The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

Thirdworldists are so easy to please. Genuinely already missing the low brow takes on 'muh US collapse' and "muh BRICS its inevitable'. Usually accompanied by some cheap photoshops or AI generated content. At least those fantasies were kinda entertaining in a Schadenfreude type of way. Now it's just straight up spin. What happened to the whole 'Empire of Lies' hegemony must end, dedollarize now, BRICS is the future' thing?

Everything DJT does is within the framework of maintaining the USD as the world's reserve currency/ world trading currency. I call it T's Dollar Doctrine. The USD is literally the one and only pillar of US global hegemony, and central to US foreign policy under Trump. Just stating the obvious here, in anticipation of the thirdworldist habit to muddy the waters by focusing on barely relevant details whilst conveniently ignoring the grand chessboard.

Ergo when Big Boy Putin lowkey drops the tough guy facade and asks for normalization of ties and de-sanctioning Russia in exchange for getting an exit in Ukraine, it means Russia is returning to the global economy aka the USD standard. Because what else do you need access to SWIFT for if it isn't payments in the greenback?

Your takes lack emotional maturity but also display a pretty limited understanding of global economics and finance.

Russia has done very well economically, sanctions have been a boon on its economy, having the same effect as putting high tariffs on imports, stimulating domestic production. I have provided many articles from sources hostile to Russia like the Financial Times, Bloomberg etc which have confirmed these facts.

Dedolarization is a slow process that is underway, the time scale here is 10-20 years. The first stages of international bilateral trade in other currencies are already happening. The share of the US$ in international reserves has dropped from 67% 12 years ago to 58% today and will dip below 50% in the 2030s.


Russia is in a worse place than it was 2022. The Ukraine op got botched, NATO expanded on its borders, Russian positions in the MENA, Southern Caucasus and Central Asia got squeezed, BRICS isn't going anywhere (percentage wise the USD hit a 12 year high in terms of international settlement payment mode percentage in 2024), its economy is in bad shape and Europe is remilitarizing whilst the US plays nice but maintains its military footprint on the Continent.


And this is not including new BRICS members like Indonesia and partners like Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia. These economies are growing fast and are not likely to stay in the US$ sphere.

Especially the emergence of a self-aware, re‐armed and re‐united Europe as a more sovereign and strictly anti Russian pole yet under nominal US protection short to mid-term bears weight. This development is long overdue, and will include real European measures of deterrence including a nuclear umbrella. It's a massive development. Preventing European militarization by lulling them in a false sense of security was quite literally one of the two main objectives of the KGB - the other one breaking up the Europe-US axis through commie infiltration of academic, media and politics, using black propaganda.

So in that light be wary of clowns telling you Europe doesn't have external enemies - especially now that the Putin- Medvedev tandem has threatened to nuke Europe/US a grand total of 50+ times in the last 3 years alone. Be on your guard, and thank the many Soviet defectors on spilling the beans on these multi generational strategies.

"Self-aware Europe" has voted for Merz, Starmer and Macron, and if you think the average 19 year old from Manchester, Köln or Paris is going to suit up and fight Ivan in the Donbas well then your condition is a lot worse than I thought.

The "turdworld" today is in the streets of Paris and Berlin, all these European economies have been deindustrializing, losing their manufacturing base, getting poorer every year, all the while being flooded by African and Asian migrants. Do you think the less clueless people in Europe see the Russian army as their countries' main threat??

Sergey Lavrov, who routinely sounds like an ANTIFA thug and who just the other week blamed Europeans for all evils in this world, is already changing tune. Orwellian stuff. No longer is Europe 'dumb and poor, manipulated souls misled by evil Americans'. Now it's become 'evil Europe, satanically inspired forces who have always wanted to destroy the Russian Motherland'

The turdworldists are thrilled Trump is willing to listen to Putin again. Threw some crumbs down P's way and the man was on his knees within the minute. That inferiority complex is real and shocking to witness. 250k dead Russians, a limping military which will need years to get back on its feet and an economy that's circling down the gutter. Man even offered Trump to do joint stripmining in the Donbass - whose soil by now is bright red from all the Russian blood. Stuff's legit embarrassing

It is Trump that has been doing the begging here, he has already conceded most of Russia's conditions for starting negotiations: Ukraine's exclusion from NATO, recognition of Russian annexation of 4 oblasts, stating openly that Russia was provoked into the war, that the war is a US proxy war etc.

Russia has around 100k KIA, not 250k. Ukraine has around 850k KIA. BBC-affiliated Mediazona's current count is 96k Russian KIA confirmed.

The Russian economy is "circling the gutter" ...with a GDP growth rate of over 4%, and Russia is "bogged down" in Ukraine, it's almost as if you live in a different planet.
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David Duke before he covertly cucked for israel was a huge speaker worldwide at IHR events and in the picture above, was invited to Tehran by Ahmadinejad to speak against the holohoax. For all of Iran's limitations, they still don't believe in the most ridiculous fantasy ever concocted that westerners are forced to swallow or go to jail. It is a relief to know that at least one government in the world outright rejects this jewish grift nonsense. Now other nations need to follow suit.

The jews kvetch about it here:
I honestly don't know if Trump and his team of Zionists understand how weak our military has become. That some new recruits and some propaganda displays isn't going to close the gap in technology Russia/China have over us. Joseph Jordan is one of the top choices I would recommend in history and in current events. He is right, the fact that Russia and China are clowning on Trump is pretty big. They know how weak our military is after seeing our technology and training use in Ukraine and Palestine. Now they just have to sit back and watch our national IQ continue to drop with third world immigration and third world "citizens" outbreeding heritage Americans.

I honestly don't know if Trump and his team of Zionists understand how weak our military has become. That some new recruits and some propaganda displays isn't going to close the gap in technology Russia/China have over us. Joseph Jordan is one of the top choices I would recommend in history and in current events. He is right, the fact that Russia and China are clowning on Trump is pretty big. They know how weak our military is after seeing our technology and training use in Ukraine and Palestine. Now they just have to sit back and watch our national IQ continue to drop with third world immigration and third world "citizens" outbreeding heritage Americans.

Russia has already intervened to scuttle Israel's US-assisted air raid attempt to bomb Iran, as I have mentioned above.

Trump and his team of zionists are very eager to bomb Iran now because they realize that their window is closing, with Russia winning its war in Ukraine within a couple of years and China constantly upgrading its military force. Iran is also refurbishing its air force with Su-35s.
Russia has already intervened to scuttle Israel's US-assisted air raid attempt to bomb Iran, as I have mentioned above.

The Jews don't agree with you, they thank Putin for playing Iran like a fiddle at the behest of Israel and thereby securing Israeli aerial deterrents/ attack vectors both current and future.

Trump and his team of zionists are very eager to bomb Iran now because they realize that their window is closing, with Russia winning its war in Ukraine within a couple of years and China constantly upgrading its military force. Iran is also refurbishing its air force with Su-35s.

The Turdworldist copes are starting to feel cult-ish. You've literally dangled the same carrot out at least 25 times in the last 3 years - and with every geopolitical setback the copes just evolve. Strong Trust the Plan vibes. It's almost quasi-religious, centered around righteous Team Turdworld suffering before due reward (collapse of the US).

I can sense that it still hasn't dawned that P turned on Bashar and dropped him like a rock. A scenario that could be repeated when it comes to Iran. Also, Israel and Russia are now aligned in Syria and much of the rest of the Western Mediterranean. They share the same objectives: both are low key neutral towards HTS yet put on a brave face in public, both want to put a check on Turkish dominance and both are de facto in favor of Balkanizing the country.

Paul's pretty close to the fire. US, Israel and Russia have a vested interested in slicing up Syria. Bytheway, to whom it may concern, this Paul used to be a gigantic Putin simp. Goes to show what the possibilities are when one just drops the pro bono Kremlin clownmaxxing and starts thinking for oneself. Mad props to Pauly for taking that step!
The Jews don't agree with you, they thank Putin for playing Iran like a fiddle at the behest of Israel and thereby securing Israeli aerial deterrents/ attack vectors both current and future.

It is this one Jew who is putting on a brave face here, and you who is dispensing low-grade copium. The Israeli cabinet and zealots were very angry about their vaunted air raid on Iran turning out to be embarrassingly weak and inept.

Ben Gvir and others had big public outbursts about their botched raid, saying "it was weak". Israel was embarrassed, for the first time in their military history, their air force has been proven to be impotent against the defenses of their main regional foe, and somehow, I doubt the Iranians managed to do this without the help of the world's best AA defense provider, Russia:

The Turdworldist copes are starting to feel cult-ish. You've literally dangled the same carrot out at least 25 times in the last 3 years - and with every geopolitical setback the copes just evolve. Strong Trust the Plan vibes. It's almost quasi-religious, centered around righteous Team Turdworld suffering before due reward (collapse of the US).

I can sense that it still hasn't dawned that P turned on Bashar and dropped him like a rock. A scenario that could be repeated when it comes to Iran. Also, Israel and Russia are now aligned in Syria and much of the rest of the Western Mediterranean. They share the same objectives: both are low key neutral towards HTS yet put on a brave face in public, both want to put a check on Turkish dominance and both are de facto in favor of Balkanizing the country.

The Russians' positions in Syria quickly became untenable once the Syrian army collapsed, and Russia was in no position to defend their bases in Syria. They could not mount any sustained defense and wisely chose to evacuate rather than be under the thumb of Erdogan's headchopper proxies.

Paul's pretty close to the fire. US, Israel and Russia have a vested interested in slicing up Syria. Bytheway, to whom it may concern, this Paul used to be a gigantic Putin simp. Goes to show what the possibilities are when one just drops the pro bono Kremlin clownmaxxing and starts thinking for oneself. Mad props to Pauly for taking that step!

Russia's position on Syria is pragmatic, they would have certainly preferred to have Assad in place and a unified Syria, but are in no position to dictate their terms on Israel, turkey and the US in Syria.

It is your takes that are fantastic here. It turns out that the Russians are kicking ass in Ukraine, not bogged down as you are still claiming, somehow! This is the real face of delusion here, to your great displeasure as a closet hardcore NAFO fan. And the Russians aren't budging with their relation to China either, and neither is likely to sell out their common partner in the mideast, Iran.

From a pro-zionist source:

Earlier today:
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I honestly don't know if Trump and his team of Zionists understand how weak our military has become.
If true, it doesn't even really matter all that much. We've got nukes that can reach anyone, anytime, anywhere that assure mutual destruction and will keep everyone in check. In addition, the US produces the world's favorite products, goods, and services (Jack Daniels, Marlboro, McDonalds, Starbucks, Google, X, Youtube, Levis, Nike, John Deere, Ford trucks, Caterpillar, Boeing, Microsoft, Apple, etc.) so we got the world by the balls on trade and intellectual property. However, everyone does have to be worried about AI deep fake, internet systems hacking, and nano-technology warfare (micro drones flying into peoples ears and attaching themselves to the eardrum and driving them crazy, etc). Some real evil sh*t is headed our way. Fortunately though, a lot of us here will be 6 feet under before this full dystopian, 1984 Big Brother world of satanism goes into full effect.
... their window is closing, with Russia winning its war in Ukraine within a couple of years.
You're moving the goal posts again on this unnecessary, "limited," "quick in and out," "6 month," "special" operation of foolhardiness. Your last prediction was that I was going to have to eat crow when Russia overwhelmingly ended/won what has now become a full blown war (with nothing "special" about it) by decisively taking and permanently holding over half of Ukraine by the end of 2025.
If true, it doesn't even really matter all that much. We've got nukes that can reach anyone, anytime, anywhere that assure mutual destruction and will keep everyone in check. In addition, the US produces the world's favorite products, goods, and services (Jack Daniels, Marlboro, McDonalds, Starbucks, Google, X, Youtube, Levis, Nike, John Deere, Ford trucks, Caterpillar, Boeing, Microsoft, Apple, etc.) so we got the world by the balls on trade and intellectual property. However, everyone does have to be worried about AI deep fake, internet systems hacking, and nano-technology warfare (micro drones flying into peoples ears and attaching themselves to the eardrum and driving them crazy, etc). Some real evil sh*t is headed our way. Fortunately though, a lot of us here will be 6 feet under before this full dystopian, 1984 Big Brother world of satanism goes into full effect.

You're moving the goal posts again on this unnecessary, "limited," "quick in and out," "6 month," "special" operation of foolhardiness. Your last prediction was that I was going to have to eat crow when Russia overwhelmingly ended/won what has now become a full blown war (with nothing "special" about it) by decisively taking and permanently holding over half of Ukraine by the end of 2025.

It's not a full-blown war as the Russians are keeping large reserves on the sidelines, partly as a dissuasion for NATO, and partly because they want to reduce their losses and keep the conflict as an artillery duel, pressing their huge advantage in fire volume and air superiority. The fact that they consider Ukraine as a fraternal people also factors in, that's why people have been able to conduct their daily lives unaffected by the war in cities like Kharkov or Kiev.

US produces the world's favorite products, goods, and services (Jack Daniels, Marlboro, McDonalds, Starbucks, Google, X, Youtube, Levis, Nike, John Deere, Ford trucks, Caterpillar, Boeing, Microsoft, Apple, etc.)

Most of these brands/companies are fading. Levis already has lost its dominance of the jeans market, while John Deere, Ford, are growingly under threat, and Boeing's business is threatened by COMAC's imminent entry into their duopoly market and their own managerial incompetence. Google and Microsoft are still dominant though.
Is he saying that Iran has noticed the noticing?
I still think if we were to have another secession movement the new equivalent of the CSA should buddy up to Iran and Russia. They’d be happy trade partners.

However, I don’t know what’s going on with Trump now. The Zelensky meeting was something else. Is there a vibe shift? Big corporations are getting rid of DEI and are willing to hire white guys again for what job openings they have. A hive off in the United States is seeming less likely now than it was a year ago.
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Most of these brands/companies are fading. Levis already has lost its dominance of the jeans market...
Not a chance. Levis are the number one selling brand of jeans in the world. Vintage 1940's MADE IN USA Levis in some instances go for 100K+ a pair. I regularly sell 1970's/80's Levis for $500+ a pair (several years ago I even sold a pair to someone living in Moscow). The USA smokes Russia, Iran, China, etc., in all aspects of popular culture and civil society. This will not change in our lifetime.

At any rate, this is not the thread for this so lets agree to disagree. You love Russia, I love America, and never the twain shall meet.
Ironically enough, I wear 501s I have picked up from goodwill, it's not like I wear Russian clothes, lol. I've recently found 2 newish pairs exactly in my size. The last pair of Levis I have purchased new though was over 20 years ago. Since then, the jean market has fragmented and Levis fell a bit behind the trend.
Another unexpected turn in Syria. A joint Saudi-US diplomatic effort to reconcile the SDF+Suwayda Druze Council and HTS has been successful. The most important point: Druze and SDF forces will become part of the New Syrian Army, vital infrastructure will be handed over to the Damascus authorities and some form of autonomy for the Kurds and Druze.

The losers: Turkey and Israel. Both weren't present at the negotiations table and both are currently chimping out with about 50 airstrikes each. Turkey per usual is striking SDF territory, Israel is hitting HTS installations south of Damascus and around Homs. The Turks however still have the SNA card to play and will want concessions on the SDF+PKK entering the New Syrian Army and Damascus government.

This is the third time in less than 3 months that the Trump Administration is imposing ceasefires/agreements on Israel against the Bibi's will - the first two in Lebanon and Gaza.

Testimony to how fast things move, a little over two weeks ago the SDF was adamant on self-governance, the Druze voiced their intention to secede and the Alawis begged the IDF to protect them

Israeli government continues using the Druze issue as a pretext to interfere in Syrian affairs, and there is talk of an expanding Israeli operation in Syria to establish a DMZ south of Damascus

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The agreement:

The Draft Negotiations Between the HTS and the SDF (Full Text)

Under the auspices of the United States of America, intensive negotiations are taking place between the two parties.

Representatives of both parties:
1. Representing SDF (Badran Jia - Al-Dar Khalil)
1. Representing HTS (Zaid Al-Attar)

SDF demands from the HTS:
1. The new government in Damascus will recognize the autonomous administration of northern and eastern Syria.
2. The new government in Damascus will help in returning Kurdish immigrants in the Aleppo countryside (Tal Hasil / Tal Arn / Aleppo city / Afrin city and its countryside), Tal Abyad and Ras al-Ain areas.
3. The new government in Damascus will mediate to resolve the dispute between the SDF and Turkey.
4. The new government pledges to stop the attacks of the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army on the areas east of the Euphrates controlled by the SDF.
5. Participation of the SDF in the next government after March 2025.
6. Pledging to work to include the following in the new Syrian constitution:
- Writing only the Syrian Republic
- Constitutional recognition of the Kurdish language as a second language in the country.
- Providing the Kurds with cultural and educational rights
7. The government will pledge to withdraw the Turkish army from Syrian territory after the situation stabilizes.

HTS's demands from the SDF:
1. Recognizing the Syrian government in Damascus and considering the autonomous administration as part of the Syrian state.
2. Expelling all foreign elements (PKK elements) from Syria.
3. Cutting ties with external political parties and quelling Turkish concerns on this issue.
4. Handing over the Arab areas controlled by the SDF, which are as follows:
- The eastern part of the Deir Ezzor countryside on the Euphrates River
- The city of Tabqa and the Tabqa Dam
- The city of A-Raqqa and part of its countryside
5. Giving the government in Damascus 50% of the resources of the eastern region (oil - agriculture - other natural resources).
6. Releasing all prisoners in SDF prisons, especially Arabs in the region.
7. Handing over foreign ISIS prisoners to the government in Damascus and full cooperation in this file.
8. Raising the Syrian state flag in all areas of the autonomous administration in northeast Syria.
9. Partial supervision by the Syrian government over border crossings with Iraq and Turkey in the areas of the autonomous administration.
10. An agreement will be reached on a mechanism to integrate SDF military forces into the new Syrian army.

Mutual Clause: Both parties pledge, in the event of a complete agreement, to disarm warlords and integrate factions into the new Syrian army.
^The Turks will never accept a Kurdish state in Syria, neither will the Syrians. The Israelis can't even clear Gaza, they're not going to be able to enforce Kurdish control over a huge region where the Kurds are a minority. This Greater Israel stretch goal of theirs is a bridge too far.