The Future for Unvaccinated Men, Women and Children and Taking Control of It

It's virtually impossible to have a universal poison that kills all without it being completely obvious.
But it's not just poisoned death, these mRNA vaccines can potentially alter yours and your offspring's DNA. I'd even go far enough to say that, depending on which batch, some of the vaxxed aren't humans anymore, rather mutated humanoids. I feel bad for unvaxxed Gen Z and Alpha inheriting their globalhomo parents' mess.

Congrats to them even though we don't know the long term effects and I wonder how strong their faith truly is, why did they shoot themselves up?

I know a woman (mother of two small kids) who didn't take the poison because she's Serbian Orthodox, now she's in a miserable depression because she's been completely ostracized by everyone around her, yes the societal poke thing is still very very real here. She's now thinking of giving her (completely) unvaxxed kids the poke so they don't have to go through the same abuse.

I've told her that if she does that she will undo all the suffering that she's been through. Her husband already fell for the poke unfortunately as he wasn't ready to lose his business and he's massively regretting taking it (heart related).

We should still stand firmly against this monstrosity which is gene therapy and shouldn't go by the exceptions who didn't get maimed or murdered yet, just my 2 cents.
The mother should take her children back to Serbia. If her husband makes good money in Australia, they should have decent forex purchasing power in Serbia for the kids to enjoy as an atonement for his vaccination (Nomad Capitalist constantly shills Eastern Europe for this).

If you've already done through with all of that and had principle, wouldn't that tell you you are in a sick country and should leave? Are people that stuck to what they consider to be a better (material) life? It's sorta sad.
He needs to show both parents Nomad Capitalist videos.
Just out of curiosity, what is your own current parish like?
Good, but I still have some suspicions on how some of the churches I know very well, like closer to where I grew up, will handle this sort of thing if it ever resurfaces. I think the handling of the troublemaker people that still stick around is dangerous since it's such an important issue that all of us were totally vindicated on, and we never received an apology or request for any sort of forgiveness. I'm not even asking for any such thing that would embarrass anyone, and perhaps it is hard to do, but I think the people who were wrong owe it to others to at least as a group and undefined face say they are sorry for what happened. Especially among the Orthodox.
The mother should take her children back to Serbia. If her husband makes good money in Australia, they should have decent forex purchasing power in Serbia for the kids to enjoy as an atonement for his vaccination (Nomad Capitalist constantly shills Eastern Europe for this).
I don't understand why so many ethnically connected people who can go back to their homelands, with $ to boot, don't.
I don't understand why so many ethnically connected people who can go back to their homelands, with $ to boot, don't.
I think it's a combination of the Anglosphere cultural propaganda that everything outside the Anglo countries are shitholes, the kids born in the west view their homeland (and culture) as primitive, and some folks lack the financial understanding of forex value (currencies are always changing value).
My boy chipped his front tooth and got an infection. He's 4 and hasn't seen a doctor since his birth.

I took him to a 24 hour emergency dentist. 3 hours waiting and the dentist looks at it and says he needs to go to children's dentist, but the tooth has to go. I put him on amoxicillan for the infection against my preference.

After finishing the antibiotic, I got him in to a children's dentistry. Dentist looks at it and says it's got to come out. Dentist asks who his pediatrician is, doesn't have one I say. Dentist asks is he up to date on immunizations, no he's had zero shots.

The whole office stops what they're doing to observe this child's abusive father. Dentist says he has to be seen by a pediatrician before they'll pull his tooth. I've paid $300 so far for two different dentists to look at his tooth and tell me what I already know.

I told them I'm not in the mood for a pediatrician to try and brow beat me into shooting up my son. They say they will not do anything until he's seen.

Now I have to decide how to proceed, as it's possible I could just take him to the ER and they'll do it.

The medical industry is a joke and for what I've been through the past couple of weeks, I'm more convinced than ever that I'm protecting my children from evil.
My boy chipped his front tooth and got an infection. He's 4 and hasn't seen a doctor since his birth.

I took him to a 24 hour emergency dentist. 3 hours waiting and the dentist looks at it and says he needs to go to children's dentist, but the tooth has to go. I put him on amoxicillan for the infection against my preference.

After finishing the antibiotic, I got him in to a children's dentistry. Dentist looks at it and says it's got to come out. Dentist asks who his pediatrician is, doesn't have one I say. Dentist asks is he up to date on immunizations, no he's had zero shots.

The whole office stops what they're doing to observe this child's abusive father. Dentist says he has to be seen by a pediatrician before they'll pull his tooth. I've paid $300 so far for two different dentists to look at his tooth and tell me what I already know.

I told them I'm not in the mood for a pediatrician to try and brow beat me into shooting up my son. They say they will not do anything until he's seen.

Now I have to decide how to proceed, as it's possible I could just take him to the ER and they'll do it.

The medical industry is a joke and for what I've been through the past couple of weeks, I'm more convinced than ever that I'm protecting my children from evil.

Whatever it takes, don't let them shoot up your son.
My boy chipped his front tooth and got an infection. He's 4 and hasn't seen a doctor since his birth.

I took him to a 24 hour emergency dentist. 3 hours waiting and the dentist looks at it and says he needs to go to children's dentist, but the tooth has to go. I put him on amoxicillan for the infection against my preference.

After finishing the antibiotic, I got him in to a children's dentistry. Dentist looks at it and says it's got to come out. Dentist asks who his pediatrician is, doesn't have one I say. Dentist asks is he up to date on immunizations, no he's had zero shots.

The whole office stops what they're doing to observe this child's abusive father. Dentist says he has to be seen by a pediatrician before they'll pull his tooth. I've paid $300 so far for two different dentists to look at his tooth and tell me what I already know.

I told them I'm not in the mood for a pediatrician to try and brow beat me into shooting up my son. They say they will not do anything until he's seen.

Now I have to decide how to proceed, as it's possible I could just take him to the ER and they'll do it.

The medical industry is a joke and for what I've been through the past couple of weeks, I'm more convinced than ever that I'm protecting my children from evil.
I understand your position but you should try to find a doctor of some kind for your child. There will be times in the future where they might legitimately need one and it's better to find one that aligns with your beliefs before you're in a real pickle and are assigned one.

We had a whole thread about this in the RVF Ladies Forum but I can't remember all of it... One option, I recall, is that a Chiropractor can fulfill the same position as pediatrician for your child and they tend to have a more holistic, alternative, view of medicine anyway that you might prefer. Depending on your insurance (if you're in the US), you should be able to have a chiropractor as your Primary Care Physician for your child.

Urgent Care is another way to try which, from my experience, is where most kid's doctor interactions happen anyway lol. We've found an urgent care we really like and that's where we go first for most of our kids issues. We all see the same doctor and they're more interested in just fixing the issue we came in with than pushing prescriptions/shots etc.

Also, there *are* pediatricians and family doctors who respect a parent's right to choose for vaccines, though they're few and far between. I think it would be worth while calling around to see if you can find one nearby or even an hour or two away.
I understand your position but you should try to find a doctor of some kind for your child. There will be times in the future where they might legitimately need one and it's better to find one that aligns with your beliefs before you're in a real pickle and are assigned one.

We had a whole thread about this in the RVF Ladies Forum but I can't remember all of it... One option, I recall, is that a Chiropractor can fulfill the same position as pediatrician for your child and they tend to have a more holistic, alternative, view of medicine anyway that you might prefer. Depending on your insurance (if you're in the US), you should be able to have a chiropractor as your Primary Care Physician for your child.

Urgent Care is another way to try which, from my experience, is where most kid's doctor interactions happen anyway lol. We've found an urgent care we really like and that's where we go first for most of our kids issues. We all see the same doctor and they're more interested in just fixing the issue we came in with than pushing prescriptions/shots etc.

Also, there *are* pediatricians and family doctors who respect a parent's right to choose for vaccines, though they're few and far between. I think it would be worth while calling around to see if you can find one nearby or even an hour or two away.
Yes ma'am, we're working on it. My family hasn't been in the US for a very long time. My kids were born overseas, but I've researched some safe alternatives to mainstream doctors and practices.

My priest is assisting us as well in making sure they're protected.

I appreciate the advice, just needed to vent.

God bless
My boy chipped his front tooth and got an infection. He's 4 and hasn't seen a doctor since his birth.

I took him to a 24 hour emergency dentist. 3 hours waiting and the dentist looks at it and says he needs to go to children's dentist, but the tooth has to go. I put him on amoxicillan for the infection against my preference.

After finishing the antibiotic, I got him in to a children's dentistry. Dentist looks at it and says it's got to come out. Dentist asks who his pediatrician is, doesn't have one I say. Dentist asks is he up to date on immunizations, no he's had zero shots.

The whole office stops what they're doing to observe this child's abusive father. Dentist says he has to be seen by a pediatrician before they'll pull his tooth. I've paid $300 so far for two different dentists to look at his tooth and tell me what I already know.

I told them I'm not in the mood for a pediatrician to try and brow beat me into shooting up my son. They say they will not do anything until he's seen.

Now I have to decide how to proceed, as it's possible I could just take him to the ER and they'll do it.

The medical industry is a joke and for what I've been through the past couple of weeks, I'm more convinced than ever that I'm protecting my children from evil.
Try your local health department. Many of them have dental departments. We used this once on our oldest, semi-same situation and it worked out.

Otherwise, as Starlight said, it is wise to have a paper trail of basic medical care/CYA home base. In my state, a chiropractor can suffice. Most alternative pediatricians (MD/DO) do not accept insurance, so it’s self pay only, usually $350 for initial visit and then $150-200 for each subsequent. On the bright side, in my area, even regular pediatricians are starting to become open-minded and explicitly advertise themselves as open to no vax families. Local mom FB groups, pediatric chiropractors, or Dr Green Mom’s list of providers is a good place to start. At his age, once a year is enough. I look at it as insurance against a medical kidnapping by CP$, you never know if an unfortunate situation could snowball into something greater, it’s happened to many innocent families. In ordinary situations, like the one you’re in, you have to list a primary provider.

I always check the “up to date” box if they ask, because technically it’s true (up to date with zero due :)

Lastly, check with your state requirements. Mine allows religious exemption and you’re supposed to actually file for that and have copies per child. You can also request for their information to be removed from the shot database… which is how they would prove they’re not up to date. Just things to consider, based on your location.

Hope your little one feels better, we’ve had good results swishing a drop of grape fruit seed extract by Nutribiotic diluted in water several times a day. Also, a holistic dentist gave my husband Oregacillin pills once, and they worked!

List of vacc1ne choice providers


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Oh, and one more thing re: the ER… we have some well to-do friends, very good parents. Their 4 year old was jumping on their bed while mom was putting laundry away and hanging clothes. In a freak accident, he landed on the bed and the metal hook of a hanger gave him a puncture wound above his eye! They were worried, rightfully so, took him to ER… and got 2 follow up CP$ visits. Turns out, our area (state?) has a policy that any facial trauma (loose definition) case for 5 and under automatically triggers CP$ follow-up. Automatically!! I get it, they want to protect kids, but if you have alternative views and end up with the wrong worker… it’s just kind of a traumatic experience. If they find out you cosleep with a younger sibling, or don’t v@x, or don’t have a primary care provider… can open a can of worms. They were fine, but definitely shaken by that.

Anyway, our policy is ER is only for true emergencies and most things can be handled at home or through primary provider. This sentiment is echoed in a great little book called “How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor”, written by a pediatrician in the 80s. He was ahead of his time.
Thought experiment:

Would you rather your child marry an unvaccinated atheist or a vaccinated Christian?
Thought experiment:

Would you rather your child marry an unvaccinated atheist or a vaccinated Christian?
The Christian because it would be easier to inform them why vaccines are bad and not to take anymore or vaccinate grandchildren while the atheist is difficult to convert to becoming a Christian.
Thought experiment:

Would you rather your child marry an unvaccinated atheist or a vaccinated Christian?
Well generally speaking, unvaccinated atheists are more the Anarchist/Libertarian-types who are skeptical of whatever, at least all of the unvaxxed atheists I know of. Some of them can be understanding of why they should be against globalhomo things (e.g. abortion, LGBT) without Christianity like Gonzalo Lira, James Corbett, Black Pigeon Speaks, or Mental Outlaw as examples. And like I said previously, you would destroy your lineage's genome anyways, so my answer is obvious.

The Christian because it would be easier to inform them why vaccines are bad and not to take anymore or vaccinate grandchildren while the atheist is difficult to convert to becoming a Christian.
You're falling for the fallacy that practicing Christianity automatically mean they're "Based" folks that will understand your point view of the vax situation regardless. There are plenty Christians of all denominations that still get vaxxed becaused they see it as their "Christian duty" tO sToP tHe SpReaD.
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Well generally speaking, unvaccinated atheists are more the Anarchist/Libertarian-types who are skeptical of whatever, at least all of the unvaxxed atheists I know of. Some of them can be understanding of why they should be against globalhomo things (e.g. abortion, LGBT) without Christianity like Gonzalo Lira, James Corbett, Black Pigeon Speaks, or Mental Outlaw as examples. And like I said previously, you would destroy your lineage's genome anyways, so my answer is obvious.

You're falling for the fallacy that practicing Christianity automatically mean they're "Based" folks that will understand your point view of the vax situation regardless. There are plenty Christians of all denominations that still get vaxxed becaused they see it as their "Christian duty" tO sToP tHe SpReaD.

Is your lineage's genome more important than your eternal soul?
Is your lineage's genome more important than your eternal soul?
I will teach my children to prefer a Christian spouse over an atheist one. But again, is the mRNA vaccinated even considered Human rather than a humanoid with such severe mutations at this point?

So your soul will be damned for marrying a non-Christian? I thought the bible says the opposite that if somebody believes than their spouse will be saved or something to that effect.
No. Both have to believe.
So your soul will be damned for marrying a non-Christian? I thought the bible says the opposite that if somebody believes than their spouse will be saved or something to that effect.

We are all judged individually, however, it is encouraged to marry a Christian to keep the peace at home and make worship that much easier. Having to fight your wife every Sunday when you go to Church and she refuses to help get the children ready, for example, is just one way in which a non-Christian woman would be a nightmare.
We are all judged individually, however, it is encouraged to marry a Christian to keep the peace at home and make worship that much easier. Having to fight your wife every Sunday when you go to Church and she refuses to help get the children ready, for example, is just one way in which a non-Christian woman would be a nightmare.
The Bible warns us to not be unevenly yoked (joined together), for a reason.
We are all judged individually, however, it is encouraged to marry a Christian to keep the peace at home and make worship that much easier. Having to fight your wife every Sunday when you go to Church and she refuses to help get the children ready, for example, is just one way in which a non-Christian woman would be a nightmare.

1 Corinthians 7:14​

"For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy."

that is from the King James Version of the bible.

1 Corinthians 7:14​

"For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy."

that is from the King James Version of the bible.

This clearly says an unbelieving spouse can be sanctified by the believing spouse, thus preserving the children even if the unbelieving spouse is ultimately not saved.