Social Conditioning In The West


For a number of years now, social conditioning has been going on in the US, and I suspect, other Western countries too.

One of the more obvious tactics of the enemy to bring about the destruction of the West is using humor to reduce men to bumbling idiots. This has slowly and methodically been introduced into our society via commercials, TV shows, and movies. They especially like to aim their sights at fathers to destroy the family structure. In fact, there seem to be more TV shows with the dynamic of strong wives/weak husbands/insolent children than ever before. And just like in years past, it's usually a comedy to normalize this dynamic and sell it to the public.

The wife rules the household, and the only authority figure in the house the children respect is their mother. The father is almost always a pathetic case who can barely care for himself, let alone his family. Even as far back as the 1980s, this was slowly introduced to American households in shows like Family Ties and The Cosby Show. In these shows, the wife was a strong woman who had a large say in family discussions while the husband frequently would act silly or throw his arms up in the air in despair as his wife overruled him on certain matters. And while there were only a few of these shows around back then, it would lay the groundwork for what came in the following decades.
Additionally, when the man is competent, he is almost never virtuous. Walter White is a good example of this, his self-confidence and competence rises with his increasing manipulation and ruthlessness. I enjoyed Breaking Bad, but it’s sad that men are either lovable fools or ruthless criminals.
The phrase “conspiracy theory” is a good example. Anyone who questions the “official” narrative is shamed, demoralizing people from speaking out,
For a number of years now, social conditioning has been going on in the US, and I suspect, other Western countries too.

One of the more obvious tactics of the enemy to bring about the destruction of the West is using humor to reduce men to bumbling idiots. This has slowly and methodically been introduced into our society via commercials, TV shows, and movies. They especially like to aim their sights at fathers to destroy the family structure. In fact, there seem to be more TV shows with the dynamic of strong wives/weak husbands/insolent children than ever before. And just like in years past, it's usually a comedy to normalize this dynamic and sell it to the public.

The wife rules the household, and the only authority figure in the house the children respect is their mother. The father is almost always a pathetic case who can barely care for himself, let alone his family. Even as far back as the 1980s, this was slowly introduced to American households in shows like Family Ties and The Cosby Show. In these shows, the wife was a strong woman who had a large say in family discussions while the husband frequently would act silly or throw his arms up in the air in despair as his wife overruled him on certain matters. And while there were only a few of these shows around back then, it would lay the groundwork for what came in the following decades.

Social conditioning has actually been going on since the end of the first world war in 1918.
That was the war that abolished 4 monarchies and 4 empires, (Russia, Germany, Austria and the Ottomans), and gave women the right to vote in many different countries, even among those who won the war such as the USA and the UK in the early 1920s.
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