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The personality types thread

Blade Runner

There may be many different systems of classifying personality types, but the standard evaluation that I came across again recently was the Meyers-Briggs four category assessment from various questions and/or a survey. My classification on this was what I had previously remembered, and it's pretty darn accurate, with some nuances of course. It made me wonder if a lot of the posters here have similar personality types, given how we see the world and value certain things. Do you think this MBTI thing is accurate? Do you think the predictions of matches within it, male or female, generally work? I wonder how you all might weigh in on this topic.
Do you think this MBTI thing is accurate? Do you think the predictions of matches within it, male or female, generally work? I wonder how you all might weigh in on this topic.

It probably is accurate to an extent. Although I've begun to question these tests after my workplace began to do them incessantly. There really are grotesque things going on in the corporate world. We are strongly encouraged to take them here. They are given within an online system so that your metadata can be mined and your colleagues can view your profile and connect in a social-media-esque environment. Supervisors and HR can also theoretically use your profile to predict how you may react in certain situations. I refused to do them from the start, and so far they "respect" my decision, but between this and covid I definitely feel the pressure of my overlords being "concerned" about me being a team player.

Overall I think they come from the mindset of putting things in boxes, and could potentially put you in a box. I've done them in the past and my results have drifted over time.
Overall I think they come from the mindset of putting things in boxes, and could potentially put you in a box. I've done them in the past and my results have drifted over time.
I agree with you here. What type do you hover around, or think is most accurate for you?
I think MBTI is a fairly accurate summary of common personality types/traits. In HS I typed as INTP and then I went through a major creative/artistic/aesthetic phase in which I tested INFP and now, being in a career that is highly structured and technical, I'm back to INTP which tracks. I've also been able to accurately predict close friends' types. It's not prescriptive of course, and the degree to which it's useful to an average person beyond intuitive grasping of a person's personality is questionable. It's biggest use case is probably for corporate profiling as Northumber mentioned.

I would guess that the vast majority of CIK users are INTP/INTJ.
I agree with you here. What type do you hover around, or think is most accurate for you?

Most recently I mapped to ESFP. Over time I've gone from an introvert to an extrovert. Much of this is my own doing as I actively sought this change and some is due to the type of work I do. I have in the past mapped to INTJ. Perhaps some of the change here is also due to me having kids as well. In general, my life drastically changed at that point. It appears I became a softy.
If anything those online surveys are fun. I’ve taken many different ones and I’ve come out in 4-5 different 4 letter types. We’ve done it at work recently and only found like 2-3 people out of 8 seemed to match their type characteristics IMO. I think introvert vs extrovert is probably the easiest to sort out. A true extrovert is the person who likes being center of attention and comfortable talking in large groups, class clown in school, speaks well in briefings etc. They love that environment and get energy from it. Introverts get highly stress interacting in large groups, briefings etx and need to decompress and recharge and relax afterwards. Then there is something called an “intimate extrovert” Who loves 1 on one and small party engagements vs being alone, but would still prefer to work or be alone instead of being forced into a large group social setting.
I would guess that the vast majority of CIK users are INTP/INTJ.
I'm surprised you are saying this, and think it's your bias but perhaps the bias is mine - I'd expect them to be extroverted more, to be honest, but there could be a high number of us around here that are I, as long as they are on the judgment side.
I think introvert vs extrovert is probably the easiest to sort out. A true extrovert is the person who likes being center of attention and comfortable talking in large groups, class clown in school, speaks well in briefings etc.
This is a curious thing, perhaps the most interesting to me, since I have qualities that could pass for both, but deem myself E and think it is truly what I am. I will be measured earlier when meeting people, but then become more outgoing as time passes, and have no problem speaking up. I think the age and friends part of it are that as you get older, especially with this certain type of personality, you don't see value in most things in life. Rather, you seek things that don't really waste your time, and that includes people. Another way of saying this is that you are looking for quality over quantity. I can't understand the value in general with quantity, but that is dependent on my view of principle being important, as is integrity. People are made with inclinations all over the human population, and in my view, and why this forum is here, mostly I consider a lot of human behavior to resort or regress to nonsense much more commonly than order, faithfulness and goodness.

In self analyzing regarding being interested in posting a lot or visiting this type of forum or site, it's almost certainly based on the fact that I find that people here are uncommon in real life, and actually think a lot and post meaningful things (unlike what you encounter in most of life) supporting my points above. As others have said, the price one pays for being intelligent or thinking a lot is largely being alone in life. It seems like a statement of ego but it is quite obviously true if you think about it. I have found people of all levels of the intelligence spectrum having ego to varying degrees by the way, both high and low.
I'm surprised you are saying this, and think it's your bias but perhaps the bias is mine - I'd expect them to be extroverted more, to be honest, but there could be a high number of us around here that are I, as long as they are on the judgment side.
Interesting observation. Why do you think these two types are most prevalent here?

Just my experience that those are the kind of people who are most likely to spend their free time on an obscure internet forum writing paragraphs analyzing the state of the world. IME extroverts are much less drawn to such endeavors.
IME extroverts are much less drawn to such endeavors.
What is IME?

By the way, it could be that I don't totally understand extroverts to be a hyper example of social for social's sake, which perhaps is in fact the definition. And why they want to be the center of attention, apparently, as indicated by some of the questions one is asked on these surveys. I have an ego, but it's not based on insecurity, which I find interesting and rare. Maybe that's more dangerous, I don't know. I don't take myself so seriously as to need to be a focus of anyone else, but I do enjoy the camaraderie of telling jokes and being appreciated, or being recognized for thinking clearly, or expert at some things, like I presume most people do.
I think the Myers Briggs 16 types have an overlap with other personality type assessments. Another being falling into the alpha, beta, sigma etc personality classifications. Then yet another being what levels does a person fall into on the various intelligence ratings (general IQ, emotional IQ etc). I think if you can take all of these into some complex analysis, you’d really get a clearer picture of individual personalities vs each type as a stand alone.
Yes, it's a pretty well-established fact that INTP/INTJ types are wildly overrepresented on internet forums of all types. Sitting quietly and reading, thinking and exchanging information and ideas through text is like catnip to the INTx personality.
Where do you fall, generally speaking, scorpion?
I think MBTI is a fairly accurate summary of common personality types/traits. In HS I typed as INTP and then I went through a major creative/artistic/aesthetic phase in which I tested INFP and now, being in a career that is highly structured and technical, I'm back to INTP which tracks. I've also been able to accurately predict close friends' types. It's not prescriptive of course, and the degree to which it's useful to an average person beyond intuitive grasping of a person's personality is questionable. It's biggest use case is probably for corporate profiling as Northumber mentioned.

I would guess that the vast majority of CIK users are INTP/INTJ.
Great guess. I'm INTP/J. We are in a bubble guys! Lol.