Why Does a Feminist Society Accept/Promote Porn-slop?


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Given that women tend to be treated like whores in porn-slop, eGirls are called thots by many of their coomers, there is a consistent theme of rape in the porn-slop industry, Reddit is full of coomer haunts like "dead eye girls" and "ruined sluts" - why does a society that is riddled with feminism and anti-male sentiment accept and promote porn-slop?

Consultation material:

Though a categorisation error here. This guy is marked as a scholar, but he is actually a teacher.
Not sure that feminism deserves credit as a coherent philosophy when it is more of a satanic psyop more interested in destroying the nuclear family by 'smashing the patriarchy' than in helping women.

Are there not other 'blindspots' of western feminism - women's oppression in Saudi Arabia, female genital mutilation in Africa.

Things feminism 'accepts' by ignoring.

Porn-slop serves the unspoken higher purpose of feminism of destroying the nuclear family, so it is not in the cross-hairs.
Anything that promotes the reduction of the fertility rates within stable marriages seems to be the order of the day so feminism and porn are merely different symptoms of the same liberal financial system, which creates a huge excess of single and highly taxed young men.
Chaos typically works with only larger scale or "top down" concepts such as what 6 indicates. It's weird since it "promotes" women in a way that allows for monetization (for "everyone" in the debased state). Another way of looking at it is that gynocentric societies promote whoredom in various ways, that is, paying off people to do XYZ, which is what leftism (big gov) aims to do - always. We're in a weird situation historically from an ecological balance (behavioral sink) point of view, which also sustains all manner of average and below average people. Fortunately and unfortunately (depending on who and where you are) that imbalance and the relative ease of "survival" is coming to an end. As above, all of this is related to the "peace dividend" and the dream run we've been on for 80 years, which is dependent on the fraudulent or all too real/imaginary and nebulous "liberal" financial system, indeed.
It is not logically consistent for a feminist society to promote pornslop. Even the term 'LGBT' is incoherent, the B and the T are not harmonious. This is why these deathstyles and worldviews are destined to collapse, there is no foundation. The only thing that unites them is that they all are of the antichrist.
More from this guy.

This Dr. Jebra Faushay is a parody account. I feel like that name must be some kind of play on words, like when you say it you realize it sounds like something funny, but I can't figure out what it is. I can see that it might be a play on Dr. Fauci, but I still don't get the Jebra part, and without that I don't see the humor of it. Especially because this channel makes fun of the woke, and Fauci isn't so much woke per se. Covid is related to woke, but it's a different category of leftist insanity in my mind.

That guy calling out the OnlyFans girl is hilarious!
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2nd wave feminists (1970s-2000) were fairly hostile to porn, which they viewed as an exploitative industry run by males that degrades women. The current batch is different, I think it is because now homos and trans are on top of their totem pole, and these people are complete sexual degenerates and heavy porn consoomers. They also are conditioned by porn, having grown up with the product, while people born in the 80s or earlier had limited access to it in their youth.
2nd wave feminists (1970s-2000) were fairly hostile to porn, which they viewed as an exploitative industry run by males that degrades women. The current batch is different, I think it is because now homos and trans are on top of their totem pole, and these people are complete sexual degenerates and heavy porn consoomers. They also are conditioned by porn, having grown up with the product, while people born in the 80s or earlier had limited access to it in their youth.
Having been born in the "80s or earlier" I can confirm that access to porn was limited.

However, extremely rarely, you might find a discarded wank mag (to use the vernacular of the time) along the road, or in the park for example.

The Holy Grail of discarded porn was colloquially known as the "faerie porn bush".

I have encountered two of these in my lifetime.

The first I found walking home from school one day. The road was a busy main, though suburban, road. I found a small tree/large bush with the contents of approximately 5 porn mags in or on the piece of shrubbery.

I called into 2 of my friends houses nearby and we gathered up all that we could find.

Quite a bit of it was still magazine, i.e. pages attached and legible. Some areas were torn, and over the next week we tackled those parts like an experienced jigsaw puzzler, or the agents of an intelligence agency with a bag of shredded documents but no scanning technology.

We recovered between 80-85% of the magazines.

Strangely, I find it sad that my own son will likely never have the same experience as I did those many years ago, due to the proliferation of internet porn.

My friends and I postulated that the faerie porn bush came in to being when a man settled down and decided to dump his porn stash as expediently as possible, by driving down a fast road, late at night, and flinging the porn mags out the passenger window. Out of sight, out of mind.

One of the magazines was a Playboy, and I have had a love of Sunseekers, Omegas, and Aston Martins ever since.

It was a simpler time.

Sorry for the digression, normal programming may now resume.
As @staddlelateen said, it's simply the Jewish system imposed upon women.

Women want more than anything to succeed socially. For a woman, the equivalent of a man having a stable job and owning his own home, is receiving attention from her peers and other men. If she gets such attention by cursing like a sailor, or wearing pretty dresses and being seen at church, that's what she will do. It's literally the "water takes the form of its container" meme.

It's been said many times, that this


and this:


Are the same picture.

(Now, that's not strictly 100% true. Children actually loved Hitler, and I don't think young girls and children *love* Joseph Biden. There is something to being a strong, proud leader. And leaders who work hard for the people are genuinely loved.)

But for the most part, the behavior of the typical woman is going to be whatever her society pushes.

Our society pushes the Jewish agenda of feminism / pornography. You could ask a jew if feminism and pornography are in conflict with each other, but as EMJ often says, evil is simply opposing truth / logos, and therefore pushing women as strong leaders and arguing for their independence (feminism) is just as anti-logos as advocating for them performing porno acts.

More from this guy.

While that guy is saying some truthful things, the solution he references of "just be valued by the market" is just as anti-logos as doing porno, and really, there is no moral difference between advocating a woman do immoral work at, say, a health insurance firm that denies care to dying patients, versus showing her boobs.

The value of a woman is not in her financial marketing skills, and to suggest so is to both disrespect and misunderstand women, and commoditize them.

The harm done to a woman by the OnlyFans type culture isn't related just to the showing of her body (there is a distinction, if not a difference, between letting thousands of men view her private parts and actually fornicating with hundreds of men). For example, the girls that are attention whoring / teasing men, wearing tight clothes, or showing their feet, or dressing like an animal or something that is not strictly sexual but just narcisistic, will mentally and emotionally harm a woman beyond repair.

And it usually leeds to other sinful behavior. Is Lauren Southern a well adjusted woman today?
Im sure m
Having been born in the "80s or earlier" I can confirm that access to porn was limited.

However, extremely rarely, you might find a discarded wank mag (to use the vernacular of the time) along the road, or in the park for example.

The Holy Grail of discarded porn was colloquially known as the "faerie porn bush".

I have encountered two of these in my lifetime.

The first I found walking home from school one day. The road was a busy main, though suburban, road. I found a small tree/large bush with the contents of approximately 5 porn mags in or on the piece of shrubbery.

I called into 2 of my friends houses nearby and we gathered up all that we could find.

Quite a bit of it was still magazine, i.e. pages attached and legible. Some areas were torn, and over the next week we tackled those parts like an experienced jigsaw puzzler, or the agents of an intelligence agency with a bag of shredded documents but no scanning technology.

We recovered between 80-85% of the magazines.

Strangely, I find it sad that my own son will likely never have the same experience as I did those many years ago, due to the proliferation of internet porn.

My friends and I postulated that the faerie porn bush came in to being when a man settled down and decided to dump his porn stash as expediently as possible, by driving down a fast road, late at night, and flinging the porn mags out the passenger window. Out of sight, out of mind.

One of the magazines was a Playboy, and I have had a love of Sunseekers, Omegas, and Aston Martins ever since.

It was a simpler time.

Sorry for the digression, normal programming may now resume.
I'm sure many of us have similar experiences. I know I do. Crazy how times have changed. Haha!
In one of the other threads someone was debating whether porn or prostitution is worse, and how in various locations the latter is illegal while the former is sort of de facto via the internet legal everywhere.

What gets me is why is porn free? If you wanted a girlie magazine back in the day you had to pay for it. It was at least scarce contraband that may have been swapped, but not present in infinite abundance for free.

Potentially harmful addictive items such as alcohol and tobacco not only are not free, but typically have a tax added to them to discourage their use and protect people from themselves.

I remember once when I was cleaning out my place, leaving various unwanted furniture on the footpath, there was a large bottle of spirit, vodka it may have been. I actually very deliberately could not bring myself to leave it on the footpath as I thought some poor drunk in the neighbourhood - or worse, pre-teen of twelve years old is going to find that. Something bad may happen to them and on top of that, as a secondary concern, it may be traced back to me. So I remember moving the spirits with me and ultimately giving them away in the hands of adults who were not random street drunks.

How many people would actually pay for porn, that they actually want to watch it that badly..

I know not everyone is a fan of E. Michael Jones but he certainly mentions that Ramallah thing a lot, porn as a weapon. The airwaves were taken over during a war and every channel had porn and if anyone came out of their houses they were shot. The latter sounds like an exageration to me, I haven't fact checked it, but that is at least the story he tells each time. Have not yet red Libido Dominandi but have heard enough about it in podcasts..

Actually, there are countries which very successfully block online gambling - you would have to use a VPN and the once I wanted to place a bet I couldn't even get that to work. So practically the same could be done with porn if the political will were there, ie it is no longer free and there is a tax on it to save people from themselves.