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The population boom and cycle thread

Blade Runner

I have been meaning to make this thread for a while, as I see the combination of the material world and the human social experiment, encounter or community something that can't be disentangled. That is, man as a reasonable creature unlike animals, being created in the image of God, can attain a likeness to Him, but largely he goes along en masse with more characteristics that resemble animal or tribal groups, and thus groupthink. Since the basis of groupthink and community cooperation is survival, it comes to fore that the modern ways of living that get further and further away from survival threats or implications, make us more and more mental, and less and less an honest combination of the physical/biological and reasonable. Efficiency and innovation have therefore brought us into a realm or modern age, for the time being, where population booms are possible and with less stressors on life, and increasing population, there is a necessary increase in mediocrity or worse, which means on average less fitness for any given individual. Well, aren't there corresponding increases in higher fitness individuals? Yes, but only in absolute measurements and as humans are a collective with social interactions and varying spheres of community (local, regional, national) the single individuals in certain places can have either more, or less, impact on the total of the population, but only in the advent of technology. So what's the point of this thread? It is to explain and explore the general idea of behavioral sink and why the population can either sense, or feels strongly, that the people that surround them are getting worse, weaker, or aren't up to a standard that they might compare them to. It doesn't have to be that populations fall and this self corrects, theoretically, as technology could advance (keep advancing?) until the sun blows up or fades away. But what we see in human populations and behavior is that what goes along with population booms is an increase in a lot of imaginary things, which in the modern world are largely associated with created forms of "money", debt (future money) and otherwise. These include welfare, bailouts, and other supports for incompetence that are only held up by the diminishing numbers of productive people. What's more, there are elite power brokers among humans that also advance scenarios of population decline, talked about frequently on the forum. It has become my thesis that all, or most, of the problems in the world (as seen by humans, an important point) are ecological and balance problems related to dysgenics or qualities that are detrimental to humans for a cycle, but persist to hurt men, women, and families. Since most religions, and certainly Christianity, teach that the path of the Way is narrow, a purely mathematical approach and view of human population boom shows that "be fruitful and multiply" is a vestige of the old world of difficult survival, and has become a tradeoff in the modern age of "multiply" going with "non-fruitful". Whether we like it or not, humans as large groups only act well or in accordance with a better (I don't want to use "good" here, though one could) mode of living only if they are constrained by real survival realities. Overall, this thread is not to bring people down but to clarify the reality of the tradeoffs in the world, and that modernity can give you certain material things, but you will lose other human family or generational ones, as a result - that is, until a type of creative destruction takes place. One that many think is coming, but of course, we could be wrong in expecting, or timing it.
I think this is relevant to the general idea that I have put forth. I am finishing up listening to it but the guys here talk about how social and technological periods of change majorly disrupted human interaction in the past, and we have that going on once again. Check it out:

I have been meaning to make this thread for a while, as I see the combination of the material world and the human social experiment, encounter or community something that can't be disentangled. That is, man as a reasonable creature unlike animals, being created in the image of God, can attain a likeness to Him, but largely he goes along en masse with more characteristics that resemble animal or tribal groups, and thus groupthink. Since the basis of groupthink and community cooperation is survival, it comes to fore that the modern ways of living that get further and further away from survival threats or implications, make us more and more mental, and less and less an honest combination of the physical/biological and reasonable. Efficiency and innovation have therefore brought us into a realm or modern age, for the time being, where population booms are possible and with less stressors on life, and increasing population, there is a necessary increase in mediocrity or worse, which means on average less fitness for any given individual. Well, aren't there corresponding increases in higher fitness individuals? Yes, but only in absolute measurements and as humans are a collective with social interactions and varying spheres of community (local, regional, national) the single individuals in certain places can have either more, or less, impact on the total of the population, but only in the advent of technology. So what's the point of this thread? It is to explain and explore the general idea of behavioral sink and why the population can either sense, or feels strongly, that the people that surround them are getting worse, weaker, or aren't up to a standard that they might compare them to. It doesn't have to be that populations fall and this self corrects, theoretically, as technology could advance (keep advancing?) until the sun blows up or fades away. But what we see in human populations and behavior is that what goes along with population booms is an increase in a lot of imaginary things, which in the modern world are largely associated with created forms of "money", debt (future money) and otherwise. These include welfare, bailouts, and other supports for incompetence that are only held up by the diminishing numbers of productive people. What's more, there are elite power brokers among humans that also advance scenarios of population decline, talked about frequently on the forum. It has become my thesis that all, or most, of the problems in the world (as seen by humans, an important point) are ecological and balance problems related to dysgenics or qualities that are detrimental to humans for a cycle, but persist to hurt men, women, and families. Since most religions, and certainly Christianity, teach that the path of the Way is narrow, a purely mathematical approach and view of human population boom shows that "be fruitful and multiply" is a vestige of the old world of difficult survival, and has become a tradeoff in the modern age of "multiply" going with "non-fruitful". Whether we like it or not, humans as large groups only act well or in accordance with a better (I don't want to use "good" here, though one could) mode of living only if they are constrained by real survival realities. Overall, this thread is not to bring people down but to clarify the reality of the tradeoffs in the world, and that modernity can give you certain material things, but you will lose other human family or generational ones, as a result - that is, until a type of creative destruction takes place. One that many think is coming, but of course, we could be wrong in expecting, or timing it.

Edited (text by Blade Runner):

I have been meaning to make this thread for a while, as I see the combination of the material world and the human social experiment, encounter or community something that can't be disentangled. That is, man as a reasonable creature unlike animals, being created in the image of God, can attain a likeness to Him, but largely he goes along en masse with more characteristics that resemble animal or tribal groups, and thus groupthink.

Since the basis of groupthink and community cooperation is survival, it comes to fore that the modern ways of living that get further and further away from survival threats or implications, make us more and more mental, and less and less an honest combination of the physical/biological and reasonable.

Efficiency and innovation have therefore brought us into a realm or modern age, for the time being, where population booms are possible and with less stressors on life, and increasing population, there is a necessary increase in mediocrity or worse, which means on average less fitness for any given individual.

Well, aren't there corresponding increases in higher fitness individuals? Yes, but only in absolute measurements and as humans are a collective with social interactions and varying spheres of community (local, regional, national) the single individuals in certain places can have either more, or less, impact on the total of the population, but only in the advent of technology.

So what's the point of this thread? It is to explain and explore the general idea of behavioral sink and why the population can either sense, or feels strongly, that the people that surround them are getting worse, weaker, or aren't up to a standard that they might compare them to.

It doesn't have to be that populations fall and this self corrects, theoretically, as technology could advance (keep advancing?) until the sun blows up or fades away. But what we see in human populations and behavior is that what goes along with population booms is an increase in a lot of imaginary things, which in the modern world are largely associated with created forms of "money", debt (future money) and otherwise. These include welfare, bailouts, and other supports for incompetence that are only held up by the diminishing numbers of productive people. What's more, there are elite power brokers among humans that also advance scenarios of population decline, talked about frequently on the forum.

It has become my thesis that all, or most, of the problems in the world (as seen by humans, an important point) are ecological and balance problems related to dysgenics or qualities that are detrimental to humans for a cycle, but persist to hurt men, women, and families.

Since most religions, and certainly Christianity, teach that the path of the Way is narrow, a purely mathematical approach and view of human population boom shows that "be fruitful and multiply" is a vestige of the old world of difficult survival, and has become a tradeoff in the modern age of "multiply" going with "non-fruitful". Whether we like it or not, humans as large groups only act well or in accordance with a better (I don't want to use "good" here, though one could) mode of living only if they are constrained by real survival realities.

Overall, this thread is not to bring people down but to clarify the reality of the tradeoffs in the world, and that modernity can give you certain material things, but you will lose other human family or generational ones, as a result - that is, until a type of creative destruction takes place. One that many think is coming, but of course, we could be wrong in expecting, or timing it.
I like this idea, and your general train of thought. I think about the Tower of Babel a lot as a sort of allegory for where we are now:

People have figured out how to farm, how to build cities, how to make tech that can even launch us into space. They talk about colonizing the stars, reaching the singularity, becoming immortal. Many languages are dying as we're all speaking a dwindling number of them as the global supply chain necessitates a "lingua franca." And we need the global supply chain to keep the modern world going.

This leads to why the Tower of Babel looks so similar to what's going on today.

It's kinda confusing to think that the Holy Spirit simply said "let's distort their language" just to do it. Perhaps this part of the story is just about the behavioral sink that you mention. As civilization becomes more capable of ensuring everyone survives, more people who are too weak/dumb to contribute to civilization slowly but surely bring it to a halt. Perhaps this is a cycle that humanity has been through multiple times?

When I have the chance, I'll give the video posted above a listen. But so far, interesting thread!
If I understand correctly you´re stating comfort and technological advancement leads to civilizational decay?

This is known from the aphorism "good times create weak men".

Babel tower was destroyed because man were too proud. And it seems we are heading in that direction again.
If I understand correctly you´re stating comfort and technological advancement leads to civilizational decay?

This is known from the aphorism "good times create weak men".

Babel tower was destroyed because man were too proud. And it seems we are heading in that direction again.
It's more than this. Have a look at the video as Rudyard apparently has done videos on the mouse experiment and behavioral sink, effects that are much worse than people realize.
I think this is relevant to the general idea that I have put forth. I am finishing up listening to it but the guys here talk about how social and technological periods of change majorly disrupted human interaction in the past, and we have that going on once again. Check it out:

Civil war in USA within a year sounds very extreme and unlikely. Could it happen at some point in the future yes. Will it happen this year, highly unlikely.
If you don't want to read a complex idea or opine on it, just go on to another thread.
I considered posting the same wall of text meme. I've never known you to forget the use of paragraphs before. Perhaps you were in an elevated mood when you made the OP? Could you restate your main points in a more accessible way?
In defense of @Blade Runner, it took just slightly over 2 mins to read his original post in this thread, a thread that I have been looking forward to him making for a while now.

The main point IMO is that humans don't do well in large groups where there is no accountability.
If you read the old Testament, there are a lot of "checks and balances" put in place by God to keep the children of Israel from going off the rails.
In defense of @Blade Runner, it took just slightly over 2 mins to read his original post in this thread, a thread that I have been looking forward to him making for a while now.

The main point IMO is that humans don't do well in large groups where there is no accountability.
If you read the old Testament, there are a lot of "checks and balances" put in place by God to keep the children of Israel from going off the rails.
The larger point is that the explanation of what's going on, and in a sense, why we even have to have a forum like this - few of us would be here if the society and intersex dynamics were normal and we had families and thus a "future" - is due to a long period of unchecked survival and peace in the developed world, at least. That kind of a run creates a surplus of people, average and below average people as well, and the M:F ratio gets so skewed that women have even fewer checks on their predisposition for bad behavior and/or hypergamy. As they gain in societal prominence, or without a response to shame or constrain, the society progressively gets crazier. Of course, this can't last, but we'll keep the attempts at lying and papering over the fake economy with printed money as long as possible.

What we don't know is how it'll all look as increasingly only 10%, then single digits, then crazy small minorities of people can actually afford what everyone has always wanted, and has been propagandized with as what they deserve, in terms of living circumstances or standard of living/ease of living.