Yeah, but who's on our side is the matter in question. The biggest issue of the right isn't the left, but the detractors on the right, as the Trump phenomenon has been consistently proving for 10 years now.
Leftists basically want nothing but to tear down civilization, so they have an easier time making alliances. They're not really trying to create anything productive. Right-wing Christians, on the other hand, want to build trustworthy networks, and the Tates are not good nodes.
The Tates antagonized Nick and everyone on his side when they thought there was something to be gained, then when the tides turned after Gaza, they changed course. Nobody keeps you from liking or sharing their posts if there's good content and I don't expect anyone to continuously antagonize them on moral grounds, but just be aware that these niggas are nothing but trouble, and they lie with a facility that would make any rabbi jealous.
Them going to prison will be justice served, and it would be an affront to the Romanian people if they walked free after what they've admitted to.
If nothing else, the right wing perspective should be that Black people can't simply come into your country, pimp out your teenagers and make a nice and cozy home while evading taxes. It's not purity-spiraling to make that point. They are not on trial "for managing tiktok accounts 7 years ago" as they like to claim. They've been seducing and imprisoning Romanian and Slavic teenagers for pornography, consistently for at least 7 years, until they were forced to stop in 2021.
Tate is also a homosexual MI-5 plant. Look at his walk. He's on camera talking about preferring having "sex" with a tranny over an ugly woman. It is the degeneration of both his genes, mind, and soul that enable him to have ruined all those lives. He's either just smart enough to know that dummies will simply accept what he says, or stupid enough to believe what he's blathering about.
Tucker Carlson promoted him at one point which just goes to show "Andrew Tate" is jewish state approved media. CIA/jew plants can be right about certain things which doesn't make them non-subversives. He acknowledges western women are out of control but he also contributed heavily to that corruption so his words are empty.
He deserves worse than jail time. In any Orthodox Kingdom he would have been killed and forgotten about already. Going into more details, both brothers would have been executed under the laws that kept your country and the other Orthodox Nations pure for so long.
The Byzantine legal system based on Justinian’s Code and later modifications like the Ecloga (726) and the Basilika (9th century) had strict laws against procuring and trafficking women for sexual exploitation (considered enslavement). corrupting minors (severe punishment, often mutilation or death), and fraud and tax evasion particularly if committed by foreigners.
When this EU slavery finally dies, the restoration of these systems is paramount for Europe's survival. The Tates would have been subject to execution, mutilation (blinding or amputation), or exile under Byzantine law.
Looking further into the laws your country held for centuries, particularly between the 14th and 19th, as well as other Orthodox Kingdoms, we see the same thing. With Dusan’s Code (1349, 1354, Serbia) enslaving or trafficking people, especially Christians was a capital offense, and sexual exploitation and corruption of youth were also punishable by death.
In Wallachian & Moldavian Law Codes (Pravila lui Vasile Lupu, 1646) human trafficking and forced prostitution were akin to slavery and were capital offenses. Foreigners found guilty of crimes against the local population could be executed or permanently expelled.
So at any point before the mid-20th century the Tates' actions would have certainly been punished by execution. In truth he is simply a deranged degenerate, the result of his mixed heritage and being a literal psyop himself. His followers are weak minded fools. So many "influencers" speak partial truths but their ethnicity gives them away.
Trust only Pro-White Ethnic European men if you're White. White women want White men and the ones who don't are simply whores. As we strengthen the European races there will be fewer of these lost women and more righteous ones.