The Gab Thread


Well-known member
Purpose is to post anything related to Andrew Torba and/or Gab.

Gab is blocking all Israeli IP addresses from posting or even accessing Gab content. I couldn't find this thread at first, so I posted this on the JQ thread, but it certainly belongs here.

Torba says he is tired of all the bad content coming from Israeli IP addresses.

Torba's company, Torba's servers, and he can do what he wants. Wasn't that the exact same argument the libtards used when Big Tech started banning opinions they didn't like?
Torba's company, Torba's servers, and he can do what he wants. Wasn't that the exact same argument the libtards used when Big Tech started banning opinions they didn't like?
Gab does seem to have lost some of the more hyper-nazi accounts since this development. Frankly, a lot of the over-the-top race trolls, etc. seem to have disappeared also. It does make you wonder how much of it was a "whatcha doin' rabbi" moment. Lots of precedence for their race-baiting.