Latest Canadian Lunacy

Almost all off the shelf drones are made in China or with Chinese components.

I think this is going to be the pretext for banning Chinese cars in N. America as well, their cameras and GPS.
When I was posted to my first RCN ship, there was another operator in my department from in the Democratic People's Republic of...
Not only was this guy enrolled and granted a LVL II (SECRET) security clearance by CSIS, but the RCN actually approved this guy to return there on leave more than once...

This article was published while I was still in, stationed in the U.S.:

'Too white and too male, the Canadian Armed Forces is understaffed and struggling to find recruits, senior officers said Wednesday.'

Gee, thanks for spitting in my face, General to spit on my grandfather's grave while you're at it?

'About 71 per cent of its workforce is now made up of white men, a demographic that makes up just 39 per cent of the civilian workforce, said Maj.-Gen. Lise Bourgon, the CAF’s acting head of military personnel.
“The bottom line is that diversity enhances readiness and in turn our operational effectiveness,” she said.'

Sure, let's airlift the 1st Coloured Immigrant Estrogen Brigade to Ukraine and throw them into battle against the Russians and let me know how it goes.

And the RCMP did away with the Canadian citizenship requirement many, many years ago...
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Sadly, this all goes back to a Supreme Court of Canada ruling from the late 80's stating that the CAF couldn't discriminate in recruiting/employment
on the bases of sex, sexual orientation, etc.
So now we have to put up with female pilots, females at sea, in Army combat arms MOSes, and trannies and homosexuals...lucky us.
That's pretty messed up. I'm a British Columbian, born and bred. Whenever I hear about the Pajeet/Punjabi/South-Asian problem in Canada, I always hear about Brampton, Ontario. Here in BC it's always Surrey, and the Fraser Valley, ie. Langley and Abbotsford, which I just moved away from on New Year's Eve. Never been to Brampton, never want to, but I've always been curious about Canada's brown s**t-skin problem outside of BC. As I've said before on this forum, based on my 40+ years of life experience, morally and spiritually, they're like smelly, s**t-coloured Jews. And they're the largest growing single minority group in Canada, according to census data...

May they all repent and confess from their heart of hearts that Jesus Christ is Lord, or may He curse and slay them all without mercy, every man, woman and child...born and unborn.

I grew up with the following race-realist joke:

What do you call an Indian with a turban? - Pull-start
What do you call an Indian with a dot? - Push-start

What do you call an Indian with neither?

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