Turning this whole thing around


Today on Zerohedge there's an interesting article about a state's pension fund refusing to invest in demonic disney. In the comments section, someone asked "how can turn this woke thing around".

Ultimately, when you boil this down to the root you are forced to confront the situation for what it is. Underneath all of this is an ideology, to be sure, but its also a cult or even, gasp, a religion. And that's the important part to understand. Religion is many things to many people, however, left out of contemporary and intellectual dialogue is the fact that religion is the steward of society's moral code.

With all the absurdities and evil that is coming from this "woke" religion, it necessitates an alternative, and the best that's out there is Christianity.
You bring up a good point and it's the hardest thing to see. Science, which is the mainstream religion now, has eroded away the idea of a religious life to just about everyone. Everybody is wrapped up in their secular, money hungry ways and when it's brought up it might not be the best way you become a target of ridicule.

Religion is difficult for people to get behind when it's not very enstilled in what most kids go through for 13+ years. Public education.
Public education has twisted perception of basically everything.

Then we can go into home life. I find it difficult to find a family who is, happily married, religious, and has a good home life. All 3 of those are difficult to have in today's society.
You bring up a good point and it's the hardest thing to see. Science, which is the mainstream religion now, has eroded away the idea of a religious life to just about everyone. Everybody is wrapped up in their secular, money hungry ways and when it's brought up it might not be the best way you become a target of ridicule.

Religion is difficult for people to get behind when it's not very enstilled in what most kids go through for 13+ years. Public education.
Public education has twisted perception of basically everything.

Then we can go into home life. I find it difficult to find a family who is, happily married, religious, and has a good home life. All 3 of those are difficult to have in today's society.
I comment on these points indirectly and I think you are very accurate. I find that there are very few people who are secure in their upbringing, with self esteem and normal attributes. Insecurities are, in my view, the root of the issue for not being able to think well or critically assess, beyond just pure IQ. I've seen it countless time, people afraid to make predictions, take stances, have opinions on the future, take action, etc. Rather, I see more apathy and uncertainty in men particularly (I don't expect much from women since they are emotional by nature) that paralyzes them, and quite frankly, it makes them very boring to me.

A relative recently pointed out also that boring people only talk about the past, and that includes mostly old people. But I find that middle aged people do this a lot, and avoid plans, new endeavors, new ways of thinking (like BTC) in order to escape the current situation. It amazes me they complain so much and then just still do nothing any differently than the system/matrix participants. When the complaints extend to women, it's sort of the same thing, but I listen to the venting and then tell them what I recognized years ago - the women they desire only exist in other countries, period. Unless you want to be 2-3 points higher than the woman, and it will last, but that's hard for most people to swallow, and I don't blame them.
I comment on these points indirectly and I think you are very accurate. I find that there are very few people who are secure in their upbringing, with self esteem and normal attributes. Insecurities are, in my view, the root of the issue for not being able to think well or critically assess, beyond just pure IQ. I've seen it countless time, people afraid to make predictions, take stances, have opinions on the future, take action, etc. Rather, I see more apathy and uncertainty in men particularly (I don't expect much from women since they are emotional by nature) that paralyzes them, and quite frankly, it makes them very boring to me.

A relative recently pointed out also that boring people only talk about the past, and that includes mostly old people. But I find that middle aged people do this a lot, and avoid plans, new endeavors, new ways of thinking (like BTC) in order to escape the current situation. It amazes me they complain so much and then just still do nothing any differently than the system/matrix participants. When the complaints extend to women, it's sort of the same thing, but I listen to the venting and then tell them what I recognized years ago - the women they desire only exist in other countries, period. Unless you want to be 2-3 points higher than the woman, and it will last, but that's hard for most people to swallow, and I don't blame them.
I believe the bottom paragraph of yours is summed up by your first. The fear to be someone is reinforced by our overall society. Just listen to some of the insanity and low IQ answers some "women" espout. Most folks cannot answer when the United States was founded. Yet they expect 10k minimum a month from a man based on their physical appearance. Where did this nonsense come from? It comes from a life without God.
I believe the bottom paragraph of yours is summed up by your first. The fear to be someone is reinforced by our overall society. Just listen to some of the insanity and low IQ answers some "women" espout. Most folks cannot answer when the United States was founded. Yet they expect 10k minimum a month from a man based on their physical appearance. Where did this nonsense come from? It comes from a life without God.

It's becoming quite clear that the viral movement has started, that men checking out is very noticeable, even though mainstream media and older people will remain clueless or won't cover it. Joker from BB is even commenting on how much more prevalent the desperation is in women who realize that it turns out that life, when it gets harder, isn't exactly fun and if you don't actually bring anything to the table, you'll be left behind. The fun years you took for granted by believing the lies are over, since the money is running out.

It's becoming quite clear that the viral movement has started, that men checking out is very noticeable, even though mainstream media and older people will remain clueless or won't cover it. Joker from BB is even commenting on how much more prevalent the desperation is in women who realize that it turns out that life, when it gets harder, isn't exactly fun and if you don't actually bring anything to the table, you'll be left behind. The fun years you took for granted by believing the lies are over, since the money is running out.


How many times I tell you I see the younger guys on my team cat calling to no end at the slightest attractive woman. I remember when I was younger I did the exact same thing. But now I feel differently and am in line with what you said. If you are only bringing your vanity then there is nothing to discuss.

So how do we translate this to others? How do we help others know there is something more? This is a thought I think about alot. You push too hard they back off, you push to little it's almost a joke. How do we help those that want it?
So how do we translate this to others? How do we help others know there is something more? This is a thought I think about alot. You push too hard they back off, you push to little it's almost a joke. How do we help those that want it?
What are you asking here, really? It's very vague. How do you tell young women to prioritize the right thing? Or are you saying, how do you tell young guys to stop the silly thinking with the little head?

I have to be honest, I'm pretty black pill on this topic, ultimately. I think the numbers of people who change, or are even capable of significantly changing are low. I think that's why versions of war (drugs, tech/porn/social media/gaming) are there, but I've asked many people lately, you still have to pay for all of those people, and for all the oldies. That leads me to the depopulation conclusion, which we know is at least a plan or attempt by central planners at "fixing" or balancing certain things in life. I have no idea what's really going to happen; all I know is that the recession and depression (rolling recessions) are here.
Often I’ve read that the problem with the black community is that black women don’t need a man, they can marry the state. This is common to find in red pill spaces. I believe there‘s a similar situation happening across the board. I think children are a good gauge to understanding our “culture” because they’re so moldable. When we look at children we see that they don’t feel reliant on their family. They don’t feel they need to respect their family, do as they’re told, follow any traditions and they believe we all separate ourselves from our birth family upon reaching adulthood. Make our own money, live where we want, do what we want. I don’t think this mentality comes out of thin air, I think our collapsing civilization is structured to be this way. It’s learned behavior. Everyone is on board, even parents self-sabotage themselves in its name.

So when we look at woke ideology, it self-reinforces and uses as a shield this state-dependent individualism. We can’t be independent unless the state provides all the infrastructure for us to be so. So there is a reliance on the state. People fear and respect mass consensus because we all subconsciously understand that we can’t do what we want unless our neighbors approve of it or at the least are powerless to stop it. I believe everything revolves around this individualism, and people choose to protect it regardless of political affiliation. Conservatives will compromise their beliefs when they feel this individualism is
threatened. So is it any wonder the state grows ever so powerful? Is it any wonder that ideologues hide behind this individualism when preaching the “new thing” and people don’t dare to attack it for fear of undermining their perceived “free will”? Wouldn’t it be better to accept gays, they say to themselves, than to have a society where someone can tell you who you’re allowed to have sex with?

Obviously this is whole thing is going to fail, but most people enable what they complain about. The woke stuff is just a symptom of a “good thing” spiraling out of control and being abused.
What are you asking here, really? It's very vague. How do you tell young women to prioritize the right thing? Or are you saying, how do you tell young guys to stop the silly thinking with the little head?

I have to be honest, I'm pretty black pill on this topic, ultimately. I think the numbers of people who change, or are even capable of significantly changing are low. I think that's why versions of war (drugs, tech/porn/social media/gaming) are there, but I've asked many people lately, you still have to pay for all of those people, and for all the oldies. That leads me to the depopulation conclusion, which we know is at least a plan or attempt by central planners at "fixing" or balancing certain things in life. I have no idea what's really going to happen; all I know is that the recession and depression (rolling recessions) are here.
I believe what I am trying to say is "how do we help others find their path to God?"

I understand alot of us are black pill in alot of cultural, social, and etc issue but I still would like to try and help those who want help.

There is zero doubt that alot of what happens day to day is awful and sinful but I don't believe everyone wants to be in that cesspool. And above that I do not believe they see it that way.
I believe what I am trying to say is "how do we help others find their path to God?"

I understand alot of us are black pill in alot of cultural, social, and etc issue but I still would like to try and help those who want help.

There is zero doubt that alot of what happens day to day is awful and sinful but I don't believe everyone wants to be in that cesspool. And above that I do not believe they see it that way.
Unfortunately, we don't really, because you have to want to learn or listen to understand what is really going on. You have to be affected by it in some fashion, and be tired of all the substitutes and bad habits that you have in order to look past the degradation and nonsense. Few want to do that.

Beyond that, most of the "help" that people seek is just material advancement, to be honest. It's the structural problem of the country at this point, because it's not easy helping others when you know thousands of others are stealing from you already or promoting the theft of your hard work via taxes, central government, and covetousness of the system (redistribution).

Someone pointed this out a long time ago, and it's speculation, but it does explain why there are so many more problems in these days of excess wealth. It's quite clear that beyond just eating and surviving, which are already taken care of (even for free) for most people, there is this desire that the average man should also have X, Y or Z. The world hasn't worked like that historically and it's quite clear that granting all that extra or feeling guilty that others don't have what you have is also something that doesn't work out for the best either.

I think the only thing that really helps is time, relationship and actual community help coming together. And even this is a challenge in places like America because most of us drive 30 min to work, 30 min to church, see each other occasionally but not daily as a result, etc.
Ultimately, when you boil this down to the root you are forced to confront the situation for what it is. Underneath all of this is an ideology, to be sure, but its also a cult or even, gasp, a religion. And that's the important part to understand. Religion is many things to many people, however, left out of contemporary and intellectual dialogue is the fact that religion is the steward of society's moral code.

With all the absurdities and evil that is coming from this "woke" religion, it necessitates an alternative, and the best that's out there is Christianity.

Underneath is an ideology that has been developing for over a thousand years (although it has accelerated as of late). This sounds like a blackpill but there is no turning this around. We are part of a very big story. A "turning around" would be something on the scale of going back to the mindset that existed over a thousand years ago. (Although, that being said, there are some places on earth that still hang onto this mindset.) But as long as we hang onto the uncritical notion that we are "developing" or that "we've made progress" we will continue pridefully headlong into the abyss. Or, more specifically, into antichrist.

Religion is difficult for people to get behind when it's not very enstilled in what most kids go through for 13+ years. Public education.
Public education has twisted perception of basically everything.
It's difficult because every modern person basically IS IN a religion already. They cannot see it because they embody it so well. The prevailing religion has integrated to the point it's simply "the accepted way of life". Most of us Christians aren't really full Christians because we accept so much of the very same framework. Public education is actually a very good example of how the catechizing works through explicit and implicit means. Theater, movies, and popular concerts are the liturgies of our time where we watch re-enactments of our heros and gods that reinforce our worldviews. Therapists are all essentially the secular pastors and priests who accept confessions and attempt to drive out what oppresses us. The psychiatrists come up with various elixirs to achieve altered and improved states.

We set up rectangular altars in our best appointed rooms where we gather spellbound for hours and attentively receive truths through stories and the news-"casters" . We now have smaller versions of these same altars that we can carry around with us at all times. This mirror continually tells us how amazing we are and gives us incredible power and vision over the world.

When pressed, our faith is not in God but actually in science and modern medicine. And we madly come up with excuses as to why we need such techniques. We desire so much control we've decided that the "fixing broken things" excuse isn't enough and now we need to be so "prudent" as to "prevent" the possibility of all suffering. And so we've created the all hallowed sacrament of the vaccine that all must participate in (or be shunned an persecuted from enlightened society) . We Christians have spent centuries squabbling over whether on not it's faith or works that save us but at the end of the day we all act like we can save ourselves with our reason, our technology, our economic prosperity, etc. Shutting down the Church and making the Eucharist unavailable to those who did not partake in the sacrament of the vaccine was the ultimate expression to date of the subversive inverted religion we live in and a foreshadowing of the antichrist system to come.

This all sounds like a blackpill but I don't think it actually is. We say Christ is truth but this also means Christ is reality. It then becomes easy to see all the things that disconnect us from reality and Christ. We just need to acknowledge what disconnects us and at least point ourselves in a direction that connects. Much of this is simple. If you have a family: eating together at the table, spending time with your kids, in reality. Gather at church in person. It's not necessary or possible for most of us to go completely ascetic like a monk and forgoe the world but we must recognize really what is going there and point notionally in the same way.
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A "turning around" would be something on the scale of going back to the mindset that existed over a thousand years ago.
I agree, the control or "inertia" of the world has gone into a very dark technological frame and we are made for what life was like hundreds or thousands of years ago, not the last 200. I see the same blackpill you do as a way of suffering in a new anti-human era, which will be psychologically awful (as Seraphim Rose said) but will provide for an opportunity to be saved through trials, at least. Yikes.
Most of us Christians aren't really full Christians because we accept so much of the very same framework.
It's just the truth, yes. When you look at how social humans are, and how the madness of the crowds has now been consolidated to a greater degree than ever before, we are indeed slouching to Gomorrah, as Bork wrote.