The Role of Women in the Church


Our church is thinking of having a women's conference next year, and invite a guest speaker to talk about the role of matushka's ("Little Mothers"), who are wives of priests and deacons in the Orthodox church. With that in mind I started wondering about our role as women in general in church. What should we be doing? What do you do at your church? What kinds of women's groups do you have? How do you care for the sick, the new mothers, the hurting, etc?

Here are some of the things our church is doing and my thoughts. Our church sounds huge, with all of these groups, but it's not. The same people tend to do the most things. Please add yours!

Sunday school. We call it church school. Ours is conducted right near the end of liturgy, after communion. It is led by men, too, though. The children finish with that and eat first, before running outside to play.

We have a new mom's group, dedicated to Mother Olga, who is now a saint, that gives support to new moms. "Baby baskets", and whatever is needed.

The moms with children get together regularly for activities at the church and the park.

We have a general chat group on a private app, to give quick announcements or to share news and views, to stay connected. We shared our emails, too, for more involved news and conversations. It is so important to stay connected.

We also have a sisterhoold that organizes meals for fellowship after liturgies and raises money for the needs of the church. ( Our membership is stretched way out over all parts of the state.) When someone is hospitalized we send flowers and meals.

We recently formed a sewing guild where women are learning to use the machines and repair vestments, make curtains, table cloths, whatever is needed.

We also have a number of moms who do homeschooling and make natural remedies, foods, etc.

We operate a small gift shop and book store, and have a large bake sale to raise money for the sisterhood. Fund-raising could be a whole other thread if someone wants to start that!

The flower group is in charge of bringing flowers to each liturgy. There is a chat group for gardeners on the group app.

Finally, we started a book-reading group. We finished our first book and when our church renovations are done, will jump back into it. (I hope!)

With all of this, there should be MORE. What about relating on a more personal, one-on-one level? I'm thinking of the numerous "shy", new, or troubled women.

Should we be doing more? What about outreach to the community?

I don't want to get into any heated arguments about the more liberal views, but we can politely include those discussions too (the role women "deacons" which some women are pushing toward.)
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I can't sew, so I really admire those who can. And quilts are the best gifts! I wonder if if the priest blessed them, would they protect the homeless.