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Seismic weapons


I was listening to the Orthodox Nationalist podcast about the Armenian Earthquake and it gives credence to the recent La Palma event. Do you think that the powers that be made a failed attempt at triggering a tsunami in the Atlantic?

There was talk about the La Palma eruptions being man-made at the time, and I remember seeing some scan of some sort of satellite energy grids over the island. Same thing in Hawaii prior to the fire there. I didn't pay too much attention to it at the time. And speaking of earthquakes, there was also talk about the ones last year that centered on Antakya, Turkey and across the border in Syria, as being geo-engineered. These earthquakes killed nearly 58,000 people and 1.5 million people left homeless. They are now rated as the most deadly natural disaster in modern Turkish history. These areas have the highest concentrations of Christians, and was rather "convenient" in some minds.