
Extremely cucked sport politically so I don't give them any money but I've always been a fan of the beautiful game. I support Arsenal and I have a silly conspiracy that Arteta (Catholic manager) has been building a based trad squad after clearing out the swag-fond jokers like Aubameyang and co.

Bukayo Saka, star player: Christian, gave a full interview on his Christian faith and reads the Bible before bed every night.
Martin Odegaard, captain: Christian, also gave an interview expressing Christian faith
Not one, not two, but THREE Brazilian Christians named Gabriel.

Couple Muzzies in there as well but basically a young, disciplined, serious squad full of talent. Impressive stuff. I know a lot of athletes give lip service to God while living a degen life but these lot seem very grounded. Hope they can win a title in the next couple years before the stars are tempted to move on to other clubs.
Kudos to Odegaard, not many young Scandinavians are practicing Christians today, good role model.

Looking forward to the CL semifinals, and the Euros this summer.
Extremely cucked sport politically so I don't give them any money but I've always been a fan of the beautiful game. I support Arsenal and I have a silly conspiracy that Arteta (Catholic manager) has been building a based trad squad after clearing out the swag-fond jokers like Aubameyang and co.

Bukayo Saka, star player: Christian, gave a full interview on his Christian faith and reads the Bible before bed every night.
Martin Odegaard, captain: Christian, also gave an interview expressing Christian faith
Not one, not two, but THREE Brazilian Christians named Gabriel.

Couple Muzzies in there as well but basically a young, disciplined, serious squad full of talent. Impressive stuff. I know a lot of athletes give lip service to God while living a degen life but these lot seem very grounded. Hope they can win a title in the next couple years before the stars are tempted to move on to other clubs.
I did not know that. I am hopeful that Arsenal can still do it, at this point I just don't want City winning again.