Jewish Responses To (Criticism of) The Israel-Hamas War

This tweet from secular liberal Jew has been widely disseminated.

You are not going to like this tweet so turn away if you are likely to be triggered: I am a very optimistic person; I am a fighter for Western values and liberties; I am a dogged defender of science, reason, and common sense. I must say though that I am unsure that the West can recover from its multifront civilizational suicide. Yes, I've talked about these issues for decades and wrote a book about it but the past few weeks have crystallized the extent to which the problem has become intractable. It will be a long and ultimately bloody demise and the West will be the first society in recorded history to fully self-implode due to its parasitic ideological rapture. It is a gargantuan Greek tragedy that will shape the future of humanity. This is not hyperbole. Your grandchildren will pay a very high price for your "progressive" arrogance rooted in the pursuit of Unicornia that only exists in the recesses of deeply flawed parasitized minds.

He has been raging against the mass importation of "cultural enrichers", which he says will destroy the now post-liberal West.

To be clear, I genuinely don't think Saad is on the typical leftist or ziocon Jew axsis. He has spoke quite a bit on the ridiculous self-depriciating nature whites have fallen into. E.g. . Yet it's from the position of a calm observer. Now the Jews are under threat what is really important to him has exploded to the forefront - Jewish identity.
I've never seen so many women clamoring for violence, revenge, and war without offering up their own bodies, children, nieces, nephews, and grandchildren for front line cannon fodder.

Over the last several weeks all of these attractive, high status, wealthy women on FOX News are constantly stating that jews are 2% of the US population yet are targets of 50% of all hate crimes (and that so-called acts of antisemitism are up 500% since October 7th). However, they never once question why that might be? They never ask, "Why do so many people dislike jews?" And of course, not one jew anywhere in the world will ever admit that their people have done anything wrong to deserve this so-called hatred. It's just victim, victim, victim.

I've never seen so few people suck so much oxygen out of a room so quickly. Jews are two-tenths of ONE percent of the world's population yet they are seemingly everywhere right now. All I'm currently hearing across ALL media are the words "jew, jew, jew, Israel, Israel, Israel, antisemitic, antisemitic, antisemitic." It's as if the words Christian, Jesus, and America don't even exist anymore.
Image saying this about anything but the jews, you'd be in jail.

Loony Lara is described by wikipedia as "an American far-right and anti-Muslim political activist, white nationalist, conspiracy theorist and internet personality." She must be desperate for the ADL and American Jewry to stop calling her names and to accept her as reasonable.

It is fine for her to call for a nuclear holocaust from the comfort of her McMansion in the Western Hemisphere. It reminds me of American calls to nuke Moscow during the Cold War, which gave little or no thought that western Europe would get all of the fall out. Western Europe will get the migration invasion fall out from Palestine at the very least. If Lara can be accepted by people who hate her and would prefer higher Muslim immigration to the US, it looks like this would be an acceptable cost for her.
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All other rights rest on the right to be a victim.

This video doesn't help the argument against Israel. Frankly it makes them look.more sympathetic.

A faggot queer gender cumquat is removing anti Jew victim signs.

It's like having a shotgun to your head and having to choose between watching your wife get raped to death or your kids get strangled to death. You lose either way.

A better example is to say.... We only care about Israel due to energy security.

If we drilled in the US appropriately... We could choose to not give a fuck either way.