What are you reading? (Ladies forum)


This is a thread to post whatever you are currently reading and any suggestions or commentary that supplement that.

I’m currently rereading “Wuthering Heights.” I first read it as a teenager and thought how horribly *everyone* treated poor Cathy and Heathcliff… But now that I am a parent, it’s a *totally* different reading.

What are you reading? Anything interesting to share?
A group of us ladies at church is starting to read this one together. The Religion of the Apostles. It's very timely, about the early church of the apostles, as it relates to Israel and temple worship.

"Rev. Dr. Stephen De Young, creator of the popular The Whole Counsel of God blog and podcast, traces the lineage of Orthodox Christianity back to the faith and witness of the apostles, which was rooted in a first-century Jewish worldview. The Religion of the Apostles presents the Orthodox Christian Church of today as a continuation of the religious life of the apostles, which in turn was a continuation of the life of the people of God since the beginning of creation."

Another group is starting to read, The Ethics of Beauty ,by Dr. Tim Patisas, and hopes to invite the author to come to talk to us.

"Covering topics ranging from creation to political theory to the Jesus Prayer, including war, psychology, trauma, chastity, healthy shame, gender, marriage, hospitality, art, architecture, theology, economics, urban planning, and complexity theory, The Ethics of Beauty lays out a worldview in which Beauty, Goodness, and Truth are each embraced as indispensable elements of the best possible human life."

I can't decide which to do!
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I read The Litany of Humility most days. I really have to drive it home because humility is the foundation of all virtues, and the struggle with pride is 24/7.

But I'm back to The Imitation Of Christ by Thomas a Kempis, too. It helps me stay in my own lane, unbothered and moisturized, penitential and patient.
This is a thread to post whatever you are currently reading and any suggestions or commentary that supplement that.

I’m currently rereading “Wuthering Heights.” I first read it as a teenager and thought how horribly *everyone* treated poor Cathy and Heathcliff… But now that I am a parent, it’s a *totally* different reading.

What are you reading? Anything interesting to share?
Why is it different now that you're a parent? I read that book a couple of times and found it a little creepy, but also humane. There's a natural affection that comes through in older books that is lacking in the modern world.
Why is it different now that you're a parent? I read that book a couple of times and found it a little creepy, but also humane. There's a natural affection that comes through in older books that is lacking in the modern world.
The first time I read Wuthering Heights was when I was 19 and had all kinds of ideals and fantasies. Heathcliff and Catherine were essentially "star crossed lovers" in my mind. Rereading it as an adult with children... I actually couldn't finish it... the writing was great but I just couldn't stand anymore whining and complaining... The problem with all the main characters is that they are all absolutely spoiled brats.

I used to think Heathcliff had some kind of "righteous vengeance," no... he is just a brat too. He thinks he deserves something that was never owed to him.
I don't remember the book well enough to say much here. I do know that writing changed greatly after the Church lost authority in most of Europe. The focus on virtue went out the window. The stodgy old Church apparently was morally correct. Jane Austen's books have virtuous heroines, and the focus on humility and penance is always evident.
I don't remember the book well enough to say much here. I do know that writing changed greatly after the Church lost authority in most of Europe. The focus on virtue went out the window. The stodgy old Church apparently was morally correct.
I think it is meant as a lesson of how not act: selfishness, pride, arrogance, greed, revenge, etc, all in the name of trying to get what they want at any cost and be "happy" but in the end they're all just miserable.
Jane Austen's books have virtuous heroines, and the focus on humility and penance is always evident.
Austen's books definitely had a more clear cut moral compass.
No, I do have an inherited copy though. Was it a good read? (It's obviously a classic...) I actually don't know anything about the book.
A very good read! I think the jester is probably the best character in the book. If you decide to read it, I'd be happy to read it again along with you.
I'll tell you what I'm NOT reading: sub-forums devoted to cosmetics/fashion and perfume.

I'm not reading much here because nobody posts anything. I really miss your posts because they are intelligent and funny. I learned a lot on RVF from all you ladies.

You can take perfume discussions in a different direction if you wish. Just find something that catches your attention.
I'm not reading much here because nobody posts anything. I really miss your posts because they are intelligent and funny. I learned a lot on RVF from all you ladies.

You can take perfume discussions in a different direction if you wish. Just find something that catches your attention.
To be honest, I am actually, somehow, much busier in my daily life than a few months ago otherwise I would post more often. I, also, feel like a lot of the topics that I used to comment on have already been discussed on the old forum and it's a bit ad nauseam to bring up the same topics again, imo.

I think the men in charge designed the women's forum in a way to actually deter us women from posting. And it has seemed to work very well.
You guys. I just got done reading about the Aztec legal system. It was complex and brutal. For instance, slandering someone carried a penalty of having your lips cut off. And the merchant class was kind of like a seperate society, with its own laws. And cocoa beans were a form of currency, so of course, people made counterfeit beans.

That pic in one of my starus updates that looks so cute and memetic is actually a ritual sacrifice knife. I don't particularly like reading about human sacrifice.
To be honest, I am actually, somehow, much busier in my daily life than a few months ago otherwise I would post more often. I, also, feel like a lot of the topics that I used to comment on have already been discussed on the old forum and it's a bit ad nauseam to bring up the same topics again, imo.

I think the men in charge designed the women's forum in a way to actually deter us women from posting. And it has seemed to work very well.

Actually, I just wanted to try something different. I agree there isn't enough traffic here to make an interesting ladies only section. It's been enough time to judge, and changes are coming to the Ladies forum. Right now we're already discussing what to do, I'm thinking some kind of mixed section is necessary, if not just returning the ladies forum to the old way it was on the RVF.

Ultimately, a big draw for women posting here to get masculine opinions on things in a public environment (the safest place to do so).

Fundamentally, creating a solid ladies forum is an important part of any Christian forum. I am trying to figure out what the best way to do so, there will be some experimentation. I mean no offense to anyone, I'm trying to devise a way to facilitate discussion that will not result in arguments and wasting people's time. And generally, separating the sexes is the easiest way to do that. The other part is of course a forum mainly for men since men value each other's thoughts and opinions tremendously, and it is generally difficult to have a place for serious discussion in 99.9% of the internet.

I think most of the women on here could easily post in the men's section, and there wouldn't be many fights or arguments that degrade the forum. Please do not think that I have any problems with any of the women who found RVF and enjoyed the discussion there! The problem is future women who may join, who could make maintaining forum quality and purity of purpose impossible. I am trying to find the right balance that is good to the heritage RVF women while not creating some kind of female-male warzone, or a place where females can try to trick men (they are actually males in IRL and just try to dox men).

Now that I've had a few months to see how things might go on CiK, I have a pretty good idea of what to do next but other men here will have plenty of ideas too. I'm curious to see how we can approach this problem, including all of the women here - love to hear your thoughts.

I also pray and hope you've had a blessed Thanksgiving, and that the Holy Days this year are helping you renew your resolve, your faith, and childlike appreciation for the world once more. Personally I just did my first nativity fast, and now it feels like the first time I've ever really celebrated a proper birth anniversary of the Lord.
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Finally reading this book out of necessity. Here is the description:

“Companion volume to the bestselling Gut & Psychology Syndrome―the book that launched the GAPS diet―which has been translated into 22 languages and sold more than 300,000 copies.

Since the publication of the first GAPS book, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, in 2004, the GAPS concept has become a global phenomenon. People all over the world have been using the GAPS Nutritional Protocol for healing from physical and mental illnesses.

The first GAPS book focused on learning disabilities and mental illness. This new book, Gut and Physiology Syndrome, focuses on the rest of the human body and completes the GAPS concept. Allergies, autoimmune illness, digestive problems, neurological and endocrine problems, asthma, eczema, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, psoriasis and chronic cystitis, arthritis and many other chronic degenerative illnesses are covered. Dr. Campbell-McBride believes that the link between physical and mental health, the food and drink that we take, and the condition of our digestive system is absolute. The clinical experience of many holistic doctors supports this position.”

Also reading this. More of a normie-take, doesn’t really stray too far from mainstream health/common sense, however I like the case studies.

This book will equip you with the information and tools you need to transform your child's health, including:

  • A new approach to assessing your child's symptoms and learning how seemingly different symptoms are related
  • The role of inflammation in recurrent childhood illnesses
  • How to uncover the root of your child's inflammation, which drives recurrent illnesses
  • The important role gut health plays in overall health
  • What nutrients your child might be deficient in and what foods he or she may need more of (or less of!)
  • Identifying the correct supplements for your child when needed and how to take them for maximum benefit
  • 32 kid-friendly recipes to help even the busiest families make significant changes”
Actually, I just wanted to try something different. I agree there isn't enough traffic here to make an interesting ladies only section. It's been enough time to judge, and changes are coming to the Ladies forum. Right now we're already discussing what to do, I'm thinking some kind of mixed section is necessary, if not just returning the ladies forum to the old way it was on the RVF.

Ultimately, a big draw for women posting here to get masculine opinions on things in a public environment (the safest place to do so).

Fundamentally, creating a solid ladies forum is an important part of any Christian forum. I am trying to figure out what the best way to do so, there will be some experimentation. I mean no offense to anyone, I'm trying to devise a way to facilitate discussion that will not result in arguments and wasting people's time. And generally, separating the sexes is the easiest way to do that. The other part is of course a forum mainly for men since men value each other's thoughts and opinions tremendously, and it is generally difficult to have a place for serious discussion in 99.9% of the internet.

I think most of the women on here could easily post in the men's section, and there wouldn't be many fights or arguments that degrade the forum. Please do not think that I have any problems with any of the women who found RVF and enjoyed the discussion there! The problem is future women who may join, who could make maintaining forum quality and purity of purpose impossible. I am trying to find the right balance that is good to the heritage RVF women while not creating some kind of female-male warzone, or a place where females can try to trick men (they are actually males in IRL and just try to dox men).

Now that I've had a few months to see how things might go on CiK, I have a pretty good idea of what to do next but other men here will have plenty of ideas too. I'm curious to see how we can approach this problem, including all of the women here - love to hear your thoughts.
Well, when we (women) unanimously agreed for "religion and family" but we got "fashion and cosmetics" you're going to see people drop away... not rocket science... It's going to be a lot harder getting women back and even harder to draw new women in that aren't total glowworms.

I also pray and hope you've had a blessed Thanksgiving, and that the Holy Days this year are helping you renew your resolve, your faith, and childlike appreciation for the world once more. Personally I just did my first nativity fast, and now it feels like the first time I've ever really celebrated a proper birth anniversary of the Lord.
Thank you, hope you have a blessed Christmas and God bless you @Samseau. My Advent season has been pretty troubled. If you're praying, please pray for God to grant my eldest brother and my parents His peace.
I'm currently reading "The Glass Hotel" by Emily St. John Mandel which has an interesting take on the aftermath of the economy/housing bust of 2008 and its ramifications on her characters. I started this after reading "Sea of Tranquility" (same author). Both books have a very conversational type of writing which makes them very readable. "Sea of Tranquility" is a semi sci-fi novel where the "science fiction" is mostly a literary device. Both books were really enjoyable to read though a little melancholy but that seems to be the authors tone. I would definitely recommend both of these novels.