The future of flying

Some of the incidents lately have been overblown but there are real concerns that given trends we are overdue for a major accident of some kind. Until that happens however, commercial aviation is still safer than it has ever been.

A real weak point currently is ATC, they are understaffed and overworked across the country and it doesn't look to be changing anytime soon. Fatigued and overworked controllers make mistakes and thank God none of the mistakes has been catastrophic recently but it is an area of vulnerability in the system.

I am adjacent to the aviation industry and IME it is still very much dominated by white males on the ground level. Most folks are based, I've even met a flight school owner who refuses to hire vaxxed instructors. The profession tends to reward accurate perception of reality and punish delusion. Some companies are trying to do the DEI thing from the top down but I believe (and hope) that in such an industry where lives (and profits) rely so much on competency and being in touch with reality, that standards won't be allowed to slip in the name of diversity. Aviation has a real hard-on for safety practices and rightfully so.

Boeing on the other hand seems FUBAR, it's a real shame. Symbolic of the decline of American primacy I suppose.

As I said in another thread I do think that at some point there will be an attempted reckoning for aviation in the name of "climate change" but the aviation lobby isn't the weakest around either.
Some of the incidents lately have been overblown but there are real concerns that given trends we are overdue for a major accident of some kind. Until that happens however, commercial aviation is still safer than it has ever been.

I'll have to respectfully disagree. A few weeks ago when looking into this rabbit hole I saw some statistics and one was.... I forget the name but some kind of "event" where there is a close call or mechanical close call and the reports said those "events" were up over 400% compared to a few years ago. That on top of all these mishaps that are flooding the news if you know where to look makes it seem to me as if like most things in life.... flight safety is degrading rapidly.

(that video did not embed as I had planed)
I'll have to respectfully disagree. A few weeks ago when looking into this rabbit hole I saw some statistics and one was.... I forget the name but some kind of "event" where there is a close call or mechanical close call and the reports said those "events" were up over 400% compared to a few years ago. That on top of all these mishaps that are flooding the news if you know where to look makes it seem to me as if like most things in life.... flight safety is degrading rapidly.

I would be interested to see this material if you could link it, not saying I disbelieve you I just want to parse it. While this may be true, the converse is that none of those close calls has yet manifested in a serious accident and in a way the system is working well by keeping close calls, close calls. It's telling that the news is flooded with 'mishaps' and not accidents as we would hear about regularly in years past.

The major exception to this trend in recent years is the 737MAX MCAS which rightfully became a huge scandal and has been resolved, albeit with huge damage to Boeing's credibility.

A lot of the mishaps flooding the news are blown out of proportion and based on shoddy reporting. I'm not trying to deny that there is anything wrong and claim everything is peachy and getting better every day. But I perceive that there is some fearmongering going on in the media.
Flying is a miserable experience, especially long hauls overseas.
Agreed that flying is miserable, at least in the US. I'll never forget my first international flight. It was China Airlines, and boy, I had no idea flying could be so comfortable!

I sat next to someone who complained about how little this airline offers the whole time.
What if all of the DEI and rise in airline incidents is just a way to discourage the masses from flying? The climate change and carbon credits scheme doesn't seem to really be catching on, but make people think their lives are in danger and there may be a big drop in travelers.

If it keeps getting worse, expect to see more small companies entering the local market. Something like ride sharing/co-op or uber for upper middle-class folks. It makes a lot more sense for folks in the Midwest where commercial flights are outrageously priced anyways, plus a lot of locations are still hours by car away from the big airports.
I mentioned in another thread that in mid April, Cleveland airport started face scanning ALL passengers by the TSA.
I just confirmed with a friend, Baltimore and Washington airports began the same within the last few weeks.

What's absolutely shocking is how there are zero media stories about this shocking change.
We've gotten to the point that journalism, outside a few passionate, talented people I can count on one hand (who mostly have fled the USA and live abroad), is literally acting as stenographers for the American State. If they are not issued a press release, they do not cover a story.

This of course has enormous implications, as we will not know most of the things they are doing until it is too late.
For example, if they just start force vaxxing people at roadside checkpoints, you won't even know unless that happens to a friend of yours. The media will not talk about it, and strangers who post about it on social media will be silenced. It's like the printing press no longer exists and we are suddenly living back in 1449.

(I should clarify, as of now you can just say "no thanks" and not have your picture taken. Lol. Great security feature, huh? But of course that option is going to go away one day).

The clock is ticking on my time in America, boys.... start making plans.
I mentioned in another thread that in mid April, Cleveland airport started face scanning ALL passengers by the TSA.
I just confirmed with a friend, Baltimore and Washington airports began the same within the last few weeks.
I had my face scanned a handful of months ago leaving DFW for Taiwan. So I can confirm, as well. Didn't know it was optional, but I don't make enough money to travel much already, anyway.

I have mentioned (I think in the COVID thread) that, yes, wherever there is a news story, there will only be coverage if the media wants you to hear it. So I've had to sound crazy to ALL of my friends and family for telling them about the experiences I had living in the Seattle area by myself during COVID. My friends and family are still in varying levels of disbelief about what I told them. As if I would ever wanna make up stories of violent protests right outside my place of work..... You are exactly right about the media blackout if the state doesn't want you to hear it.
I mentioned in another thread that in mid April, Cleveland airport started face scanning ALL passengers by the TSA.
I just confirmed with a friend, Baltimore and Washington airports began the same within the last few weeks.

What's absolutely shocking is how there are zero media stories about this shocking change.
We've gotten to the point that journalism, outside a few passionate, talented people I can count on one hand (who mostly have fled the USA and live abroad), is literally acting as stenographers for the American State. If they are not issued a press release, they do not cover a story.

This of course has enormous implications, as we will not know most of the things they are doing until it is too late.
For example, if they just start force vaxxing people at roadside checkpoints, you won't even know unless that happens to a friend of yours. The media will not talk about it, and strangers who post about it on social media will be silenced. It's like the printing press no longer exists and we are suddenly living back in 1449.

(I should clarify, as of now you can just say "no thanks" and not have your picture taken. Lol. Great security feature, huh? But of course that option is going to go away one day).

The clock is ticking on my time in America, boys.... start making plans.
I flew on Sunday, and had my face scanned. I've flown several times this year already, but this is the first time I had the face scanned.

The sign claimed the photo was only used to make it easier for them to check my photo ID, and would be immediately deleted. However, I have to assume anything said by the government is a lie.

I saw a couple of foreign looking guys pulled off to the side, and the TSA agent took their pictures with a phone, instead of having it done from the machine right in front of where they normally check your ID.
It's still much safer than driving a car.

But the airline industry in general is a complete disaster. Flying is a miserable experience, especially long hauls overseas.

My biggest issue is they don't enforce fat asses must pay for two seats.
I don't believe this safer than driving a car line. For a start I travel in a car far more than I fly in a plane. Also, I have never yet heard of a car accident in which 350 people were all killed instantly.
The sign claimed would be immediately deleted. However, I have to assume anything said by the government is a lie.
According to the TSA:
A traveler may voluntarily agree to use their face to verify their identity during the screening process by presenting their physical identification or passport.

So handing them your ID (which they have required since 2001) = consent to have your photo taken. But you can't travel without handing them an ID. Makes no sense!

It looks like they have edited their site now but when I first posted it in another thread a few days ago, they had contradictory information that said "images are not saved to a file but just checked against the ID presented to make sure they match" and then later "sometimes the TSA may hold the images for up to x days."

Obviously, then, the image is being written to a file!