The appropriation and subversion of Christendom


The world has been in a progressive shift from Christendom to earthly rule (declaring God and Christ dead) in the last 200 years. If I look at it, the earthly rulers have taken all Christian festivities, all power structures, all health structures, all schooling, all faith based structures, all travel, I was trying to make a list and just getting a little start and seeing what has happend is unmistakably clear.

Divine Monarchy to popular Democracy
Law of God to Constitution
Individual Responsibility to God to UN Protection of Mankind
Church Authority to Scientific Authority

Pilgrimages to Secular Tourism

Religious Education to Public Schooling

Divine Healing to Overmedication
Clerical Counseling to Psychology and Psychiatry

Easter: Death and Resurrection to Easter Bunny
Christmas: Birth of Christ to Santa Claus presents
St. Valentine's Day: Martyr Remembrance to Romantic Celebration
Holy Sunday to shopping / leisure day
Music to praise God to Secular Music

etc etc etc

These deceptive rats keep talking on cultural appropriation with their fake racial frames. That some "white people" colonized America. But this is the real colonization in my opinion, the colonization by satan. Where can we go to for the cultural appropriation as Christians?

It makes we think. Knowing this, what can we do?
Knowing this, what can we do?
Well, for starters, fight against the evil of the world and pray. This is also why James 2:14-26 is so important. A faith without works reveals an unchanged and spiritually dead heart. Just keeping your mouth shut, keeping your faith a "personal matter", or not showing your faith in your daily life, is tantamount to cowardice and/or lack of faith. Unfortunately, this is the type of "Christianity" that the post-Christian secular west wants us to have, so we don't "offend" anyone.

Here are some good verses talking about fighting evil:
I'm sorry... But I can't tell what you're asking us to do?

What are you looking for in response to this post?
I don't know exactly myself, I was just adding these things up in my mind yesterday, and I realize it's a long term change.

This is a process over centuries, the dechristianisation.
Sometimes I feel we stare too much in the present: "Look at what they do with trans, homosexuals, with abortion."

But when you zoom out, it's all just part of a large tide of sin. How God is denied in his power in every part of life.

Taking the long term and broader view, gets me in a different mode, makes me think the game is not to stop them doing "trans" stuff in the now but that the real game is too survive the big flood of filth we are in.

You don't stop the flood with a 1 meter dike.

But we can build life rafts, our arcs for family, or hills to live on. I'm curious if you share that idea. Or how you look at this bigger trend.
The world has been in a progressive shift from Christendom to earthly rule (declaring God and Christ dead) in the last 200 years. If I look at it, the earthly rulers have taken all Christian festivities, all power structures, all health structures, all schooling, all faith based structures, all travel, I was trying to make a list and just getting a little start and seeing what has happend is unmistakably clear.

Divine Monarchy to popular Democracy
Law of God to Constitution
Individual Responsibility to God to UN Protection of Mankind
Church Authority to Scientific Authority

Pilgrimages to Secular Tourism

Religious Education to Public Schooling

Divine Healing to Overmedication
Clerical Counseling to Psychology and Psychiatry

Easter: Death and Resurrection to Easter Bunny
Christmas: Birth of Christ to Santa Claus presents
St. Valentine's Day: Martyr Remembrance to Romantic Celebration
Holy Sunday to shopping / leisure day
Music to praise God to Secular Music

etc etc etc

These deceptive rats keep talking on cultural appropriation with their fake racial frames. That some "white people" colonized America. But this is the real colonization in my opinion, the colonization by satan. Where can we go to for the cultural appropriation as Christians?

It makes we think. Knowing this, what can we do?

Limiting to 200 years is pretty arbitrary. You can voluntarily abstain from most of these things, and if it bothers you so much, what are you doing in opposition to it? If you're just creating a thread to lament the entire state of the world, what are you trying to do, other than trying to induce hopelessness (which is unbecoming of a man).

Those drifting on the raft of a media induced consumer culture have made their choice, but that doesn't have to be yours. Be conscious of your decisions and examine your life.

You don't stop the flood with a 1 meter dike.

Yes, no-one is saved alone. First become a 1 meter dike, let your example inspire others to become part of a dike, then you can stop a flood.
Limiting to 200 years is pretty arbitrary. You can voluntarily abstain from most of these things, and if it bothers you so much, what are you doing in opposition to it? If you're just creating a thread to lament the entire state of the world, what are you trying to do, other than trying to induce hopelessness (which is unbecoming of a man).
Fine to take 500 years as well, the point is: A long movement in time.

If you would have read my 2nd post you would have known the answer.

Build life rafts, our arcs for family, or hills to live on.

This is not hopelesness, but a suggestion for a better way to address the issues of our time over conservative politics which hasn't conserved anything valuable.

And thereby it's just something I observe, personal thought I have, and feel that's more than fine to share on a forum. It's important to know how diverse and powerful the influence is on which levels.
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