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Why do they try to get us out of trains, cars and planes?


Curious if other noticed this, I sometimes take a train, and I have noticed the last few years.
  • There is either weaponized buff security guys or no conductors
  • The trains are extremely dirty on the outside and the inside (like spilled sugar drinks)
  • Trains are less able to keep the times
  • I see all these clips all the times of people stabbing on trains
I have a similar experience with flying, which used to feel quote luxury now feels bad:
  • Less able to keep times
  • The propaganda around planes loosing doors in the air / or other defects
  • Filthy airplanes
  • Youtube movies with people fighting on planes
And then the cars; taxation, diesel taxes, making it impossible to enter areas, expensive gas, bad road quallity.

The right wing of the plantation calls out the increase of black people and women as the cause.
The left wing of the plantation calls it as challenges that need extra money.

Somehow I'm feeling another position. This can't be a coincidence. All transport is going down in experience.

It seems they want us out of transport as they make it less attractive by the year.

How does this serve the elite?
They want us as medieval serfs completely under their control. Bad food, crappy life, lower IQs, low life expectancy. Easier to keep us divided that way.


"Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power."

Wonder why reading '1984' has been branded as 'right wing'?
I think this is a general trend tied to the decline of the US, it's not related to transportation specifically! This is a major drawback of living the US as far as I can gather, the fact that you're so car dependent. Us "Euroboys" have access to good public transportation most places, and I must say that I appreciate that. Having a car is a headache I don't need.

The guy who runs this channel is a major cuck, but I do agree with some of his points in regards to car-centric societies being bad for most people;

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I think this is a general trend tied to the decline of the US, it's not related to transportation specifically! This is a major drawback of living the US as far as I can gather, the fact that you're so car dependent. Us "Euroboys" have access to good public transportation most places, and I must say that I appreciate that. Having a car is a headache I don't need.

The guy who runs this channel is a major cuck, but I do agree with some of his points in regards to car-centric societies being bad for most people;

I've seen these videos and this thread probably isn't the right place for them as it's shown the goal is to get us into cars where we have to drive everywhere instead of being able to walk to where we need to go.

Good videos, but they probably belong in another thread about the decline of America. And yes, the narrator is a leftist. He just happens to be one of those turned off by ugly neighborhoods like myself.
I think this is a general trend tied to the decline of the US, it's not related to transportation specifically! This is a major drawback of living the US as far as I can gather, the fact that you're so car dependent. Us "Euroboys" have access to good public transportation most places, and I must say that I appreciate that. Having a car is a headache I don't need.

The guy who runs this channel is a major cuck, but I do agree with some of his points in regards to car-centric societies being bad for most people;

I’ve been sucked in to watch that guys videos before. He’s super woke, I can’t stand his opinions.
This guy is more tolerable. Has some of the same views, but is more car-positive and not woke...

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