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What philosophy led to that outcome?


The recent interview between Joe Rogan and Elon Musk was very significant. Elon is making the same argument that I have been making for some time now about radical leftism or wokism.

Here are some notable quotes from Elon that came from his conversation with Joe...

"It's [the woke] a death cult"

"They [the woke] are propagating the extinction of the human race"

"It's [San Francisco] a zombie apocalypse"

"You have to say what philosophy led to that outcome?" Also, "that philosophy was being "piped" to Earth".

"Given an information technology weapon to propagate what is essentially a mind virus to the rest of Earth and the outcome of that mind virus is very clear if you walk around the streets of downtown of San Francisco; its the end of civilization"

Spot on! To distill this down a little more, Elon is saying this ultra-liberalism/woke is evil because how else can we describe something that is a death cult and seeks the eradication of all human life? Even more profoundly he looks at the specific and undesirable conditions in our society today and ties it directly to a specific philosophy. This is very significant and it truly represents the actual impasse we as a species are at today.

I ask the same question. The only point of difference I have with Elon is that I see the current and ongoing child sexualization atrocity as another evil that this philosophy is responsible for. But, whether it's total human extinction or validating child sex/pedophilia...I think we're splitting hairs. It's evil, any way you look at it. But like human extinction, the child sexualization atrocity is enough to induce a correction and Elon just accelerated that process.

In many ways, Elon is asking "by thy fruits", with his statement "...what philosophy led to that outcome?". Specifically, what was the set of ideas that made a beautiful city like San Francisco into a real-life zombie apocalypse? In an identical way, I ask what was the philosophy that led to the willful and systematic sexualization of children. Elon is not alone in this question and in good company, Dr James Lindsey, an atheist (at least for now) notwithstanding, also says to judge a tree by its fruits when it comes to his analysis on the woke or Neomarxism. The fruits are, again, human extinction and child sex. Both of these outcomes (fruits) are undeniably evil.

Human atrocity always evokes a response and we're nearing that inflection point. When I look holistically at this situation I see three primary questions that will be asked by posterity going forward:

How did this happen?
What can we do to stop it?
How do we ensure this never happens again?

Substitute human extinction or child sex, either one demonstrates the imperative of moral righteousness that is desperately needed. Alas, it is a process. This latest interview with Elon brings us to the first question "how did this happen"?

This will create a new narrative and it will examine, pardon scrutinize with extreme prejudice, all of the ideas that have led us to this point. For instance, here are two "ideas" that are part of the pathology that led us to advocate for extinction and pedophilia; the sexual revolution and moral relativism. If we remove all moral constraints from humans then inevitably pedophilia will happen and on a systematic basis. Where's the evidence? All around you, such as graphic pornography in public schools is available and many times pushed deliberately to kids in kindergarten. Alternatively, in order to prevent systematic pedophilia from occurring again we must, therefore, have at the very least; 1) a moral system that is objective and morals that govern human sexual appetites among many other things. There is simply no other way.

It comes down to this, "secular/progressive" "philosophy for all is sophistication and wordsmithing reduced down to "do as thou wilt". If you look closely at any of the "modern" philosophers, you'll see an elaborate lattice of explanations and excuses that effectively create a "justification" to do whatever you want to whenever. We implemented this in society and it produced unspeakable horrors and atrocities. Therefore, we need to go in another direction and dispense with this altogether. Do as thou wilt has been entirely invalidated. Time for a new sensibility.

Before, people like us were called oppressors and many other bad things because we wished to play by the rules and keep the rules intact. The slippery slope we spoke of was, at that time, only an abstract idea. Now it's not, the evidence is out and undeniable, from this moment forward all of us have the moral high ground and the ability to accuse any wokster or liberal of being either a member of a death cult or a pedophile. No amount of moral preening or pearl-clutching can win against a legitimate accusation of genocide or pedophilia. We have won.
Spot on! To distill this down a little more, Elon is saying this ultra-liberalism/woke is evil because how else can we describe something that is a death cult and seeks the eradication of all human life? Even more profoundly he looks at the specific and undesirable conditions in our society today and ties it directly to a specific philosophy. This is very significant and it truly represents the actual impasse we as a species are at today.
I know I sound like a “you need Jesus” boomer but it all began with the excessive materialism and secularism of the 90s. We fell asleep at the wheel and now Satan is poking his head in. And nothing would make Satan happier than the eradication of all human life. He’s called the adversary for a reason.

And yes I’m aware of the 60s and the atrocities of Nazis and Communists but I feel these things are all independent sagas if you will. People lose faith and the devil shows up.
I know I sound like a “you need Jesus” boomer but it all began with the excessive materialism and secularism of the 90s. We fell asleep at the wheel and now Satan is poking his head in. And nothing would make Satan happier than the eradication of all human life. He’s called the adversary for a reason.

And yes I’m aware of the 60s and the atrocities of Nazis and Communists but I feel these things are all independent sagas if you will. People lose faith and the devil shows up.

Naturally, Jesus is the remedy. But, it is a process. It starts with acknowledging there is a problem (or in our case an atrocity), that leads to, how did this happen in the first place. And so on.

At this point, due to how odious and repugnant the atrocity is, it demands extreme introspection and rumination. Unlike the rumination encouraged by secular philosophers a century ago, this rumination will be very targeted due to the specific conditions we're enduring. So, the question "how did this happen" reveals a sequence of ideas that led to pedophilia (or human extinction). In the case of pedophilia, it will lead the observer down a path that will expose all of the previous ideas that came about over the years that led to this point.

Among those ideas will include "moral relativism", as mentioned above. If its all "relative" there can be no objectivity in anything, or in this case, morality. As such "morality" becomes conditional and subject to individual interpretation, in other words, it becomes nothing. Therefore, why not validate pedophilia?

But pedophilia cannot be validated, therefore, moral relativism must be dispensed with. Once you re-accept that society's moral code must be objective then you've started down the path back to faith and ultimately to Christ. Because posterity will realize after it is understood that objective morality is imperative that the Christian moral system fulfills the necessary requirements not only to rectify the atrocity but to ensure it never happens again.

I speak with certainty on this for a couple of reasons, one out of logic and reason, but, another from the fact, which is a matter of record, that all of secular "humanistic" or "progressive" philosophy was a deliberate denial and inversion of the Christian moral system. It stands, therefore, that if this humanistic system produced evil, like pedophilia, then it must be destroyed and the only way to destroy it is to restore the thing that it originally targeted, which was the force that stood in the way of mankind devolving to pedophilia or mass genocide. And that is the Christian moral system.

And that leads us back to Jesus.
It comes down to this, "secular/progressive" "philosophy for all is sophistication and wordsmithing reduced down to "do as thou wilt". If you look closely at any of the "modern" philosophers, you'll see an elaborate lattice of explanations and excuses that effectively create a "justification" to do whatever you want to whenever.
I don't think so. The Permanent Revolution not only has its longstanding sins and sacraments, the COVID panic revealed most starkly that it has an arbitrary priesthood. The acolytes of this cult cried out for the yoke and tried to shame those who didn't accept it.

One of the most comical examples came from, of all things, the SatanCon (2023!) web site:
Satancon attendees must be 18 or over and have proof of COVID vaccination. Attendees must wear an N-95, KN-95, or disposable surgical mask. Gaiters, bandanas, and cloth masks will not be allowed.
Real devotees of the rebel angel these satanists.
I know I sound like a “you need Jesus” boomer but it all began with the excessive materialism and secularism of the 90s. We fell asleep at the wheel and now Satan is poking his head in. And nothing would make Satan happier than the eradication of all human life. He’s called the adversary for a reason.

And yes I’m aware of the 60s and the atrocities of Nazis and Communists but I feel these things are all independent sagas if you will. People lose faith and the devil shows up.

It goes back thousands of years before the 90's my friend. The decline of Christendom began with the Great Schism, because the Catholics broke the Church's laws and pretended there would be no consequences, and then the decline accelerated with the Protestant reformation and separation of so many millions from the Apostolic Spirit. Now the end result is the death of Churches worldwide and the rise of Satanism, which creates all kinds of insane pagan and gnostic religions in people's heads.

Until the Church is unified once again, I fully expect the decline to continue. However, what is unique about our time is how much the decline has accelerated, it is moving at breakneck speed now.
It goes back thousands of years before the 90's my friend. The decline of Christendom began with the Great Schism, because the Catholics broke the Church's laws and pretended there would be no consequences, and then the decline accelerated with the Protestant reformation and separation of so many millions from the Apostolic Spirit. Now the end result is the death of Churches worldwide and the rise of Satanism, which creates all kinds of insane pagan and gnostic religions in people's heads.

Until the Church is unified once again, I fully expect the decline to continue. However, what is unique about our time is how much the decline has accelerated, it is moving at breakneck speed now.
Out of curiosity do Catholics get the ban hammer refuting Orthodox claims in the general forums?
It goes back thousands of years before the 90's my friend. The decline of Christendom began with the Great Schism, because the Catholics broke the Church's laws and pretended there would be no consequences, and then the decline accelerated with the Protestant reformation and separation of so many millions from the Apostolic Spirit. Now the end result is the death of Churches worldwide and the rise of Satanism, which creates all kinds of insane pagan and gnostic religions in people's heads.

Until the Church is unified once again, I fully expect the decline to continue. However, what is unique about our time is how much the decline has accelerated, it is moving at breakneck speed now.
You know it doesn't work that way. The Church is one and (sad to tell you) there is no going back, because it's always been one, and it's now called Orthodox. You rightly see that it's going in the exponential direction - like all things. I see breathers, but that's all, the computer and transhumanist age are already well upon us.
Out of curiosity do Catholics get the ban hammer refuting Orthodox claims in the general forums?

No, confessions of belief or unbelief are fine. This is the place to discuss differences of opinion, but done so politely and academically.

You know it doesn't work that way. The Church is one and (sad to tell you) there is no going back, because it's always been one, and it's now called Orthodox. You rightly see that it's going in the exponential direction - like all things. I see breathers, but that's all, the computer and transhumanist age are already well upon us.

We actually don't know that there is no going back. With God all things are possible. Jesus on the stormy sea comes to mind.