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Structure of Global Power


I believe the primary goal of this manufactured 'conflict' is to further divide the world into two distinct blocks. Contrary to popular belief, having one global rule actually means forming two blocks.

I think many people misunderstand these divisions. They perceive a genuine conflict, thinking China opposes the US, or vice versa. However, this isn’t the case.

In reality, all parties operate under the same umbrella, reminiscent of the so-called 'Cold War.' It was never truly a war, but rather a division of power under one shared umbrella.

I encourage everyone to delve into Iranian and Chinese newspapers and recognize the similarity in their fabricated stories: climate hoax, inclusivity, minority rights, the coronavirus, along with talks of democracy, socialism, and the forming megastates. All godless narratives.

The situation in Israel/Gaza mirrors the Ukraine/Russia scenario. Both are designed to deepen the global population’s belief in an 'us vs. them' mentality. This is why Zelensky has faded from the main screen; we are transitioning into a new act of the theater, Act 2. I predict that in the next one to two years, we will see the Taiwan/China situation unfold in a similar pattern, more crisis actors and the specter of impending danger. Like in a TV serie the original conflicts won't be over, they will just be of a lesser importance in the narrative. We will have comebacks of Zelensky and Netanyahu when we are season 3: "China". "Live" recorded on your TV sets and little black magic screens in your pocket.

The internal conflicts within Western and Eastern states are all part of a larger plan.

After experiencing a few of these hoax-wars over the next five years, our collective cry for peace will grow louder. 'We need peace,' we’ll say. And at that pivotal moment, the idea of a global government will seem far more palatable.

The end of war! A future brimming with prosperity!

Space missions will embody the hope of this new era, bringing together Indian frugality, Chinese production prowess, and NASA’s ingenuity, all united for a better world.

I believe we should view this as an elaborate, long-running soap opera, designed for entertainment. We should relish the theatrics. Mock it if you will.

Fake rockets. Fake blood. Fake iron domes. Rest assured, the Jews will put on a grand spectacle.

Just remember, don’t take it as reality, because it isn’t. It’s all politics, a quest for and the securement of power by the international elite. Remember to never pick up a weapon to fight in a foreign land.
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I believe the primary goal of this manufactured 'conflict' is to further divide the world into two distinct blocks. Contrary to popular belief, having one global rule actually means forming two blocks.
So the decline of the GAE, the rise of China and Russia, the emergence of a multipolar world, Putin and Xi Jingpin's long term plans for BRICS and the Global South are all 11D chess from the elites running the NWO?

So the decline of the GAE, the rise of China and Russia, the emergence of a multipolar world, Putin and Xi Jingpin's long term plans for BRICS and the Global South are all 11D chess from the elites running the NWO?

I would say, open your eyes; it's happening right in front of you.

There's nothing 11-dimensional about this, and I don't appreciate your mocking tone; it obscures the reality of all these fake attacks in and around Israel/Gaza and Ukraine/Russia, which influence the masses with fabricated fear.
I would say, open your eyes; it's happening right in front of you.

There's nothing 11-dimensional about this, and I don't appreciate your mocking tone; it obscures the reality of all these fake attacks in and around Israel/Gaza and Ukraine/Russia, which influence the masses with fabricated fear.
Your belief is the elites already control the entire globe, and instead of forming a one world govt., they have a fake split between east and west? If they already have full control, what would be the purpose of this? Covid is a real sickness, the question of Covid is why do our tax dollars prop up Wall Street and the Pharma industry in our greatest time of need. There is a difference in Iran or Russia, defending their native minority population from discrimination, and the flooding of western countries with non-native minorities and then giving them everything on a silver platter on the backs of the native working class.

You do realize the cold war was due to the satanic elites being run out of the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union being run by gentiles and the fallout from this, correct? It wasn't like both sides were controlled by the same people, when both sides were controlled by the same people, we were allies.
Your belief is the elites already control the entire globe, and instead of forming a one world govt., they have a fake split between east and west? If they already have full control, what would be the purpose of this? Covid is a real sickness, the question of Covid is why do our tax dollars prop up Wall Street and the Pharma industry in our greatest time of need. There is a difference in Iran or Russia, defending their native minority population from discrimination, and the flooding of western countries with non-native minorities and then giving them everything on a silver platter on the backs of the native working class.

You do realize the cold war was due to the satanic elites being run out of the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union being run by gentiles and the fallout from this, correct? It wasn't like both sides were controlled by the same people, when both sides were controlled by the same people, we were allies.
Thanks for these questions @It_Is_My_Time allowing me to clarify my point.

Your belief is the elites already control the entire globe, and instead of forming a one world govt., they have a fake split between east and west?
Yes, my belief is that the Iranian, Chinese, Israeli and Gaza elites are fully in on the game, just like Kim Jong Un in North Korea, who spent a large part of his youth in Switzerland. Kim Jong Un needs to play the bad guy. I think North Korea is not an independent country; it fulfills a role in the global hierarchy, just like Iran. The Hamas elites are chilling out in luxury in Qatar.

At this moment, everyone is still suffering from national identity, and that needs to be broken. The only way to shape international identities is to create antagonists. For example, without an enemy, there is no EU. The Ukraine fake war has proven to be extremely successful for the EU in shaping a collective army (without any real opposition in the EU).

If they already have full control, what would be the purpose of this?
I think they believe the populations are too risky, too unpredictable. In the current system, small groups can still come up and claim power. A bipolar world would shape stability for the elite.

Covid is a real sickness, the question of Covid is why do our tax dollars prop up Wall Street and the Pharma industry in our greatest time of need.
We disagree, here, I think Covid is a propaganda tool, and just the flu, it was a tool to introduce global health policy from the WHO. (with success)

There is a difference in Iran or Russia, defending their native minority population from discrimination, and the flooding of western countries with non-native minorities and then giving them everything on a silver platter on the backs of the native working class.
Russia is a multiracial nation. It has not 1 native population. This is an example for the new world.


You do realize the cold war was due to the satanic elites being run out of the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union being run by gentiles and the fallout from this, correct?

I believe that to be different. I think the "Cold War" was an agreement between the US and the USSR after WWII to secure their reign over Europe and the states in the USSR, respectively. Without the concept of the "Cold War," Europe would have been independent of the US, and the USSR wouldn't have existed for 40 years and would have fallen apart directly after WWII.

They needed to maintain the state of war to keep in power. Only because of the fake "Cold War" was the US allowed bases all across Europe to protect them against the evil Soviets.

It wasn't like both sides were controlled by the same people, when both sides were controlled by the same people, we were allies.
The elites are allies. Putins' daughter studied in the Netherlands. Many of the kids of the Chinese elite study at Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard. The elites of Iran study in the west. And I wouldn't be surprised that the children of the Hamas elites study at the exact same universities.

The game is to push the people (the plebs) against each other. Divide and conquer. Internally and internationally. Black vs white. US vs Iran. Meanwhile the elites send their kids to the same universities and intermarry.

I think only a fearful population can be controlled. If we would be without fear. We would ask, who are these elites confiscating 50% of our labour?

We live in the time of Batman, of billionaire heroes that just wants to help the normal people defending them against evil. And most people belief that myth.
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This is going way off-topic. Please take it to another thread, rather than derail this one.

I try to fit the current Israeli/Arab conflict in a geo-political context and history, which I think helps to understand "the conflict" for others as it's not isolated. @It_Is_My_Time asks a few good questions and I answer them. I don't think that's de-railing.

If you don't agree with my points that's fine, but then bring your points to the table and then we can have a fruitful conversation. Mocking and accusing of de-railing is not the way to go. My aim is to stick to the conversation ofcourse, maybe will indeed open a thread on the structure of global power.
Your belief is the elites already control the entire globe, and instead of forming a one world govt., they have a fake split between east and west? If they already have full control, what would be the purpose of this? Covid is a real sickness, the question of Covid is why do our tax dollars prop up Wall Street and the Pharma industry in our greatest time of need. There is a difference in Iran or Russia, defending their native minority population from discrimination, and the flooding of western countries with non-native minorities and then giving them everything on a silver platter on the backs of the native working class.

You do realize the cold war was due to the satanic elites being run out of the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union being run by gentiles and the fallout from this, correct? It wasn't like both sides were controlled by the same people, when both sides were controlled by the same people, we were allies.
This is my understanding

Ive spoken to well oonnected people in the US, some 3rd world and also Middle Eastern govts.

They call it "Deep Politics" in that at the top level, yes, the elites are all in bed together.

But where the rubber hits the road is in how it is all managed. It is managed by course correction, just as a plane never faces dead on to its destination but repeatedly errs left and right in order to reach its destination.

I don't agree with @paternos on a lot of the detail of this stuff BUT..
The only way to get to a UniPolar World Government is through a Multi Polar world of strife. That is why the Cold War was of such use to the world's elites.
When there is an enemy then there is a justification for giving up our rights "for the greater good", (see also the GWOT for another example.)
I highly recommend the book "None Dare Call it Conspiracy" by Gary Allen showing that the West colluded with the Communist Bloc/Comintern in ways that never really made official sense.

Aquila Negra shared this article - https://www.strategic-culture.org/n...ution-was-plotted-80-years-ago-by-cia-neocon/ - which laid it all out. Predictably the website has now been nixed.

In mr Dark Eagle's words "First Article (of two) by Strategic Culture connecting the dots between 1. Schwab/the WEF, 2. the neo-cons/ Burnham, 3. Trotskyism and 4. Malthusian ideology/ Club of Rome
According to Burnham that would have to culminate in the 'Managerial Revolution', which sounds very much like the totalitarian, neo-feudal The Great Reset
Managerial Revolution. You will Own Nothing. Ergo the "managing elites" would Own EVERYTHING. = New Wolrd Order/ jewish Utopia.

Burnham was Kissinger's mentor, a right wing CIA man who embraced Trotskyism and who saw the Left as the better vehicle with which to achieve power - but as he instructed Kissinger the achievement of Global power would take many generations to achieve and depend on Famine, War, >>Pandemics<< and a zig zagging between right and left wing governments and relentless catastrophes to achieve.
As Mr Zeegelar commented on reading the (now verboten) article
"Great article. Didn't knew Schwab was a former apprentice of Kissinger. I think this management look is a very easy outlook to break down the core of the structure. What does a manager do? He decides the direction of a team, or an organization. By doing that he sets goals, he decides where others go, what the frameworks are, what the boundaries are, what is acceptable and what isn't.
We're witnessing with this great reset the managed destruction of the entire national/global/political/economic/cultural/institutional structure, while obviously before you can build something new you have to destroy what's there. By creating crises/chaos, whether real or usually either overblown or actually non existent, they can use their information outlets such as the MSM to pour out the frame to the masses, and then accordingly push them and the institutional structure they control in the direction they want.
That's why 9/11 is such a great example: create the problem (what happened exactly isn't important, fact is that there was a tremendous Zionist hand in it and the Muzzies as scapegoat), answer the wishes of the masses to be protected with your solution to make them feel safe again, which then of course are measures that go in the direction that you as the manager had set out before (less privacy, more restrictions, Zionist adversaries taken down, oil, power, money)

I talk to people close to Middle Eastern Govt s and they tell me that the new electric car revolution is now a done deal. As I have already said Yes, it is non-sensical and will require MORE Diesel to achieve than is currently being burnt up in all the world's generators. But nevertheless it is going ahead.
I cant help but feel that this is the relevance of this conflict, the more it escalates the more it will give the elites an excuse to re-order the world according to the needs of (((global conflict))) and the ensuing (((energy crisis))).

This is where it gets interesting. The rise of China (engineered by Kissinger and friends) the rise of BRICS - all of this is a protracted movement toward a global governance: something that they could never achieve in one-go but something that they manoeuvre towards with a thousand course corrections every passing year.

Orwell was a protege of Freemason Julian Huxley whose ideas were encapsulated in his brothers predictive text Brave New World. Orwell wrote 1984 after being tutored Brave New Worlds brains-trust. he said of managerial revolution architect James Burnham in 1944, paraphrasing but he remarked to the effect that Burnham "just thought it was best to turn everything on its head"
> If it was best to be honest with the people then it was best to deceive. (they cant just go straight to a world government)
> If it was best to act for the interest of others then now it was best to act only in the interest of one's own small group. (they are all in it together at the very top level)
Frankist Sabbateanism.

Ultimate good (their constant worthy rhetoric) is worse than Ultimate evil because Ultimate evil knows that it is evil, it has some form of moral framework that it acknowledges.
A tyranny of 'Ultimate good' has no such capacity for awareness nor reflection.
Burnham said that he thought that the Soviets would wait out the war in Europe.. and then be smashed by Germany. But was he saying that to throw his later critics off the scent?
Orwell performed his role as controlled-opposition by asserting that Burnham ultimately did not know 'which way was up'. Everyone ignore Burnham.
But he also added that Burnham had the capacity to do untold damage.... Because Orwell knew what the ultimate plan was, I suspect, and he knew that Burnham (and his overwhelmingly-jewish confreres) knew how to disguise their plans within so many moves and counter moves that we would all be bamboozled -
(after all, how many people look particularly hard into the fact that Orwell's real name was Eric Blair or that he went to the UK's most elite school or that he was tutored by the man behind "Brave New World"?)
we were to be bamboozled, as we all have been, by the rise of BRICS and the rise of CCP Chy-na!! such that we would never anticipate that the hands manipulating both sides are the same.
Manipulating events toward their (in their eyes) inevitable satanic one world government = something that they could never hope to achieve unless they disguised it it in a relentless back and forth journey of human catastrophe toward the destination.

I doubt anyone here believes that a bunch of muppets in hang gliders were able to just glide slowly over one of the two most heavily surveilled and defended borders in the world...
Or are we to form up a South Korean para-gliding regiment that will be able to next take the North Koreans by surprise?
How would THAT work?
If we, as armchair Korean generals, try to work it out in our heads - then.. immediately - the absurdity of the events that kicked off this whole major escalation will begin to suggest itself.

EDIT (for emphasis) "Oceania was always at war with Eurasia"
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We get our own little thread and immediately, because its no longer derailing another current affairs thread, all the momentum suddenly dies.. :)

This is an interesting guy.. Armie Hammer.

"Armand Hammer was born in New York City to Jewish parents who emigrated from what was then the Russian Empire: Rose (née Lipschitz) and Julius Hammer.[6][7][8] His father came to the United States from Odessa (now Ukraine) in 1875 and settled in the Bronx, where he ran a general medical practice and five drugstores.[9][10] "

Armand Hammer was quite the negotiator between the US and the USSR - where US companies piggybacked on the tyranny of the Red Terror and the Holdomors perpetrated in the Ukraine and Russia and took advantage, as Capitalist exploiters of Communist slave labour.

Funny how the Soviet Union demanded serfdom as a counter balance to the capitalist bourgeois system AND YET it was created by capitalist jewish bankers in Wall Street New York who were then able to, as American Capitalists, exploit their new conquest.

Per Wiki:

"Lenin New Economic Policy[edit]
During Lenin's New Economic Policy, Armand Hammer became the mediator for 38 international companies in their dealings with the USSR.[39] Before Lenin's death, Hammer negotiated the import of Fordson tractors into the USSR, which served a major role in agricultural mechanization in the country.[40][39] Later, after Stalin came to power, additional deals were negotiated with Hammer as an American–Soviet negotiator.[39]

Hammer's move to Soviet Union[edit]

He moved to the USSR in the 1920s to oversee these operations, especially his large business manufacturing and exporting pens and pencils.[41][42] According to Alexander Barmine, who was assigned by the Central Committee to run the Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga company to compete with Hammer, the stationery concession to produce such items in the Soviet Union was actually granted to Julius Hammer.[43] Barmine states the party spent five million gold rubles on stationery supplies made in factories controlled by Julius Hammer and other concessionaires, making them rich.[44] Barmine further contends that the Soviets were eventually able to duplicate certain items such as typewriter parts and pens, and end those concessions, but were never able to match the quality of Hammer's pencils, so that concession became permanent.[45] Armand Hammer remained in the Soviet Union until 1930.[46]"
On October 28, 1921, Lenin gave Armand Hammer what amounted to a monopoly.
He later arranged for himself to represent 38 American companies (including Ford) in Moscow..

Lenin was more interested in appropriating the property and riches of the Christian Russians than anything else.
In this situation, the plundering escalated. It was primarily "the greedy Jew", Armand Hammer, who brought the Tsars' and the aristocrats' jewels and art to America where it was sold to other rich Jews.
This was a bandits' plan.
In this way, the Faberge eggs, the diamond-topped tiaras and the icons, which had been plundered from the churches, ended up in the hands of Armand and his brother Victor Hammer.
When their supplies were finished, new stolen goods were brought in from the Soviet Union;
- this presented no difficulty since the bandit Bolshevik chieftains in Moscow were always eager to fatten up their foreign bank accounts a little more with the help of Armand Hammer and other fences.

Lenin had said to Armand Hammer: "Soviet Russia needs American capital and technical aid to get the wheels rolling again."
When Hammer later landed in Moscow with his private aeroplane, he never needed to go through the passport or customs control. Everyone was equal in a communist state , but it appears that some were more equal than others.
"It was Lenin who convinced me to become a capitalist," Hammer later declared.
In 1980, the Communist billionaire Hammer "donated" the Sovincentre, a gigantic office block, to Moscow, in order to watch his interests more closely.
Hammer co-operated with nearly all the Communist leaders. He met Gorbachev for the first time on the 18th of June 1985.
Hammer's chemical factories in the Soviet Union devastated the natural environment as well as the people's health (for example, in Ventspils in occupied Latvia). But he did not care. The most important thing was his profit. He never had enough.. Hammer did not conceal his satanic attitude: "He who tells the truth has no future. The future is built exclusively on lies."

Hammer was just one of the International Jews who were able to manage the economy of the slave-state Soviet Union from their capitalist base in the West - Hammer was able to flit back and forth entirely unmolested and uncriticised, a venture capitalist, between his twin homes - the communist "Evil Empire" Soviet Union and the capitalist "Imperialist Aggressor" United States.

^Seems that some jews are upset with Hammer now, retrospectively, as his fortune is posthumously being ploughed into Zio-Cuck "Christianity"..

"A remarkable book, "Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer" by Edward Jay Epstein, has recently focused attention on this fascinating and duplicitous character. Since the book's publication, new information shows that the fortune built by the late oil millionaire and philanthropist, once dedicated to the arts, cancer research and world peace, is now being used to support the evangelical Christian causes of Hammer's grandson Michael, who controls the estate. ( :/ !!! )

Instead of the New York City Opera, the Elie Wiesel Foundation, Ford's Theatre and the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Hammer's money is now going to Jews for Jesus, Italy for Christ, Don Dennis Ministries, Marty Goetz Ministries, Mike Barber Ministries and to the evangelistic foundation set up by Michael's father-in-law, a former Tulsa banker turned lay preacher.
" Oh Nooo!

"The bar mitzvah (Hammer the crypto-jew finally coming out as jewish on his death bed) went on as planned, however -- but his friends got a shock at the funeral two days later. As jaws dropped around the room, a born-again pastor stood up and announced that on his deathbed Hammer had renounced his newly embraced Jewish heritage. Not only that, he'd "accepted Jesus Christ as his savior."

"Good old Armand, covering all the bases," chuckled an Occidental Petroleum executive"

Seems that playing both sides has always been the way for those at the very top of our Global Power Structure.
Regarding Putin's daughter studying in Netherlands - Putin did try, for years, to be close to the West and its elites. However, he and Russia were not accepted into that club and, by doing NATO expansion, the West had pointed Putin/Russia to "their place" - being their resource colony. I believe Putin had rebelled against this, within his limited capacities (limited by military and economic weaknesses)

Putin had inherited the country fully controlled by mafia and Soros-paid elites back in 2000. Trying to overthrow that powerful mafia right away would get him killed immediately. Gradually, he had worked up to higher and higher degrees of control and taking over these mafioso pro-Western elites. For a long time he tried to balance both conflicting interests: pro Western, zionist elites and Russian national interests.

He made a grave, near-fatal mistake by not taking over most of Ukraine (historical Russian lands) in 2014, when it was easy and could have been bloodless, after West-sponsored anti-Russuan coup when the West had finally delared open war against Russia. He, later, was deceived by Minsk Accords that were simply a break for NATO, allowing NATO to arm Ukraine and train its army to use Ukraine as a weapon against Russia. Finally, Russia had to fight, due to constant killings of Russian and pro-Russia population in Donbass and Ukraine-NATO not backing off. Russian army wasn't very advanced or prepared, due to corruption, and had been having trouble against NATO weaponry, which lead to stopping of Russian offensive, basically, and drone attacks moving deep into Russian territory.

There is a "party of peace" in Russia that consists of Western-paid elites, they are pushing Putin towards freezing the conflict. Putin isn't all powerful dictator - there are various groups, elites and interests that influence him and his power is based on balancing these various interests. But he is not one with Western elites and believe he is constantly experiencing assassination threat from the West. He and Russia have major weaknesses, including military and deeply entrenched internal enemies, outright CIA agents, so Putin is forced to tread lightly, sometimes appearing as if he is under the boot. The general direction of Russia, over the years, however, is drifting away from the West.

I don't think that current wars are merely a theatre for the plebes. Rather they are legitimate fights for national interests and ancestral lands, hindered by extremely powerful globalist forces. Also, current wars are the symptoms of the end of Pax Americana period and transition to the new world system that might end up being multi polar and not merely bi-polar
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This is just common sense. If you become a power broker tomorrow, are you going to spend your time worrying about democracy and liberty? Of course not, you’re going play the rich man’s game.

Imagine believing a powerful man is worried about how the factory worker is living. This is day 1 of 101 General Employment. Granted rich people are still human, they have certain sensibilities. They might have certain morals and opinions that are relatable. At the end of the day though they’re in a separate class of citizens.

If your dim witted girlfriend will branch swing, what do you think a rich man will do with millions on the line?

They all play for the same team, if I was rich I would play for their team. Just the way it is. Class matters, a lot. No one ever wants to be stuck with us plebs at the bottom.

There are disagreements, but they have an ugly character where the cost is passed down to us. There’s nothing noble about the game rich men play. If we knew the nature of it, we would feel disgusted.
Regarding Putin's daughter studying in Netherlands - Putin did try, for years, to be close to the West and its elites.
I think he was and is very close.

However, he and Russia were not accepted into that club
Russia is one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, with the power to veto resolutions. Russia is part of the G20), this forum of the world's major economies, which discusses policy pertaining to the promotion of international financial stability. Russia is part of the WHO enforcing covidism. Russia is part of the WTO, world trade organisation.

and, by doing NATO expansion, the West had pointed Putin/Russia to "their place" - being their resource colony.
The Russian elite is making amazing money on their oil, gas and resources. Remember last year when gas became scarce, and Russia made more money than ever?

I believe Putin had rebelled against this, within his limited capacities (limited by military and economic weaknesses)

Putin had inherited the country fully controlled by mafia and Soros-paid elites back in 2000.
Yes and nothing changed.
Trying to overthrow that powerful mafia right away would get him killed immediately. Gradually, he had worked up to higher and higher degrees of control and taking over these mafioso pro-Western elites.
Please show proof of that. The old school oligarchs are still in power: Vladimir Potanin, Alisher Usmanov, Oleg Deripaska, Vagit Alekperov, Andrey Melnichenko, Mikhail Fridman, Roman Abramovich, Leonid Mikhelson, Viktor Vekselberg, and Gennady Timchenko.

For a long time he tried to balance both conflicting interests: pro Western, zionist elites and Russian national interests.
I think he is just an inetrnationalist, and I think he is indeed managing elite interests,
He made a grave, near-fatal mistake by not taking over most of Ukraine (historical Russian lands) in 2014, when it was easy and could have been bloodless, after West-sponsored anti-Russuan coup when the West had finally delared open war against Russia.
I think this is theater. He made no mistake. This is planned conflict. This is meant to be a conflict. Just like gaza / israel. Everyone profits of these dormant conflicts. (a lot of words, very little action)

He, later, was deceived by Minsk Accords that were simply a break for NATO, allowing NATO to arm Ukraine and train its army to use Ukraine as a weapon against Russia.
No-one is deceived here. These men know what they are doing. I'm of the opinion, there is no war. Most of what I have seen is fake propaganda. A lot of "baby killing" "hospital shooting" " pregnant women killing" and all the same propaganda nonsense.

Finally, Russia had to fight, due to constant killings of Russian and pro-Russia population in Donbass and Ukraine-NATO not backing off. Russian army wasn't very advanced or prepared, due to corruption, and had been having trouble against NATO weaponry, which lead to stopping of Russian offensive, basically, and drone attacks moving deep into Russian territory.
Russia is not in war. They have a "special operation" in which they have a mostly independent org. "fighting" there.
There is a "party of peace" in Russia that consists of Western-paid elites, they are pushing Putin towards freezing the conflict.
Exactly. They have the same system as us. They also have a controlled opposition there. With the weird Navalny story. Personally I don't buy that narrative.

Putin isn't all powerful dictator
Indeed, he is just part of the elite. That group is in balance,.

- there are various groups, elites and interests that influence him and his power is based on balancing these various interests.

But he is not one with Western elites and believe he is constantly experiencing assassination threat from the West.
Lol, if we have very well trained men, if the west wanted him dead, he would be shot in the head tomorrow.

He and Russia have major weaknesses, including military and deeply entrenched internal enemies, outright CIA agents, so Putin is forced to tread lightly, sometimes appearing as if he is under the boot.
The threat in Russia is it's own population rising against in the oligarchy. Plebs vs elite.

The general direction of Russia, over the years, however, is drifting away from the West.
I think it's all the same. Well connected. Safe. As I said if "we" wanted him dead he would be dead by now. Putin is a perfect balancer.
I don't think that current wars are merely a theatre for the plebes. Rather they are legitimate fights for national interests and ancestral lands
So these oligarchs just want the best for the people? To keep them safe and wealthy? I really dont buy thus.
hindered by extremely powerful globalist forces. Also, current wars are the symptoms of the end of Pax Americana period and transition to the new world system that might end up being multi polar and not merely bi-polar
We are in the global system since 1945. This is the new world.

And the poles are just as fake as our left-right political theater.
The world is structured around privately owned central banks. Stephen Mitford Goodson, a former South African central banker, explained how it works in his excellent "A history of central banking and the enslavement of mankind." Essentially the way it works is that privately owned central banks (owned by the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Milners, Rockefellers and a couple other mostly Jewish families) print money out of thin air and then loan that money *at interest* to the governments of the world. They use divide and conquer tactics to keep nations and peoples divided along race, gender, sexual orientation, religious grounds so they are too busy infighting to focus on the central bank theft. Indeed, Israel shoved into the heart of the Arab world, Taiwan and South Korea shoved to counterbalance China, and Pakistan to counterbalance India, and Ukraine to counterbalance Russia are all part of the "balance of powers" maintained to punish any nations that go against the central bank scam. Gaddafi was overthrown in Libya and Saddam was overthrown in Iraq for challenging the central bank scheme.
The world is structured around privately owned central banks. Stephen Mitford Goodson, a former South African central banker, explained how it works in his excellent "A history of central banking and the enslavement of mankind." Essentially the way it works is that privately owned central banks (owned by the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Milners, Rockefellers and a couple other mostly Jewish families) print money out of thin air and then loan that money *at interest* to the governments of the world. They use divide and conquer tactics to keep nations and peoples divided along race, gender, sexual orientation, religious grounds so they are too busy infighting to focus on the central bank theft. Indeed, Israel shoved into the heart of the Arab world, Taiwan and South Korea shoved to counterbalance China, and Pakistan to counterbalance India, and Ukraine to counterbalance Russia are all part of the "balance of powers" maintained to punish any nations that go against the central bank scam. Gaddafi was overthrown in Libya and Saddam was overthrown in Iraq for challenging the central bank scheme.
I agree.

Speaking at the United Nations General Assembly in 2009, Gaddafi referred to the Security Council as the "terror council" and criticized the power it wielded.

All that are critical to the international system are executed. The Russian tsars.

I think the structure of central banks / IMF / UN is their to maintain the international balance to serve the elite; which is a billionaire class (who can freely move anywhere in the world, take their money), the class of monarchs in Europe that still have huge wealth and power (who present themselves as ribbon cutters) but are in all the top lists.
In history elites were always unsafe, in our current society they are quite invisible, can go anywhere, are free, well protected by a huge military apparatus.

Post WW2 I think we have seen a consolidation of power. Like in the Godfather the familes met. And they find out that real war hurts them both.


A war on the people. Division doesn't hurt them. While we look left or right we don't look up.

They use divide and conquer tactics to keep nations and peoples divided along race, gender, sexual orientation, religious grounds so they are too busy infighting to focus on the central bank theft.
I think it's broader than described as I explain above but yes.

Indeed, Israel shoved into the heart of the Arab world, Taiwan and South Korea shoved to counterbalance China, and Pakistan to counterbalance India, and Ukraine to counterbalance Russia are all part of the "balance of powers" maintained to punish any nations that go against the central bank scam. Gaddafi was overthrown in Libya and Saddam was overthrown in Iraq for challenging the central bank scheme.

We only differ that I think the central banks are just one of the tools to maintain balance for the elites. It's one tool in the centralized bureaucracy.

In Europe the nation state is a powerless organ. The ease at which countries took the euro is exemplary. It was never for the people. It was for the elite.
The world is structured around privately owned central banks. Stephen Mitford Goodson, a former South African central banker, explained how it works in his excellent "A history of central banking and the enslavement of mankind." Essentially the way it works is that privately owned central banks (owned by the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Milners, Rockefellers and a couple other mostly Jewish families) print money out of thin air and then loan that money *at interest* to the governments of the world. They use divide and conquer tactics to keep nations and peoples divided along race, gender, sexual orientation, religious grounds so they are too busy infighting to focus on the central bank theft. Indeed, Israel shoved into the heart of the Arab world, Taiwan and South Korea shoved to counterbalance China, and Pakistan to counterbalance India, and Ukraine to counterbalance Russia are all part of the "balance of powers" maintained to punish any nations that go against the central bank scam. Gaddafi was overthrown in Libya and Saddam was overthrown in Iraq for challenging the central bank scheme.
That is very plausible and interesting point about certain countries being a 'counterbalance' against countries which go against the central bank 'scam'

There does not seem to be however an easy answer to the point about whether central banks are privately owned:
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Not only central banks but the entire governments are privately owned now, and the paper trail of it hardly exists, of course, they are not fools to expose the evidence, so it doesn't really matter if central banks' ownership is listed. Most politicians are merely actors for the masses, they do not decide anything serious.
I believe the primary goal of this manufactured 'conflict' is to further divide the world into two distinct blocks. Contrary to popular belief, having one global rule actually means forming two blocks.

I think many people misunderstand these divisions. They perceive a genuine conflict, thinking China opposes the US, or vice versa. However, this isn’t the case.

In reality, all parties operate under the same umbrella, reminiscent of the so-called 'Cold War.' It was never truly a war, but rather a division of power under one shared umbrella.

I encourage everyone to delve into Iranian and Chinese newspapers and recognize the similarity in their fabricated stories: climate hoax, inclusivity, minority rights, the coronavirus, along with talks of democracy, socialism, and the forming megastates. All godless narratives.

The situation in Israel/Gaza mirrors the Ukraine/Russia scenario. Both are designed to deepen the global population’s belief in an 'us vs. them' mentality. This is why Zelensky has faded from the main screen; we are transitioning into a new act of the theater, Act 2. I predict that in the next one to two years, we will see the Taiwan/China situation unfold in a similar pattern, more crisis actors and the specter of impending danger. Like in a TV serie the original conflicts won't be over, they will just be of a lesser importance in the narrative. We will have comebacks of Zelensky and Netanyahu when we are season 3: "China". "Live" recorded on your TV sets and little black magic screens in your pocket.

The internal conflicts within Western and Eastern states are all part of a larger plan.

After experiencing a few of these hoax-wars over the next five years, our collective cry for peace will grow louder. 'We need peace,' we’ll say. And at that pivotal moment, the idea of a global government will seem far more palatable.

The end of war! A future brimming with prosperity!

Space missions will embody the hope of this new era, bringing together Indian frugality, Chinese production prowess, and NASA’s ingenuity, all united for a better world.

I believe we should view this as an elaborate, long-running soap opera, designed for entertainment. We should relish the theatrics. Mock it if you will.

Fake rockets. Fake blood. Fake iron domes. Rest assured, the Jews will put on a grand spectacle.

Just remember, don’t take it as reality, because it isn’t. It’s all politics, a quest for and the securement of power by the international elite. Remember to never pick up a weapon to fight in a foreign land.

There was always wars between rival nations and ethnic groups throughout all of human civilized history.
It never really stopped, just brief interims. Right at the arrival of nukes that changed. It was no longer possible, for good and maybe more for bad, to wage open wars. Instead you got permanent proxy-wars like we see currently. You can't just erase all of human history and biological race realities and rivaleries...

I think it's very likely that the global governance ploy was introduced by the schemer's at this post war/nuke stage. The big lie was that global Government (think early UN, NATO, EU) could bring about peace. It was what had produced the new stable situation we where told, so more of that. In reality is was only the fear of nukes that had this effect, and these organizations where exploited for different purposes from that point on.

The racial and cultural divides between the dominant groups today are very real and alive, and always will be. There's really no chance of a total global rule by anyone. It's just a question of Jewish control or not of white European nations. Asian's are not susceptible at all, and there's little for them to exploit in Africa. Slavs are less prone to fall for it, and have experienced a failed take over also. So that leaves us whites to deal with the problem in some way.
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That is very plausible and interesting point about certain countries being a 'counterbalance' against countries which go against the central bank 'scam'

There does not seem to be however an easy answer to the point about whether central banks are privately owned:
This post fleshes out the argument: https://neofeudalism.substack.com/p/goals-motivations-and-strategies
Russia is a multiracial nation. It has not 1 native population. This is an example for the new world.

Russia is not a "multiracial nation", it is a *multinational state*, or better yet, a multinational empire. As, for example, was the British or Roman Empire. These were also multinational states. Imagine. Except that Russia is more than three times the size of the Roman Empire at its greatest extent.

(Roman Empire under Trajan - 5 million square kilometers, ~60 million inhabitants, many cultures and nations. The city of Rome with Italian peninsula + the semi-federated provinces.)
(Russian Federation - 17 million square kilometers, ~150 million inhabitants, 193 ethnic groups. Federal republics.)

Even then, "roughly 81% of its population were ethnic Russians, and the remaining 19% of the population were ethnic minorities", according to 2021 census. "In 2010, four-fifths of Russia's population originated from West of the Ural Mountains — of which the vast majority were Slavs, with a substantial minority of Finnic and Germanic peoples."

Compare this with the situation in the US or EU, with large-scale racial mixing, cultural Marxism and ongoing native (White) genocide. THAT is the true (((multiculturalism))).

Russia has neither assimilated nor genocided the native populations, so they now live in their federal republics, mostly left to their own devices, as long as they "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's". I don't think that's a "bad example for the new world".

Anyway, this reminds me of the Anglo/Nordicist a.k.a. "Western" suprematist complex, along with the stale ol' "them evil Ruskies" McCarthyist-era propaganda clichés, which is, of course, ridiculous, especially in contemporary circumstances.

They have a "special operation" in which they have a mostly independent org. "fighting" there.
This is not true. Mainly the Russian army participates in conflicts, with a smaller participation of the federatеs and mercs, which is clear and self-evident.

No-one is deceived here. These men know what they are doing. I'm of the opinion, there is no war. Most of what I have seen is fake propaganda. A lot of "baby killing" "hospital shooting" " pregnant women killing" and all the same propaganda nonsense.
The sure way to check whether the war is real or just the Orwelian propaganda is not complicated, you just need to buy a plane ticket to Ukraine, Donbas or Palestine and see for yourself, instead of arguing on forums that it's "all a lie" while civilians die in droves, just as "reported" by pro-Israel cuckservative media, Alex Jones and the rest of the controlled opposition.

In order for TPTB to perform such "theatricals", it would be necessary for them to completely control the world, and if they completely control the world, they would have no need for such theatricals. Peace be with you.