing the barn door after the horse has already bolted.

No. The only women of non-European descent who are Orthodox are Ethiopian, or some Syrians. They are not genetically compatible with European genetics, even if some Syrian women have external beauty. I recognize that I will not plague a child with that confusion for selfish desires of the flesh.

Orthodoxy is actually more Pro-White by default than Catholicism, since the churches are more jurisdictional and nationalized over the many centuries. It is very rare to see Serbians marry outside their ethnicity, but if they do it's always to another Slavic European or to a Greek, very rarely to non-Orthodox Europeans, and never to a non-white. The ones who do, from any European ethnicity, are whores.

And since I am Catholic, I see this mixing aspect much more in the many Vatican-II affected congregations. Particularly among brainwashed Whites and Filipinos or Mexicans or other South Americans. Still, Catholicism is predominantly European. If all of the sudden there were no more Catholic White women, I would find a non-Catholic White woman and convert her, or I would die as the last of my lineage. To be, or not to be.

I know my ancestry is 100% European. I advise all others I know who are the same to seek the same. The Aryan races are 7% of the world population and shrinking as the jews and their servants endlessly engorge the third world.

The Japanese are much more pure than the Chinese, and your quip with the Icelandic is unfounded, I'm sure you're referring to that "Denisovan" nonsense that shows the african-looking pre-human. More jewish anthropoidal hodgepodge garbage to confuse the goyim. Icelanders are virtually 100% Norse and Celtic peoples, aka European.

If you are mixed-race, for the sake of the child, don't further dilute it, pick a mate who has the most genetic similarities to you and build stronger that way. There are serious medical concerns for hybridization offspring that the mainstream medical gulag suppresses on purpose. Yes I can share all of this information if you or anyone wants to view it.

Ultimately it comes down to this for those of you who do not understand the mixing angle. The jews want everyone to mix, as it distorts and destroys cultural histories, identities, traditions, and monolithic tribes who are able to resist the talmudic behaviors. The more these walls are torn down, the more the jews themselves gain a foothold and a mastery over the bastard class. They cannot control a racially pure people.
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The vast majority of men have never really cared about race when it comes to women at least not on an individual level. Realistically how many men are going to turn down marriage to a young Adriana Lima because she is a different race/ethnicity to them? The reality is that when it comes to a man's choice in women beauty, youth etc trump race by a long shot. Of course personal preferences can be overruled by societal taboos and norms but at an individual level this is how man are.

What about you would you marry a woman of a completely different race if she was young, pleasant, feminine, virgin and extremely pious orthodox Christian? Or you would refuse merely because of the race? In reality there is no perfect woman and you cannot tick every single box you will end up having to compromise on one or more factors and I do not race as the be all and end all. I assume you not from Iceland or Japan, etc and whatever country you come from people are not racially pure to begin with so its closing the barn door after the horse has already bolted.
A fairer example would be if you had several women with near idental attractives and personality etc vast majority would pick the closest one to their own there is no contest. if the choice is between the african, asian or brazilian adriana lima then most europeans are going to pick the brazilian one because she is closest to their own genetics, beauty ideals and descendant of europeans.

If it is possible to find a girl with european genetics with the other characteristics that men look for its always the top choice for a european. But these characteristics are incredibly hard to find nowadays so going for another race is a trade off its not the first pick. I do not know how it is in other ethnicities but i imagine most would also prefer to have their mate be from their own peoples.
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Speak for yourself!
Even most men who have a racial preference are realistically going to be at least somewhat flexible about it when push comes to shove.

Its easy to be a keyboard warrior but realistically how many men would refuse to date a 9 because she is a different race? Not saying men like that don't exist but its extremely rare and its intellectually dishonest to pretend otherwise.

Most men's evolutionary biological instincts a.k.a. the lizard brain is going to want the attractive young woman regardless of race.

I mean even in ancient times Vikings, Ottomans, Romans etc. Many of the rich and powerful had female slaves/concubines from many different countries and races some of whom they had children with. Not to mention the many conquering armies throughout history that raped and impregnated the local women.

I mean whole countries (most countries in Latin America) have a huge percentage of mixed race people because the conquering and settler European men decided to have sex with local women. Race mixing is not a new thing although yes its more common now.

I am not saying people cannot have personal preferences but lets be intellectually honest about things rather than being keyboard warriors.
A fairer example would be if you had several women with near idental attractives and personality etc vast majority would pick the closest one to their own there is no contest. if the choice is between the african, asian or brazilian adriana lima then most europeans are going to pick the brazilian one because she is closest to their own genetics, beauty ideals and descendant of europeans.

If it is possible to find a girl with european genetics with the other characteristics that men look for its always the top choice for a european. But these characteristics are incredibly hard to find nowadays so going for another race is a trade off its not the first pick. I do not know how it is in other ethnicities but i imagine most would also prefer to have their mate be from their own peoples.
Exactly my point. Guys might have some racial preferences but rarely is it the first or even second priority. It usually ranks far down the list of attributes after factors such as youth, beauty, chasteness, etc.
The Japanese are much more pure than the Chinese, and your quip with the Icelandic is unfounded, I'm sure you're referring to that "Denisovan" nonsense that shows the african-looking pre-human. More jewish anthropoidal hodgepodge garbage to confuse the goyim. Icelanders are virtually 100% Norse and Celtic peoples, aka European.
You misread or misunderstood what I said. I used the Japanese and Icelanders as examples because they are racially pure. However most countries in the world are not like this. Even most countries in Europe are not like this.

My point is that most countries even in Europe are not pure like Iceland. Most European countries people are race mixed even before the recent migration of the last 50 years.

Just look at Italians the Italians in antiquity had people from all corners of the Roman empire living in Rome and to some extent race mixing. The Spaniards are mixed too and they had Arabs and Jews, etc living in Spain for hundreds of years. Before the Romans there were some Carthaginian colonies in Spain. DNA testing on Spaniards shows that they are race mixed.

I have met Spanish people with all different types of looks. From tan mestizo looking Spaniards (whose parents and grandparents are Spanish) to white Spaniards with dark features to the ones that are Blonde and look Germanic.

By the way don't get me wrong. I am not saying we should flood Europe with Africans. In general for the most part I lean towards being mostly anti-immigration. I just feel that people shouldn't be autistic about race. There is some level of nuance to be had in the race discussion.
Let me try and put things another way.

Stadtaffe if you were only given three options and had to pick one fo ther following three options which one would you choose:

A) Marry a 40 fat single mum (she has 2 kids) from your own race. She is also an atheist.

B) Marry a very beautiful mixed race (she has slightly tanned skin) Colombian woman. Most guys would rate her as a 9 in terms of looks. She got approached to do modelling but turned it down. She is virgin and 18 years old and the same religion as you and she is very pious and comes from a good family.

C) Remain celibate for the rest of your life.
Well, no. If the vast majority of men have never care about race then everyone would already be the end product that the jews want: a melanated coffee-colored slave caste with an average IQ of 75-80, a compliant race of anthropoids who are smart enough to perform manual labor but just dumb enough not to revolt.

If the vast majority of men never cared about race then there wouldn't be over 90% of the Whites in America who still have 100% European DNA, and a similar number in Europe of the same.

Nobody was really mixing like this before the 20th century. You're thinking too modern. Adriana Lima would have been relegated to an illiterate half-breed a century ago before the rise of pedophilic jewish modeling agencies that took genetic anomalies and raised them up. Most White men then would see her knappy hair and not taken the plunge, except in Brazil it was mixed to the extreme because of all the perverted Conversos who sailed with the jewish founder of Brazil Pedro Alvares Cabral.

Everywhere you look at racial mixing, you find a jew.

No. The only women of non-European descent who are Orthodox are Ethiopian, or some Syrians. They are not genetically compatible with European genetics, even if some Syrian women have external beauty. I recognize that I will not plague a child with that confusion for selfish desires of the flesh.

Orthodoxy is actually more Pro-White by default than Catholicism, since the churches are more jurisdictional and nationalized over the many centuries. It is very rare to see Serbians marry outside their ethnicity, but if they do it's always to another Slavic European or to a Greek, very rarely to non-Orthodox Europeans, and never to a non-white. The ones who do, from any European ethnicity, are whores.

And since I am Catholic, I see this mixing aspect much more in the many Vatican-II affected congregations. Particularly among brainwashed Whites and Filipinos or Mexicans or other South Americans. Still, Catholicism is predominantly European. If all of the sudden there were no more Catholic White women, I would find a non-Catholic White woman and convert her, or I would die as the last of my lineage. To be, or not to be.

I know my ancestry is 100% European. I advise all others I know who are the same to seek the same. The Aryan races are 7% of the world population and shrinking as the jews and their servants endlessly engorge the third world.

The Japanese are much more pure than the Chinese, and your quip with the Icelandic is unfounded, I'm sure you're referring to that "Denisovan" nonsense that shows the african-looking pre-human. More jewish anthropoidal hodgepodge garbage to confuse the goyim. Icelanders are virtually 100% Norse and Celtic peoples, aka European.

If you are mixed-race, for the sake of the child, don't further dilute it, pick a mate who has the most genetic similarities to you and build stronger that way. There are serious medical concerns for hybridization offspring that the mainstream medical gulag suppresses on purpose. Yes I can share all of this information if you or anyone wants to view it.

Ultimately it comes down to this for those of you who do not understand the mixing angle. The jews want everyone to mix, as it distorts and destroys cultural histories, identities, traditions, and monolithic tribes who are able to resist the talmudic behaviors. The more these walls are torn down, the more the jews themselves gain a foothold and a mastery over the bastard class. They cannot control a racially pure people.
There has been some race mixing in Orthodox Russia due to converts from Tatar, Caucasian, Buryat or other ethnic backgrounds. But you are right that in general it has been uncommon.

However, sometimes I'm not sure who qualifies as White or not. If Whites have to be Indo-European, then Finns and Hungarians are not white, but Armenians are. If Whites have to be from the European continent, then Chechens and Dagestanis are white, but Georgians (arguably) and Armenians are not. So where do you draw the line?

Furthermore, Australia is right that even in European ethnic groups today, there has been a lot of mixing. Thousands of years ago Europe was flooded by Neolithic farmers from the Middle East who mixed with the native hunter gatherer populations. In fact, the Indo-Europeans came in after the proto-Europeans. Those closest to the proto-europeans would be the Nordic and Balkan populations today.
Let me try and put things another way.

Stadtaffe if you were only given three options and had to pick one fo ther following three options which one would you choose:

A) Marry a 40 fat single mum (she has 2 kids) from your own race. She is also an atheist.

B) Marry a very beautiful mixed race (she has slightly tanned skin) Colombian woman. Most guys would rate her as a 9 in terms of looks. She got approached to do modelling but turned it down. She is virgin and 18 years old and the same religion as you and she is very pious and comes from a good family.

C) Remain celibate for the rest of your life.
Man, I'm sorry I got you started. I just read the posts in this thread before you chimed in and can say that it was a constructive discussion which you have now dragged down to this miserable level.

I wrote an answer for you but won't post it as it would derail this thread further.

Good luck with your search, stop being obsessed with virgins and I hope you get out of Australia as soon as possible.
Man, I'm sorry I got you started. I just read the posts in this thread before you chimed in and can say that it was a constructive discussion which you have now dragged down to this miserable level.

I wrote an answer for you but won't post it as it would derail this thread further.

Good luck with your search, stop being obsessed with virgins and I hope you get out of Australia as soon as possible.
If I am obsessed with virginity then you are obsessed with race.
There has been some race mixing in Orthodox Russia due to converts from Tatar, Caucasian, Buryat or other ethnic backgrounds. But you are right that in general it has been uncommon.

However, sometimes I'm not sure who qualifies as White or not. If Whites have to be Indo-European, then Finns and Hungarians are not white, but Armenians are. If Whites have to be from the European continent, then Chechens and Dagestanis are white, but Georgians (arguably) and Armenians are not. So where do you draw the line?

Furthermore, Australia is right that even in European ethnic groups today, there has been a lot of mixing. Thousands of years ago Europe was flooded by Neolithic farmers from the Middle East who mixed with the native hunter gatherer populations. In fact, the Indo-Europeans came in after the proto-Europeans. Those closest to the proto-europeans would be the Nordic and Balkan populations today.
Thanks for injecting some realism. I don't know why certain people on this forum are so autistic about the race issue. They make race the be end all of everything in the world. Its classic man with a hammer syndrome.
. Maybe they aren't close, but a country where the male population is not interested in going to church isn't going to see great results from that in the long term. The trajectory of the West undoubtedly began with small things like men just checking out of being involved in church.
Women have so much power over men's actions. If a beautiful and charming 18 year old Russian virgin had guys showing interest in her and she told those guys that if they want to date her they have to attend church with her you better believe there would be a lot of those guys who would agree to go to church. I am an agnostic but if I met a beautiful 18 year old Slavic virgin and she agreed to date me on the condition that I attend church with her you better believe I would start attending church every week 🤣
I sincerely believe that the main thing driving the decline is abortion. Sure we can point to historical causes, philosophy, ideologies and so forth, but on a spiritual level it seems quite simple to me. We are continually being punished for allowing babies to be murdered on an industrial scale. We feed the forces of evil every time we permit it and we give them more control over society and God allows this because no one is stopping it.

If we banned abortion. This one single thing would have a dramatic effect on the health of our society
Sorry to bump an old reply, but I just want to add there's never been killing of this magnitude in the history of the world. Day after day, year after year, decade after decade, babies slaughtered by the millions. The evil is unfathomable, and celebrated around the globe as a sacred right. I pray the end nigh.

"According to WHO, every year in the world there are around 73 million induced abortions. This corresponds to approximately 200,000 abortions per day."
Sorry to bump an old reply, but I just want to add there's never been killing of this magnitude in the history of the world. Day after day, year after year, decade after decade, babies slaughtered by the millions. The evil is unfathomable, and celebrated around the globe as a sacred right. I pray the end nigh.

"According to WHO, every year in the world there are around 73 million induced abortions. This corresponds to approximately 200,000 abortions per day."
This doesn't even count IVF, where absurd amounts of embryos are fertilized and then discarded, and only one gets even a chance to grow into a baby. Ensoulment occurs at conception and every zygote is a human being. So if you're an IVF baby, that means you have potentially dozens if not hundreds of dead brothers and sisters. Harrowing stuff. No one even talks about this, and there are a lot of people who are against abortion but somehow not against IVF.
This doesn't even count IVF, where absurd amounts of embryos are fertilized and then discarded

To be fair, it's highly unlikely any of these embryos would have matured even if they were impregnated the old fashioned way. By the time women are doing IVF, their remaining eggs are mostly spoiled and the mass egg approach is simply to try and get one of them to gestate.
If possible,
Great post, this is the one topic that can maintain some traffic on the forum, since it seems we've lost traffic due to becoming too religious in the sense that this place should not be a substitute for church or community, nor is it some place to seek spiritual guidance in the sense that we are not each other's spiritual fathers. That is a pertinent reminder, in my view.


Yes, and the feminine is chaos so we have a situation in which the only "benefit" for men is promiscuity of women - but in a harem sense, which makes it even worse, again, for nearly all men.

You know I've explained this via the population boom theory, which I think has been proven at this point. You could have only done this and had tech, efficiency, and the degree of spoiling with western/european innovation and hypergamy.

This is what I've brought up to the priests, the Fr. Josiah posts, the older guys. I get it, they are older, married in different times to different women, are used to what they are used to, etc. It does surprise me how a red pill Orthodox man can't discern some degree of context, however. At least to mention in passing how bad certain things are in modernity that quite clearly cannot be fixed.

That's why, and I've asked it before, is the "solution" in part to leave for a different country, like most of our ancestors?
That's why, and I've asked it before, is the "solution" in part to leave for a different country, like most of our ancestors?
Have you thought of visiting other parts of the world? I see you are Orthodox. Maybe Russia? Georgia?