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What Would You Do In This Situation?


I'm in a situation where a client has just hired another company that could threaten my job, or at least cut into billable hours.

Doing some digging into their work, I just realized that the new company is doing something shady to make themselves look better at the company's expense. So, do I approach the client with this info now to save them money? Or do I wait for actual damage to show from this company's efforts and then approach the client with the evidence of what they did?

Please think more in terms of The 48 Laws of Power and not "What Would Jesus Do?"
It is something that the other firm could eventually cover up or fix down the line? What is the possible harm it could do to your position by waiting? Could exposing it now simply mean the client has them correct it and keep going with that company or is it something which cannot be rectified?

I realize you're purposely being vague but it's difficult to strategize with such little specifics.