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Signs and Prophecy of the End-Times


Mike Adams is not a theologian or even a hard-core Christian that I am aware of, but he is highly intelligent and is putting together the pieces and speaking out forcefully against the zionist agenda. He has a strong moral and spiritual compass (but needs guidance) however, and be that as it may, he has a far reach with his videos and podcasts and is red-pilling millions of people about many current events.

Every single person or group in the last 1000 years that has made predictions about the end times has been wrong.
Every single one.
No one ever gets it right.

Nothing ever good or positive resulted from discussion of this topic, and I think overthinking it is a serious achilles heal for many different Christians demonstrations. I believe this topic leads to nothing except anxiety, paranoia, and spiritual dead ends. In some worst case scenarios obsessing about this topic often leads to mass suicides in cult groups.

Spiritual progress should come because you want to strengthen your own faith, not because you are waiting for (or fear) cataclysmic events.