Spiritual and Mental Health Investigative Analysis - 2023

Giordano Bruno

Oriental Orthodox
Greeting everyone!

In the past on RooshV I have not had much chance to visit this topic, but recent events and I my own difficulties have convinced me that in this time of strife and chaos, that it is of the utmost importance that one maintains their mental, spiritual and to a lesser extent bodily health.

Perhaps the end times are coming, perhaps not, but one thing is for sure. The overwhelming changes this past century to our way of life has had massive implications to your health, in mind, body and spirit.

Some of that may even be intended by less benevolent groups in power.

I will begin with my own findings, and I hope that others can aid me in double checking their accuracy and finding verses from the Bible that enlighten us all on them, and the reasons behind them. I find that these specific findings are comprehensive enough in their detail that one begins to see hints of a bigger picture, however that is all the more reason I should aspire for accuracy.

1. Chemical and biological hazards

In recent times, a number of chemicals have been utilised in food and water supplies for a great many reasons. Vaccines have also become commonplace.

Notably, microplastics in food and water have been found to damage cells in high concentrations and may potentially damage the brain or inhibit proper brain function. I can not fathom the spiritual implications of having your entire body contaminated with microscopic traces of plastic, an artificial material produced from oil sourced from beneath the sea. I fear they may not be good.

Unfortunately, avoiding microplastics is nearly impossible. They are everywhere. Even in the air we breathe. We may only pray to God for guidance and avoid them where we can.

Fluorides many compounds are used in water supplies in many countries to reduce teeth decay. This problem is vastly overshadowed by the risks of brain damage, as fluoride has been shown in one of the most reputed laboratories in the world to kill brain cells in supposedly safe quantities.

This of course also entirely ignores that your body cannot remove fluoride efficiently, and it's use in all water supplies in many western countries ensures it's prevalence in plant crops, bottled drinking water, tap water, farm animals, processed food, and food that has been cooked or prepared with tap water.

It's existence in tap water means that it will accumulate even on your skin while washing your heads, having a shower or bathing.

Effective filters exist that can remove 80-90% of fluoride from sinks, and more expensive brands such as Evian Water or Nestle Pure are fluoride free. However it can not be avoided entirely.

France notably does not use fluoride in their water supplies.

I would suggest that the existence of the Yellow Vest riots, and France's greater response to government corruption is absolutely no coincidence.

To supplement this, I do believe that in what I have seen some now Christian formerly Jewish friends describe, as giving them poison pills mixed with medicine, dental health is also a massive risk in the modern day.

Poor dental health can lead to bacteria in the mouth spreading throughout the rest of the body, releasing harmful toxins and waste that causes inflammation that can lead to headaches, gut pain, fatigue and poor health in general. The inflammation in particular can lead to inhibited brain function, causing poor sleep, substandard memory retention and even fogginess of mind. All of which I have personally experienced.

With the massive increase in artificial chemicals and sugar, food crops also being bred for higher sugar content and lower nutrition, as well as the much lower consumption of alcohol (a known anti-septic) in recent times and multiple laws or regulations punishing the consumption of alcohol such as drinking and driving, you can see how malevolent parties have fanned the flames regarding this. Furthermore, the pushing of hard drugs in many communities and the raised alcohol content in most beverages over the years has pushed people away from consuming alcohol regularly, and although I have nothing to base this on. I suspect may be intended to subconsciously divert us from partaking in the holy communion. I will only leave this as hypothesis until other good members can supply corroborating evidence however.

The poison pill in the left hand is fluoride, damaging the brain and leading to a weaker minded, more malleable populace.

The poison pill in the right hand is dental decay, damaging the entire body and brain, attacking the few insightful dissidents and attempting to coerce them into giving up by attacking them from all possible angles as subtly as possible, while leaving them as useful examples to discredit them to the masses.

Both are hidden in medicine, both are deadly.

To counter this hidden poison, I have already seen many adapt easily. Fluoride free toothpaste is commonly suggested on RooshV, and I have seen articles from RooshV talking about the danger of excessive sugar and artificial or processed foods. I have heard of using oil to wash the teeth. I would like to personally suggest the use of rinsing the mouth with salt water. It's often prescribed after some dental operations such as teeth removal, and salt is much cheaper than it was in the past centuries.

Seed oils are another issue, as they are often washed with bleach, and may have dangerous contaminants. They also lack vitamin E which counteracts the inflammatory effects of seed oils in nuts such as almonds. The processing usually strips most of it away. Vitamin E is found in foods such as Blackberries, Raspberries, Avocado, Broccoli, Mango, Kiwifruit and more. I have personally noticed an improvement in my sleep quality after eating such foods, even before I was aware of this phenomenon, which means it was almost certainly not a placebo effect.

2. Neural Recovery

This past year I have uncovered interesting research regarding how the brain and Central Nervous System recovers from damage, stress and harm.

In particular, common relaxation and recreational activities don't actually heal the mind at all in spite of their common use as such.

The four things found to allow the brain to heal are as follows:





Most interestingly, these four things are all massive casualties of the modern lifestyle and the increased habitation in cities.

In order:

A) Sleep has been massively affected in many communities by artificial lighting which is now commonplace. Specifically blue light which unlike the lighting in a lamp or candle, causes the brain to release hormones that wake you up. This is because the Sun releases blue light which wakes you up in the morning. There is also the added issue of night activities such as cars, roadworks, cleaning vehicles and alarms of various nature that wake people up.

However, these are all tertiary causes. The primary threat to sleep is in fact modern devices, and the secondary is the internet. Modern devices which the exception of those with blue light filters all release blue light. Modern games, apps, movies and websites are all designed to be addictive, hijacking the brains endorphins to keep you glued to the screen, hours past what people need to.

Even TV is no exception, as in recent decades TV now runs 24/7. It's lower quality as well, so the stream of garbage never ends. The internet meanwhile is global, so if you have friends overseas, they might only be able to contact you when you should be asleep, and thanks the massive assault on your mind, body and spirit, you will likely have given up on maintaining your precious sleep cycle, so you'll encourage it.

That's only the beginning. Wages have stagnated for decades, leaving them behind inflation as governments print money non-stop. In the early 20th century, 90% of people were self-employed, now it is less than 10%. Megacorporation's all slowly encroaching upon small businesses as they rip them apart with government corruption, corporate espionage and manipulation of consumers with growing monopolies. Akin to an alligator ripping it's prey from the shore before submerging it so it can slowly drown them in a bloody death roll.

People are being pushed to work continuous nightshifts, double shifts, or even multiple jobs all at once just to survive, where in days past they might have thrived.

All of this massive squeezing of the penny is propping up a corrupt government, and a degenerate civilisation. If they weren't chewing people up and spitting them out like expired gum, we likely would have had a full on collapse over a decade ago. The draining prosperity we are still blessed with in spite of our sin is paid for in the blood of those worked to death, the tears of those thrown to the streets and the sweat we give to care for those we love.

Hope is being slowly killed, one broken dream at a time.

B) Exercise has been replaced overwhelmingly by sedentary lifestyles. Where people used to walk everywhere, cars, buses and trains are now all viewed as essential. Even in cases where people use bicycles, I have seen a vast amounts of subtle coercion, natural or not that ostracises it. People talk about cyclists as if they are not people, and cyclists often act carelessly or without regard. In cities, massive numbers of cyclists die every year. To give a personal example, at my Grandma's, now sold because of the Covid Lockdown, an employee came to work by bicycle, and because there was no shower at work, he would reek of sweat. This might seem small, but it's an insidious method of disincentivising and punishing regular exercise by proxy of subconscious inclination and the general effect. The more you don't exercise, the more you don't want to.

People now often work in sedentary jobs, often involving sitting in front of a desk all day. Kids spend most of their day sitting in at a desk instead of exercising, and now they often spend what little free time they have on their electronic devices instead of playing and exploring as they did in the past.

Granted, it's probably safer for your kid to be on their computer than having drugs and drinking alcohol at parties halfway across the city like some of my friends did when I was a teenager, but habits form strongest when you are young, and we can't remove habits we don't recognise.

C) Hiking, or more accurately, spending time in Nature is the biggest casualty by far. Cities often have areas that entirely lack parks or forest. You'll probably have noticed that ghettoes that supply most criminals and 'fatherless black gangs', often lack parks, and are generally unpleasant places to be in. Which further leads to the people that live there not caring for their environment and spreading graffiti, causing vandalism and making it worse. Notably, it's been found that just seeing the colour green, such as from grass or trees is good for the brain, and this has been denied to many living in cities.

50% of the population lives in cities, and I suspect that the continued assault on Farmers and rural areas will exacerbate this to even higher levels in the future. We can only guess at the results.

On a quick tangent, it's been noted that clothing has an actual affect on your behaviour and psyche. It's possible that this contributes to gangs as such children will naturally ostracise those who dress differently. Leading to gangs becoming a positive feedback loop that greats more gangs in the affected area and makes it more difficult for children living there to make a future for themselves without being attacked or targeted. This however is a bit off topic.

D) Cold is a bit controversial for me. Obviously, with modern heating, and more affordable and excessive clothing it's lot more common for people to have it easier now to stay warm. However, cities also actually raise temperatures, and I would suspect that some members more educated in chemtrails could provide insights on whether they might be utilised to raise temperatures, among other things. I've also personally noticed that hand in hand with lowered amounts of exercise, cold showers are now rarer, especially as hot water was for a time very cheap. Even with the raised gas prices, people still take hot showers commonly.

Cold showers, along with their benefits to the Nervous System, are also great for removing lactic acid from the muscles and great for any exercise routine. I also find they energise me greatly, and in my experience have aided in my spiritual growth.

3. Willpower

Willpower, determination, persistence, diligence. It is a powerful emotion that many of us experience and rely on to push ourselves beyond our limits and allow us to follow our faith even in times of difficulty.

It is perhaps, a direct expression of the Free Will that God hath granted us all.

Years prior, I found articles that explained that Willpower had been correlated with a region of the brain. Scientists found that this region dimmed throughout the day, seeming to reduce in activity as subjects made choices and decisions, as if it was a store of energy or a battery. They also uncovered that persistent use of it, such as by deliberately abstaining from luxuries in favour of important or useful activities led to this region increasing in size.

I lack context on the spiritual implications, but from what I have seen on RooshV and what has been told to me by our Priest, both the one that baptised me (may he rest in peace Amen), and the one we currently take Holy Communion from and Give Confession to, God has given us Free Will. This is not in question.

God is Omniscient, all-knowing, outside of both time and space.

He, our Father in Heaven, see's all the future, all the past, across all the Universe without exception.

He sees all, yet he hath given us Free Will.

How can God know all, yet grant us a choice?

The answer I have finally found, is that being Omnipotent, God has granted us a gift, an opportunity to, with his blessing change both the past and future.

When you make a difficult choice, any decision of import. The conclusion ripples across the past and future, changing all, and the world that God see's as real is mixed ever so slightly with the one seen in your imagination, with 8 billion people, each one at a time. God seeing their dreams, all in congruence.

Like a Choir of humanities hope's and fears, all in the purview of our Holy Father, Blessed be his name.

I Bless you all, and once again, Welcome all those joining me in crossing over from RooshV. To those who have come anew, perhaps by chance, perhaps by deliberation, I give you too my blessing and profound hopes that this New Forum will aid you in finding Christ our King.

To those who have come of old, weary and tired you may be, may your hearts be mended and your fears wiped away by Saint Mary. I give you my blessing and growing hopes that in spite of the many challenges before, in spite of the darkness that plagued RooshV as we saw the world falling to evil around us, that yet we may be blessed to walk with God and be saved by our beloved Lord and Saviour, Christ our King.

Bless you all, Amen.
Good news, I have discovered Wasabi source improves memory.

Sardines have Vitamin B12 which detoxifies your body, getting heavy metals and fluoride out.

Eating enough of it will however cause a reaction similar to allergies as your body reacts to the toxins being squeezed out of your contracting blood vessels, so a hot shower is needed to sweat it all out.

Evian Water, and Nestle Aquafina are excellent sources of non-fluoridated water in the UK, the French don't use fluoride in their water supplies, and it seems they are benefiting from it. Despite being French, they actually have more protests than us British folk.

That's the end of my update for today!
Along with exercise, I include stretching. I stretch 30 minutes a day. I am slowly gaining back my full range of motion in my hips and shoulders. Stretching also heals your nervous system. Expecially twisting the spine in every direction keeps the spine young and healthy. A flexible spine is the key to having a healthy nervous system.