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What is a Jew?


Hey all, help me out please,

The Jew is a hot topic on this forum and from what read the definitions differ quite a bit. So I would like to learn what is a Jew?

Is it?
- A zionist; someone living in Israel?
- Is an Ethopian Jew a Jew?
- Does going to the Synagogue weekly make you a Jew?
- Is it "cultural", if you "identify" as a Jew, are you a Jew?
- Are you a Jew, if your mom says she is a Jew?
- If your dad is a Jew and your mom isn't does that make you a Jew?
- Is it racial? Cultural? A faith?
- When you had great grand family in a camp in WW2?

One thing I'm sure about is that the modern Jew has not a lot to do with the faith.

They pick and choose some of the commandments:

And eating Kosher seems to me more like an Italian eating Pizza.
Eating Kosher food, but whoring around, not getting married, using condoms, doing sodomy, killing babies in the womb.

(I thought for long Israelis had a high birth rate but they are just position 60 on the list.

As said earlier today, I feel Jews are a bunch of LARPers. They all have different racial structures. It's not faith. So it's something cultural; I feel Jewish. But I'm not really certain of it.

So what is a Jew?
Hey all, help me out please,

The Jew is a hot topic on this forum and from what read the definitions differ quite a bit. So I would like to learn what is a Jew?

Is it?
- A zionist; someone living in Israel?
- Is an Ethopian Jew a Jew?
- Does going to the Synagogue weekly make you a Jew?
- Is it "cultural", if you "identify" as a Jew, are you a Jew?
- Are you a Jew, if your mom says she is a Jew?
- If your dad is a Jew and your mom isn't does that make you a Jew?
- Is it racial? Cultural? A faith?
- When you had great grand family in a camp in WW2?

One thing I'm sure about is that the modern Jew has not a lot to do with the faith.

They pick and choose some of the commandments:

And eating Kosher seems to me more like an Italian eating Pizza.
Eating Kosher food, but whoring around, not getting married, using condoms, doing sodomy, killing babies in the womb.

(I thought for long Israelis had a high birth rate but they are just position 60 on the list.

As said earlier today, I feel Jews are a bunch of LARPers. They all have different racial structures. It's not faith. So it's something cultural; I feel Jewish. But I'm not really certain of it.

So what is a Jew?
I always refer back to EMJ's work in "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit" and define a Jew as a "rejector of Christ" in a broader sense, and "someone who views himself as the rightful heir of God's promises to Israel by ancestral heritage despite his rejection of Christ" in the specific, group identity sense.

I think that's as concise as it gets and it basically encompasses all the relevant cases we ever talk about. I think you cannot really grasp the Jewish identity without referring back to Christ as humanity's Messiah. That's why atheist/neopagan wignats always get tripped up by figures like Costin Alamariu or the "neoreactionary" Jews.

The ethnic identifier, as you've pointed out in your examples, is not completely meaningless but it's also not very useful. The idea of matrilinearity basically waters it down and it causes a failure to explain how Jews cohere as a group.

Whether people can genuinely convert to Judaism and be accepted or be atheist or communist Jews or whatever is besides the point. A Jew fundamentally stops being a Jew in the moment when he fully accepts Jesus Christ and starts viewing himself as part of the Church and the brotherhood of men. You can be vedic, buddhist, shaman or whatever and still be considered a Jew. Convert to the Orthodox Christian Faith (or Traditional Catholic in some cases) and you'll be outside of that group for all intents and purposes.

There are many people who believe to have matrilineal ancestry and whether they have it or not, will consider themselves as a part of the group and then functionally (or spiritually, if you will) be in that group.

Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews do exist as ethnocentric ancestral groups, but the lines to neighboring groups are often very blurred. You can observe it and make statements about those groups, but it doesn't really capture the essence of what that group is.

I don't think any self-identified Jew could really argue with that definition.

EDIT: I've been tinkering around with this post quite a bit to make it as informative as possible. I also feel like I should include this video posted by @BrotherAugustine a few years ago, which in a way kickstarted my research into the issue. He'll probably be able to fill in any gaps in this explanation that I might have left.

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Hey all, help me out please,

The Jew is a hot topic on this forum and from what read the definitions differ quite a bit. So I would like to learn what is a Jew?

Is it?
- A zionist; someone living in Israel?
- Is an Ethopian Jew a Jew?
- Does going to the Synagogue weekly make you a Jew?
- Is it "cultural", if you "identify" as a Jew, are you a Jew?
- Are you a Jew, if your mom says she is a Jew?
- If your dad is a Jew and your mom isn't does that make you a Jew?
- Is it racial? Cultural? A faith?
- When you had great grand family in a camp in WW2?

One thing I'm sure about is that the modern Jew has not a lot to do with the faith.

They pick and choose some of the commandments:

So what is a Jew?

This will be a long post, as there are layers of deception clouding many of these truths. To the chagrin of some people, it goes far beyond simply being a human who rejects Christ.

We can start with what a jew is not. A jew is not an Israelite. What is the difference between an Israelite and a jew? Everyone's been taught by the jews and the judeo churches, and the general public, especially those who believe in holocaustianity that the jews are God's chosen people and that they are the people of the old testament. That is definitely not true, the jews are imposters, they are fakes, phonies, and everything about them is phony including their religion, which they call "judaism." Judaism is not part of the old testament at all, it was invented around 121 BC when King John Hyrcanus of Judah (not jewry) conquered the Edomites and submitted them to circumcision, like a "convert or die" offer which he made to them. This was a violation of God's law because God's law definitely forbids race mixing. So he essentially invited the "jews" into his country, that's the last thing anybody wants to do. In Genesis the book declares enmity between the sons of Cain and the sons of Seth, who was Abel's replacement. Cain was in the image of the seducer, enchanter, while Seth was in the image of Adam. The seed of Cain became know as the Cainites, who then merged with the Canaanites, who in turn merged with the Edomites. Esau, Jacob's brother, married into the Canaanites, who have the devil's seed in them. This is why God told the Israelites to exterminate these beings, who are not normal people but children of the fallen angels.

People don't understand this. These instructions were not given to the Israelites for all people, but just for these Canaanites. It says in Numbers 33:55, a verse that virtually everyone overlooks, God says that if they do not do this, these people will come back as "pricks in your eyes and thorns in your sides" and guess what? They're still here and worse than that. In Deuteronomy chapter 28, it says that if people do not obey God's laws, these people will put you into debt and you will not be able to escape this debt. Who are the moneylenders? In the entire old testament, the Israelite's never had a bank. Gold and silver was their currency. The United States constitution says the same thing, gold and silver. We are not supposed to have moneylenders issuing our currency, which is against Biblical law. The Federal Reserve bank prints American's money out for them in their name, and then they tax the Americans for the privilege of them using their money and spending it in circulation. The same goes for all the central banks in Europe. This is how wars are financed. The zionists are the biggest warmongers on Earth, and since 1815 have financed every major conflict primarily between white nations so that we can exterminate each other.

Europe was waking up to the perfidious jew and their importation of invaders called Muslims and others as well. There is a right-wing resurgence starting in the Eastern European nations. People are beginning to identify what a jew is based off of these undeniable traits. Communism is a jewish construct. The chief rabbi in the US in 1933 equated it with judaism. Their entire in-house publication strategy where they communicate with each other by controlling the media, what they put out for us to see would never show their own admissions of this tie. They always call waht they do the opposite of what it is.

Our peoples, because we have short memories and are forgiving, keep falling for these tricks. All hollywood needs is a new generation of kids to watch TV cartoons which become more racially integrated by the day. All the homosexuality

One of the themes in the Bible, in understanding God's commandments to the Israelites, is about the unity of race. The word Adawhm, in Hebrew, means to show blood in the face. So the descendents of the Adamic bloodline blush, while the jews do not. Blacks don't. Asians don't. Most Arabs don't. The Lord Jesus Christ is described this way in all the literature made available to us.

One of the biggest sticking points that I even see online in dissident circles is the turning the other cheek and allowing evil to win as part of some warped eschatological view, by not sticking up and fighting for your own kind. This self-hatred has only been true of Christians for the last hundred years or so. Remember, the jews were kept in ghettoes by Christians. The Christians never admired the jews, they hated their guts and the feeling was mutual. What happened around the late 1890s, the jews had an ingenius idea called zionism. With this idea, they could pretend that Palestine was their land. They hired Cyrus I Scofield, and the Rothschilds commissioned this bible so that Christians would now be brainwashed to believe that the jews are Israel, whereas up to that time, Christians all believed the jews were Christ killers. This took 50 years of brainwashing from about 1900-1950 and then we had the televangelists that are harping on "loving the jews," they started taking advantage and our peoples fell for this stuff. There has always been people who can see through this veneer and identify the jews as antichrists. There's a book called "The Covenant People" that explores the burning question of "who are the jews?" "Are they really who they claim to be?"

Here is a passage from the book: "the significance of race is gravely underevaluated today, yet the Bible stresses the importance of maintaining purity of racial descent, among all peoples. Intermarriages between the people of God and of other races were strictly forbidden. The scriptural tabulation of pedigrees exhibits meticulous detail, as the carefully recorded genealogical tables disclose." The book 'The Covenant People' "tells the story of the origins of the Anglo-Saxon Celtic peoples, whose forefathers gathered at Mount Sinai and there were organized into a kingdom. The account of God's dealings with that kingdom, which was to become the kingdom of God upon earth, comprised to the theme, which threads its way throughout the entire scripture." So we go back to understanding the lineages. The bloodline of Adam, from Seth, and the bloodline of Cain. These two peoples have been enemies, there has been a racial, spiritual war between these two bloodlines since Genesis 3:15. 6000 years. The Bible says that this conflict will not end until judgment day.

In Matthew chapter 13, the parable of the wheat and the tares. The true Israelites are the wheat, the jews are the tares. Jesus commanded his disciples that they must wait until judgment day, when the tares have fully ripened, he doesn't want a wheat to be mistaken for a tare and be destroyed by mistake. Wait until the tares mature, and their dark heads will be darkly contrasted with the wheat-colored hair of the Israelites.

So what happened after John Hyrcanus defeated the Edomites in battle, and incorporated them into the nation of Judah, was like inviting cockroaches into your house. They are going to takeover. The invitations and the expulsions, time and time again, from the usury and hideous business practices. Remember in Genesis it says that the lineage of Adam, or Adamites, "will work by the sweat of their brow," the jews don't sweat nor do any hard work. The Bible says that the descendents of the Israelites will have great navies, armies, nations, and a company of nations (like the 50 states, the provinces of Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Australia). The jews don't fit any of these marks, not a single one. They do however, fit the marks of Esau, the people who have God's curse. The book of Obadiah (1:8-9) tells us very plainly that God Himself will one day wipe them off the face of the earth. It shall be as if they never existed. This is why our roles as Christians, especially of Adamic lineage, we are to act like the true chosen people and behave in the manner of brotherly love. We have this imposter, pretending to be Israel, that is always agitating us against one another. Our whole world has been victimed by an evil genome called Canaanites, Edomites, known today as jews. They're so sly and clever they pretend to be good, pretend to be God's chosen people, get everyone sucked in with their propaganda, even though it's obvious if one does just a little bit of research, that they are the office of all evil in the world.

Here is a passage referenced but seldom extrapolated. In Matthew chapter 23, Jesus describes them as the people upon whom all the assassinations and murders from Cain, down to His day, to Zacharias, are guilty of. He levied this statement against the Pharisees, which is quite an indictment. He can't be talking about the specific generation standing in front of Him, those Pharisess in 33AD, because those men did not commit the murder of Abel by Cain, but He is talking about their entire race. Their ancestors are guilty of that murder. He's indicting their entire people. He's telling them in John chapter 8, He tells us "you Pharisees are the children of the devil. Your father was the liar, and the author of it." Who was the first liar, first murderer? Cain. The judeo-Christians are not paying attention, they prefer jewish lies, and are the most difficult people to reach, because they believe something as blasphemous and insidious that Jesus was a jew. I've seen that nonsense repeated here as well as the old RVF. Secular people also prefer these lies.

The word jew is a very confusing word, and the jews like it that way. It didn't even exist in the English lexicon before some 300 years ago. They pretend that they are Judah, but in fact they are not. In the Old Testament, the word Judah is a racially specific term for the tribe of Judah, and no one else. They were forbidden to intermarry with any other people, except for Adamites. The first twelve sons of Jacob had to find their women somewhere, so they found them among the Aramaeans, who were known in those days as the whitest and fairest people on the face of the Earth. In the old testament when you see fair and ruddy, fair means white and ruddy means pink. David was ruddy and fair, it means white and able to blush. Once one understands the meanings of the terms, you can see scripture is loaded with very racially exclusive language. Adawhm means to show blood in the face. The ADL and SPLC is all over this because it roots out their lies, and there is no way they can refute it. The other thing is brotherly love. The word adelphos, in the Greek, means "from the same womb." The Bible says look to our father Abraham and our mother Sarah. How is Sarah described in the dead sea scrolls? Her skin was pure white, her hands were lovely, her hair was long, her legs were graceful. Israelites were prevented from making images of themselves, because of the nature of pride and ego which affected man's predecessor. We are supposed to be humble. The jews aren't humble. You have Moroccan jews, Asiatic jews, Arabian jews, Whitish jews, every jew under the sun. There is no such thing as a black Israelite, or any other flavor, there is none.

The jews by their own admission and distortion of the scriptures, it's obvious who they are, they are not Israelites. So anyone who equates the words Israelite and jew does not understand the Bible. So, brotherly love, the Israelites are the children of Sarah, Rebekah, and Jacob's four wives. Those are the wombs that the adelphos in the old testament talked about. It is translated as "gentiles," and it will be translated any way except for what it means. The prophecy is that the direct descendents of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will always be the Israelite people forever. In the new testament, the word jew is translated from "Judea," but Judea by that time was a multicultural state. It contained Israelites, and Edomites, and whenever a country has Edomites in it, those Edomites will take over. By the time that Jesus walked the earth, these Pharisees (Edomites) had taken over the religion, and they were the intermediaries between the Roman Empire and the land of Judea. So "we have no king but Caesar" is what the Pharisees said. In John 7:1, "Jesus would not walk in jewry, because the jews sought to kill Him."

"I find no fault in Him" - Pontius Pilate.

The soldiers who led Him away were the soldiers of the Pharisees, not the Romans. This is why the judeo-Christians hate doing active historical biblical research. They do none. They will not deviate from their jew dogma.

So when Jesus says brotherly love in Matthew chapter 25, if you slander, cheat, or harm your brother, it is like hurting the Lord. The difference between true Christianity, our faith, and all other religions is that our God came to us. All the other religions are still searching for theirs.

"What is a jew?" (short video)

"Jesus as not a jew" (long video)
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This will be a long post, as there are layers of deception clouding many of these truths. To the chagrin of some people, it goes far beyond simply being a human who rejects Christ.

We can start with what a jew is not. A jew is not an Israelite. What is the difference between an Israelite and a jew? Everyone's been taught by the jews and the judeo churches, and the general public, especially those who believe in holocaustianity that the jews are God's chosen people and that they are the people of the old testament. That is definitely not true, the jews are imposters, they are fakes, phonies, and everything about them is phony including their religion, which they call "judaism." Judaism is not part of the old testament at all, it was invented around 121 BC when King John Hyrcanus of Judah (not jewry) conquered the Edomites and submitted them to circumcision, like a "convert or die" offer which he made to them. This was a violation of God's law because God's law definitely forbids race mixing. So he essentially invited the "jews" into his country, that's the last thing anybody wants to do. In Genesis the book declares enmity between the sons of Cain and the sons of Seth, who was Abel's replacement. Cain was in the image of the seducer, enchanter, while Seth was in the image of Adam. The seed of Cain became know as the Cainites, who then merged with the Canaanites, who in turn merged with the Edomites. Esau, Jacob's brother, married into the Canaanites, who have the devil's seed in them. This is why God told the Israelites to exterminate these beings, who are not normal people but children of the fallen angels.

People don't understand this. These instructions were not given to the Israelites for all people, but just for these Canaanites. It says in Numbers 33:55, a verse that virtually everyone overlooks, God says that if they do not do this, these people will come back as "pricks in your eyes and thorns in your sides" and guess what? They're still here and worse than that. In Deuteronomy chapter 28, it says that if people do not obey God's laws, these people will put you into debt and you will not be able to escape this debt. Who are the moneylenders? In the entire old testament, the Israelite's never had a bank. Gold and silver was their currency. The United States constitution says the same thing, gold and silver. We are not supposed to have moneylenders issuing our currency, which is against Biblical law. The Federal Reserve bank prints American's money out for them in their name, and then they tax the Americans for the privilege of them using their money and spending it in circulation. The same goes for all the central banks in Europe. This is how wars are financed. The zionists are the biggest warmongers on Earth, and since 1815 have financed every major conflict primarily between white nations so that we can exterminate each other.

Europe was waking up to the perfidious jew and their importation of invaders called Muslims and others as well. There is a right-wing resurgence starting in the Eastern European nations. People are beginning to identify what a jew is based off of these undeniable traits. Communism is a jewish construct. The chief rabbi in the US in 1933 equated it with judaism. Their entire in-house publication strategy where they communicate with each other by controlling the media, what they put out for us to see would never show their own admissions of this tie. They always call waht they do the opposite of what it is.

Our peoples, because we have short memories and are forgiving, keep falling for these tricks. All hollywood needs is a new generation of kids to watch TV cartoons which become more racially integrated by the day. All the homosexuality

One of the themes in the Bible, in understanding God's commandments to the Israelites, is about the unity of race. The word Adawhm, in Hebrew, means to show blood in the face. So the descendents of the Adamic bloodline blush, while the jews do not. Blacks don't. Asians don't. Most Arabs don't. The Lord Jesus Christ is described this way in all the literature made available to us.

One of the biggest sticking points that I even see online in dissident circles is the turning the other cheek and allowing evil to win as part of some warped eschatological view, by not sticking up and fighting for your own kind. This self-hatred has only been true of Christians for the last hundred years or so. Remember, the jews were kept in ghettoes by Christians. The Christians never admired the jews, they hated their guts and the feeling was mutual. What happened around the late 1890s, the jews had an ingenius idea called zionism. With this idea, they could pretend that Palestine was their land. They hired Cyrus I Scofield, and the Rothschilds commissioned this bible so that Christians would now be brainwashed to believe that the jews are Israel, whereas up to that time, Christians all believed the jews were Christ killers. This took 50 years of brainwashing from about 1900-1950 and then we had the televangelists that are harping on "loving the jews," they started taking advantage and our peoples fell for this stuff. There has always been people who can see through this veneer and identify the jews as antichrists. There's a book called "The Covenant People" that explores the burning question of "who are the jews?" "Are they really who they claim to be?"

Here is a passage from the book: "the significance of race is gravely underevaluated today, yet the Bible stresses the importance of maintaining purity of racial descent, among all peoples. Intermarriages between the people of God and of other races were strictly forbidden. The scriptural tabulation of pedigrees exhibits meticulous detail, as the carefully recorded genealogical tables disclose." The book 'The Covenant People' "tells the story of the origins of the Anglo-Saxon Celtic peoples, whose forefathers gathered at Mount Sinai and there were organized into a kingdom. The account of God's dealings with that kingdom, which was to become the kingdom of God upon earth, comprised to the theme, which threads its way throughout the entire scripture." So we go back to understanding the lineages. The bloodline of Adam, from Seth, and the bloodline of Cain. These two peoples have been enemies, there has been a racial, spiritual war between these two bloodlines since Genesis 3:15. 6000 years. The Bible says that this conflict will not end until judgment day.

In Matthew chapter 13, the parable of the wheat and the tares. The true Israelites are the wheat, the jews are the tares. Jesus commanded his disciples that they must wait until judgment day, when the tares have fully ripened, he doesn't want a wheat to be mistaken for a tare and be destroyed by mistake. Wait until the tares mature, and their dark heads will be darkly contrasted with the wheat-colored hair of the Israelites.

So what happened after John Hyrcanus defeated the Edomites in battle, and incorporated them into the nation of Judah, was like inviting cockroaches into your house. They are going to takeover. The invitations and the expulsions, time and time again, from the usury and hideous business practices. Remember in Genesis it says that the lineage of Adam, or Adamites, "will work by the sweat of their brow," the jews don't sweat nor do any hard work. The Bible says that the descendents of the Israelites will have great navies, armies, nations, and a company of nations (like the 50 states, the provinces of Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Australia). The jews don't fit any of these marks, not a single one. They do however, fit the marks of Esau, the people who have God's curse. The book of Obadiah (1:8-9) tells us very plainly that God Himself will one day wipe them off the face of the earth. It shall be as if they never existed. This is why our roles as Christians, especially of Adamic lineage, we are to act like the true chosen people and behave in the manner of brotherly love. We have this imposter, pretending to be Israel, that is always agitating us against one another. Our whole world has been victimed by an evil genome called Canaanites, Edomites, known today as jews. They're so sly and clever they pretend to be good, pretend to be God's chosen people, get everyone sucked in with their propaganda, even though it's obvious if one does just a little bit of research, that they are the office of all evil in the world.

Here is a passage referenced but seldom extrapolated. In Matthew chapter 23, Jesus describes them as the people upon whom all the assassinations and murders from Cain, down to His day, to Zacharias, are guilty of. He levied this statement against the Pharisees, which is quite an indictment. He can't be talking about the specific generation standing in front of Him, those Pharisess in 33AD, because those men did not commit the murder of Abel by Cain, but He is talking about their entire race. Their ancestors are guilty of that murder. He's indicting their entire people. He's telling them in John chapter 8, He tells us "you Pharisees are the children of the devil. Your father was the liar, and the author of it." Who was the first liar, first murderer? Cain. The judeo-Christians are not paying attention, they prefer jewish lies, and are the most difficult people to reach, because they believe something as blasphemous and insidious that Jesus was a jew. I've seen that nonsense repeated here as well as the old RVF. Secular people also prefer these lies.

The word jew is a very confusing word, and the jews like it that way. It didn't even exist in the English lexicon before some 300 years ago. They pretend that they are Judah, but in fact they are not. In the Old Testament, the word Judah is a racially specific term for the tribe of Judah, and no one else. They were forbidden to intermarry with any other people, except for Adamites. The first twelve sons of Jacob had to find their women somewhere, so they found them among the Aramaeans, who were known in those days as the whitest and fairest people on the face of the Earth. In the old testament when you see fair and ruddy, fair means white and ruddy means pink. David was ruddy and fair, it means white and able to blush. Once one understands the meanings of the terms, you can see scripture is loaded with very racially exclusive language. Adawhm means to show blood in the face. The ADL and SPLC is all over this because it roots out their lies, and there is no way they can refute it. The other thing is brotherly love. The word adelphos, in the Greek, means "from the same womb." The Bible says look to our father Abraham and our mother Sarah. How is Sarah described in the dead sea scrolls? Her skin was pure white, her hands were lovely, her hair was long, her legs were graceful. Israelites were prevented from making images of themselves, because of the nature of pride and ego which affected man's predecessor. We are supposed to be humble. The jews aren't humble. You have Moroccan jews, Asiatic jews, Arabian jews, Whitish jews, every jew under the sun. There is no such thing as a black Israelite, or any other flavor, there is none.

The jews by their own admission and distortion of the scriptures, it's obvious who they are, they are not Israelites. So anyone who equates the words Israelite and jew does not understand the Bible. So, brotherly love, the Israelites are the children of Sarah, Rebekah, and Jacob's four wives. Those are the wombs that the adelphos in the old testament talked about. It is translated as "gentiles," and it will be translated any way except for what it means. The prophecy is that the direct descendents of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will always be the Israelite people forever. In the new testament, the word jew is translated from "Judea," but Judea by that time was a multicultural state. It contained Israelites, and Edomites, and whenever a country has Edomites in it, those Edomites will take over. By the time that Jesus walked the earth, these Pharisees (Edomites) had taken over the religion, and they were the intermediaries between the Roman Empire and the land of Judea. So "we have no king but Caesar" is what the Pharisees said. In John 7:1, "Jesus would not walk in jewry, because the jews sought to kill Him."

"I find no fault in Him" - Pontius Pilate.

The soldiers who led Him away were the soldiers of the Pharisees, not the Romans. This is why the judeo-Christians hate doing active historical biblical research. They do none. They will not deviate from their jew dogma.

So when Jesus says brotherly love in Matthew chapter 25, if you slander, cheat, or harm your brother, it is like hurting the Lord. The difference between true Christianity, our faith, and all other religions is that our God came to us. All the other religions are still searching for theirs.

"What is a jew?" (short video)

"Jesus as not a jew" (long video)

Not really a definition, is it? More something like a rant. That tends to be the problem when people get bogged down in the racialist/ancestral arguments, it becomes this endless and flimsy chain of evidence.

So Jews are...all non-whites? And us Europeans are the real Israelites? Are Ethiopians only Christians when they look white enough to blush? What about Whites who think they are Jewish or Shabbes goyim? Should missionaries even bother when only White people are Adamites?

I'd say any definition that takes up several DIN A4 pages isn't a particularly good one. Particularly if it doesn't square with Patristics.
I'm not against speculation or using sources outside of the Church, but generally, I think epistemology should start with the Church.
@Raskolnikov I agree.

I have another idea, I think Jews think it's racial, while it isn't factually true.

I absolutely don't believe these millions of Jews have perfect lineage to the men in the Bible, no way.

I think a group of Jews have been working very actively to shape this image.

I found this book from 1814 "modern history of the Jews" you can find it for free on Google Books, in my opinion full of nonsense, describing a new historic narrative for the Jews.

I think there was the synagogue and the faith before, and after 1800 or so it became more a cultural international group with a perceived shared history. A nation without a nation. A race without a race.

With their propaganda they were able to shape some kind of unity. And an us vs them narrative. (communism avant la lettre)

Like today "blacks" are marketed to be the same, and they are told all went through slavery. This fake narrative works very well.

I think the feeling of a shared history makes a jew; the biblical forefather, the persecution, the holocaust, the claim to the holy land., their land

This history ofcourse is fake but it's effective. Just like black are made to believe their forefather were enslaved by white men.

So summary
You're a Jew if you think and believe this is your history:
The biblical forefather, descending from David, almost 2 millennia of persecution by Christians, the holocaust and now the claim to the promised land.

Many "jews" are brought up in this fake history which builds their group identity. I have seen the Israeli groups in Auschwitz where the magic is done, telling young kids a completely fake history.
Feel like we went through this on RVF but let's do it again. MFTP, as you're not a Protestant or Gnostic, I believe that Roman Catholics share the view of the Orthodox wherein a man may not freely come up with his own interpretations of Scripture but must defer to the interpretations of the Apostles, the Church Fathers, and so forth.

This was a violation of God's law because God's law definitely forbids race mixing.

Please source this claim. As far as I am aware, nothing in God's commandments says that as a rule, a man and woman from different races may not marry and produce children.

Esau, Jacob's brother, married into the Canaanites, who have the devil's seed in them. This is why God told the Israelites to exterminate these beings, who are not normal people but children of the fallen angels.

This is not correct if you mean it literally. Demons cannot procreate with humans. In addition to this being the position of the Church and the Fathers, one of God's greatest miracles was the incarnation of the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit. If you think demons can do the same... well, it just doesn't stand to reason. If you mean it in a spiritual sense then sure.

One of the themes in the Bible, in understanding God's commandments to the Israelites, is about the unity of race. The word Adawhm, in Hebrew, means to show blood in the face. So the descendents of the Adamic bloodline blush, while the jews do not. Blacks don't. Asians don't. Most Arabs don't. The Lord Jesus Christ is described this way in all the literature made available to us.

It's common knowledge that "Adam" means "man" in Hebrew. Can you provide a source for your alternate etymology claim? Claiming that non-whites do not descend from Adam is a dramatic claim that requires substantiation.

There's a book called "The Covenant People" that explores the burning question of "who are the jews?" "Are they really who they claim to be?"

Here is a passage from the book: "the significance of race is gravely underevaluated today, yet the Bible stresses the importance of maintaining purity of racial descent, among all peoples. Intermarriages between the people of God and of other races were strictly forbidden. The scriptural tabulation of pedigrees exhibits meticulous detail, as the carefully recorded genealogical tables disclose." The book 'The Covenant People' "tells the story of the origins of the Anglo-Saxon Celtic peoples, whose forefathers gathered at Mount Sinai and there were organized into a kingdom. The account of God's dealings with that kingdom, which was to become the kingdom of God upon earth, comprised to the theme, which threads its way throughout the entire scripture."

So you think that this is true... a guy wrote in it a book?

You have Moroccan jews, Asiatic jews, Arabian jews, Whitish jews, every jew under the sun. There is no such thing as a black Israelite, or any other flavor, there is none.

Honestly, this post is disgusting. You are shaming the countless non-Anglo-Saxon martyrs for Christ. Your post boils down to "pale people who can blush are holy and God's chosen people and people who don't blush are demonic children of Satan." Absolutely ridiculous.
Feel like we went through this on RVF but let's do it again. MFTP, as you're not a Protestant or Gnostic, I believe that Roman Catholics share the view of the Orthodox wherein a man may not freely come up with his own interpretations of Scripture but must defer to the interpretations of the Apostles, the Church Fathers, and so forth.
Yes, this is true. However, much gets lost in translation. I do not base most of what I post on any modern English etymological interpretation, as after the reformation and the various sects split, so did their interpretations that further distanced itself from the source of the texts as well as Apostolicism. Rather I focus on the archaic languages. In time, the bastardization of the tongues (not just the races) will confuse many. This will be a long post, but since you took the time to read what I wrote (which I appreciate) even if you vehemently disagree with me, I will elaborate on these points for you and for others to view.
Please source this claim. As far as I am aware, nothing in God's commandments says that as a rule, a man and woman from different races may not marry and produce children.
Certainly. God does command this to the Israelites, but not to the non-Israelites (who would not be in communion with God anyhow). In ancient times, discussions of race were not framed in the same way as contemporary understandings of race, as we understand from living in a forced cauldron with unnatural amounts of mindless mixing where the inherit differences manifest themselves without effort. Instead, the distinctions were always based of their tribal lineages, with anything else, be it cultural, ethnic, or historical traditions being of footnote mentioning.

Deuteronomy 7:3-4 strictly states this. Here it is in the original Masoretic text first:

"וְלֹ֥א תִתְחַתֵּ֖ן בָּ֑ם בִּתְּךָ֙ לֹ֣א תִתֵּ֔ן לִבְנ֖וֹ וּבִתּ֣וֹ לֹֽא־תִקַּ֔ח לִבְנֵ֥ךְ כִּֽי־יָסִ֣יר אֶת־בִּנְךָ֗ מֵֽאַחֲרַי֙ וְעָבְד֔וּ אֱלֹֽהִים֙ אֲחֵרִ֔ים וְחָרָ֤ה אַף־יְהוָה֙ בָּכֶ֔ם וְהִשְׁמִ֥יד אֹתְךָ֖ מַהֵֽר׃"
"Nor shall you make marriages with them. You shall not give your daughter to his son, and you shall not take his daughter for your son. For he will turn away your son from following Me and they will serve other gods, and the anger of the Lord will blaze against you, and He will promptly wipe you out."

Here, in the Septuagint, in original Greek:

3 καὶ οὐ μὴ γᾶμον ποιήσεις μετ᾽ αὐτῶν· οὐκ δώσεις τὴν θυγατέρα σου τῷ υἱῷ αὐτῶν, καὶ οὐ λήμψῃ τὴν θυγατέρα αὐτῶν τῷ υἱῷ σου. 4 ὅτι ἀποστρέψει τὸν υἱὸν σου ὀπίσω μου, καὶ λατρεύσουσιν οἱ υἱοὶ αὐτῶν τοῖς θεοῖς ἑτέροις, καὶ ὀξυνθήσεται ὀργὴ Κυρίου ἐφ᾽ ὑμᾶς καὶ ταχέως ἀπολεῖται ὑμᾶς.
"3 And you shall not make marriages with them. You shall not give your daughter to his son, and you shall not take his daughter for your son.4 For he will turn away your son from following Me, and their sons will serve other gods, and the anger of the Lord will be kindled against you, and He will quickly destroy you."

Here is the Latin Vulgate, in Latin (a translation of the Bible into Latin by St. Jerome in the 4th century):

"3 nec connubium facies cum eis filiis tuis non dabis filiam tuam eorum filiis et filiam eorum non accipies filio tuo4 quia avertet filium tuum a me et colent deos alienos et irascetur furor meus et interficiam te subito"
"3 Nor shalt thou make marriages with them. Thou shalt not give thy daughter to his son, nor take his daughter for thy son:4 For she will turn away thy son from following me, that he may rather serve strange gods, and the wrath of the Lord will be kindled, and will quickly destroy thee."

And the Wycliffe Bible, the first English translation ever made (note how different Old English is):

"3 Nether thou schalt do matrimony with hem, thi douyter thou schalt not yyue to his sone, and thou schalt not take of his douyter to thi sone ;4 for he turneth awey thi sone fro me, and thei schulen serue alien goddis, and the wodnesse of the Lord schal be wrooth, and schal do awei thee ful sone."
"3 Neither thou shalt do matrimony with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give to his son, and thou shalt not take of his daughter to thy son.4 For he turneth away thy son from me, and they shall serve alien gods, and the wrath of the Lord shall be wroth, and shall do away thee full soon."

While many will say that this passage is only concerned with the spiritual corruption, this is not true. The Canaanites and the Israelites do not share the same lineage, they are two very distinct peoples. The Bible portrays the Israelites and the Canaanites as opposing groups with different bloodlines. The Israelites trace their lineage to Adam, the patriarch Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and his twelve sons. The Canaanites on the other hand were allegedly indigenous peoples inhabiting the land of Canaan which later became the Promised Land for the Israelites. The Bible doesn't provide a unified genealogy for the Canaanites, as the book is not for these people. To learn this, you have to go beyond Apostolic scriptural interpretation to understand who these people really were, from an anthropological and civilizational aspect. Ugarit, Hazor, and Megiddo are archaeological sites which have given us more clues about these people.

Perhaps I am simplifying "race" down to its 21st century divisive context. It goes far beyond this, but it always begins with the blood, and the origin of the patrilineal lineage. Modern day anthropologists are very liberally-minded and have been spoon-fed the ideas that racial purity is a boogeyman myth and not possible (at least long term) because of the perceived hereditary dangers, meanwhile the same tribe that runs the funnel of academic thought and funding on this matter does the exact opposite within their own community. Are they not heeding their own advice? Or is there a deeper esoteric truth to racialism than we are led to believe?

Here is another passage, Exodus 34:11-16, first again in ancient Hebrew in the Masoretic text:

"11 שְׁמָר־לְךָ֣ אֶת־אֲשֶׁ֤ר אָנֹכִי֙ מְצַוְּךָ֣ הַיּ֔וֹם הִנְנִ֥י גֹרֵ֛שׁ מִפָּנֶ֖יךָ אֶת־הָאֱמֹרִ֑י וְהַ֨כְנַעֲנִ֔י וְהַחִתִּ֖י וְהַפְּרִזִּֽי׃
12 הִשָּׁ֣מֶר לְךָ֔ פֶּן־תִּכְרֹ֥ת בְּרִ֖ית לְיוֹשֵׁ֣ב הָאָ֑רֶץ אֲשֶׁר֩ אַתָּ֨ה בָא־שָׁ֜מָּה פֶּן־יִ֠הְיֶה לְמוֹקֵ֨שׁ בְּקִרְבֶּ֜ךָ׃
13 כִּ֣י אֶת־מִזְבְּחֹתֵיהֶ֗ם תִּתָּ֨צוֹר֙ וְאֶת־מַצֵּבֹ֔תֵיהֶם תְּשַׁבֵּ֖ר וְאֶת־אֲשֵׁרֵיהֶ֑ם תִּשְׁבַּ֖ר וּפְסִילֵיהֶ֥ם תִּשְׂרֽוֹף׃
14 כִּ֣י לֹ֤א תִשְׁתַּחֲוֶה֙ לְאֵ֣ל אַחֵ֔ר כִּ֥י יְהוָ֖ה קַנָּ֣א שְׁמ֔וֹ אֵ֥ל קַנָּ֖א הֽוּא׃
15 פֶּן־תִּכְרֹ֣ת בְּרִ֔ית לְיֽוֹשֵׁ֖ב הָאָ֑רֶץ וְזָנ֥וּ אַחֲרֵֽי־אֱלֹֽהֵיהֶם֙ וְזָ֣בְחוּ לֵאלֹהֵיהֶ֔ם וְקָרָ֣א לְךָ֔ וְאָֽכַלְתָּ֖ מִזִּבְחֽוֹ׃
16 וּלְקַחְתָּ֨ מִבְּנֹתָ֜יו לְבָנֶ֗יךָ וְזָנוּ֙ בְּנֹתֵיהֶ֔ם אַחֲרֵ֖י אֱלֹהֵיהֶ֑ן וְהִזְנוּ֙ אֶת־בְּנֶ֣יךָ אַחֲרֵ֔י אֱלֹהֵיהֶ֖ן׃"

"11 Guard for yourself what I am commanding you today. Behold, I am about to drive out before you the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite.12 Watch yourself, lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you are going, lest it become a snare in your midst.13 But you shall destroy their altars, break their pillars, and cut down their Asherim14 —for you shall not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God—15 lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and when they whore after their gods and sacrifice to their gods and you are invited, you eat of his sacrifice,16 and you take their daughters for your sons, and their daughters whore after their gods and make your sons whore after their gods."

Here it is again in ancient Greek in the Septuagint:

11 φύλαξόν σεαυτῷ τὰ ἐντολὰς ὅσα ἐγὼ σοι ἐντέλλομαί σοι σήμερον. ἰδοὺ ἐγὼ ἐκβάλλω ἀπὸ προσώπου σου τοὺς Ἀμορραίους καὶ Χαναναίους καὶ Ἑτταῖον καὶ Περιζαῖον καὶ Γεγαῖον καὶ Ἰεβουσαῖον.12 φύλαξαι σεαυτὸν μὴ ποιήσῃς διαθήκην τοῖς κατοικοῦσιν τὴν γῆν εἰς ἣν σὺ πορεύῃ, μὴποτε γένηται παγίς σοι ἐν μέσῳ αὐτῶν.13 τοὺς βωμοὺς αὐτῶν καταγράψεις καὶ τοὺς στήλους αὐτῶν συντρίψεις καὶ τὰς ἄλσηρα αὐτῶν κολοιόσεις14 ὅτι οὐ προσκυνήσεις ἄλλω θεῷ, ὅτι Κύριος ὁ Θεὸς, ζηλωτὴς ὄνομα αὐτῷ, θεὸς ζηλωτὴς.15 μὴ διαθήσῃς πρὸς τοὺς κατοικοῦντας τὴν γῆν, μὴ πορευθῇ ἐν τοῖς μέσοις αὐτῶν, μήποτε τεκνογονήσῃς αὐτοῖς,16 καὶ λάβωσιν αἱ θυγατέρες αὐτῶν καὶ πορνεύσωσι τοῖς θεοῖς αὐτῶν, καὶ παρακαλέσωσίν σε, καὶ φάγῃς τῆς θυσίας αὐτῶν,17 καὶ λήμψῃ τὰς θυγατέρας αὐτῶν τοῖς υἱοῖς σου, καὶ πορνεύσονται αἱ θυγατέρες αὐτῶν τοῖς θεοῖς αὐτῶν, καὶ πορνεύσουσιν οἱ υἱοὶ αὐτῶν τοῖς θεοῖς αὐτῶν."

11 Guard for yourself the things I command you today. Behold, I am driving out from your presence the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Hittites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites.12 Guard yourself, lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you are going, lest it become a snare in your midst.13 You shall erase their altars and break their pillars and cut down their sacred groves14 for you shall not worship another god, for the Lord God is zealous, His name is Jealous, He is a zealous God.15
You shall not make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, lest you go among them, lest you make offspring with them,16 and their daughters take for your sons, and they prostitute themselves to their gods, and they will call you, and you will eat of their sacrifices,17 and you will take their daughters for your sons, and their daughters will prostitute themselves to their gods, and your sons will prostitute themselves to their gods.

Once more in the Latin Vulgate with translation:

"11 observa quae ego hodie praecipio tibi ecce ego ejicio ante faciem tuam Amorrhaeum et Chanaanaeum et Hetthaeum et Pherezaeum et Hevaeum et Jebusaeum.12 Cave ne cum habitatoribus terrae illius, ad quam tu intras, facias foedus, et offendas in eis.13 sed aras eorum destruetis et statuas confringetis et lucos eorum succides14 non adorabis deum alienum quia Dominus zelotes nomen ejus Deus zelotes est.15 ne foedus cum inhabitantibus terra facturus te inveniatur, et cum fornicati fuerint post deos suos et sacrificaverint diis suis vocabit te et comedes de sacrificio suo,16 accipiesque de filiabus eorum uxores filiis tuis tradetisque filias tuas maritis eorum, cum fuerint fornicatae post deos suos et adulteraverint fornicataeque fuerint in diis alienis."

"11 Observe what I command you this day. Behold, I am driving out before you the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites.12 Take care, lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land to which you go, lest it become a snare in your midst.13 You shall tear down their altars and break their pillars and cut down their Asherim14 for you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God,15 lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and when they whore after their gods and sacrifice to their gods and you are invited, you eat of his sacrifice,16 and you take of their daughters for your sons, and their daughters whore after their gods and make your sons whore after their gods."

Now again in the Wycliffe Old English translation (the hardest to read for me of all the languages, it really does sound brutish):

"11 Kepe thou that that Y comaunde to thee to dai; lo! Y schal caste out bifor thi face Amorrei, and Cananei, and Ethei, and Feresei, and Euyei, and Jebusei.12 Be war, lest perauenture thou make boond of felouschip with the dwelleris of the lond, which bondis be in to sclaundir to thee.13 Forsothe ye schulen distrie her auteris, schulen al to-brekke her stoonys, and schulen kitte doun her wode goddis.14 Thou schalt not worschipe an other god; forsothe the Lord is clepid gelous, and is a jelouse God.15 Lest perauenture thou make boond of felouschip with the dwelleris of that lond, and whanne thei han do fornicacioun with her goddis, and han offrid to her goddis, thei clepe thee to ete of the sacrifices,16 and thou take of her douytris wijues to thi sones, and thou yyuest thi douytris to her sones, lest perauenture thou falle in to her boondis."

"11 Keep what I command you today; behold, I will cast out before your face the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite.12 Be cautious, lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, which covenants may be for a snare to you.13 But you shall destroy their altars, shall break their stones, and shall cut down their wooden gods.14 You shall not worship another god; indeed, the Lord is called jealous, and is a jealous God.15 Lest perhaps you make a covenant with the inhabitants of that land, and when they have committed fornication with their gods, and have offered sacrifices to their gods, they call you to eat of the sacrifices,16 and you take wives for your sons from their daughters, and you give your daughters to their sons, lest perhaps you fall into their snares."

Again, those of lesser awareness can make the claim that this passage is only referring to a spiritual problem with intermarrying and breeding with heathens, but the case remains the same that these are two distinct peoples with two distinct lineages, and their blood certainly has something to do with the "gods" they worship. It manifests in their behaviors, their genes (generations), and their way of life. To ignore the differences between people beyond the metaphysical, simply relegating everything to a spiritual reductionism, is why there is so much confusion in the present day.

One more passage which shows the consequences among the Israelites of mixing marriages (and thus breeding, because back then there was no dating or whore subculture):

Ezra 9:1-2 first in ancient Hebrew in the Masoretic text:

"אַחֲרֵ֛י הַדְּבָרִ֥ים הָאֵ֖לֶּה נִגַּ֣שׁ אֵלַ֣י עֶזְרָ֑א הָרַאשִׁ֤ים לֵאמֹר֙ לֹֽא־הִבָּ֣דְלוּ הָעָ֗ם יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ וְהַכֹּהֲנִ֔ים וְהַלְוִיִּ֖ם מִן־עַמֵּ֥י הָאֲרָצ֑וֹת כְּתוֹעֲבֹ֖תֵיהֶ֥ם הַֽכְּנַעֲנִֽי הַחִתִּ֔י הַפְּרִזִּ֖י הַיְבוּסִֽי׃ 2 כִּ֚י לְקַחֲנַ֣שֵּׁיהֶ֔ם מִבְּנוֹתֵיהֶ֖ם לָהֶ֑ם וְלִבְנֵיהֶם֙ הִשִּׁ֣יחוּ עַמֵּ֣י הָאֲרָצ֔וֹת וַיָּבִ֖יאוּ הַחַטָּאתָֽם׃"

"1 After these things had been done, the officials approached me and said, "The people of Israel and the priests and the Levites have not separated themselves from the peoples of the lands with their abominations, from the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites.2 For they have taken some of their daughters to be wives for themselves and for their sons, so that the holy race has mixed itself with the peoples of the lands. And in this faithlessness the hand of the officials and chief men has been foremost.""

In the passage in Ezra 9:2, the term used is often "זֶרַע" (zerah), which is translated as "race," "seed," or "offspring."

Again in ancient Greek in the Septuagint:

"1 Καὶ ἐπειδὴ ἐπετέλεσαν ταῦτα, προσῆλθάν μοι οἱ ἄρχοντες λέγοντες, Οὐ περιεχώρησαν ὁ λαὸς Ισραηλ καὶ οἱ ἱερεῖς καὶ οἱ Λευῖται ἀπὸ τῶν λαῶν τῶν γῆν τῶν εἰδωλολατριῶν καὶ Χαναναίων καὶ Χετταίων καὶ Φερεζαίων καὶ Γεβεαιών καὶ Αιμμωναίων καὶ Αιγυπτίων καὶ Αμορραίων καὶ Ἰεβουσαίων, 2 διότι ἔλαβον τῶν θυγατέρων αὐτῶν αὐτοῖς καὶ τοῖς υἱοῖς αὐτῶν, καὶ ἐλάλησαν οἱ λαοὶ τῆς γῆς ταῦτα καὶ ηὐγγελίσαντο αὐτοῖς λέγοντες, Οὐ χωρισθήσεται λαὸς αὐτὸς ἀπὸ τῶν λαῶν τῆς γῆς τούτης κατὰ τὰς μοιχείας αὐτῶν."

"1 After these things were completed, the officials approached me, saying, "The people of Israel and the priests and the Levites have not separated from the peoples of the lands with their abominations, from the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites. 2 For they have taken some of their daughters for themselves and for their sons, and the peoples of the land spoke about it, saying, 'The people of Israel will not be separated from the peoples of this land according to their adulteries.'"

Notice the difference? In the Masoretic Text, Ezra 9:2 contains the phrase "הַזֶּ֤רַע הַקֹּדֶשׁ֙" (ha-zerah ha-qodesh), which can be translated as "the holy race" or "the holy seed." This phrase emphasizes the sacred and distinct nature of the people of Israel.

However, in the Septuagint, the corresponding Greek phrase does not carry the exact wording related to a "holy race." Instead, it refers more broadly to the people of Israel. Why these differences are there is a mystery, it could be attributed to variations in the translation process to convey the meaning in Greek, or there could be misunderstandings.

Here in the Latin Vulgate:

"1 Postquam autem completa sunt haec, accesserunt ad me principes dicentes: Non sunt segregati populus Israel et sacerdotes et Levitae a populis terrae earum abominationibus, a Chanaanitis, Hetthaeis, Pherezaeis, Jebusaeis, Ammonitis, Moabitis, Aegyptiis et Amoraeis.2 Sunt enim de filiabus eorum, quas sibi et filiis suis sumpserunt, sancto semini miscuisses te cum populis terrae; et manus principum et magistratuum primorum in hoc delicto fuere."

"1 After these things were completed, the leaders approached me, saying, "The people of Israel, the priests, and the Levites have not separated themselves from the abominations of the peoples of the land, from the Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians, and Amorites.2 For they have taken some of their daughters for themselves and for their sons, so that you have mixed yourself with the holy seed of the peoples of the land; and the hands of the leaders and chief men have been foremost in this trespass."

The Latin Vulgate, translated by St. Jerome, was directly from Hebrew manuscripts, and in certain cases, it aligns more closely with the Masoretic Text than the Septuagint. Jerome's translation was an attempt to provide a Latin version of the Bible directly from the original Hebrew and Aramaic, and he had access to Hebrew manuscripts that contained the phrase "holy seed" in Ezra 9:2.

Lastly here it is in the Wycliffe Bible in Old English:

"1 And aftir these thingis weren do, neiyden to me princis, and seiden, The puple of Israel, and the preestis, and dekenes ben not departid fro the puplis of londis, and fro her abhomynaciouns, that is, fro the idolatries, of Chanaanitis, of Etheis, of Fereseis, of Jebuseis, of Amonitis, of Moabitis, of Egipcians, and of Ammorreis.2 For thei han take of her douytris to hem silf and to her sones, and the hooli seed is medlid with the puplis of londis; and the hondis of the princes and the magistratis of this trespass ben formest, or cheef."

"1 And after these things were done, princes approached me and said, "The people of Israel, the priests, and the Levites have not separated themselves from the peoples of the lands and from their abominations, that is, from the idolatries, of the Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians, and Amorites.2 For they have taken some of their daughters for themselves and for their sons, and the holy seed is mingled with the peoples of the lands; and the hands of the princes and the magistrates are foremost, or chief, in this trespass."

This "holy race" is mentioned numerous times in scripture, if you go back in the sources. Here is two further mentions of it in the Masoretic Text:

Isaiah 6:13 in Masoretic Text:
"וְע֣וֹד בָּ֔הּ עֲשֵׂ֥רֶת אַיִם֙ וְשָׁבְתָּ֔ה וְהָ֣יְתָה לְבָ֔עַר כָּ֚אֵלָ֣ה וְכַֽאֲלֻנָּ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר בִּזְתָּ֖הּ מָ֑ן תַּֽחַת־נָ֤פֶל הַזֶּ֙רַע֙ תִּֽהְיֶ֔ה הַזֶּ֛רַע הַקֹּ֥דֶשׁ מָ֖עַט תִּֽהְיֶֽה׃"

"Yet there will be a tenth portion in it, and it will again be subject to burning, like a terebinth or an oak whose stump remains when it is felled. The holy seed is its stump."

"But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten: as a teil tree, and as an oak, whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves:
so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof."

This passage, in original Hebrew, and with two similar English direct translations of that text, the term "הַזֶּ֛רַע הַקֹּ֥דֶשׁ" (ha-zerah ha-qodesh) is translated as "the holy seed," emphasizing the consecrated or set-apart nature of the remnant that will survive. The verse speaks of a future restoration and renewal, where a holy remnant will remain after judgment.

Daniel 2:43 in Masoretic text:
"וְעַד־עַת־אַחֲרֹ֜נָא בְּרֵ֣זוּת בְּרַזִּ֗ין בְּרַזִּ֥ין בְּרַזִּ֛ין חֲסִירִ֥ין תְּכֹל֖וּן כְּאִשְׁתַּבְּֽבוֹת׃"

"And in that you saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men, but they shall not cling to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay."

"And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."

The dream in this verse symbolizes a difficulty or inability for two distinct lineages or groups to mix harmoniously. Iron is known for its strength and stability, while clay is less durable. The Bible often addresses themes of separation and distinction between different peoples or lineages. The idea of a failure to mix could be seen in the context of God's plan for distinct nations and peoples.

In each of these cases, the term "holy seed" or similar expressions is used in the context of emphasizing the consecrated or set-apart nature of a particular lineage or people, and is not referring to their confession of faith.

This is not correct if you mean it literally. Demons cannot procreate with humans. In addition to this being the position of the Church and the Fathers, one of God's greatest miracles was the incarnation of the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit. If you think demons can do the same... well, it just doesn't stand to reason. If you mean it in a spiritual sense then sure.
How would you make sense of spiritual procreation but not physical procreation? The two are not conjoined more often than separate are they not? I'm not saying there are literal physical demons, who are also carbon-based lifeforms like we are, mating and breeding with human females. I do not know what their cellular structure is like, but based off of the scripture, these creatures were seemingly completely relegated to energetic life forms after the flood. However their origins are confounding. Who do you think the giants descended from? Ethereal demons may not be able to mate and reproduce physically with humans now (I cannot confirm nor deny this), but we do not know the exact physical circumstances of the fallen beings in the early days of man before the flood. It explicitly states in the scriptures that this sort of reproduction occurred in antediluvian times:

Genesis 6:1-4 In Masoretic Text:
"וַיְהִ֗י כִּֽי־הֵחֵ֤ל הָֽאָדָם֙ לָר֣וּב עַל־פְּנֵ֣י הָֽאֲדָמָ֔ה וּבָנ֖וֹת יֻלַּדְנָ֑ה לָהֶ֨ם׀ בָּנִ֣ים אֱלֹהִים֩ רָא֨וּ אֶת־בְּנ֣וֹת הָֽאָדָ֜ם כִּי־טֹבֹ֣ת הֵֽנָּה׃וַיֹּ֤אמְרוּ׀ בְּנֵי־הָֽאֱלֹהִים֙ אֶל־בְּנ֣וֹת הָֽאָדָ֔ם וְיָֽקְחוּ־לָהֶ֖ם נָשִׁ֣ים מִכֹּל֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר בָּחָ֔רוּ׃וַיֹּ֤אמֶר יְהוָה֙ לֹ֣א יָדֹ֔ון רוּחִ֥י בָּאָדָ֖ם לְעֹלָ֑ם בְּשַׁגַּם֙ ה֥וּא בָשָׂ֖ר וְהָי֣וּ יָמָּֽיו׃הָֽיוּכְל֗וּ יָמָ֤יו מֵאָֽה־וְעֶשְׂרִים֙ שָׁנָ֔ה וּשְׁלֹשִׁ֣ים שָׁנָ֔ה וַיִּתְחַֽזְּק֖וּ יָמָ֣יו׀ מֵאָֽה שָׁנָ֑ה וַיִּוָּסְר֖וּ בְּאֹֽהָלִֽים׃הָֽיְהוּ־נְפִלִ֤ים׀ בָּאָ֙רֶץ֙ בַּיָּמִ֔ים הָהֵ֖ם וְגַ֣ם אַֽחֲרֵי־כֵ֑ן אֲשֶׁ֥ר יָבֹ֖אוּ בְּנֵ֥י הָֽאֱלֹהִֽים׃"

"1 When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them,2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose.3 Then the Lord said, "My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years."4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown."

The Book of Enoch was known in some early Christian circles, and a few early Church Fathers, such as Tertullian and Origen, made references to it. Since @Raskolnikov mentioned my alleged lack of respect for Ethiopian Christians, the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church includes the Book of Enoch in its canon, and the specific passages related to the narrative of fallen angels and their interaction with human women can be found in the Book of Enoch, specifically in the section known as the "Book of the Watchers" or "1 Enoch 6-36." Here is a specific passage:

1 Enoch 6:1-2 (Ethiopic aka Ge'ez):
"1 And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters .2 And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: 'Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children."

There were many giants throughout human history, and all of them contained this corrupted blood in them which originated from fallen angels. The reaction of the Nephilim hybrids who were told of their doom, both physical and spiritual, by Enoch himself, was considered on par with hellish wailing and gnashing of teeth. Enoch was commissioned by God to deliver messages to the fallen angels, revealing their impending judgment and the consequences of their actions. Whether a certain Church believes this book to be part of the apocrypha or not doesn't mean it should be dismissed for historical truth and spiritual validity. Why would the passage in Genesis be there if it was incorrect? There is a crossover from the spiritual to the physical by tainted spirit transferring itself and resulting with tainted blood. People who carry polydactyly likely have some of this DNA in them, be they European or not.

It's common knowledge that "Adam" means "man" in Hebrew. Can you provide a source for your alternate etymology claim? Claiming that non-whites do not descend from Adam is a dramatic claim that requires substantiation.
I didn't say "Adam". I said "Adahwm," which is a transliteration, and it's more correct pronunciation in Hebrew would be "Adom". Therefore, the Hebrew word often translated as "ruddy" or "ruddy-complexioned" in the context of describing skin color is "אָדֹם" (pronounced "adom"). This term is related to the root word "אדם" (pronounced "adam"), which is also the name for humanity or humankind in Hebrew. The association with redness is reflected in various biblical passages. One notable instance is in the description of David, the shepherd-king, in the Old Testament:

Hebrew (Masoretic text):וַיִּשְׁלַח וַיְבִיאֵהוּ וְהוּא אָדְמוֹנִי עִם־יְפֵה עֵינַיִם וְטוֹב רֹאִי

Transliteration: vayishlach vayevi'ehu v'hu admoni im-yefe eineyim v'tov ro'i

English Translation from Masoretic Text: "And he sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, with beautiful eyes and goodly appearance."

The term "admoni" is translated as "ruddy" here, conveying the idea of a reddish or rosy complexion.

I am not claiming that all non-whites do not descend from Adam. There is a possibility that dark-skinned blacks descend from the curse of Ham (son of Noah, therefore a son of Adam), but I have not explored this unsubstantiated speculation as it is not as important as the jewish question. Also certain Arabs also contain the same DNA, but not all of them. There is no simple way to measure this metric.

So you think that this is true... a guy wrote in it a book?
You're not making this an easy response for me. What does it take for a writing to be truthful in your eyes? The Orthodox Greeks I know in person are not this sensitive and will be the first to admit that there is a clear racial perspective to everything in their interactions with people. To go a step further and look at cumulative racial histories and lineages and come to the conclusion that a certain group of people aren't who they say they are is not very difficult. If people cannot explore these themes without being offended, then the questions shouldn't be asked in the first place and we can all live in ignorance while our enemies carry out their plots to end our lines.

Did you even look at the source book? It is written by William J. Cameron, the editor of the Dearborn Independent, one of the last non-jew major news media that was in the US. He is known for publishing Henry Ford's series of articles "The International Jew Vol I-IV" and has an extensive experience as a researcher in Biblical history and jewish supremacy. It was the Dearborn Independent which published "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," which an Orthodox Priest of your own confession, not to mention a former-jew himself, Brother Nathanael, admits is not a forgery, and is a real threatening agenda to all non-jews.

The way the jewish press treated the Dearborn Independent in the 1930s is evidence enough that they were printing material harmful to the agenda. A cursory study of migration patterns from the Holy Land to Europe reveals that these men were not wrong in their connecting the dots and pattern recognition skills.

Honestly, this post is disgusting. You are shaming the countless non-Anglo-Saxon martyrs for Christ. Your post boils down to "pale people who can blush are holy and God's chosen people and people who don't blush are demonic children of Satan." Absolutely ridiculous.

No, that's not really what my post boils down to. Nowhere did I make the assertion that Blacks, Amerindians, Indians, Arabs, Asiatics, or Indigenous islanders are children of the devil, and nowhere did I make the assertion that all the non-Anglo-Saxon martyrs died for nothing. Likewise I cannot make the claim that those who are not of pure Adomic lineage will not inherit the kingdom of God, and I defer those of mixed-race backgrounds to follow their paternal lineage, as did the Israelites, as is common in every nation and race on earth to do naturally to establish a basis for their identity, lest the mothers side is of a higher spiritual quality. Of course if two Europeans have a child, and the fathers side is atheistic or pagan, but the mothers side is rooted in the Church, then the child should follow the mother's side. Spirituality and Racialism are two separate strands of identity, but it is remarkable how often the two coincide throughout history. What's ridiculous is people's inability to do research for themselves when there is no answer to be found by simple explanations.

@paternos this is a heavy topic for such a short question, anyone who answers in one or two sentences cannot approach the brevity and the depth of research required to answer it.

Back to what a jew is, I've basically outlined what they claim to be, which isn't who they are. So yes, primarily they are spiritual imposters, inhabited with the spirit of the devil who is full of pride and is jealous of God and all creation and thus creates an inversional existence to God's laws for everyone. However, there is a significant racial component to their identity. Don't believe me that they view themselves this way? Just read the Talmud, and you will see how many times semen is mentioned in regards to impregnating certain women and keeping the bloodline clean. So they have kept this aspect of antiquity in their enclaves. Understanding their embrace of this racial component, and how they use it as a source of their own worldly strength against the other races, is something everyone should know.
Not really a definition, is it? More something like a rant. That tends to be the problem when people get bogged down in the racialist/ancestral arguments, it becomes this endless and flimsy chain of evidence.

So Jews are...all non-whites? And us Europeans are the real Israelites? Are Ethiopians only Christians when they look white enough to blush? What about Whites who think they are Jewish or Shabbes goyim? Should missionaries even bother when only White people are Adamites?

I'd say any definition that takes up several DIN A4 pages isn't a particularly good one. Particularly if it doesn't square with Patristics.
I'm not against speculation or using sources outside of the Church, but generally, I think epistemology should start with the Church.
I prefer to think of long posts as explanations if there is a concerted effort to describe something.

Can you describe a jew in two simple sentences? Can anyone do it with accuracy?

Patristic writings that represent the teachings of the Early Church Fathers do not provide a uniform or systematic definition of a jew in the way that modern dictionaries or legal documents might. Instead the Fathers addressed issues related to judaism and the jewish people in the context of theological discussions and scriptural interpretation, as well as reflections on the relationship between the Old and New Testaments. The Byzantine Emperors were more swift in their willingness to judge a jew from a perspective beyond this, and that is why Byzantium lasted so long.

The church started with Christ, His teachings and lessons as spread by the Apostles, and in many of those quoted scriptures there is pure divine vitriol for these people. It's as good a place to start as any for defining what they are.

It's not white/non-white, these are simplistic frames of argument we have all been boxed into. It's not based on a color understanding of race, but rather a lineage understanding, of tracing the paternal line as far back as we can to a human origin. The jews and their lineage are not what they say it is, and it is not shared with our lineage. That much is clear.
My simple definition is that it was a religious identity that eventually morphed into an ethnic one. While you can convert into being a Jew I would say the normative way of being a Jew is simply to come from a blood line of Jews. I would say it's similar to how with some American Indian tribes they would sometime take a European and initiate him into their tribe but the normative way of being a member of that tribe is simply to have parents that were members of that tribe.

I'm in a Discord server for something that's completely unrelated to politics or any sort of "based" issue and there's this female Israeli who was once asked by another member how it's determined if someone is Jewish. She replied by saying that they are born into a Jewish family. She was then asked what is the definition of a Jewish family is and she said it's one where the the family had religious connections to Judaism even if no one currently alive in the family adheres to the religion. What I got from is that if you come from an ancestral line that was Jewish then you are a Jew no matter what your relationship to Judaism is. That's what both Hasidic Jews and secular Jew can both fall under the Jew grouping - because they both come from a bloodline that was connected with Judaism even thought the former keeps to the commandments while the latter doesn't.
Good to see you back, Paternos.

To me, a jew is he who rejects Christ. They are defined by their rejection of Him.

Any behavior befitting a Christian, they prefer instead to do the opposite. Their men are women, their women are men. They lie even when it doesn't benefit them. They sow discord and profit off chaos. Their only law is that it isn't illegal if you don't get caught. They prefer greatly to enslave harder working peoples instead of using their own two hands. When I build something, I get a sense of satisfaction. When a jew destroys something, so does he.
Back to what a jew is, I've basically outlined what they claim to be, which isn't who they are. So yes, primarily they are spiritual imposters, inhabited with the spirit of the devil who is full of pride and is jealous of God and all creation and thus creates an inversional existence to God's laws for everyone. However, there is a significant racial component to their identity. Don't believe me that they view themselves this way? Just read the Talmud, and you will see how many times semen is mentioned in regards to impregnating certain women and keeping the bloodline clean. So they have kept this aspect of antiquity in their enclaves. Understanding their embrace of this racial component, and how they use it as a source of their own worldly strength against the other races, is something everyone should know.
I don't believe this @MusicForThePiano

I don't buy they kept their alleged "bloodline" clear for 100 generations. Just look at many Jews and you see it. They are very diverse.
So there is in my opinion no real point in looking back more than 200 years ago. (beyond is just fantasy, also when they do it themselves)

I like the explanation by @Wutang

My simple definition is that it was a religious identity that eventually morphed into an ethnic one

I put it in 2 steps:

Step 1 (the religious link)
I think those that call themselves Jews need to know some people that go or went to synagogue. E.g. brother of the grandfather went to Synagogue. There needs to be some kind of link.

Step 2 (the ethnic identity)
Global culture building. Like B'nai B'rith shaped this I think. I think the modern internetional Jewish culture and history was then imagined and propagandized.

Key component is the persecution fantasy (already before the NSDAP); this fantasy that for ages angry men went after them to hunt them down, they need to stick together, maybe tomorrow something will happen again. This persecution fantasy lead to a strong ethnic identity, I would say that's the core.

From what I read, Jews more or less had their own ghettos across Europe for long. If you were a Jew you would live together, do your stuff together, eat together, party together. These groups were not fully inaccessible, there was intermarriage, and they operated as quite independent cores, just like most European cities. We also see the German Jews look a lot like normal Germans. And many always imagine very rich Jews, but most were simple peasants like any other.

I think it's similar to nation building.

Step 1 (Nation)
You or a great-grandfather is born on a certain part of soil. And you believe it matters. There is some link with the soil. As with the Jews.

Step 2 (identity)
A belief is installed that because of step 1. You gain all sorts of personality traits. The funny thing is that up to certain level this works.
E.g. the Germans, from what I see once a proud people (that was also installed), meet a German today and you meet a timid, guity, shameful son of Holocausters. That's indoctrination.

I believe the Jews (someone with a link somewhere who went to Synagogue) have been indoctrinated just like the Germans.
This film shows very well how Jewish kids are indoctrinated.

And similar to racial building

Step 1
Your skin color has high pigment.

Step 2
A belief is installed that because of step 1. You gain all sorts of personality traits. Also this works. In this story the slavery fantasy is essential. (also a persecution fantasy) Because of the slavery you are now angry. This is also indoctrination.

I think to all this group building there is no determining physical reality, it's extremely flimsy.

Deep down I feel deep down all these group narratives are an attack on the soul by the devil. A trap.

People are seduced to "defend their group". Their group above their personal salvation.

Instead of putting of cutting out your own eye and limb because you're sinner, you are taught to believe the other is the sinner.

And you need to attack them. They are the baddies.

This is the whole (communist) social justice movement. A belief you need to attack others and bring them down to find meaning.

I belief now that at the end of my life I will be judged. For my own actions. For my sins. Attacking others is no virtue.

I think we all are constantly manipulated to join a group identity, "male identity", "white identity" "right wing identity" "national identity"

I think these roads lead to desperation and hell.

In the end we are all God's children (black, white, male, woman, identity-jew) and we will all be judged. Your self claimed phony identity won't save you.

It seems God has been replaced by identitarianism.

And identity is easy, you don't need to do anything for it, no virtue at all, you just go to highway and glue yourself to it. Or you go to Auschwitz and cry how they killed your identity group members. Or you just sit in your chair, and be angry at Adolf Hitler.

I think identity is a huge trap that might obstruct our salvation.

I see also quite some posters talking about "white identity" or "male identity" and many came from a group like PUA, which was also a group, an identity.

I feel it's childish, like high school kids, doing everything to find "their group"

Being part of a group halts us in our personal banning out of sin.

I have been part of a fraternity, loads of alcohol and always after sex. I told myself it was normal, but deep down I knew I was sinning. God was calling. I didn't pick up for many years and decided to keep sinning.

It's a long post and I'm side tracking. But I feel it lays bare the attacks that are put on us.

When we put "identity" above God we are on a one way to hell. Jews included.

And the more I think about it, Jewry is just an identitarian construct, like blacks, whites, nations, football teams, climate fighters, pro-palestinians.
I don't buy they kept their alleged "bloodline" clear for 100 generations. Just look at many Jews and you see it. They are very diverse.
So there is in my opinion no real point in looking back more than 200 years ago. (beyond is just fantasy, also when they do it themselves)
I don't buy it either, especially seeing some of these lots now. I know several who are clearly a mix of Levantine and Ashkenazi DNA, some who are a bit more swarthy, and some who seem to be more Aryan than most Europeans, but still would not pass the Wasmannian mimicry test. My point is a historical analysis of genetics and scripture and practice in defining what a jew has been throughout most of history, despite the modern day minority demographics of their diaspora that is mongrelized to a greater extent than a derelict ancestor who did not come from the tribe. The 50/50 mixes of jew and non jew one will run across nowadays are evidence that their own weapons employed against the goyim also work against them. They are not immune to this destruction of purity, either by their own hand or by accident.

The ones that clearly retain more of the Pharisaical DNA are the Chabad types as opposed to the Turkic-looking zionists we see engaging in open slaughter of Palestinians and Arabs. What one does with kinetic warfare, the other does generationally behind closed doors and from the depths of banking institutions.

Key component is the persecution fantasy (already before the NSDAP); this fantasy that for ages angry men went after them to hunt them down, they need to stick together, maybe tomorrow something will happen again. This persecution fantasy lead to a strong ethnic identity, I would say that's the core.

From what I read, Jews more or less had their own ghettos across Europe for long. If you were a Jew you would live together, do your stuff together, eat together, party together. These groups were not fully inaccessible, there was intermarriage, and they operated as quite independent cores, just like most European cities. We also see the German Jews look a lot like normal Germans. And many always imagine very rich Jews, but most were simple peasants like any other.

The notion of identity is part of one's essence, but yes you are right that it should not be elevated above worship of God. In your sympathizing with the common jews, don't forget that they are all on team jew at the end of the day, and that jewish values do not align with Christian values. They certainly did a lot more than just live seemingly normal peasant lives in those shtetls. They cursed Christ's name day in and day out, since the day He stood before them bloodied and battered on their devilish accusations.

I believe the Jews (someone with a link somewhere who went to Synagogue) have been indoctrinated just like the Germans.
This film shows very well how Jewish kids are indoctrinated.

And similar to racial building

Step 1
Your skin color has high pigment.

Step 2
A belief is installed that because of step 1. You gain all sorts of personality traits. Also this works. In this story the slavery fantasy is essential. (also a persecution fantasy) Because of the slavery you are now angry. This is also indoctrination.

There is plenty of evidence that all Europeans, not just Germans, are brainwashed and indoctrinated into a guilty oppressor identity. The entire film catalogue of Hollywood fills that item ad nauseum. Outside of an inclusive jewish community like Chabad, where do you see the signs that jews have been indoctrinated in the same way, albeit to an eternal victim role? I see the eternal victim but it's simply what they push around non-jews, they don't intrinsically believe they are victims, they have chutzpah for a reason. Within their smelly homes, they will spout their supremacist talk like its secondhand chatter around the table, or when a gaggle of jewesses get together for drinks, it all comes out.
I think to all this group building there is no determining physical reality, it's extremely flimsy.

Deep down I feel deep down all these group narratives are an attack on the soul by the devil. A trap.

People are seduced to "defend their group". Their group above their personal salvation.

Instead of putting of cutting out your own eye and limb because you're sinner, you are taught to believe the other is the sinner.

And you need to attack them. They are the baddies.

This is the whole (communist) social justice movement. A belief you need to attack others and bring them down to find meaning.

I belief now that at the end of my life I will be judged. For my own actions. For my sins. Attacking others is no virtue.

I think we all are constantly manipulated to join a group identity, "male identity", "white identity" "right wing identity" "national identity"

I think these roads lead to desperation and hell.

In the end we are all God's children (black, white, male, woman, identity-jew) and we will all be judged. Your self claimed phony identity won't save you.

It seems God has been replaced by identitarianism.

And identity is easy, you don't need to do anything for it, no virtue at all, you just go to highway and glue yourself to it. Or you go to Auschwitz and cry how they killed your identity group members. Or you just sit in your chair, and be angry at Adolf Hitler.

I think identity is a huge trap that might obstruct our salvation.

I see also quite some posters talking about "white identity" or "male identity" and many came from a group like PUA, which was also a group, an identity.

I feel it's childish, like high school kids, doing everything to find "their group"

Being part of a group halts us in our personal banning out of sin.

I have been part of a fraternity, loads of alcohol and always after sex. I told myself it was normal, but deep down I knew I was sinning. God was calling. I didn't pick up for many years and decided to keep sinning.

It's a long post and I'm side tracking. But I feel it lays bare the attacks that are put on us.

When we put "identity" above God we are on a one way to hell. Jews included.

And the more I think about it, Jewry is just an identitarian construct, like blacks, whites, nations, football teams, climate fighters, pro-palestinians.
This is a different line of thinking. I do agree with you that when one adopts an identity and uses it to be divisive it is blinding people, perhaps even from God, but you cannot just ignore 6000 years of human history with all the differences, be they racial, linguistic, spiritual, ethnic, or adaptive to the environment.

In the same vein of logical arguments I could say that I identify as a European Christian man, and that is something key to my day-to-day life, but this identity pushes me to work closer to my relationship with God, not supplant God with my perception of myself. On the other hand, homosexuals, neo-liberals, non-Christians, BLM types, feminists, communists, these people all elevate their empty identity to a level of godliness. This is the mistake you are reaching at, and yes they will be judged for it.

I mentioned it, "white" is not how we should view ourselves, but rather European, from a bigger picture continental historical perspective, which encompasses more than national boundaries but a distinct civilizational one built around Christian mores.

However for many men in the west, a "white identity" is the beginning stepping stone to understand the greater embrace of Christendom in its entirety. I don't believe someone can have a "white identity" in this day and age and proceed to never become a Christian, taking aspects of that identity such as love for ones kin and nation into serving God. Only if they remain in this infantile stage of identitarianism, which most humans go through, trap of the devil or not.

Look at the boundaries of the Pax Romana, especially under Trajan. This is the extent a full true Christian civilization can encompass, and not everyone in its borders will be some jew's nightmare of the blond-hair and blue-eyed hellywood boogeyman stereotype, as a matter of fact, more of the Aryan Christians exhibit darker features than some of the jews do themselves!

With regard to what is a jew, in concurrence with the other posters on this thread I will say that it is a descendent of the pharisees who rejects Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior. I have my own findings on the racial and genetic markers for these people that I know are significant (and I'm not the only one who believes that), but it seems not everyone is ready to discuss that aspect yet.

Astounding how such a simple question as "what is a jew?" can manifest so many different interpretations from different people. In this aspect, if they sought anonymity of their true identity, they have succeeded.

Where do you see the signs that jews have been indoctrinated in the same way, albeit to an eternal victim role?

See the movie defamation, see how the kids are told about the evil Germans that slaughtered their ancestors while grinning letting their dogs go on them. There is a severe pressure in their group (like in any sect) to never question their victim role.

I belief a young 5 year old boy growing up in such a family only later learns about his group, and then the “identity” forms, it’s a combination of media, school, parents bringing these false beliefs in. The Jews I got to know in life have a sense “they are after them”, a paranoia. This always intrigued me. I think that the product of fear propaganda.

In your sympathizing with the common jews, don't forget that they are all on team jew at the end of the day, and that jewish values do not align with Christian values.

I think we are all on team God by the end of the day. Jews like all the people around us have a choice to repent and get rid of sin.

Being born in an indoctrinating environment is predictive but not deterministic.

Just like the modern values don’t align with the truth that was revealed to us. I believe in repentance; also by Jews.

They certainly did a lot more than just live seemingly normal peasant lives in those shtetls. They cursed Christ's name day in and day out, since the day He stood before them bloodied and battered on their devilish accusations.

I think this is more fantasy than reality. A fantasy of a Jew, that’s all day cursing Christ. Reality is more live and let live, as most Muslims are now living in the European towns. They have their ghettos and live segregated from the local population.

Within their smelly homes, they will spout their supremacist talk like its secondhand chatter around the table, or when a gaggle of jewesses get together for drinks, it all comes out.

I don’t like this kind of derogatory talk.

However for many men in the west, a "white identity" is the beginning stepping stone to understand the greater embrace of Christendom in its entirety.

I think it’s a trap. I think you play your role in the dialectic process. Focusing on skin colour instead of repentance of sins.

Astounding how such a simple question as "what is a jew?" can manifest so many different interpretations from different people. In this aspect, if they sought anonymity of their true identity, they have succeeded.

That’s why I asked the question. As I feel the “Jew” just lives in our individual mind and we all have a different understanding of it. And it’s good to expose that.

That’s because there is no real manifestation of it in our physical word. You have obviously spent a lot of time on Jewish history and that has shaped your image of the “Jew” for many others it is “those that were sent to the gas chambers”.

That’s why I think now, the Jew just lives in the mind. And in contemporary society he has a large share of the mind.

It’s different from a horse, we will for 99% agree what is a horse. That’s because a horse is part of reality. And the horses not an imagination.

Jews (as the identity) in reality are nothing. A collective fantasy.
Astounding how such a simple question as "what is a jew?" can manifest so many different interpretations from different people. In this aspect, if they sought anonymity of their true identity, they have succeeded.
I really hate to get on your case here, buddy, but you haven't given a definition, you've just given random associated information.

The question of both "how do Jews understand themselves?" and "Why do Jews constantly run into issues with everyone?" are easily answered by the two elements of 1. Opposition to Christ 2. A notion of chosenness.

Whether or not the Pharisees were Edomites or whatever is besides the point, because, as both you and paternos mentioned, bloodlines are watered down. It's also not helpful on the ethical level, because you can't really blame a Jew for his ancestry.

I also don't think that genetics is the factor here, because you can often see people's mindset morph into the Jewish one as soon as they are told they are Jewish themselves. You see it all the time. Being special and holy based on your bloodline without repentance is an alluring thought to many people. I know many Jews don't really respect and accept converts, but born gentiles can get pretty darn good and doing the nasal voice and the entitled kvetching.

Heck, I know people who have the exact same strawman-y, dishonest way of arguing certain topics, mostly because they picked it up in education.

Also, from my own experience, talking about Christ goes at the heart of the issue, every time. You don't really see Jews losing it so much when people talk about Edomite or Khazar theories. But talk about how Christ was the real messiah and the Church is the real Israel and they'll start hurling insults like you won't even believe. It's what everything boils down to.

Beta Israel in Ethiopia don't even have any ancient Levantine genes that overlap with most other Jews, but they still display the same mindset in the face of out-groups.
You could ask them. They will of course have part of their identity in rejecting Christ, but you might have to tease that out.

They'll have a hard time defining what Israel is over time, for many reasons, which is why "Jew" is a curious name, somewhat accurate and somewhat not. The key part in understanding is that Jesus is NOT a jew - in the sense that that word is in any way relevant to the modern people that call themselves jews. This is a huge problem for those that don't know the bible and hear that kind of thing in church.
I also don't think that genetics is the factor here, because you can often see people's mindset morph into the Jewish one as soon as they are told they are Jewish themselves. You see it all the time. Being special and holy based on your bloodline without repentance is an alluring thought to many people.
This is an interesting line.

Being special and holy based on your bloodline without repentance is an alluring thought to many people.

This is the exact same as done to the Germans:

Being evil based on your bloodline for which repetitive repentance and repayment is not even enough.

The problem is this "racial" or "national" thinking it's an illusion of the mind. Therefore I disagree with any who talk about the "white" man, it's a similar illusion. In my opinion a devilish trick to put nation or racial line above God's forgiveness and true judgement.

Also, from my own experience, talking about Christ goes at the heart of the issue, every time. You don't really see Jews losing it so much when people talk about Edomite or Khazar theories.
I think Khazar / Edomite is the exact same error of the mind as I described above.

And as you say talking about Christ gets to the heart of the issue. Not only with Jews, with almost everyone, every sinner crawls away. I can say this from my own experience. I hated when people talked about Christ, I laughed about them, I mocked them, I made them look like dumb dogmatics, backward people.

Why did I do that? Why that force against it? That's possession in some form. Christ strikes in the heart. And the measured resistance in a good indicator, not of a Jew, but of an unrepenting arrogant sinner.

But talk about how Christ was the real messiah and the Church is the real Israel and they'll start hurling insults like you won't even believe. It's what everything boils down to.
What you say. The idea of being holy, the chosen ones, based on bloodline without repentance is an alluring thought.

This also strikes at the matter, the modern identity "Jews" are everything they accuse the Nazi of.

I think this goes deep:

It's also the essence of communism.

Without any personal repentance of sin, the laborer can claim superiority over the "evil" employer.

Therefore this philosophy is anti-Christian. The division of the people is anti-Christian.
As in this philosophy the devil can claim wordly superiority over God fearing souls.

I see it constantly claimed superiority based on "being black", "being a woman", "being white", "being working class", having "university education", "being Jewish", "being Christian"

And this thought is of the Devil.

It's makes you lazy, "go to church on Sunday and you'll be fine", that's why I like these times, I see very passionate Christ followers around me. The lazy fools left the church and chose sin over God.

But anyhow I think you nail it, there is a deep desire to "be holy and chosen" and to "be superior to others".

Fact is we are all chosen, but almost no-one will put down their nets.
I really hate to get on your case here, buddy, but you haven't given a definition, you've just given random associated information.
It's alright, we learn from one another, and we can push a new understanding of things like the jewish phenomena, and let others see our back and forth and they can also make observations for themselves.
The question of both "how do Jews understand themselves?" and "Why do Jews constantly run into issues with everyone?" are easily answered by the two elements of 1. Opposition to Christ 2. A notion of chosenness.

Whether or not the Pharisees were Edomites or whatever is besides the point, because, as both you and paternos mentioned, bloodlines are watered down. It's also not helpful on the ethical level, because you can't really blame a Jew for his ancestry.

I also don't think that genetics is the factor here, because you can often see people's mindset morph into the Jewish one as soon as they are told they are Jewish themselves. You see it all the time. Being special and holy based on your bloodline without repentance is an alluring thought to many people. I know many Jews don't really respect and accept converts, but born gentiles can get pretty darn good and doing the nasal voice and the entitled kvetching.

Heck, I know people who have the exact same strawman-y, dishonest way of arguing certain topics, mostly because they picked it up in education.
How would one identify a jew and define them based off of rejection of Christ alone? That is also a copy+paste argument that can be applied across the earth to every group or religion that denies Christ. It can be applied to Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Zoroastrians, even Muslims to some extent.

Then going a step further, one could say it only applies to those who practice "the old law" who do reject Christ, which is what these jews allegedly do, but I've already established that judaism is not what Noah, Abraham, or Moses followed, essentially it was Mosaism. What rabbinical judaism follows is the "traditions of the Elders" which is what happened after King John Hyrcanus conquered the Edomites and invited them into Judea, so its not a theory there, that's a legitimate specific part of history.

So a jew is one who rejects Christ that comes from the group that practices the traditions of the Elders, or rabbinical judaism. The Khazarian question aside, genetically, many of them have Edomite and Canaanite blood. That is not a theory as well, and it explains why they are so quick to their worship of Moloch, Baal, and other lieutenants of hell. How else could a people be so prone to an inversion of God's natural laws?

Given, the many pagans and pantheistic religions also conduct themselves the same way, cannibalism, bloodletting, human sacrifices, obtuse and deviant sexual practices, but they are mostly ignorant before the gospel was shown to them.

I will agree that there is a jewish mindset that does seem to defy genetics, but not absolutely. Born non-jews can hitch a ride on the grift, but like you said, the true ones can always sniff out a fake.

Also, from my own experience, talking about Christ goes at the heart of the issue, every time. You don't really see Jews losing it so much when people talk about Edomite or Khazar theories. But talk about how Christ was the real messiah and the Church is the real Israel and they'll start hurling insults like you won't even believe. It's what everything boils down to.
Yes I am in agreeance here for the most part, but let me elaborate. Most jews don't look back that far into history, they simply accept what their rabbi tells them, and many of them likely believe the zionist lie about Palestine being their homeland and fill their mind with every other aspect of jewishness that comes with their daily lives. I have seen jews shy away from talk about them being descended from non-Israelite lineages in interviews, the Zundel one is one I can think of where its clearly agitating the "Israeli" interviewer. They do not delve into the intricacies of the bloodlines of the Bible, I expect only certain types of jews do this, but they push a lie among their people so the chords of disharmony are being plucked constantly. When a man lies, he murders some part of the world, and jews lie constantly, even to themselves. So of course they would detest mentioning of Christ's Divinity and His church as being the true kingdom of Israel. I have seen the reaction, it's like Nosferatu in the light.

Look at it this way, without European and white countries, the Church would not survive. This is still true to this day. So this is why they hate everything to do with Aryan Christendom, and by that I mean the fact that it was Europeans and their company of nations brought this true Israel into the world, whether through the Apostolic west or Apostolic east, not the Edomite jews and their miasma of mongrelized multitudes. These imposters had to watch pagan nations accept Christ and watch their societies transform from simplistic and agricultural to incredibly advanced civilizations while they were still shtupping about in their shtetls cursing His name.
How would one identify a jew and define them based off of rejection of Christ alone? That is also a copy+paste argument that can be applied across the earth to every group or religion that denies Christ. It can be applied to Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Zoroastrians, even Muslims to some extent.
Nope, that's actually wrong. Explicit rejection of Christ himself precisely as the Messiah is actually pretty rare. Usually, Hindu and Buddhist types view him as some powerful incarnation of their deities, Islam views him as a wonderworking prophet, even many atheists see him as someone who originally had good socialist type things to say.

None of these things are good and they definitely all prevent salvation, but Rabbinical Judaism is the only religion that openly mocks Jesus and blasphemes the Holy Spirit.

Rabbinical Judaism is the only worldview that can incorporate anything BUT Jesus. And Jews are the only ones placing themselves entirely outside of Christian concepts of humanity.

What's more: This problem applies to Jews regardless of their practical religiosity. Anybody who identifies as a Jew to any significant degree is going to have one problem or another with Christ.

Look at it this way, without European and white countries, the Church would not survive. This is still true to this day. So this is why they hate everything to do with Aryan Christendom, and by that I mean the fact that it was Europeans and their company of nations brought this true Israel into the world, whether through the Apostolic west or Apostolic east, not the Edomite jews and their miasma of mongrelized multitudes. These imposters had to watch pagan nations accept Christ and watch their societies transform from simplistic and agricultural to incredibly advanced civilizations while they were still shtupping about in their shtetls cursing His name.
I don't disagree with that and I think it's true for very many people, but I don't think it's great for a definition. Racial obsessions are very common, but they are not a catch-all like their specific hatred of Christ.

I used to be an atheist edgelord, but I never outright blasphemed Christ. I think there is something keeping people from doing that, generally speaking. Open hostility against all things Jesus seems very much reserved for Talmudists, and it has a profound effect on the soul.
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Did you try to google you question? It's not really that complicated.

"A Jew is a person who is of Jewish heritage or who has converted to the Jewish religion. Jews typically consider themselves as a people and not only as adherents of a religion, therefore a Jew is not only one that practices the religion of Judaism, but it is also one who is of Jewish ethnic heritage. Jews originated as an ethnoreligious group in the Middle East. According to traditional Jewish law, called Halakha, someone is Jewish if their mother was a Jew or if they have converted to Judaism. Judaism has been described as a religion, a race, an ethnic group, a culture, a nation, and an extended family."
jews are also defined by their lies, and their willingness to go to infinity and beyond with said lies:

"If it's on the TV, Radio, or a Major Publication of any kind, they just pulled it out of their ass"

"Yes, it was not true, but in my imagination, it was true." - jewish proverb.