Trump 2.0; The setup and the coming tragedy!

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Other Christian
It seems more and more likely that Trump will in fact be re-elected. How can this be? The man had to flee (literally) D.C. the last time around. He was removed from pretty much all social-media platforms. Censored, shunned and basically down and out politically. Then...out of the blue, come election time, he's all of a sudden front and centre again. "Allowed" on to all platforms, front page news, "Nothing can stop trump" the headlines read. How can this not be a setup?

I never imagined that I would have to argue against Trump after what happened last time. But here we are again! Honestly...this one is not hard to see coming. We will pay a very high price indeed if Trump comes back as President. Like last time they will use Trump to 1; Further the illusion that the average citizen has much say in things via voting, and 2; Use Trump's divisive persona to stir up an ambiance that will be converted to radical policies towards and after the end of his last term. This is a final warning of sorts; don't fall for this trick again! I'm seriously worried about this. Covid could have killed us, not the disease but the measures. And covid as a societal phenomenon would not have existed without Trump. What will come from it this time? It can't be good...

PS; I don't dislike Trump as a person and he might have good intentions, but that is of no significance here.
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