That Jesus Ad


Has anyone seen that Jesus ad that they were playing during the Super Bowl? I've seen it a few times now and it really rubs me the wrong way. I don't know who is behind this but it's not the conservative right as it looks very subversive.

Matt Walsh gives a good breakdown in the video below and interestingly points out that no people of color are washing white people's feet.

I saw multiple tweets hammering this. I don't have time to go searching for it now, but they had that one meme with a bunch of knights around the table laying their the points of their swords in the center. It had the knights labeled Reformed, Catholic, Orthodox, Evangelical, and the common cause they all were swearing to fight for was "Don't like He Gets Us ads".
'He Gets Us' is evangelism done wrong, diluting the Gospel to make it more palpable to people who will never believe the Gospel anyway. Even if they do convert, all you will have won them to is a watered down, social justice gospel. This is why doctrine is so important, and yes, doctrine is divisive.

Conservative Christians of all stripes recognize this. Leftists hate 'He Gets Us' because they see it as a cheap way for Christians to ingratiate themselves to them, which is exactly what it is.
I'd like to see companion ads with the themes:

1. Go and sin no more
2. What to do to money lenders outside the temple

Anyway this is a classic provocation by children of Satan who recoil anytime Christianity is mentioned but just love to pick and choose their episodes of Hippie Jesus.
I think this is intentionally made to divide Christians and non-believers.

Those who made it already knew in advance Catholics and Orthodox will hate it.
Only some social-justice people and political activists might like it. For normal Christians this is just a spit in the face.

To non-believers it makes Christians look like fools. So christianity is washing feet of drag queens?

It probably is made by someone who hates Christ.

Turns out they are Jews; the "David Green" family who call themselves "evangelicals' whatever that may mean.

I see the typical division, instead of telling the unifying message of Christ, they just make something up that people get riled up about.

Cultural warriors. Hiders of the Truth. Liars.

The about writes:

The night before he died, Jesus got his friends and followers together and washed their feet as a symbolic example of how they should humble themselves while dignifying and valuing others. How would our contentious world change if people, especially those with opposing ideologies, took off their shoes and washed each other’s feet? Read more here:

Read it. First glance, you think, ah well, yes love all.

But reading deeper, it shows deep theological errror.

The disciples considered Jesus not only to be their master or religious leader but also, most even revered him as the promised Messiah — a long-awaited king who would, according to their prophecy, deliver Israel from its oppressors, in this time period, the Romans.

How about God in flesh.

"deliver Israel from it's oppressors" they write, the roman oppressors, Jesus is some sort of social justice man striving for political change.
I saw the ad called “The Birth” a few years ago. In it, they tell the story of a teen mom who gets pregnant by someone other than her boyfriend. Her parents find out and get mad at her. She’s frightened. Of course they are hinting that this teen mom is considering an abortion. They don’t state it directly, but it is implied. It seems like this is just an average American teen mom who’s scared about having a baby. However, at the end, this teen mom finds a manger and gives birth. The tag line at the end “Jesus was born to a teen mom. He gets us.”

These ads are blasphemous representations of Christ’s incarnation.

These ads are blasphemous representations of Christ’s incarnation.

I just checked a few more of their videos.

All of them that are indeed blasphemous representations of Christ’s incarnation. I think that's the full point.

Attacking Christians, not with guns, but with lies and deception as the snake did.

I think those in power fully understand that the only potential threat to their power are Christians.

Just by the simple conviction we serve the divine law over the state's law. We don't care about the global ruling class.

Or this one "refugee"

I think this is intended to subvert Christianity. (Which has been the case for many many years)

I notice that in my parish, we are collecting money and praying for those in the fake wars in Gaza and Ukraine or hungry children in Africa..

But we are not actively looking to take for example old people in our parish to mass, not all priests are actively suggesting confession, giving catechesis, teaching us on the Law etc etc. This is extremely risky and might lead many to hell.

This kind of propaganda in the ads kept me away from the church for the largest part of my life. (it is very effective)

I thought Christians were just a bunch of losers, and hypocritical fools. Until you start to study, meet some great monks, some great priests and my image slowly started to shift.
I'm also a bit tired of people saying "this isn't political" or "don't get political" when talking about particular subjects. How are we not going to "get political if the government drops off foreign nationals in our backyard? They made everything political, and now we're silly enough to say we shouldn't "get political"?
"deliver Israel from it's oppressors" they write, the roman oppressors, Jesus is some sort of social justice man striving for political change.

What’s really funny to me about how “progressive” Christians always try to play up the whole “Jesus was a social justice warrior!” angle is that although Jesus did show love to obviously marginalized groups like lepers and prostitutes, he showed just as much kindness to oppressors and acceptable targets like Roman soldiers and tax collectors, which completely blows apart the narrative they’re trying to present.

Unlike those modern day Marxists who want to use Jesus for their own ends, Jesus had no interest in participating in the oppressed getting even with their oppressors program, completely rejecting it. Make sure you hammer this point home because it completely demolishes their entire position.
I saw the ad called “The Birth” a few years ago. In it, they tell the story of a teen mom who gets pregnant by someone other than her boyfriend. Her parents find out and get mad at her. She’s frightened. Of course they are hinting that this teen mom is considering an abortion. They don’t state it directly, but it is implied. It seems like this is just an average American teen mom who’s scared about having a baby. However, at the end, this teen mom finds a manger and gives birth. The tag line at the end “Jesus was born to a teen mom. He gets us.”

These ads are blasphemous representations of Christ’s incarnation. about manipulative.

To promote their agenda and convince women to have children out of wedlock and get men to marry these sl*ts, they try to draw a parallel between Mary's virgin pregnancy in the Bible and this tart who cheated on her boyfriend with some random man. The difference being that Mary in the Bible was a virgin and loyal to her boyfriend while the sl*t in the commercial is obviously not.

So not only are they promoting that it's okay for girls to sleep around, they're trying to tell the men unfortunate enough to be in relationships with these whores that they should raise the kids as their own.
It's the hallmark of the inverted fake Christian of the modern age with an insidious message doubling down on what has led to the weakening of the Churches: "let us help the random impoverished throwbacks in some dark corner of the earth with spiritual knowledge they don't want and will never truly understand or be grateful for, and ignore our own people being destroyed by liberalism, communism, judaism, and atheism right here in front of me."

All this hippie blasphemy they spread attacks the foundations of the Church even more sinisterly than open warfare ever did. Moloch is blushing from their efforts.
To comment more directly on this campaign, it's just the most recent iteration of the whole "we gotta make Christianity RELEVANT!" impulse in evangelicalism that's been going on for decades. The whole idea is that Modern Culture is the standard and Christianity is lagging behind and outmoded, and must be "updated" or otherwise presented in some sort of "hip" way going forward. Christianity just has to sail along with the prevailing cultural winds, or it'll be left behind.

There's rarely much challenge to the basic presuppositions of this way of thinking, but it immediately falls apart under scrutiny. Ask, why does Christianity need to be "relevant"? When, before the modern times of the last 150 years or so, if we're being generous, were Christians ever concerned with keeping up with the standards of the surrounding (pagan) culture? In fact, history shows the exact opposite. Our job is to firmly plant our feet upon the rock and invite others to join, without compromising in pursuit of that goal. Something I appreciate about being an Orthodox Christian is that my Church does an excellent job doing just that, and somewhat counterintuitively, is drawing a massive amount of inquirers tired of being pandered to.

"Relevant" Christianity is just "missionary dating" on a societal level. You think you're going to convert that hot girl to Christianity, but actually, she just ends up getting you to compromise and sell out your convictions for some carnal fulfillment. And that's exactly what we've seen with this whole experiment in western Christianity where there are a lot of cozy full-time jobs and big salaries riding on treating Christianity like a business that must update its marketing to increase sales. When Jesus is just another brand, this sort of campaign is the inevitable result.

I think this kind of campaign is also indicative of "lowest common denominator" Christianity. There's probably a board of guys in skinny jeans saying "well here's the problem, everyone's turned off Christianity because of all the arguments and debates and different versions, so we gotta reduce it to just JESUS! And not get bogged down in all that other stuff." But that all just raises the question, who's in authority to make that kind of ruling?

What is or isn't essential just comes down to subjective opinion, and maybe who's the most proficient in Scripture-Fu for making a persuasive case. And it doesn't jive with what Jesus Himself or His Apostles taught. If the Church is the body of Christ, then rejecting the Church to "just follow Jesus" is a self-contradictory position, unless you're going to go full Progressive Christian and hand-wave all that stuff about Jesus claiming to be God and whether Christianity is actually true, in favor of saying you like Jesus because he was a great teacher, and at that point CS Lewis is just going to impale you on the Trilemma and my work here is done.

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“Jesus didn’t teach hate. He washed feet.”

What a subversive Super Bowl ad.

Jesus didn’t just “wash feet.”

Jesus called sinners to repentance, preached the gospel of salvation, and yes, he washed the feet of his disciples — which was symbolic of him cleansing us of our sin.

When Jesus went to wash Peter's feet in John 17, he told him, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me."

By saying “Jesus didn’t teach hate, he just washed feet,” this ad is basically telling the masses, “Hey man, your sins aren’t bad. Jesus just wants you to wash feet and start being more tolerant of sin, because calling it out is hate-speech.”

The message of Christianity is that we are all sinners who fall short of God, and therefore we need Christ’s salvation — we need to be washed and cleansed of our sins.

Rather than actually preaching the gospel, this ad is subverting it and basically just telling Christians to debase themselves towards others.

Misses the mark completely.

Edit. Friendly reminder that the ((()))s control ads and marketing.

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Great analysis from @NateAFischer on the spectacular failure of the “He Gets Us” Super Bowl ad last night.

He writes,

“Millions of Americans—particularly young men—are alienated by wokeness and the prevailing liberal cultural message, and seeking something different.

Christianity offers a true alternative, and has great potential to appeal to such people. The He Gets Us ads may as well have been perfectly scripted to drive them away from Christianity (and to anything from a Musk-style techno-optimism, to the pagan right or the likes of Andrew Tate).

The He Gets Us ads will not just fail to attract people to Christianity: they baptize the values of our dominant regime with a veneer of Christianity.”

“‘Jesus didn’t teach hate’ perfectly encapsulates the baptism of regime virtues. ‘Hate’ is widely used today to refer to anything short of full affirmation of LGBTQ+ and other ‘victim’ agendas.”

Hit the nail on the head.

Full article here in @AmReformer here:
@MusicForThePiano All this hippie blasphemy they spread attacks the foundations of the Church even more sinisterly than open warfare ever did. Moloch is blushing from their efforts.
It exposes the method. Which is a good thing. But he method has been exposed from the beginning by the snake.

I notice that most people think that "christians under attack" means that evil muslims go shoot Christians in churches. This is not how the snake works. The real attack is deception and seduction.

@Hermetic Seal I think this kind of campaign is also indicative of "lowest common denominator" Christianity.
I have been quite some marketing for the church here.

And many people seem to think marketing is bad, while "marketing" is at the core of the mission.

The catholic church has a whole department for it (propaganda fide)

In my experience what works is:
Exclusivity & Openness: New people love the fact the churched are empty, in that they can find their way, many go alone to church, they are at adventurers sing value in these ruins. It's exclusive, beautiful, and open for everyone.
Written tradition: While everything is unstable in the world. The church is a rock of wisdom; we can read Augustine, Chrystosomos, Aquino, Desert Fathers, Blaise Pascal. These writers are not part of the school curriculum, but you start to read them you realize their profound quality; which incomparable to "self help books",
Art tradition: Will you rather watch meaningless "modern art" or lavish yourself at a Rubens?
Desire for the 1 truth: Many really desire to know the truth, and they feel there is 1 truth. Not the 2 of the dialectial process, 2 opposing fake forces and a crazy conspiracy theory for those dropping out. This is very important as many non-faithful and faithful seem to think "all are just opinions"
Brotherhood Bringing people together to read the bible, to talk on the meaning and to share our thought openly, without judgement, as the apostles were different so we are different, we can only understand and feel God better through others. The brotherhood on earth is essential for that.
Sacraments (Daily) Mass, Confession which appeal to and are used by many.
Prayer Prayer is fine to sit still with God, you don't need to talk, you can also do a rosary are say many other written quality prayers that can help us.
A new authority Not our world leaders matter, but God is the real ruler, not the worldly law matters, but the Divine law.
Sin is an action in which you walk away from God. Put faith in your own flesh, your own greediness, your lust, your anger. God wants you back home.
God is loving for those who dare to see their own faults, their sins and repent, go on their knees and ask for forgiveness, God will stretch his arms around you. Welcome home son.

These ads spread none of this message.

They try to change the meaning of christ. Like they always try to change the meaning of words. The idea of democracy is that the people have a say in something and can exercise a control mechanism on those in power. This has proven to be fully hijacked with mass media and propaganda.

In my opinion it's pure attacks on Christ. It's the devil explaining who Jesus is; a nice guy, he had some good teachings, but you got to have fun right? Wee live in a new age with new rules, some people love football, some go sit in church. It's just what you like.

The attacks are not always so obvious.

It outlines none of what I listed as value, the truth that the Church brings.

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Edit. Friendly reminder that the ((()))s control ads and marketing.

I dare these White social gospel warriors to go into the ghetto, randomly take off someone’s $200 pair of Jordans, and start washing their feet. It won’t go as promised in this ad.
What’s really funny to me about how “progressive” Christians always try to play up the whole “Jesus was a social justice warrior!” angle is that although Jesus did show love to obviously marginalized groups like lepers and prostitutes, he showed just as much kindness to oppressors and acceptable targets like Roman soldiers and tax collectors, which completely blows apart the narrative they’re trying to present.

Unlike those modern day Marxists who want to use Jesus for their own ends, Jesus had no interest in participating in the oppressed getting even with their oppressors program, completely rejecting it. Make sure you hammer this point home because it completely demolishes their entire position.
It's similar to how you'll hear that "Jesus was a socialist" from people who've probably never heard the parable of the talents.