Serbia Thread

A statement from the Kremlin.

Very neutral and diplomatic almost to a fault. Somewhat disappointing because contrary to Peskov‘s Russia does interfere in the internal affairs of other states if necessary (Ukraine after the Maidan coup). So either it shows that Russia has her hands tied if the situation escalates because Serbia is essentially a landlocked country (Not only geographically but also politically/militarily) or Moscow deems everything under control.

25 DEC, 16:21

Current events in Belgrade strictly home affair of Serbia; no Russian meddling — Kremlin​

"Serbia has a legitimate leadership, which we believe is capable of taking the necessary measures," Dmitry Peskov stressed

MOSCOW, December 25. /TASS/. Current developments unfolding on the streets of Belgrade are strictly the internal affair of Serbia, and Russia never interferes in such matters, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday.
"All of the present-day developments [in Belgrade] are strictly the domestic internal affair of the Serbians. Serbia has a legitimate leadership, which we believe is capable of taking the necessary measures," he said, commenting on recent protests in Belgrade following the country’s parliamentary and municipal elections.
"We have never interfered and do not plan on interfering in the internal affairs [of other countries], particularly in the internal affairs of our ally and partner Serbia," Peskov answered, responding to a question regarding Russia’s potential provision of assistance to Serbia.
"We are united by a common historical and cultural heritage. We cherish and value our relations," Peskov said, adding that relations between Russia and Serbia "offer broad promise for development in the most diverse range of areas."

Protests in Belgrade​

Members of the Serbia Against Violence opposition bloc, who started a series of rallies in front of the Republican Election Commission (REC) building in Belgrade on December 18, tried to storm city hall on Sunday but police officers dispersed the protesters.
The protesters used flagpoles to tear down the door and broke windows by throwing stones and beer cans, also destroying video surveillance cameras. By midnight, the police arrived in force in the square near city hall and proceeded to disperse the protesters.
The Serbian president, in turn, warned that the opposition's protests and their provocative statements would have no result, as in the country, "power is changed only at elections." According to him, "no matter what they try to do, there will be no violent change of power."
Opponents of the country’s leadership say they are contesting the victory of the ruling party-led coalition in Belgrade's city council elections.
EU and NATO flags in Serbia are an abomination. Satan works overtime to rot the minds of Serbs to accept the wretched EU. The amount of money and effort that's pumped to Novi Sad to subvert the students there is enormous.
Same in Tbilisi, Georgia, unfortunately. You'd almost think Georgia is full-out EU because the flags (not just one but like 20 in one space) are absolutely everywhere---including draping every single government, education, and media institution.
A statement from the Kremlin.

Very neutral and diplomatic almost to a fault. Somewhat disappointing because contrary to Peskov‘s Russia does interfere in the internal affairs of other states if necessary (Ukraine after the Maidan coup). So either it shows that Russia has her hands tied if the situation escalates because Serbia is essentially a landlocked country (Not only geographically but also politically/militarily) or Moscow deems everything under control.
What else could be expected.. Vucic bid Kremlin adieu in 2022, saying that his hands were tied and EU investments would be withdrawn if he resisted on Kosovo and did not support Ukraine. Serbia had supplied weapons to Ukraine and joined their Crimea forum since, hostile actions towards Russia.
Yes, Serbia is landlocked and is also contolled through European investment money, even Vucic government. Seems like a nudge to Vucic now to release Kosovo faster, he had been too slow and gradual.
Non Politics :

All I can add is that I love this guy. The only sporting jersey I own is this dude, and I wear it with pride and hopefully i'll get a couple more. Not because I love the NBA anymore or worship the players as idols - it's nonsense - but this dude is a legend in amongst the chaos of Hollywood NBA profiles. Absolute freak.

If ya know, ya know.

What else could be expected.. Vucic bid Kremlin adieu in 2022, saying that his hands were tied and EU investments would be withdrawn if he resisted on Kosovo and did not support Ukraine. Serbia had supplied weapons to Ukraine and joined their Crimea forum since, hostile actions towards Russia.
Yes, Serbia is landlocked and is also contolled through European investment money, even Vucic government. Seems like a nudge to Vucic now to release Kosovo faster, he had been too slow and gradual.

Vucic has been saying 'can't do anything, can do anything' with the biggest massive smirk on his face ever since Ukraine started. Not that he really could have done anything if he wanted to, but that's not the point. Man got presented with an opportunity and boy did he make the most out of it.

The Kosovo reference on your part shows great insights. It's indeed the most pressing issue. Bit like Nagorno Karabakh for Armenia - even though the latter wasn't recognized as Armenian by anyone. But it still had to get pushed out of the way to proceed. Now that that is done Armenia is moving in lightning speed to Camp West whilst Azerbaijan continues to benefit from Europe's oil and gas cravings.

And let's not pretend that Nagorno Karabakh wasn't given up by Armenia's political elites in trade for EU accession and personal gains (ie. bribes of all sorts). Why do people think it's so much different in Serbia? Ana Brnabic, the lesbo dyke PM is a former USAID employee. There are many such 'suspicious' people running around the top Serbian leadership. Vucic himself signed the IPAP agreement - which greenlit the highest degree of cooperation between Serbia and NATO.

The whole moving military equipment alongside the Kosovo border is fake as hell. Literal kabuki theatre for the plebs. Serbia is not going to fight KFOR in Kosovo. Do ordinary Serbians actually still buy that stuff?

My prediction: somewhere in the next 6-18 months Vucic is going to be presented a deal and he'll take it. His selling point will be autonomy for the Northern Serbian majority municipalities of Kosovo - and the Serbian people will be tossed that bone and be told to celebrate it like a victory. Serbia will not recognize Kosovo but will start the road
map that will eventually lead to that outcome 10, 15, 20 years down the line. A fake border crisis might be manufactured in order for the Serbian people to go ahead with this. Rumours of war after which on the cusp of said instability Vucic will step out of the chaos with a deal made - saving the country from yet another war. Problem, reaction, solution.

I just hope I am wrong.
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Same in Tbilisi, Georgia, unfortunately. You'd almost think Georgia is full-out EU because the flags (not just one but like 20 in one space) are absolutely everywhere---including draping every single government, education, and media institution.
It's a clear sign the country has been colonized by ZOG. In case of Georgia I can't for the life of me understand why Georgians would rather side with ZOG than their Orthodox brothers from Russia. Call me ignorant but it looks like a lack of Christian charity.
It's a clear sign the country has been colonized by ZOG. In case of Georgia I can't for the life of me understand why Georgians would rather side with ZOG than their Orthodox brothers from Russia. Call me ignorant but it looks like a lack of Christian charity.
The answer to this question is very politically incorrect....
I care only for Truth.

Because the Northern people do not mix with the Southern people, unless forced to. Northern Euroasian people do not mix with Caucasus Mountains peoples, which are Southern peoples, irrespective of religion, the ways of life are very different, cultural difference
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It's a clear sign the country has been colonized by ZOG. In case of Georgia I can't for the life of me understand why Georgians would rather side with ZOG than their Orthodox brothers from Russia. Call me ignorant but it looks like a lack of Christian charity.
Maybe because “their Orthodox brothers from Russia” do not view them as a sovereign state and rather as a vassal? Same scenario with the rest of the post Soviet states. Or, maybe “their Orthodox brothers” invaded their homeland under the false pretense of “peace enforcement”?
Vucic has been saying 'can't do anything, can do anything' with the biggest massive smirk on his face ever since Ukraine started. Not that he really could have done anything if he wanted to, but that's not the point. Man got presented with an opportunity and boy did he make the most out of it.

The Kosovo reference on your part shows great insights. It's indeed the most pressing issue. Bit like Nagorno Karabakh for Armenia - even though the latter wasn't recognized as Armenian by anyone. But it still had to get pushed out of the way to proceed. Now that that is done Armenia is moving in lightning speed to Camp West whilst Azerbaijan continues to benefit from Europe's oil and gas cravings.

And let's not pretend that Nagorno Karabakh wasn't given up by Armenia's political elites in trade for EU accession and personal gains (ie. bribes of all sorts). Why do people think it's so much different in Serbia? Ana Brnabic, the lesbo dyke PM is a former USAID employee. There are many such 'suspicious' people running around the top Serbian leadership. Vucic himself signed the IPAP agreement - which greenlit the highest degree of cooperation between Serbia and NATO.

The whole moving military equipment alongside the Kosovo border is fake as hell. Literal kabuki theatre for the plebs. Serbia is not going to fight KFOR in Kosovo. Do ordinary Serbians actually still buy that stuff?

My prediction: somewhere in the next 6-18 months Vucic is going to be presented a deal and he'll take it. His selling point will be autonomy for the Northern Serbian majority municipalities of Kosovo - and the Serbian people will be tossed that bone and be told to celebrate it like a victory. Serbia will not recognize Kosovo but will start the road
map that will eventually lead to that outcome 10, 15, 20 years down the line. A fake border crisis might be manufactured in order for the Serbian people to go ahead with this. Rumours of war after which on the cusp of said instability Vucic will step out of the chaos with a deal made - saving the country from yet another war. Problem, reaction, solution.

I just hope I am wrong.
Unfortunately for the Armenian Nation and the people, the State Government is not moving to Camp West but rather forcefully deepens its relations with Russia both through Armed Forces/Intelligence and Economic. They talk a lot about moving to Camp West, but it’s their actions you need to watch such as extending the agreements/contracts with Russia for another 35-45 years. Sad for the people.

Giving up Nagorno-Karabakh fight was also Russia telling as it now sees its autocratic friend Azerbaijan as ally and that’s due to Turkey as Russia nowdays partially depends on Turkey for supplies, transportation routes, and political support.

In other words, Russia stabbed Armenia in the neck and back in order to get some dividends from Turkey to help its invasion of Ukraine. As a result, Armenia couldn’t do much about it since it was and remains so strategically intertwined with Russia on one hand, and on the other hand Armenia remains under a 30+ years of blockade by both Turkey and Azerbaijan.
Unfortunately for the Armenian Nation and the people, the State Government is not moving to Camp West but rather forcefully deepens its relations with Russia both through Armed Forces/Intelligence and Economic. They talk a lot about moving to Camp West, but it’s their actions you need to watch such as extending the agreements/contracts with Russia for another 35-45 years. Sad for the people.

Giving up Nagorno-Karabakh fight was also Russia telling as it now sees its autocratic friend Azerbaijan as ally and that’s due to Turkey as Russia nowdays partially depends on Turkey for supplies, transportation routes, and political support.

In other words, Russia stabbed Armenia in the neck and back in order to get some dividends from Turkey to help its invasion of Ukraine. As a result, Armenia couldn’t do much about it since it was and remains so strategically intertwined with Russia on one hand, and on the other hand Armenia remains under a 30+ years of blockade by both Turkey and Azerbaijan.
Only one kind of creature stabs you in the back, and it's not a believer or follower of Christ.
Unfortunately for the Armenian Nation and the people, the State Government is not moving to Camp West but rather forcefully deepens its relations with Russia both through Armed Forces/Intelligence and Economic. They talk a lot about moving to Camp West, but it’s their actions you need to watch such as extending the agreements/contracts with Russia for another 35-45 years. Sad for the people.

Giving up Nagorno-Karabakh fight was also Russia telling as it now sees its autocratic friend Azerbaijan as ally and that’s due to Turkey as Russia nowdays partially depends on Turkey for supplies, transportation routes, and political support.

In other words, Russia stabbed Armenia in the neck and back in order to get some dividends from Turkey to help its invasion of Ukraine. As a result, Armenia couldn’t do much about it since it was and remains so strategically intertwined with Russia on one hand, and on the other hand Armenia remains under a 30+ years of blockade by both Turkey and Azerbaijan.
Nope, it all is on Armenia.
Did Armenia even officially recognize Karabakh, annex it? Nope.
Did it issue invitation/green light for the Russian military op there outside of meager peacekeeper boundaries?
Instead,Armenia had been engaging in openly anti-Russian, extreme West bootlicking behavior in the recent years, especially since the Ukraine war, had betrayed Russia.

Good riddance.
Russia will not help snakes who are biting it from behind the back.
That is the rightful payback for all the insults towars Russia issued by Armenian government lately, which had openly moved towards NATO.
Armenian government simply sold Karabakh to ZOG, sold, betrayed own people, ancestors and land, they better own it now. As to contracts, that's business and nothing personal, interests of the rich Armenians, half of whom live in Russia.

Armenians and their mafias (diaspora) are actively trying to occupy Southwest of Russia and Sochi now, they steal real estate from Russians, cheat, defraud people, steal land and homes,instead of defending Karabakh, they want Russian soldiers to die for their enclave??

Really shocking to see the audacity to blame things on Rusiia, it like calling black white. Unbelievable, but that's what NATO/ZOG souces had been spreading in the media,part of general pro-Ukraine smear campaign

Pretty based Armenian channel that exposes betrayal by Armenian government, documented the whole affair from start to end.

Говорю, о чём знаю
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Maybe because “their Orthodox brothers from Russia” do not view them as a sovereign state and rather as a vassal? Same scenario with the rest of the post Soviet states. Or, maybe “their Orthodox brothers” invaded their homeland under the false pretense of “peace enforcement”?
Which brothers? The ones invading South of Russia stealing real estate from people and defrauding poor pensioners, occupying local governments though corruption? While badmouthing Russia and openly licking NATO boots, and repeatedly spitting into Putin's face? Good riddance, deportations and, for the criminals, frauds, GULAG are in order. About time
Serbian government openly licks boots of EU. Better not cry over Kosovo then and blame "Russia", space aliens, etc. Though at least they were more polite and diplomatic about betrayal of Russia than Armenia who had openly spat on Russia for a while.
Since 2022 I really had been expecting some payback. Armenia threw their ancestors, decades of war efforts, Karabakh residenrs down the drain, to avoid more war and to get closer to NATO, they better not expect a drop of Russian blood shed for them, traitors. Can not sit on two chairs. Plus, for those who have any illusions, Russia is mostly Asia, not Europe, and grave insults are never forgotten.
Russia has no friends, brothers except its army.