The Juneteenth Thread

With Juneteenth quickly approaching, I thought I’d create a thread for the inevitable twerking, shooting and rioting that goes along with this glorious holiday.

Of course the bleqs need Juneteenth because the rest of us celebrate Father’s Day.

Looks like Biden is having a ball celebrating early.

“Something something racial jungle” 50 years later he recalls those words and ponders how times have changed. The look on his face - priceless.
In honor of Juneteenth my wife and I watched Boyz in the Hood. It's about black on black violence with some commentary on how they mistreat their women. Funny how 33 years ago this was important enough to make a feature film about it, but all of the BLM stuff never addressed the same issue.
In honor of Juneteenth my wife and I watched Boyz in the Hood. It's about black on black violence with some commentary on how they mistreat their women. Funny how 33 years ago this was important enough to make a feature film about it, but all of the BLM stuff never addressed the same issue.

My favorite scene in that movie is when the dad is telling the young niglets about how they only open gun shops in the hood and not in white areas because the evil white man is trying to keep them down. Even as a little kid coming from a family of business owners I remember yelling at the TV "its called supply and demand you idiot".....
My favorite scene in that movie is when the dad is telling the young niglets about how they only open gun shops in the hood and not in white areas because the evil white man is trying to keep them down. Even as a little kid coming from a family of business owners I remember yelling at the TV "its called supply and demand you idiot".....
Also, there are lots of gun stores in white areas as well, so the whole point is ridiculous.

I will say, there seem to be more liquor stores in ghetto areas.
Also, there are lots of gun stores in white areas as well, so the whole point is ridiculous.

I will say, there seem to be more liquor stores in ghetto areas.

The whole movie was about making the white man look evil and the black man in a righteous struggle so even as a kid I was really confused as to why they would put something so stupid in it, especially in a pivotal scene. Part of me thought okay maybe Hollywood thinks people are this dumb or maybe Hollywood themselves is that dumb, or is Hollywood poking fun at the stupidity of blacks....always confused me and stuck with me as a kid.

As someone whose family owned liquor stores it was well known that anyone who owned a store in Detroit did well but it was also a life nobody wanted to live, it takes a special breed of tolerance and greed to operate a store in Detroit and you could get them for next to nothing. Many of them are being taken over by Indians, an indian guy will work 100 hours a week and take all the abuse on the planet indefinitely like it's just normal life. A few years ago my dad wanted to buy a business that was run by an indian guy, he was ready to go under. I told him "if an indian guy can't squeeze a dollar out of the place what hope do we have?".....he didn't say another word about it.
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Juneteenth is ridiculous but I'll never complain about having an extra day off work.
I don't know what this Juneteenth is, but is it really a holiday?
Is there a holiday for George Floyd yet?
How about Kwanzaa?
If everyone gets creative, I'm sure you can invent endless victims and lobby for getting more days off work.
Obese queens day off, or MS13 sympathy day, heck why not just get the whole month of June off, so you can celebrate pRiDe to its fullest.
I don't know what this Juneteenth is, but is it really a holiday?
Is there a holiday for George Floyd yet?
How about Kwanzaa?
Yes, Juneteenth was made an actual Federal holiday in the USA three years ago. It commemorates the freeing of the last Negro slaves in the rebel state of Texas at the end of the U.S. Civil War War of Northern Aggression in 1865.
Kwanzaa, Negro "Christmas" (although it's actually a heathen celebration) isn't a Federal holiday as far as I know.
My favorite scene in that movie is when the dad is telling the young niglets about how they only open gun shops in the hood and not in white areas because the evil white man is trying to keep them down. Even as a little kid coming from a family of business owners I remember yelling at the TV "its called supply and demand you idiot".....
I kind of got the sense that the dad wasn't being portrayed as the smart one or one who knew how to help. His greatest act was to simply be in his kid's life long enough to keep him from committing murder or getting a girl pregnant, which were things the no-father kids ended up doing. I think they were making fun of Malcolm X, or showing that his ideas did nothing. Like when Ice Cube's character said no one cares what's going on in the hood. The reason the kid got murdered was because he bumped shoulders with a guy at a late-night gathering and there were words. The dad was worried about gentrification while kids are killing each other over the stupidest things. He was out of touch and of a different generation.