The Degradation of Music


We all know that the quality of music today is a far cry from what it was just 40 years ago. It seems as though everything good about the art has been removed. Catchy melodies, lyrics that gave us insight into the human condition, and soul which emote things like joy, sorrow, and hope can no longer be found in the songs that now inhabit our airwaves.

Matt Walsh does a good job here to break down how music has changed in the last few decades. He makes some excellent points about how even the sexual lyrics in songs along with the music videos of today are off-putting and gross. It's a far cry from the hits of my day like Van Halen's "Hot For Teacher" which along with its sexy video had lyrics that were fun, comedic, and relatable to a boy with a crush on his teacher.

Another point he makes is how lifeless and emotionless these singers are. I've noticed this myself as they no longer even put feeling into their songs. They just mindlessly mumble the lyrics like a robot. Even bad songs back in the day at least had emotion. I may not have liked the music or the message, but the emotion was present.

Listening to contemporary songs from these Illuminati puppets makes me wonder had bad this music can get. Can it devolve into a product that is even more degrading and deplorable than it is now?

We all know that the quality of music today is a far cry from what it was just 40 years ago. It seems as though everything good about the art has been removed. Catchy melodies, lyrics that gave us insight into the human condition, and soul which emote things like joy, sorrow, and hope can no longer be found in the songs that now inhabit our airwaves.

Matt Walsh does a good job here to break down how music has changed in the last few decades. He makes some excellent points about how even the sexual lyrics in songs along with the music videos of today are off-putting and gross. It's a far cry from the hits of my day like Van Halen's "Hot For Teacher" which along with its sexy video had lyrics that were fun, comedic, and relatable to a boy with a crush on his teacher.

Another point he makes is how lifeless and emotionless these singers are. I've noticed this myself as they no longer even put feeling into their songs. They just mindlessly mumble the lyrics like a robot. Even bad songs back in the day at least had emotion. I may not have liked the music or the message, but the emotion was present.

Listening to contemporary songs from these Illuminati puppets makes me wonder had bad this music can get. Can it devolve into a product that is even more degrading and deplorable than it is now?

The problem is not music, but the black screen of death and you watching "what's popular".

"Popular culture" is just a global control mechanism, it was in the 60s as it is now.

As St. Augustine distincted: The city of God vs the Earthly City.

The earthly city has claimed music, what is God's gift.

In your city go to any jazz bar where young guys are playing and you'll see and feel the joy of music. Real music.
Or buy a guitar and learn to play some chords. And sing for your your kids and wife and they'll love it, after laughing for a bit. :)
Go to a monastery and sing the psalms with them.

Just don't expect the rulers to popularize good music while you sit on your ass staring at the black screen of death; its a propaganda screen.
Music today is propaganda as it has been since mass media were introduced and dominated.

What is "popular' is what the rulers want to be "popular". Loads of great music is made and played. Probably within few miles of your home.

I come from Europe and from the 60s our whole local music industry was taken over by the English/American, unifying this new global world order.
They wouldn't be able to make music like they do now without a long boiling process that included making songs like Hot For Teacher.
I agree that the music in the West has been on a slippery slope for a long time, probably going back as far as the 50s with Elvis thrusting his hips on stage. Some Christians back then surely saw the path we were on and tried to warn others where this would lead. I bet they had no idea how bad it would get.

Personally, I think the 80s was the cut-off to where most of the music on the radio was wholesome to a point. Some of it was indeed suggestive, and some of it even more so. But even the suggestive songs back then had the qualities of good music.
You guys got it good. If I posted any of my nation's music from the last 5 years I wouldn't even be able to post because of how sexual any and all of the lyrics are. After around 2014 I started seeing literal toddlers dancing to the most Satanic beats and lyrics.

In compensation, have this mildly funny Brazilian song I found playing GTA 4 last year. It's favelaslop but not bad enough to avoid posting.
