French Politics Thread


On and off I have thought of starting this thread but now something bad has happened and it's time :
France has become the first and only country in the world so far to have abortion as a constitutional right. Just in time for international women's day.

See the people cheering in that video in the article. Cheering for something as anti-life as homosexuality. Even if abortion could stay legal for some nasty situations isn't it just wrong to be cheering about it like that as if it were something fantastic? Reminds me of that refugees welcome cheering that was going on in Germany when the trains arrived in Munich. How retarded are these people.. It is definitely the most clown thing to happen in European politics for a while.

Anyway I did not want to restrict this thread to this unfortunate development.

There was of course as mentioned elsewhere Macron trying to get French troops officially into Ukraine. France is not in the slightest threatened by what is happening in Ukraine and yet he is willing to risk starting a nuclear war. France is or was the world's 3rd biggest nuclear power so if they start one it will be mutually assured destruction.

Something else of more general interest in French politics is how Jordan Bardella replaced Marine Le Pen as leader of the Rassemblement National (formerly Front National) after Le Pen resigned to pursue her last (failed) attempt to become president.
He's quite young for that sort of role, currently 28.

Please post in this thread any thoughts or comments on the above, or other significant French political developments as they occur.
The eldest, wayward daughter of the Catholic Church wants her "right" to abortion. Won't she think of all her unborn children, some of them girls who won't get to enjoy the "right" to abortion themselves?

What a silly, stupid, and — it must be said — increasingly culturally insignificant country. This is what happens when you're built on a rejection of nearly everything your ancestors stood for.
There was of course as mentioned elsewhere Macron trying to get French troops officially into Ukraine. France is not in the slightest threatened by what is happening in Ukraine and yet he is willing to risk starting a nuclear war. France is or was the world's 3rd biggest nuclear power so if they start one it will be mutually assured destruction.
This idea that Macron is a dove was built on false premises - France was involved in the war in ukraine from day one, sending military equipment including modern artillery systems, SCALP cruise missiles, guided bombs and air defense systems. Most of that equipment came with French soldiers attached, so they're alreay there. And it's not really that surprising - Russia was successfully kicking the French out of Africa, so Macron tries to return the favor: not only in ukraine, but also in Armenia (where France will deliver their weapons) and in Kazakhstan. (where France is competing with Russia for the rights to build nuclear power plants).
The eldest, wayward daughter of the Catholic Church wants her "right" to abortion. Won't she think of all her unborn children, some of them girls who won't get to enjoy the "right" to abortion themselves?

What a silly, stupid, and — it must be said — increasingly culturally insignificant country. This is what happens when you're built on a rejection of nearly everything your ancestors stood for.

Basically the Catholics who attend Church are against legalized abortion while the Catholics who don’t attend Church (aka Catholics in name only) support legalized abortion.
Apparently there is a lot of evidence that Macron married a man.
Now, a man with an older woman may not be the norm, but it's not unheard of.

But while it's normal to *grow* old with your old lady, it is quite another thing to *marry* a woman 25 years older than you, when you are already a grown man and she is well past menopause.

I guess in some sense, being "married" to a 71 year old man is not that much different than being married to a 71 year old woman, day to day.
And the absurd Candace Owens attribution as the biggest political scandal in all of history is ridiculous--would it even be that shocking to have a man married to another man leading a country in 2024?

But I gotta say there is something very suspicous here. I used to watch those trannification videos (where they take body measurements and claim most celebrities are trannies) mostly for entertainment, but now I'm beginning to think there was something to them after all...


I mean look at the teeth. The back 3 molars are in the exact same place in the mouth. Chins identical. Nose identical. Eyes ditto. Smile.

But this might be the biggest evidence of all:

French President Emmanuel Macron has officially addressed the rumors surrounding his wife, Brigitte Macron, refuting claims that she was born a man


By the way, Macron's "wife" wanted to replace a burnt spire at Notre Dame with a penis, complete with balls.

The first lady of France proposed to install a new one in the form of a phallus with balls instead of the burnt spire of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Bashlo said that the first lady showed her a spire project with the “likeness of a raised phallus, the base of which was with golden eggs”.
That thing which prompted me to start this thread was recently analysed a bit further on RT :
While Russian President Vladimir Putin is encouraging his population to have more children, Macron’s France is celebrating the ‘enshrinement’ of abortion in the constitution. What does this say about France and the West in general?
As for mass migration France is diversifying from its old colonies :
More and more people are coming from countries or regions such as Pakistan, Eritrea, Chechnya… where France never meddled in local affairs whatsoever.

But in case France can't import migrants fast enough and discourage reproduction with constitutional measures Macron's been busy with something else :
French President Emmanuel Macron has vowed to expand the country’s euthanasia laws to allow more patients to request a medically assisted death.
Vive la France!
it is quite another thing to *marry* a woman 25 years older than you, when you are already a grown man and she is well past menopause
There is something very fishy about Macron. That gigantic reverse age gap is a total rarity.

America and many other countries have the so called two party system.
I'm not an expert but understand that only Democrats and Republicans have an actual chance of providing a president or forming a governing majority. What is the situation in France? If someone really understands the way it has historically worked would be good if they could post it in the thread.

Macron founded his new party En Marche! in 2016 and became president in 2017. This is the opposite of a 2 party system!

I don't think Germany quite has a 2 party system like the US, but new parties take a while to get anywhere. How does it come to pass that a brand new party in France yields a president within one year of its founding?

People may say it's because the French hate and fear the Le Pen dynasty, but still, given all these observations there is something quite fishy about it.

Where is the French pushback against these self-destructive policies.
Not gonna lie, I kinda sorta welcome this if he's really trying to set himself up as the anti-Putin. I just wish Sunak could get in on the action too. If there's any common theme among Brits and the French on normie sites I frequent it's that they're intellectually and morally superior to us "Seppos" in every way and also that Ukraine is the existential crisis of the century. If both are true, it seems clear to me that the UK and France should take over from us hapless Americans as the main supporters of Ukraine. As they never fail to point out, we've got other problems. Besides, I'm told that Ukrainian victory is right around the corner anyway, just a few billion more USD (or better, pounds and euros) and a few billion more artillery shells needed.
This is not recent news, it is from early 2021 but should be in the thread. Following a protest at the France Italy border in the alps against illegal migrant crossings, the youth protest movement Génération Identitaire was banned and dissolved :
These movements are still alive in Austria for example but the screws are getting tightened, a recent podcast reports enormous fines of some sub-groups, Martin Sellner's presentation in Switzerland stopped. There is indeed a lot of resistance from TPDB against movements which attempt to resist the deliberately leaky borders or discuss remigration.
Macron tried to shore up his sagging image at home by publishing shots of him training after Candace Owens revived the questions about his child molestor wife being a tranny.

Unfortunately for him, his handlers went a bit too far in trying to inflate his arms:

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Not recent, but a few alarmingly harsh punishments for not being philosemite in France :
Alain Soral was fined a six figure amount in 2020 for republishing a historical book which said some negative stuff about the Jews :
Hervé Ryssen was jailed for critisising Jews, in particular saying that they are incestuous and inbred :
It's like this group is a protected species, but they're not being hunted just criticised.. Not free speech.