The Georgia color revolution

Your thread title gives credence is to the lie that this is a "legitimate & organic" people's movement, when it is in fact the jew funded, western assisted fake uprising just like maidan in Ukraine was in 2014. By using the words "color revolution" you play into the fake globohomo vision of the world.
Your thread title gives credence is to the lie that this is a "legitimate & organic" people's movement, when it is in fact the jew funded, western assisted fake uprising just like maidan in Ukraine was in 2014. By using the words "color revolution" you play into the fake globohomo vision of the world.
I have long considered the term color revolution to specifically mean a CIA orchestrated coup attempt, using astroturfed public demonstrations.
"Color" Revolution, as in Globohomo demonic fake rainbow revolutions.


I trust RT as a news source, but this female reporter does not look like she is there among the protesters in the street.
There is a fuzzy outline around her whole body which looks like she has been superimposed with CGI onto the scene in the street, and the protesters take zero notice of her.
Also, just 7 days ago a male RT reporter in Georgia got attacked, had his skull fractured, and went to hospital in during the recent Georgia protests ... so I really doubt RT would send a female reporter among pro western protesters after an incident like that.
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Here is a very good thread on how the conflict between Russia and Georgia had a lot of similarities with the current Ukrainian conflict, and even served as a precursor. This is by former RVF member Matt Forney. I've been seeing his tweets pop up recently. He was in Georgia during some of these events.

I was just reading through this thread. It's nice to see that this hope from early December is now a reality!

In hindsight it's absolutely clear that USAID must have been a primary instigator for these protests.
I assume they'll just set up more channels to move their money around, like cutting the head off of a hydra. Hopefully there are people out there who will remain fastidious in searching for these networks and shutting them down.
I assume they'll just set up more channels to move their money around, like cutting the head off of a hydra. Hopefully there are people out there who will remain fastidious in searching for these networks and shutting them down.
They being the leftist Deep State I take it.

I would say that while Trump and his people are trying to root out the Deep State elements, these elements are trying to stay under cover and fight back right now. The thing is, as long as DOGE is able to follow the money, it will be harder for them to get away with this.

Also, if Trump liquidates whole departments and agency suddenly, as he has done with USAID, then the people involved are out of power before they can even try to maneuver.

I'm fairly hopeful that Trump and team will succeed in clearing out a lot of the Deep State, but I'm sure they won't get it all. I do expect there will be a whole lot less US money for undermining countries like Georgia now.