The Misuse of Words

Valentin Pearson

Other Religion
People have some real bad habits these days. It's very irritating. Examples :

Gender - Gender doesn't apply to people.

Transgender - What, you mean you used to think you were a man and now you think you're a woman? That's what transgender would mean. But that's not what they mean. What they mean is transexual.

Transexual - You can't be a transexual because you can't change your sex. Besides, trannies never seem very interested in making changes to themselves other than superficial, visible ones.

Diversity - Diversity means starting off with one thing, then diverging into multiple things. Diversity refers to variety as a result of diverging. To diverge means to go off in different directions so as to develop differently. It happens with languages and other things. They say diversity but what they mean is converging, meaning to come together or become similar, in a melting pot, which results in each element becoming less of itself and eventually becoming obsolete. The opposite of diversity.

POC / black interchangeably - They don't even hide it any more. It's obvious who they meant all along.

Starting sentences with "So," - People who talk like that sound like sulky teenagers.

Adding unnecessary suffixes at the end of words, i.e. resiliency - Stop it.

Using the word "is" just after already using it, i.e. "what the thing is is..." - Stop it. Think.

Using the word "thing" in a way that is unnatural in english, i.e. "I didn't know that was a thing" - In some languages it's fine, but not in english. In english it sounds weak and silly.
People have some real bad habits these days. It's very irritating. Examples :

Gender - Gender doesn't apply to people.

Transgender - What, you mean you used to think you were a man and now you think you're a woman? That's what transgender would mean. But that's not what they mean. What they mean is transexual.

Transexual - You can't be a transexual because you can't change your sex. Besides, trannies never seem very interested in making changes to themselves other than superficial, visible ones.

Diversity - Diversity means starting off with one thing, then diverging into multiple things. Diversity refers to variety as a result of diverging. To diverge means to go off in different directions so as to develop differently. It happens with languages and other things. They say diversity but what they mean is converging, meaning to come together or become similar, in a melting pot, which results in each element becoming less of itself and eventually becoming obsolete. The opposite of diversity.

POC / black interchangeably - They don't even hide it any more. It's obvious who they meant all along.

Starting sentences with "So," - People who talk like that sound like sulky teenagers.

Adding unnecessary suffixes at the end of words, i.e. resiliency - Stop it.

Using the word "is" just after already using it, i.e. "what the thing is is..." - Stop it. Think.

Using the word "thing" in a way that is unnatural in english, i.e. "I didn't know that was a thing" - In some languages it's fine, but not in english. In english it sounds weak and silly.
Also "racism," a fake word that describes most people's natural and healthy preference for their own ethnicity. Coined by an American activist around the year 1900 (iirc), popularized by communists, and the favorite political weapon of their ideological descendants. One of most insidious of the many, many fake words in modern Newspeak. I find I can't even talk to most normies about deep topics like racial differences or differences between the sexes because I fundamentally reject most of the lexicon they use to describe and think about the world.
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Also "racism," a fake word that describes most people's natural and healthy preference for their own ethnicity. Coined by an American activist around the year 1900 (iirc), popularized by communists, and the favorite political weapon of their ideological descendants. One of most insidious of the many, many fake words in modern Newspeak. I find I can't even talk to most normies about deep topics like racial differences or differences between the sexes because I fundamentally reject most of the lexicon they use to describe and think about the world.
One thing I've noticed is that they will apply the term "racist" to anything. In the past, you could make an off-color joke like black people having big lips. By definition, that's not "racist", it's off-color. It's in poor taste maybe, but it doesn't mean you think your race is better than theirs. However, the Left has hijacked this word and applied it to everything, so now an off-color joke is a racist joke.
I was listing these for a while too, knowing so much of what was going on is fooling (lazy) people with language.

Pro-choice? Great work keeping the murder sanitary for the masses.
"Generalizations are bad". Oh, you mean pointing out what people do most of the time? It sounds pretty useful.
"Open mind" usually meaning "I fall for anything, since I don't really think." It's for insecure people with a desire to not be accountable for bad takes, or those who can't think critically, or have accepted false terms or belief. Thus you use a term meant for something else (critical thinking and exploration) to act like the proper thinker is deficient.
So, some of the items on this list are totally an accepted thing now in modern usage.

One of my inventions, and feel free to use it, regards the word "regardless".

As we know, a veritable boatload of people say the word "irregardless" unironically to the point where it's almost accepted as proper.

In order to make it as utterly ludicrous and cringeworthy as humanly possible, I add the suffix "ly" onto it for maximum mockery.

Thus the word "irregardlessly" is born. Use it and try not to poke out your own eyes afterwards from shame.
So, the thing is is, this thread, which is now like totally a thing, is going in the direction that I hoped, irregardlessly of what one might have assumeded. I shall tell my poc, I mean black friends all about it. I hope they can keep it to themselves, even though they do have big lips. Especially Steveston. He's like my brother from another transmother. Also, I'm gay.
One of my inventions, and feel free to use it, regards the word "regardless".

As we know, a veritable boatload of people say the word "irregardless" unironically to the point where it's almost accepted as proper.

In order to make it as utterly ludicrous and cringeworthy as humanly possible, I add the suffix "ly" onto it for maximum mockery.

Thus the word "irregardlessly" is born. Use it and try not to poke out your own eyes afterwards from shame.
There's a movie called, "Land of Steady Habits" which touches on this character who always uses "irregardless" in a sentence. Really good film too if you get the chance to see it.
Euro's that speak English better than Anglo's. What's up with that?
Western public school. Black subculture.

Those two prongs make it so the average Anglo finds it impossible to communicate. I believe it's by design, and is even more effective than the typical double-speak employed in communist regimes.

Edit: it appears the forum auto-censors n-i-g-g-e-r... at any rate that is the proper description for what I had to re-title "black subculture" above
Community - Western countries are losing their sense of community because of barbarian invasions and pop "culture". But because people have an instinct to feel like they're part of a community, they've had to construct fake ones . There's a community for gay men and lesbian women and trannies and other weirdos (not separate, all together), there's a community for black people, there's one for gamers, there's another one for furries, etc. But they're not communities. Forums aren't communities. There are no online communities.

Culture - Same with culture. Cancel culture isn't a culture. Neither are any of the other things that they call cultures.
Community - Western countries are losing their sense of community because of barbarian invasions and pop "culture". But because people have an instinct to feel like they're part of a community, they've had to construct fake ones . There's a community for gay men and lesbian women and trannies and other weirdos (not separate, all together), there's a community for black people, there's one for gamers, there's another one for furries, etc. But they're not communities. Forums aren't communities. There are no online communities.

Culture - Same with culture. Cancel culture isn't a culture. Neither are any of the other things that they call cultures.
Family, when used to describe the people you work with. It's nauseating but disturbingly common. at least in the US.
Euro's that speak English better than Anglo's. What's up with that?
1. Euros* (especially the Dutch and Swedes) learn English as a formal language as opposed to the TV
2. Anglos** not being taught Latin, "because it is a dead language"

* and ** I note your incorrect use of the apostrophe
The word like being in every other sentence for some folks is biazzar.

I am no Rhoads scholar but I know not to use like after every other word.

Example "Like, I can't even, like whatever. Like how so." Was recently said in a public setting in front of me trying to describe a problem with their car.

There's a movie called, "Land of Steady Habits" which touches on this character who always uses "irregardless" in a sentence. Really good film too if you get the chance to see it.

I watched this movie the other day. Absolutely depressing and meaningless. Break down of the family and society on full display throughout. Would not recommend at all. I watched it literally to find the "irregardless" references which indeed did exist.

Once again, it's beyond depressing and the characters find no resolution whatsoever to their life suffering and mental misery. I can't remember one character that was likable.

If someone was on the brink, this movie would push them over the edge.