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Smartphone acceptance starting in 2012 supercharged cultural decline

I agree, for sure. What better way to convince people of a false reality than to create it digitally and have people connect to it whenever they get some downtime? Never sitting alone with their thoughts, never reading any information outside of a few Jewish walled garden apps.

The thing about smartphones is that they are basically built from the ground up with Jewish walled gardens in mind. They are designed in such a way that they restrict user freedom and options to a great extent, unless you're a computer nerd. Everything is dumbed down very heavily, and eventually, using a system that dumbed down for too long, will dumb you down as well.
There is this ancient idea that when you watch something, read something, listen to something, you can become connected to it. One with it. In communion with it. Reading a book, watching a movie, playing a videogame, listening to a song, it can give you this strange feeling of immersion. I don't think we appreciate how strange and powerful of a thing this immersion really is.

What does this say about social media and general smartphone brainrot? Are you one with an app owned or otherwise controlled by Jews? Are you in communion with it? That cannot be good.
There is this ancient idea that when you watch something, read something, listen to something, you can become connected to it. One with it. In communion with it. Reading a book, watching a movie, playing a videogame, listening to a song, it can give you this strange feeling of immersion. I don't think we appreciate how strange and powerful of a thing this immersion really is.

What does this say about social media and general smartphone brainrot? Are you one with an app owned or otherwise controlled by Jews? Are you in communion with it? That cannot be good.

Very true and most so for films and video, it's my understanding that on a subconscious level, our brains can hardly distinguish between memories of experiences and memories of films we've seen.
The smartphone is the most socially and culturally destructive technology ever invented, impressively managing to eclipse even the birth control pill. The smartphone is basically the distilled essence of everything Uncle Ted wrote about as being the disastrous consequences of the Industrial Revolution, summed up and combined into a single handheld device. Academics, scientists and policymakers remain woefully blind to the sheer level of social disruption and dysfunction this technology has produced in such a historically small window of time, much to our detriment. These things rot kids brains and turn them into functional illiterates, provide an exceptionally powerful means of brainwashing and manufacturing social consensus, and readily enable a litany of both self-destructive and antisocial behaviors (hookup apps, short-term rentals, the gig economy, food delivery apps, porn, social media, etc...) Human beings simply were not designed to have this degree of constant distraction, stimulation and communication. It's almost impossible for us today to imagine living in a world without this technology, which basically drives home the point. These devices are now ubiquitous, and it is that ubiquity that largely explains a huge portion of our social/cultural decline over the past decade. Unfortunately, there is no going back at this point. There is no getting rid of these things absent a complete civilizational collapse (an outcome that smartphones themselves would ironically play a large part in bringing about over the long term).

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I quite like the viewpoint of an obscure youtuber Grim Griz on this. He refers to smartphones as the children of Set. Set being the original electric screen. They are the gods of attention.
The amount of mothers glued to a smartphone instead of paying attention to their children is enormous.
So true.

I do a lot of walking with the dog. Every day women, mostly, almost bump into me because they're looking at the screen 6 inches away from their faces. Many time they have headphones or buds (whatever they're called) on. Completely oblivious to what's going on around them.

Worryingly, I'm seeing it more often with men too.
The smartphone is the most socially and culturally destructive technology ever invented, impressively managing to eclipse even the birth control pill. The smartphone is basically the distilled essence of everything Uncle Ted wrote about as being the disastrous consequences of the Industrial Revolution, summed up and combined into a single handheld device. Academics, scientists and policymakers remain woefully blind to the sheer level of social disruption and dysfunction this technology has produced in such a historically small window of time, much to our detriment. These things rot kids brains and turn them into functional illiterates, provide an exceptionally powerful means of brainwashing and manufacturing social consensus, and readily enable a litany of both self-destructive and antisocial behaviors (hookup apps, short-term rentals, the gig economy, food delivery apps, porn, social media, etc...) Human beings simply were not designed to have this degree of constant distraction, stimulation and communication. It's almost impossible for us today to imagine living in a world without this technology, which basically drives home the point. These devices are now ubiquitous, and it is that ubiquity that largely explains a huge portion of our social/cultural decline over the past decade. Unfortunately, there is no going back at this point. There is no getting rid of these things absent a complete civilizational collapse (an outcome that smartphones themselves would ironically play a large part in bringing about over the long term).

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..not to mention their role in making real tyranny a possibility, like with the thankfully failed covid-pass, as well as the looming CBDC debacle. Funny how my boomer dad is shaking his head over me not having a smartphone. (It's doable unless your job requires it)
As destructive as the smartphone is, it is currently where the cultural wars are taking place and we must fight on it.

I don't think gig economy or delivery apps are destructive, by the way. I think gig jobs are great because working for corporations is terrible. I'd much rather have my freedom than be a slave, even if it means less money.

But social media being available 24/7 through smartphones is cancer, and has destroyed a generation of women. Same goes for e-whores and men. I would never get my child a smartphone.

I still consider one of the best group openers for a group of women all staring at their smartphones, "You girls texting each other?" Makes them self-conscious and laugh every single time.
The amount of mothers glued to a smartphone instead of paying attention to their children is enormous. Women seek their attention-notification porn and men struggle not to visit porn sites on their phones.
This has been my aim on anonymous twitter posting: Get people to understand that social media is pornography for women, and has the same type of destructive qualities that pornography has for men. No one is even close to approaching the point, or wanting to admit that, since they are so lacking in self reflection and the feminism/modernity problem in developed economies.

Even (married) mothers have this jones-ing consumptive attitude to outdo other mothers, and waste their husbands money, lowering the quality of life for all involved, in my opinion.
I remember going out to the pub in 2011/12 and people were actually engaged in the moment, dancing, talking etc. You would have been weird to have been seen on your phone snapping pictures or texting people that weren't there. This is not a commentary on nightlife, but I think it is the most blatant example I can remember of a time without smartphones.

The iPhone was the beginning of the end for society - reason was that prior to it, there were 'smartphones' (blackberries, palm pilots etc.) but they were for corporate guys that always had to be plugged in. Remember the guys with the palm treos and blackberries in their belt holsters? Those guys. The iPhone made these devices accessible to everyone, females specifically.

Putting technology into the hands of a woman that allows her to find validation from men the world over is suicide for society. We have long committed that suicide.
As destructive as the smartphone is, it is currently where the cultural wars are taking place and we must fight on it.

I don't think gig economy or delivery apps are destructive, by the way. I think gig jobs are great because working for corporations is terrible. I'd much rather have my freedom than be a slave, even if it means less money.

But social media being available 24/7 through smartphones is cancer, and has destroyed a generation of women. Same goes for e-whores and men. I would never get my child a smartphone.

I still consider one of the best group openers for a group of women all staring at their smartphones, "You girls texting each other?" Makes them self-conscious and laugh every single time.

Seems that all the jobs that you can get via the so called gig-economy are low paying "exploitation" jobs. I see those migrant worker's (usually) moving around on their e-bikes delivering for Foodora or Wolt. Same thing with Uber, although it's banned where I'm at. Very low pay and no real way of moving up in the world. It's not quality jobs and there's bound to be some rick p**** taking advantage.
Seems that all the jobs that you can get via the so called gig-economy are low paying "exploitation" jobs. I see those migrant worker's (usually) moving around on their e-bikes delivering for Foodora or Wolt. Same thing with Uber, although it's banned where I'm at. Very low pay and no real way of moving up in the world. It's not quality jobs and there's bound to be some rick p**** taking advantage.
Not exclusive to migrants. Over here you see the absolute worst and most retarded motorcycle drivers with delivery food stuff. It's pretty much the norm with them to not have even a little bit of documentation and go as fast as humanly possible while annoying every driver they see and breaking 50 laws along the way.
I was at the gym today and two things really struck me:

1.) I was the only White person there, and
2.). Everyone was spending at least 2/3 of their time flipping through their phones. For example, I got through two whole exercise routines before the guy next to me started his next set of reps. Sad. My pet name for these types is "drones on their phones" but to be fair, as someone else here pointed out, humans just aren't designed for them and they are SUPER addictive as a result.

And, I know they are referred to as "phones" but they are actually micro-computers, which can literally track minute details about their owners, such as whether they are standing/sitting, in a car/on a a bike, what the current temperature is,etc. I HATE THEM. Thanks a lot, Steve Jobs . (PS - fun fact: The original Apple computer sold for... Wait for it... $666.66. Hmmm...)
The amount of mothers glued to a smartphone instead of paying attention to their children is enormous. Women seek their attention-notification porn and men struggle not to visit porn sites on their phones.
Did you ever see these pics from 2012 of (((Sir Bob Geldof)))'s daughter "Peaches" (RIP) tipping her son's pram/stroller over? Lost her son but NOT her phone...


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I've been shutting off my smart phone at least once a week for the last few weeks and it's been a blessing. Living like a Millennial is misery; living like a 20th century man is life and peace. I can use my laptop with much more restraint than I can with a hand held computer that I can bring everywhere.
Smartphones are not really great for talking if you're using your hands. Before this sick era, telephones were designed for human use, fitting nicely to your ear with the receiver and to your mouth with the mic. You could hold them comfortably in your hands, switch ears if fatigued and also hold them in place with your ear, neck and shoulder easily if you needed to free your hands.

The flat rectangular things we have now are not very good at that. Mine goes straight to speakerphone and then I try to put it down if I can.

The designers of these phones are way less concerned about making these ergonomically appropriate for human beings to use as actual phones. They're all purpose computers that can also be used to make calls.

I prefer to use my desktop computer for literally anything instead of using the little annoying rectangle micro computer.