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The United Nations, Human rights, and Amnesty International, are anti Christian, anti liberty entities.

To start, they advocate against “hate speech” and banning abortion.

Yes they are indeed evil. This organization should be disbanded, by use of force if necessary (which it will likely come to in the coming years). All of the precursors to this were just globalism-lite. So much goes on under their watch and on their funds that goes against the very order and justice they are allegedly seeking. Their road of good intentions is nothing but the path to hell. That is a "world order" for you, not exactly new, but the intent is the same since Babel.
What is wrong with Amnesty International?

Why are these groups specifically called out in their own thread? Isn't basically every mainstream political organization and NGO similarly bad?
What is wrong with Amnesty International?

Why are these groups specifically called out in their own thread? Isn't basically every mainstream political organization and NGO similarly bad?
all these groups essentially belong in the same thread. These are the two that came to my mind when I made this thread.
Hasn't the UN always been a front for globo homo?

It was established after the defeat of Germany, to solidfy control over the world.

One of the first acts of the "United Nations" was to invade North Korea and claim more holdings for itself.

The UN has always been the enforcement arm for the Globohomo Empire.
China and Russia banned almost all these NGOs and "non for profit" organisations in their respective countries over 15 years ago.

They are simultaneously enormous tax free money laundering operations, and at the same time octopus arms of the globohomo western intelligence services, fomenting both societal unrest and pushing a huge array of "progressive" legislative changes that destroy nations.
Hasn't the UN always been a front for globo homo?

It was established after the defeat of Germany, to solidfy control over the world.

One of the first acts of the "United Nations" was to invade North Korea and claim more holdings for itself.

The UN has always been the enforcement arm for the Globohomo Empire.
The UN is the head of the snake.

We love to call out Jews here, or Freemasons, or other cults. But the main operating, visible entity is the UN.

UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund): Famous for its vaccination campaigns for children. (making them sick)
WHO (World Health Organization): Known for the fake COVID-19 pandemic.
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization): Known for buying your churches and turning them into secular museums.
UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees): Bringing millions of thieves to Europe.
WFP (World Food Programme): Known for the black kids with the thick bellies and the flees.
UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme): Key in the establishment of the Paris Agreement, a global pact to combat fake climate change.
IMF (International Monetary Fund): Known for keeping the nations indebted.

Too tired to go through the rest, but you get the point.

The head of the anti-Christian secular snake.

And Russia, China, US are all part of this global order. No you can't escape it.
Well, China and Russia are rebelling from this order, hence the wars right now.
That's where we disagree. China and Russia are of the exact same order. They had the same COVID measures. Are sending the same fake rovers to the moon. Are still accepting UNESCO to buy and control their heritage. Are part of the IMF. Are accepting and rolling out the SDGs. Are accepting climate change as the #1 challenge.

Almost all countries in the world are part of the UN and it's programs.

Hence we see everyone parroting the same UN propaganda. Also in China and Russia.

Only Vatican and Palestine are no part of it.

What we call we call war. Is at most a quest for power in the global order. And not about indepedence.
Are accepting climate change as the #1 challenge.
The "climate change" measures thus far have involved hamstringing American and West European industry and hemorrhaging their manufacturing to China and India. China sells "green" infrastructure but continues to ramp up coal power. Clearly, prioritizing "climate change" means one thing to the true believers in the West and another thing to China.