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The Vladimir Putin Thread


No introduction or explanation necessary.




That top gif is gold.


There is a clip of him talking to the people who were setting up the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, and questioning them on why it was behind schedule and over budget. Can't find it. Anyone know the link?
I found the Sochi one, but it doesn't have subtitles embeded, so you will need to get Youtube to spin some up:

Relaunching the Vladimir Putin thread here on CIK.

It's all over the news but here's Beanie Boy peddling what most likely will turn out to be another Western media hoax;

Difficult to get any reliable information at this point. RT thus far denies it:

FWIW, if it actually turns out to be true it would NOT be good news for the West. Despite having been demonized in the West since his 2007 speech Vladimir Vladimirovich is considered a moderate in Russia. His successor will most likely be a lot more aggressive when it comes to confronting the West.
Relaunching the Vladimir Putin thread here on CIK.

It's all over the news but here's Beanie Boy peddling what most likely will turn out to be another Western media hoax;

Difficult to get any reliable information at this point. RT thus far denies it:

FWIW, if it actually turns out to be true it would NOT be good news for the West. Despite having been demonized in the West since his 2007 speech Vladimir Vladimirovich is considered a moderate in Russia. His successor will most likely be a lot more aggressive when it comes to confronting the West.
I've been wanting to have a chance to use the new Lie emoticon. Obviously referring to the link, not holgerdanske. In the past 24 hours I'm also seeing new items saying that Putin had a heart attack, Russia is running out of the better class of BMPs, and that Ukraine has had a devastatingly successful offensive against Russia. All purely untrue, intentional lies on the part of the media publishing these stories. Shameful.
Relaunching the Vladimir Putin thread here on CIK.

It's all over the news but here's Beanie Boy peddling what most likely will turn out to be another Western media hoax;

Difficult to get any reliable information at this point. RT thus far denies it:

FWIW, if it actually turns out to be true it would NOT be good news for the West. Despite having been demonized in the West since his 2007 speech Vladimir Vladimirovich is considered a moderate in Russia. His successor will most likely be a lot more aggressive when it comes to confronting the West.

Apologies, I didn't know we already had that one, my bad. Thanks for moving my post here!
Relaunching the Vladimir Putin thread here on CIK.

It's all over the news but here's Beanie Boy peddling what most likely will turn out to be another Western media hoax;

Difficult to get any reliable information at this point. RT thus far denies it:

FWIW, if it actually turns out to be true it would NOT be good news for the West. Despite having been demonized in the West since his 2007 speech Vladimir Vladimirovich is considered a moderate in Russia. His successor will most likely be a lot more aggressive when it comes to confronting the West.
Huh? Didn't they try to pull this same hoax a year or so ago? I think they tried saying he had cancer and incontinence last time? What do they even gain from this? Is this just Jews being petty and childish?
"Ah ha ha he's so weak! He poopoo'd his pampers! THIS is your Christian leader?"
How old are these Jews? Twelve?
The thing about Putin though, is that the guy is still delivering 3hr press conferences with the same voice, same depth and style as he had 10 or 20 years ago. So not only did they find someone who looks exactly like him, but he also someone has the same depth of intellect and voice as the original??
Families with many children should become a dominant trend in modern Russia, President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday, insisting that achieving this goal should become the government’s utmost priority.
Putin went on to recall that many ethnic groups in Russia have maintained the tradition of having “multigenerational families” with at least four or five children. “Russian families, many of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers had seven, eight, or even more children,” he pointed out, urging everyone to “preserve and revive these excellent traditions.”