Saint Gabriel of Georgia documentary

For me he was a great example of how Saints can make themselves known to us in our lives. My priest pointed at his icon and gave me a look as if to indicate that I ought to pay attention to this Saint. I didn't know who he was at the time, but a day or so later someone on RVF shared a documentary about him (different to the one above, I'll post here later if I can find it) I watched it and was greatly inspired by it. Over the next serveral weeks he just kept coming up over and over again for me. It felt very much like he was introducing himself to me.

He is truly a great Saint.
For me he was a great example of how Saints can make themselves known to us in our lives. My priest pointed at his icon and gave me a look as if to indicate that I ought to pay attention to this Saint. I didn't know who he was at the time, but a day or so later someone on RVF shared a documentary about him (different to the one above, I'll post here later if I can find it) I watched it and was greatly inspired by it. Over the next serveral weeks he just kept coming up over and over again for me. It felt very much like he was introducing himself to me.

He is truly a great Saint.
I like him too and the fact that he is such a recent saint is an inspiration to the church and for us in our times, he truely lived a saintly life, yes please do share that other documentary I would like to watch it.
It's interesting that he was very specific in saying "extraterrestrial" and humanoid in the end days. Did you know if he used a term equivalent to english in the Georgian language, @iop890 ? That's a pretty distinct term.
It's interesting that he was very specific in saying "extraterrestrial" and humanoid in the end days. Did you know if he used a term equivalent to english in the Georgian language, @iop890 ? That's a pretty distinct term.
I tried a bit to find the same quote in Georgian. Only found this:

ბოლო ჟამს ცაში ნუ დაიწყებთ ყურებას, რამეთუ ისეთი სასწაულები მოხდება, შეცდებით და დაიღუპებით.

Which doesn't mention extraterrestrials/humanoids. My Georgian isn't good enough to translate the words of a saint properly but plugging that into Yandex/google translate should give an idea.